03x10 - Severed Dreams

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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03x10 - Severed Dreams

Post by bunniefuu »

This is absurd!

Two hours I have been standing in line.
"Our staff are overwhelmed," they tell me.

"Too many people trying to get
home or escape here.

Rumors of rebellion and w*r.
Even the diplomatic lanes are clogged."

If you ask me, I know the real problem.

Ever since the Earthers put
Narns on their security force...

...everything here has gone to hell.
They're not very efficient, you know.

You have to keep an eye on them
at all times.


ldenticard, please.

How strange.

I am not getting a confirmation
on your ldenticard.

- Please. You know who I am.
- Yes, I know who you are, ambassador.

But the computer, you see, does not.

And verification is required prior to entry.

Perhaps I have entered the data incorrectly.

We are, after all, very inefficient.
One must keep an eye on us at all times.

- All right. Now you listen to me--
- In a moment.

Meanwhile, we have many others coming
through. Please step aside, ambassador.

This shouldn't take more than
two or three standard hours.

Madness. Total and complete madness!

This never would have happened if the
humans hadn't started fighting one another.

30*/ hit to rear decks.

One more and we'll lose
rotation and go Z- gravity.

We can't outrun them in normal space.
Major, we have to jump.

Leave our fighters stranded?
We can't jump without them.

If we reel them in, we'll lose our screen.

- "Clarkstown" will burn us down.
- Damn it, haven't we lost enough?

If you won't jump, let me open fire
with the aft batteries.

- I don't want to k*ll any more of our ships!
- We have no choice.

Forward interceptors on the "Clarkstown" are
down. We can punch through the hull.

Major, please, let me take
the gloves off the firing team.

Tell the aft batteries to open fire.

Command to squadron.
Fire in the hole.

Repeat, fire in the hole!

Aft batteries,

"Clarkstown" destroyed, major.

Reloading fighters as fast as we can.

As soon as they're aboard,
make the jump to hyperspace.


Did you ever meet the
captain of the "Clarkstown"?

No, sir.

He and the general were
at the academy together.

Hague introduced me to him
last summer. He has a...

...wife back home...

...three small children...

...an Abyssinian cat named Max.

That's what makes this w*r different from
anything we've gone through. This time...

...we know everyone we k*ll.

I'll try to find something to say to both
of their wives. God knows what.


Once we jump...

...what's our course?

We need time to make
repairs, catch our breath.

There's only one place safe for us.

Set course for Babylon 5.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

It failed.

But in the year of the Shadow w*r,
it became something greater...

...our last, best hope for victory.

The year is 2260.
The place, Babylon 5.

Bad news, people.

We are five hours away
from a crisis situation.

I just received a transmission
from the "Alexander".

That's Gen. Hague's ship.

They've suffered heavy damage, and they
need a place to make repairs.

And they're coming here.

Well, we're screwed.

Every ship is hunting them
down on charges of treason.

As soon as they come,
somebody will send word back home.

- Once that happens--
- I know.

So I need you to put a cutoff
switch in the com system.

The second they get here,
shut everything down.

Just leave us a private channel, in case
we need it, and the ISN feed.

It's our only lifeline to home.

We need to know what's happening.

We all knew we'd end up
in the middle of this sooner or later.

How far this goes, we'll just have to see.

All I know right now is that Hague
is arriving here in a few hours...

...and hell is riding in with him.

- Why didn't you bring him to Medlab?
- We can't let anyone see him.

We believe bounty hunters
are here looking for him.

We must slip him into the station quietly.

- What happened?
- He just spent six months...

...among the League worlds
gathering information.

He was on his way here
when he was att*cked.

Doctor, we cannot let him die.

That'll happen if we don't
get him to Medlab right away.

Security is very tight, and the Narns
are at all of the customs areas.

How do we know whom to trust?

You don't, but I do.

I'll get him past the other Narn.

- Good. If you'll give me a hand here--
- Unnecessary.


Can you carry him very far?

As far as you like.

With the latest news
on the continuing crisis...

...Xavier Montoya, head of the
Mars Provisional Government...

...announced that he will not implement
the martial law order...

...given five days ago by President Clark.

So far, Earth Dome has had no official
response to this act of defiance by Mars...

...except to say that
they are considering all options.

Is Garibaldi standing by?

The cutoff switch is
in place and ready to go.

Jumpgate activated.
We've got a ship coming through.

Sheridan to Garibaldi. k*ll it.


May I have your attention?

Your instruments are correct.

That's the "Alexander".

She's been in combat for some time,
and we will render full assistance.

- But, captain--
- The commander and I are aware...

...of standing orders concerning
the "Alexander" and her crew.

We take full and personal responsibility.

Now, if anyone has a problem with this...

...you're free to leave the command deck.

We have just been thrust into
the middle of extraordinary events.

So we must approach
this calmly and rationally.

Those are not the enemy out there.

We wear the same uniforms, and we've
both sworn to uphold the constitution.

They're as loyal to Earth as you are.

And we will render humanitarian aid to them.


...as much as our humanity
got us into this...

...our humanity is the only thing
that's going to get us out again.

- Delenn--
- Take it easy now. You're safe.

No. None of us is safe anymore.

The Shadows are moving.

They have made alliances with
many in the Non- Aligned Worlds...

...and urged them to go
to w*r with their neighbors.


Why would they go along with this?

They listened to the Shadows out of fear...

...afraid that if they did not ally
themselves with a greater force...

...they would be
conquered by the Centauri.


...an alliance of defense has now
grown into the dream...

...of conquest.

They believe...

...that as long as they are protected by
the Shadows, they cannot be defeated.

And so they go to w*r with one another.

Has the Grey Council been informed?

The Grey Council has said:

"The problems...

...of others...

...are not our concern."

- Captain.
- Maj. Ryan.

Where's Gen. Hague?

Gen. Hague was k*lled
in our last firefight.

We were coming back from a meeting
with some officials on Orion 7...

...when we were ambushed.

He was on his way to the command deck
when we were hit by the "Clarkstown".

In his absence, I've tried
to carry on as best I can.

Between this and what's been going
on back home, the crew is just stunned.

What's the latest on the coup?

A few senators have
managed to escape Earth Dome.

Shock troops are out in force everywhere:

Paris, London, New York,
Moscow, New Delhi.

How are the folks back
home dealing with all this?

That's the irony. Most of them
have welcomed martial law.

It's cut crime down to nothing.

- On the surface, it's peaceful.
- Yeah, the peace of the g*n.

Why haven't we seen this on ISN?

ISN is walking a fine line. They know
if they push too far, they'll be shut down.

We have one chance.
Mars has rejected martial law.

If they stand up to Clark,
they might rally support...

...from other colony worlds and push him out.

- Unless he pushes back.
- He's overextended already.

His power base is back on Earth, where he
has Nightwatch and the bulk of our forces.

I can't believe people in Earthforce
would go along with this.

He spent the last year
putting his people in key places.

Anyone who raises a voice is immediately
arrested and charged with treason.

Under conditions like that...

...it's easier to keep quiet.


We've intercepted a coded message
from Earthforce Command.

They've started bombing Mars.
I repeat, they're bombing Mars.

- "Standing by. Weapons hot."
- "Don't do it!"

We've got women and
children down here. Don't do it!

Omega One", you are cleared for drop."

Lennier, I'm leaving you
in charge in my absence.

I will support any action you take.

Thank you. Delenn, please be careful.

The Grey Council is not what it was.
They may not receive you well...

...if they will see you at all.

They will see me,
whether they like it or not.

It's time someone made them face reality.

Your ship's ready to go.
We got you priority clearance.

Seems like everyone's trying to get out
now that fighting's broken out.

- Thank you.
- Good luck.

G'Kar, thank you for your help.

You are no longer quite the same person
I met when I came here four years ago.

Captain, take a look at this.

We've got another Earthforce destroyer.

ldentification code says it's the "Churchill".

Good. Maj. Ryan's been waiting for her.

She's hailing us.

"Repeat, this is the" Churchill "to"
Babylon Control. Do you copy?

- Right here,"Churchill".
- "Capt. Sandra Hiroshi here."

- "Is Maj. Ryan with you?"
- He's coordinating repairs with our people.

- Do you want us to get him?
- "Negative."

I won't put this on an open channel.

Tell your people to stand by. I'm coming in.

We've been unable to determine at
this time how many have been k*lled...

...in the recent att*cks on
Mars by Earthgov forces.

President Clark has announced
that the att*cks will continue...

...until the Mars Provisional
Government accedes to martial law.

There's been no reaction from any
of the outer colonies concerning--

I'm sorry.

Jane, I'm sorry to jump in
like this, but we have to--

The colonies at Orion 7 and
Proxima 3 have just broken away...

...from the Earth Alliance
in protest over the bombing of Mars.

They're setting themselves
up as independent states...

...until such time as
the president is impeached.

- Rick, don't do this--
- Clark doesn't want this released...

...but we have to go with this now because
I don't know how long we can stay on.

Armed troops have begun moving in on the
ISN broadcast center here in Geneva.

We just saw them
coming around the corner.

We're trying to get a camera down
there to document what's going on.

I can hear g*nf*re now
up here on the 14th floor.

Listen to me. There's
information you don't have.

What's been going on for the last year,
we haven't been allowed to tell you.

Everyone, get down!

Maj. Ryan. Captain.

We just jumped in from Orion 7.
They've declared independence.

We've heard.
What's the reaction?

Clark's afraid of losing other colonies...

...so he's sending elite
forces to seize direct control...

...of any colony that
might move against him.

- If he finds out we're here--
- It's too late.

He already knows.

We intercepted attack orders relayed
to the "Agrippa" and the "Roanoke".

They're hooking up with heavy
reinforcements on the way in.

We better pull out before we
jeopardize Babylon 5 further.

Major, the ships receiving the attack order
were already on their way here.

He doesn't want to risk
Babylon 5 breaking away.

So those ships are under orders
to seize command of Babylon 5...

...arrest and detain its captain
and the command staff...

...and to put this station under authority
of President Clark and the Nightwatch.

- The other governments won't stand for it.
- They won't intervene.

All the major powers are divided,
distracted, busy with their own wars.

We're on our own.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news,
captain, but I thought you should know.

- How long until they get here?
- Six hours, tops.

Maybe less.

I'd better get back to my ship.
I should be there when the others arrive.

If you think it would help,
we could try to jump.

Draw fire away from Babylon 5,
give you a chance to negotiate.

No. Thank you, major.

If this is where we make our stand,
then this is where we'll do it.

I know we were hoping to avoid a
head- on confrontation with Earth...

...that somehow we could...

...stop this train before it went off track.

But this train is heading right for
us and there is not a lot of time.

So we have only two options.

We fight...

...or we surrender.

Now if it was just us, hey...

...you pays your money, you takes
your chances, but it's not just us.

There's a quarter million people here and
billions more out there counting on us.

I promised Delenn that we would draw a line
against the darkness no matter the cost.

Well, now we know the cost.

There's too much at
stake to walk away now.

If we surrender, they'll court- martial us.

If we fight and lose...

...they'll probably k*ll us.

They probably will at that.

So the choice is yours.

I say fight.




They'll probably try to breach the hull, so
we'll need everybody working security.

- Full weapons load.
- What about the Narns?

Them too. G'Kar's guaranteed their loyalty,
and he has kept every promise he made.

I want two fighter squadrons on
rotation, starting 30 seconds ago.

And put all backup squadrons on full alert.

If it can fly, I want it loaded and ready to
drop 10 seconds after primary launches.

- Done.
- Doc.

If you have any patients that can
be moved from Medlab, do so.

- We'll need the space.
- You'll have it in an hour.

I need to make a call.

Tell the staff to stand by...

...and see if you can access Draal's
holographic system on Epsilon 3.

I have an announcement to make.

I told you, Delenn,
they will not speak to you.

Then they will listen to me.

I served the Council for 16 cycles.

I was the chosen of Dukhat to replace him.

I held him when he died.

His blood is on my hands,
his spirit in my eyes...

...his word on my lips.

You will step aside
in his name and mine or...

...in Valen's name, I will tear this ship apart
with my bare hands until I find them.

Move aside.

Three years.

For three years, I warned
you this day was coming.

But you would not listen.

Pride, you said.


And now the Shadows are on the move.

The Centauri and the
younger worlds are at w*r.

The Narns have fallen.
Even the humans are fighting one another.

The pride was yours.

The presumption was yours.

For a thousand years, we have been
awaiting the fulfillment of prophecy.

And when it finally happens,
you scorn it. You reject it...

...because you no longer
believe it yourselves.

We stand between the candle
and the star...

...between the darkness and the light.

You say the words,
but your hearts are empty.

Your ears closed to the truth.

You stand for nothing but
your own petty interests.

"The problems of others
are not our concern."

I do not blame you for standing
silent in your shame.

You, who knew what was coming, but
refused to take up the burden of this w*r.

If the warrior caste will not
fight, then the rest of us will.

If the Council has lost its way...

If it will not lead...

...if we have abandoned
our covenant with Valen...

...then the Council should be broken...

...as was prophesied.

We must stand with the others.
Now, before it's too late!

Between the worker caste and the religious
caste, we control two- thirds of our forces.

And to you I say...

...listen to the voice of your conscience.

Break the Council and come with me.

Our time of isolation is over.

We move now, together, or not at all.

Transmission sequence complete.

Stand by to receive.

Hi, Dad.


Well, this is a surprise.

I thought I'd see how you were doing.

Fine. Fine.

Having a few problems with the corn.

Been so damn hot lately, the water
doesn't get a chance to sink in.

Your mother still thinks I make
a better diplomat than a farmer.

Where is Mom?

Oh, she had to go into town.

Errands to run.

Some days I don't know what she does with
her time. But if she's happy, I'm happy.

Listen, Dad...

...I wanted to call because...

...well, there's a lot going on right now.

I don't know when I'll be able to call again.

It may be a while.

- I can't explain on an open channel, but--
- "Son, I follow the news."

Well, I did until ISN went black.

I see what's going on.

Your mother doesn't like to think about it.
You know how she is.

John, I can't imagine the kind of decisions
that are going through your mind right now.

I'm sure they're not easy.

The important ones never are.

But when push comes to shove,
you've always done the right thing.

What was the first lesson I ever taught you?

"Never start a fight, but always finish it."

You do what you have to do, son.
Don't worry about us.

Neighbors around here like us,
and Lord knows why.

So anybody comes for us, they're gonna
have quite a fight on their hands.

Now, I know you've probably
got a million things to do.

So I'm gonna let you go and do them.

And I guess...

...I'll talk to you when I talk to you.

Goodbye, Dad.

Love to you both.

Delta Squadron fueled up, ready to go.
Scramble! Scramble!

All right, everyone. Listen up.

Commander and I have prepared a response...

...to the unconstitutional
actions taken against us...

...and the Mars Colony by President Clark.

Is Draal's holographic system online?

Just finished. Stand by for scan.

You're online. Go ahead.

May I have your attention, please?

In the last few hours, we have learned that
warships are coming this way from Earth.

Their orders are to seize
command of Babylon 5 by force.

As commanding officer and
military governor of Babylon 5...

...I cannot allow this to happen.

President Clark has violated the
Earth Alliance Constitution...

...by dissolving the Senate...

...declaring martial law...

...and personally ordering the bombing of
civilian targets on the Mars Colony.

He is personally responsible for the deaths
of hundreds of innocent people.

Following these att*cks,
Orion 7 and Proxima 3...

...have broken away from the Earth
Alliance and declared independence.

Babylon 5 now joins with them.

As of this moment, Babylon 5 is
seceding from the Earth Alliance.

We will remain an independent state until
President Clark is removed from office.

At the end of this current crisis, anyone who
wishes to leave for Earth is free to do so.


...for your own safety, I urge everyone to
stay in your quarters until this is over.

That is all.

Well, we're in it now.

Should we ask Draal
to help with the defense?

No. No, he's our ace in the hole.

I want to keep him
a secret as long as we can.

This is our fight, not his.

All right. Anyone who
wants to leave, do so now...

...before you violate any regs.

- You okay?
- I think so.

It's kind of a surprise, but...

...yeah. I'm okay.


Captain, request permission
to join Starfury Squadron.

Request denied.

You're asking pilots to go against their
training and open fire on our own ships.

One of us should be out there
with them. One of us has to be.

You know I'm right.


Maj. Ryan. Capt. Hiroshi.

- "Right here, captain."
- "Online."

Stand by.

Jumpgate activated.

Here they come.

This is Capt. Dexter Smith of the
"Earth Alliance Destroyer" Agrippa...

...to Babylon 5 and renegade ships.

You are ordered to surrender your
commands and prepare to be boarded.

Launch fighters.

This is your only warning.

If you do not surrender, we will
be forced to initiate deadly force.

This is Capt. John Sheridan, Babylon 5.

You are executing an illegal order in
violation of the Earth Alliance Constitution.

These orders have forced us
to declare independence...

...in order to ensure
the safety of this station.

We don't want a fight.

But if you attempt to carry out
these orders, we will defend ourselves.

Come on, captain. You
must see these orders are wrong.

Leave while you still can.

They've broken contact.

Enemy starfuries moving on attack vector.


Babylon Control to all Starfury Squadrons.

Stand by to attack, but do not,
repeat, do not initiate combat.

Let them fire first.

We won't start this fight but,
by God, we'll finish it.

Eight hundred kilometers, 700....

Forces closing.
Entering firing range.

Close blast doors and activate defense grid.

Stand by.

Don't be a fool, Smith.

You've got to see these are illegal
orders. Don't make us do this.

Enemy fighters have locked on.

Alpha Squadron, form up on my wing.

Delta Squadron, punch
us a hole through there.


Enemy fighters coming
from the side to outflank us.

Reset forward interceptors
for long- range dispersion fire.



Maintain approach!

Direct hit to decks 14 and 15.

- Hull integrity down 20*/.
- Bring us in closer to the enemy.

- How close?
- Right down their throats.

A breaching pod coming in!

Hell. Where's it going?

Hull area, Brown 95.

- Garibaldi?
- I heard. We're in the area. On our way.

Come on, move! We gotta cut them off
before they hit open ground. Let's go!

Take up position.

We'll cut them off right here.

Let's go!

Three enemy 'furies, locking on.

Hang on!

Give me a targeting solution on the "Roanoke"
and stand by to redirect all defensive fire.

Hang tight.
Coming around for another run.

"Commander, the" Churchill.

Get out of there. Get to the life pods!

Too late to get out. Our primary systems
are hit. We've got fire on all decks now.

"There's nothing we can do except"--

Hiroshi? Hiroshi!

Collision alert. Collision alert.

Ivanova! Eject!

- I can handle it!
- "Eject, damn it. Eject!"

- We're in range.
- Fire!


Babylon Control to "Roanoke"...

...your ship is out of control.
Surrender and let us take on prisoners.

We promise safe passage to--

Damage report.

Damage to all sectors.
They're still fighting in Brown Sector.

Get some more troops down there.

- Hull integrity?
- Not good.

EVA teams en route.

It's a good thing it stopped when
it did. We couldn't take much more.

Oh, no.

This is Capt. Drake to Babylon 5.

You are ordered to surrender and prepare to
be boarded by order of President Clark.


...jump points forming right on top of us.

- How many?
- Four.

This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari.

Babylon 5 is under our protection.


...or be destroyed.

Negative. We have authority here.
Do not force us to engage your ship.

Why not?

Only one human captain has ever
survived battle with a Minbari fleet.

He is behind me.

You are in front of me.

If you value your lives, be somewhere else.

All ships...

...return to base.

All right, now. Take it easy, chief.
Just take it easy. Put your weight on me.

Now, all right. Come on. Give me this.
Come on. Give me this.

Come on. Come on. All right.
All right. Slow it down.

All right. Just take it easy, chief.
You'll be all right.

How many fighters did you lose?

Too many.

At least 30 percent of our starfuries
are destroyed or disabled.

It's not likely we'll be getting any more
from Earth for a long time. Why?

When the "Churchill" was destroyed, we took
on as many of her pilots as we could.

The launch bays are damaged.
We can't hold many more.

Give them a home here and bring your
fighter squadrons up to full strength.

I think Capt. Hiroshi
would've wanted that.

I didn't know her very well, but...

...I'd be honored to take care of her crew.

Captain, you wanted to be notified when
Ambassador Delenn came aboard.

Thank you. I'll be right there.

- When do you have to jump?
- As soon as I get back to the ship.

We're both targets now.

If we split up, it'll give them less
incentive to concentrate their fire here.

And there's still some ships out there
who've signed on with us.

We have to find them.

Your people performed superbly.
You should be proud.

I am.

Proud of what we did, but
not the reason we had to do it.

Good luck to you, major.

I don't know how long we can hold
the fort here, but as long as we can...

- ...you're welcome here.
- Thank you.

I think you're forgetting something.

No. No, I'm not.

After what happened today, I don't
think I can wear that for a while...

...not with a clear conscience.

Now when this is all over...

...I'll put it on again, but not before.

I didn't expect to see
you here. How's the leg?

- Well, Doc says it'll heal eventually.
- Yeah.

He's checking out Ivanova,
but she'll be out soon.

I figured I'd better be here
to let you know.

We started shipping people out...

...the ones that want to go and
the ones we're getting rid of.

Nightwatch, mainly.

We got all the ones we know about,
but that leaves all the ones we don't.

We're going to have a problem with
sabotage for a while.

Almost certainly.

Hello, John.


Listen, I've been trying
to think of some way...

...to tell you how much what you did...

...means to me, and well....

"Thank you" seems poor and inadequate.

I don't know how much this cost you
personally, and I suspect I never will.

But I want you to know that...

...seeing your face at that moment was
probably the single finest moment in my life.

It seems that this is the only
home we have left.

How could I abandon, as you say...

...my partner?

Oh, there you are.
So how is she, Doc?

Well, we have a stubborn patient...

...with multiple bruises,
a fractured rib and a...

- ...bump on the back of the head--
- I'm fine.

I just thought there's
something you should see.

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