01x49 - Complete Release from the DISKs!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers". Aired: April 2, 2014 – March 25, 2015.*
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Some teens join the Avengers to stop Loki from conquering the world.
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01x49 - Complete Release from the DISKs!

Post by bunniefuu »

The Dark Gate is finally opened?


This is W-What's going on?



Is that Dormammu.


Heed my words.

Love, camaraderie, faith, sympathy The very things you pass on, protect and raise up as something of worth All of it shall be devoured by my realm, the Dark Dimension!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

Complete Release from the DISKs!

You human filth have only two options available to you.

Will you be devoured by the darkness and disappear completely Or will you submit your soul to me and become a denizen of the Dark Dimension?

That's Everyone!

I'll handle things here!

Get somewhere safe!

Whoa, hey What's going on here?


So Dormammu showed everyone on Earth an illusion Is that correct?


I would wager that Dormammu is trying to envelope the world via despair energy.

Despair energy?

Citizens all over the globe are gripped in fear.

Certainly reasonable.

After witnessing a vision such as that of course.

And the despair energy that their hearts are emanating is now trying to cover the Earth.

Dormammu can only fully demonstrate his powers within the Dark Dimension, which is filled with despair power.

However Should our world be tainted by despair Then he'd be able to level the entire world with his full force?

Doctor Strange, I'd like to hear your opinion.

How many magnitudes higher is Dormammu's full power compared to ours?

Tens of thousands.

Getting caught up in despair ourselves wouldn't be smart.


You need to lay down and rest!

I-Is that?


A biocode installer?


Loki broke all of the others, but did you Akatsuki Don't tell me you made that in your condition?


There's only one thing that can stand up to despair And that's hope.

As we originally planned, we are going to install a complete biocode into Director Fury And using it, we are going to release all the heroes from their DISKs.

They won't be restricted by an Activity Time Limit anymore.

Upon hearing this news, I'm sure the people of the world will have their hope restored.

You've taken good care of this.

Yeah Here we go!


Tony Time to be completely free!

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Wasp Falcon, Iron Fist, Nova, Power Man, Black Panther Doctor Strange, Giant-Man, w*r Machine Quite the dream team we have here.

Let's hope the rest of the world thinks so too.

Fury, you've got our next move all set, don't you?

I'll explain it.

Step this way.

You kids stay outside.

Hold on a moment, Professor.

While it's true we've been released from our DISKs The fact they are our partners hasn't ch The children shouldn't be doing anything dangerous anymore!

Am I wrong?

Dormammu has stated that he will destroy all we hold dear.

However, we know the truth.

His words, much like the illusion he cast, are nothing more than an outrageous bluff!

Now it is time for you, the citizens, to combat the despair within yourselves!

We ain't got a prayer Pffft, all Captain America has going for him is a strong shield.

A leader?

Yeah right!

And therein, that will allow us to go down the path we must follow.

I heard on the net that Tony Stark's got a personal Space Station prepped and is gonna run for the hills when things go south.

Lucky him!

I guess if you've got looks and money, you can do whatever.

Akira, keep your c Tony isn't that kind of guy!

Lemme go!



Stark, rather than giving us idealistic comments, we want to know if you have a definite plan to defeat Dormammu.

Can't say.

Dormammu might be watching this very show right now.

You're dodging the question.

The Avengers have nothing then, correct?


Even with the world in dire straits, these media types focus on finding faults with other people.

Tony Yo!


Hey, c'mon!

If the paparazzi took a pic right now, the headline'd be, "Meet Tony Stark's Illegitimate Child!


You wanted to talk?

Yes With the heroes released and the installer up and running, there's no point in carrying your biocodes anymore.

The Evolution Biocodes are unknown variables.

Luckily the reactions so far have been positive, but We have no way of knowing what could happen in due time.

So what you're saying is we should get rid of them.


I knew that we would eventually have to do it However, saying goodbye to the very codes that saved our lives numerous times is hard.

There is one other thing I have to mention During the process of removing the biocodes, there is a possibility of you all losing all memories of this incident.

Of course, the possibility of this happening is less than a fraction of a percent But the Evolution Biocodes have grown far beyond my definitions of them.

It could heighten the chance of memory loss Don't give me that!

We suffered with our partners together and now you're telling us to forget all that?


Have you even considered our feelings?


Chris, calm down!

You're okay with this?


You're fine with completely forgetting all that time you've spent with Hulk?


Of course I'm not!

I mean I I love Hulk.

That isn't all though We'd we'd forget ever being together, living with each other here It's always like this You've always been like this, Dad!

All the lonely times we've gone through, from our birthdays to mom's passing Not once did you contact us!

You weren't the one who supported us when we looked for DISKs or fought villains.

That was Thor and the others!

That's enough.


Dad's not at fault here, right?

Akira I'm sorry, kids.

Tony This is why you spent more time with me, isn't it?


You wanted to say goodbye That's not it.

Even if you forget all about me, I definitely will always remember you.

So this isn't goodbye.

I won't forget either!

Even if it's gone from my head, it'll always be right here!

And that's why we'll always be partners forever!

And so our journey came to an end The beginning was a whirlwind of coincidences We got wrapped up in the villains' prison escape, and met the others all by coincidence Hey We were a pretty tight team, huh?


Guys thanks for everything.

The same to you.

We're awesome!

Nah, not coincidence It was meant to happen.

All my awesome friends And my awesome partner I won't forget you I promise!

Nothing yet?


Have you still not collected enough despair energy?


I am waiting for the sweet fruit to ripen, so to speak.

Do you not think it is also part of the fun?

Not one bit!

You certainly act like a child.


Perhaps I've struck a chord?

Loki, opening the Dark Gate would not be possible without your assistance.

You do have my thanks.

And as promised, once that planet known as Earth is conquered, you shall receive half of it.

Our promise was that I get all of it!

Was it now?

Not one for jokes, eh?

Well then, let us see if I can improve your mood any.

First we'll take Chris home to America, then Ed and finally Jessica Hurry up and fly this thing, lady.

Um is it okay for me to post this pic of the heroes here to the net?

I run a superhero fan site see, and Sorry, Glasses-Boy, but can you keep it down?

Kids I'm so sorry Humans!

I present to you one chance.

Cement your loyalty to me.

If you offer the Avengers as a sacrifice, I promise to spare your lives.

In exchange, you must offer the Avengers' very souls to appease me!

He's just messing with us now What should we do?

At this rate We cannot give in!

We are the final hope for the people teetering towards despair.

The final hope, huh Get out here, Avengers!

Don't try hiding!

Show your faces!

So, Cap what exactly are we fighting for here?

There is a limit to what I can advise.

If you look within your heart, you should already know the answer.

Guess you're right.

I know this, but still There's nothing else you can do, right?


The very least you could do is sacrifice yourselves and save us!

That's your jobs as superheroes!

Everyone, please calm yourselves!

As long as we keep our hearts strong, there is no way we will yield to Dormammu!

Stop, Hulk.

Let's get going, Akira.

Yeah Please, listen.

I will now explain our plan to defeat Dormammu, so just calm down.

Iron Man We've got no choice.

We have an energy source called the Kree Mact.

We've used this to create a massive laser cannon that has repelled a huge cosmic-class enemy alien.

It's our ultimate w*apon, and one shot's all we'll need.

You really think you can beat Dormammu with just one w*apon?


Who said it was only one?

Altogether, there's ten.

We're working on them with break-neck speed.

And once complete, we'll fire them directly into the Dark Gate.

With the Gate disabled, this is our way to cut off the Dark Dimension's access to us.


Well, there goes our trump card An unavoidable circumstance.

We must stop the spread of despair as best we can.

Slow to the draw as always, huh.

'Tis fine.

The riot has been quelled.



This conversation is over.

And I will keep repeating myself: Arresting the heroes is utter stupidity!

With them in our possession, we can gain better ground in negotiations with Dormammu Stop spouting nonsense, you idiots!

Maria Hill!

Restrain Director Nick Fury.

Fear Despair Hatred I can feel them The time is nigh What should we do?

Hey, what are we going to do?


Is this how it ends?

Is it all over?


What have we been fighting for?


What was the point in having this power?


What exactly makes us "superheroes"?



Why am I running?

Where am I trying to go?

I dunno why but there's a voice inside me Telling me I have to do this.


Akira, hop on!

I'll go with you!

I feel like we'll regret it our whole lives if we don't go.


Back to my isolation cell then.

Come, Maria, restrain me.

Director, your place is with us in the Helicarrier.

Maria You dare!

Iron Man!



Hikaru Chris!



Hold on!

We just recieved a change of plans from Director Fury!

There are always things we can't overcome by ourselves But we aren't alone!

Looks like you got your memory back.


We'll Always be The Avengers' partners!

See, Tony?

Without us here, the Avengers just fall apart.

Hey, how many years do you think we've been doing this without you?

But if we all work together, there's no way we can lose!


Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Giant Man Class: Power Finisher: Giant Punch This week's Hero spotlight is for: Giant Man!

He's part of the Power class!

This is Professor Hank Pym's transformed hero alias, and he can turn super huuuge!

When he gets bigger, his strength and stamina go up a thousand-fold!

The Helicarrier is under siege from the overwhelming enemy numbers.

Before the world falls to despair, please heroes!

Let your light of hope hold fast!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

The Hero Alliance, On the Verge of Defeat Let's end this!

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