04x13 - Larry's Dead, Long Live Larry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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04x13 - Larry's Dead, Long Live Larry

Post by bunniefuu »

(Music playing)

- Oh, no. Not another
mystery novel.

Honey, haven't you given
up on those already?

- I think I'm getting pretty
good at figuring them out.

- Your... Your solution is
to turn to the last page

And see who the m*rder*r is.

- Not this time, d*ck, this
book has the solution

Inside a sealed envelope.

There is no way I can cheat.

- Honey, this wouldn't
keep out the smurfs.

- d*ck, I swear, I'm
not going to open it

Until I've positively
solved the mystery.

Maybe you'd better
hide it for me.

- Consider yourself frustrated.

- Hi, harley.
- Hey, joanna.

Hi, d*ck.

Got any jobs available?

- Harley, i... I thought
you had work.

- No, I lost that job
with the wrecking crew.

Turns out they're real sticklers

About getting the
addresses right.

- I'm... I'm afraid there's
nothing at this address either.

- Good morning. Hi, harley.

Well, I'm off on official

Volunteer fire
department business.

- Doing what? Putting
out volunteer fires?

- That wouldn't go over too well

Down at the fire house, d*ck.

We like to treat this whole
matter more seriously.

Our motto is "fire can burn."

Well, I've got fire
inspections to conduct.

I'm covering the east side
starting with the minuteman cafe

And working my way
back to home base.

- That means you'll
be inspecting here.

- In layman's terms, yes.

- Wait a second.

When people have
fire inspections,

They're sometimes
not up to code.

When they're not up to code,

They need repairs done
by competent repairmen,

But if I get there
first, they'll hire me!

(Music playing)

- Larry, this fire
extinguisher is a mess.

- Ain't our fault.

It got burned up in a fire.

- And why do you have that
pile of oily rags back here?

It could go up just like that.

- That's what we use
to start up the stove.

- Hello, there.

Got a cup of java for
a freelance repairman

Specializing in fire safety?

- Sure.

Darryl, we got some joe to brew.

Throw a rag in the stove.

Grab a seat.

- Great. Now I can take a
load off of these weary

safety's feet.

- Hi, I'm larry. This
is my brother...

- Yeah, great.

George, how... How fortunate.

- Hi, michael.

- Word has it you're going
to be inspecting mi casa.

- You mean your domicile?

- Well, let's talk english here.

My apartment.

You might find one
or two irregularities

In the wiring system.

- That's something you'll
have to take care of, michael.

- Exactly.

I, uh, I found this
for you outside.

- Wow! Thirty dollars.

- You could buy a lot
of plaid shirts with that,

Couldn't you george?

- Well, yeah, but I
gotta give this back

To whoever lost it.

- Well, george,
whoever "he" was,

He obviously
intended it for you.

The envelope has
your name on it.

- That's true.

- Well, then, do we
understand each other?

- Well, sure, michael.
We are talking english.

- Exactamente.


Adios, amigo.

- Larry, you've got a huge
octopus behind the jukebox.

- All right! Darryl, grab a pot.

I think we got our
catch of the day.

- Not that kind of octopus.

Sorry to go technical on you.

Laymen would call
this "a lot of wires."

I'm afraid you're going to
need electrical work done.

- You know, I think I'll
rest my circuit tester

Right here on the table
while I drink my coffee.

- Okay, larry.

You'd better get
these violations fixed

Or we'll have to close you down.

- Whoa!

Just as we were starting
to do volume business.

- I hate to impose
on a customer,

But did we hear that you
do freelance repair work?

- Perhaps. Why do you ask?

- Ah! Okay, I just eliminated
the houseboy as a suspect.

He couldn't have
committed the m*rder.

He was in paris that day.

- Paris, france or paris, texas?

- Oh, my!

- It's just like they
say in the brochure:

Quaint, peaceful...

- Hi, welcome to the stratford.

- Friendly.

- We're the nelsons.

- Oh, yes.

Room seven is ready and waiting.

- It's so nice to get
out of the noisy city.

We're just going to lie down
and let the wind and the birds

Lull us to sleep.

(Rock music playing)

- Those... Those
darn teenage birds.

I think that's... That's
our neighbor's jukebox.

I'll... I'll take care of it.

Larry, what's going
on over there?

You're rewiring?

Can't you find a
quieter way of...

Of testing your circuits?

No, I don't think johnny
mathis is the answer.



Come back here.

- What is it?

- Oh, larry's
playing disc jockey

And I'm phoning in a
request that he shut up.


Lar... Larry, get
your tail back here.

- d*ck! Joanna!

Larry's dead.

- What?
- He's dead.

He... He was talking
on the phone,

Helping me rewire a circuit,

And suddenly there
was this big flash

And he lit up like a sparkler.

It was terrible.

- (Gasps) oh, my god!

- All right, you
call the paramedics.

I'm going over there.

Oh my god.

Darryl, is... Is he?

- Hi, I'm still larry.

- Har... Har... Harley
said you were dead.

- I was, but only
for two minutes.

- You were dead and...
And you came back?

- Yeah, I heard a voice
calling, urging me back to life.

It kept saying, "larry?


Larry, get your tail back here!"

- That was me on the phone.

- I know.

Even dead I recognized
your choice of syntax.

- The paramedics
are on their way.

- Larry, you're alive!

- Hi, miss joanna.

Hi, miss stephanie.

- Larry, are you all right?

- Previously dead, but
better now, thank you.

- It was... It was one of
those two-minute deaths.

- What was it like?

- Well,

First I felt myself
floating up outside my body.

Then I looked down and
saw myself laying there,

Dead as a
truck-pressed pheasant.

Next to me was my brother
darryl, swiping my hat,

And my other brother
darryl pulling off my shoes.

Then they started
grappling over my coat.

- They stole your clothes?

- Well, in all
fairness, I was dead

And if I'd been gone any longer

I'd have had to meet
my maker like this.

- Larry, do you
remember anything else?

- Well, I noticed a bright
light that enveloped me

In a feeling of
serenity and peace.

It was at least a 75-watter.

Then I saw a magnificent
presence beckoning to me

With open arms
and unbounded love.

- Larry, that's amazing!

What did this
presence look like?

- You know that girl
on "facts of life"?


Yeah, kind of like her.

- Then, what everyone
says is... Is true.

- Anyway, just as I was
getting my heavenly legs,

You called me back.

- Larry, look, you've...
You've had a big day.

You've rewired the
cafe, you've been dead.

Why don't... Why don't you
go to bed and take it easy?

- No.

I can't be getting any
rest until I've done "it."

- "It"?
- My mission.

There's some task you're
gonna be needing done

And the reason I'm back
on earth is to do "it."

- What... What is "it"?

- Can't say.

Tootie works in mysterious ways,

But I'll know in
my gut when I do it.

Wait a minute. You got
something on your sweater.

This could be it!

- Lint?
- No, that weren't it.

- Larry, do... Do
you have any idea

When this "it" is
going to happen?

- Can't say.

Could take a day,
could take a lifetime.

Weren't it.

Weren't it.

Weren't it.

- Okay, d*ck. I'm ready.

Here goes.

It is my considered
opinion that the m*rder*r

Can only be bjorn
the ski instructor.

The motive?

The oldest of all.

He couldn't bear to see lizzie

In the arms of
raoul the gardener.


- Well, look like bjorn
didn't take this raoul thing

As hard as you thought.

- He didn't do it?

- No. The real m*rder*r is...

Joanna: no, no, no. Wait.

Don't tell me, I can do
this without your help.

- Without my help, bjorn
would spend the rest of his life

Stamping out license
plates for volvos.

- Just give me one
more crack at it.

Put the solution
back in the envelope

And hide it for me again.


- Hi, I'm larry.

This is my brother darryl

And this is my other
brother darryl.

- Lar... Larry, what
are you doing here?

- Making certain
that whatever it is

I have to do for you
don't get done without me.

- Go home.

- Sorry. I respect you,

But I answer to a
higher power: tootie.

- Larry, come in here.

The... The thing... The thing
you're supposed to do for me

Is... Is this... Is this vase.

It's the... It's the most
important thing in my life.

- d*ck.

- Honey, go along with me.

In fact, it's so... It's
so valuable that I'm...

That I'm terrified of taking it
downstairs where it belongs.

Now, if you could
do that for me,

Then you would
be doing the thing

That you've been brought
back from the dead for.

- Sounds important all right.


Darryl, here. Catch!


Oh, dear.

But don't worry.

That weren't it.

- The kitchen checks out.

I've got to inspect
the basement.

- Uh, george, could
you explain this?

- Uh, it's a citation.

Your apartment is
in violation of code.

- It was a tiny infraction.

- You were siphoning
off electricity

From other tenants.

The lady above you couldn't
even recharge her wheelchair.

- George, I thought we
had an understanding.

- What about?

- You remember that $30?

That was to encourage
you not to look too closely

At my fuse box.

- But if I didn't look at
your fuse box, michael,

I wouldn't have
found these violations

And I wouldn't have...

Wait a minute. That was a bribe.

- "Bribe" is such an ugly word.

Too bad it's so
damned appropriate.

- I'm afraid I'm going to
have to return your money

And I'm going to cite you

For attempting to
bribe a fire inspector.

- George! Stop... Stop writing.

I've learned my lesson.

How much would it cost for
you to forget the whole thing?

- Hey, I'm having a hard time
chewing on this scrutiny here.

- Larry, maybe the thing you
were supposed to do for me

Is take... Take a lap
around the county.

- Worth a shot.

Certainly makes more sense
than that crazy vase idea.

Joanna: d*ck! d*ck!

I think I'm onto something here.

Now, try to follow me.

Everyone how's ever stayed
in room 7 was m*rder*d.


- Right.

- Did you hear that?

- We're in room 7.

- Twelve people hacked
to bits inside of a month,

And the only person with
easy access to that room

Was the maid.

- I broke one of the yolks.

Can you live with it?

- Yes, it's perfect.

(Chuckling) we love it.

You pack the bags,
I'll warm up the car.

- Bad news, d*ck.

I'm gonna have to cite you

Unless you get the basement
cleaned up by the 15th.

- Okay, george, you
have until the 15th

To clean up the basement.

- Gee, d*ck, you're not
giving me much time.

I'm kind of busy with
these fire inspections.

- Hi, potential charred remains.

I couldn't help overhearing

You might be in
need of my services.

I got this unsolicited
letter of recommendation

From my last employer.

- "Harley eston is a good worker

And in no way do I
hold him responsible

For my death."

Well, that cinches it.

Looks like you've
got yourself a job.

- Thanks, boss.

Boy, this is my
passport to anywhere.

- d*ck, joanna, that
disgusting man over there

Is smoking a cigar.

- Why don't you tell
him to put it out?

- What, and risk having a
smoke ring touch my hair?

- Well, I guess
somebody has to protect

The hair of our womenfolk.

- This room will need
15 minutes to air out.

I'll need 30.

- Uh, mr. Jessica, I'm sorry

But we don't permit
cigars in the inn.

- Why not?

- Well, uh, some of
the other guests

Think they're, well, disgusting.

- Nah, this isn't disgusting.


Is disgusting.

- Are we, uh, still going to
the drugstore this morning?

- Yeah.


Of course.

If he had been drugged,

That would account
for the missing 10 hours.

Stephanie, I think
you can finish

Clearing away the plates now.

- But, I still smell smoke.

Joanna: stephanie, the
man put his cigar out

A long time ago.

You do not smell smoke.

- Do too.


But if I get black lung disease,

I won't be beautiful
on the inside anymore

And it'll be all your
fault and I'll hate you.

Joanna: all right, you can
finish the dusting first.

- Dusting.


Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

- Ready to go, honey?

- Oh, I left my galoshes
on the mud porch.

Oh, these aren't my good shoes.

- Okay.

- Gangway!

- (Gasps) oh! Oh my god!


- I told you I smelled smoke.

- Oh my god!

- Ew! Ick!

- Don't worry. Fire's out.

And darryl, and if you
don't mind medium rare,

Lunch is ready.

- Oh, no.

And I inspected this room.

I'm going to have
to turn in my badge.

- No, you won't.

Here's your culprit: a
carelessly discarded stogie.

Looks like it's got a couple
of good puffs left in it.

- So... So does this
room. Come on.


Uh, larry, i... I guess I
owe you an apology.

You... You kept
saying you were...

You were called
back to life to...

To do me a favor
and I doubted you,

But if you hadn't been here,

We could have lost the
inn and maybe our lives,

And that's what...

That's what you were
called back to do and I'm...

I'm glad that you
were here to do it.

- Glad I could help out.

But this weren't it.

- Of course it was.

- I've gotta go with my gut,
and my gut's going "no way."

- Larry, you saved the inn.

This was it.

- No, it weren't.

- Yes, it were.

- Nuh-uh.

- Larry, you risked
your life to save me and...

And the place I love.

No one has ever done
such a thing for me in...

In my life and I
want to thank you

From the bottom of my
heart, now... Now get out.

- Okay. I'm off the case.

But you're doing
a whole nosefull

Of thumbing at the metaphysical.

- Well, that room's a mess.

Harley, I have some mops
and pails in the basement.

Come on.

- Right behind you, boss.




Good thing I wasn't
right in front of him.

d*ck: honey!

Honey, are you okay?

d*ck: I've been better.

- Careful!
- I've got his leg.

- I felt a disturbance
in the force.

- d*ck just fell
down the stairs.

- Be careful.
- You hear what she said?

- I think his ankle is broken.

- Aaugh!
- I'll call the doctor.

- What the hell did I trip over?

- My toolbox.

- You left your toolbox
at the top of the stairs?

- In retrospect,

It's looking more and
more like a bad decision.

- Aaugh! Careful.

- Are you all right?

- Hold on.

This was it.

- What is it?
- This toolbox.

I was supposed to move
it out of harm's way.

That's what tootie
sent me back for.

- Larry, at... At this
point, who cares?

- Well, how did we
get to this point?

When I could've done some good,
you kicked me out on my keester.

Come on, darryl.

Man comes back from
the dead with a mission,

But will anyone let him do it?

No. Oh, no!

- Put that together with
the bleached hairs on the sofa

And the m*rder*r of
lizzy pootie had to be...

The fat triplet.

- That's right.

I must say, I'm impressed.

You set your mind to it
and you solved the mystery.

- Well.

- You... You cheated.

But... But... But finding
where I'd hid the envelope,

That... That took some... Some
pretty good detective work.

You're... You're looking
at a world-champion hider.

I... I'm still...
I'm still proud.

- Well.

- What?

- I didn't exactly
find the envelope.

I went to the bookstore

And bought another
copy of the book.

- But... But you found the
bookstore all by yourself.

That's... That's resourceful.

- Damn right.

(Music playing)
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