03x109 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: Potato Chips and the Giant Boulder!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x109 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: Potato Chips and the Giant Boulder!

Post by bunniefuu »

The Climbing Silver strategy right off the bat?

I thought you didn't like moves like that.

To defend your king from a superior opponent,

one must sometimes make sacrifices.

Did something happen?

No, nothing in particular.

It's just that I only now understand the importance of the King.

Hey, Shikamaru

If we match up Leaf Shinobi to chess pieces,

do you know which one the King is?

It's the Hokage, right?

That's what I used to think too, until recently.

But I was wrong

Then who is it?

You'll know the answer when the time comes.


KING Mirai should be reaching the age when she'll be able to realize

who the King is.

Is there really a hot spring in an area like this?

Don't worry, don't worry!

On the hot spring route,

it's known as the secret, hidden spot you must visit at least once.

Sorry, Tatsumi.

I know you came with us in memory of your mother, but

Oh, no!

Traveling with all of you makes me feel safe!

Besides, I think my mom would be happy about going to a hidden hot spring.

You must be like your mother, Tatsumi.

I was told that often.

Which parent do you take after, Miss Mirai?

My mom, I think.

My father d*ed before I was born.


I'm so sorry.

Don't be!

It doesn't bother me at all.

We should be arriving soon.


There's supposed to be a hot spring village beyond this hill.


I'm taking the first soak!

Hey! No fair!

Please wait!


It's a mountain.

Yeah, it sure is.

It sureisn't a mountain!

Something terrible's happened here!

The Steam Ninja Scrolls: Potato Chips and the Giant Boulder!

Are you folks

here to visit the hot springs?

Yes, but what happened here?

I hate to disappoint you,

but about a month ago, a giant boulder fell from the mountain.

And everything got crushed beneath it.

So, the hot spring is under all of this?

But we were fortunate that no one got hurt.

Seems it was a blessing that

this was a hidden hot spring deep in the mountains with only a few residents.

Oh, too bad!

If I were years younger, a boulder like would be easy to move.

It's been like this for a month, even with all this damage you sustained?


Are you travelers?

Thank you for coming all this way!

Our village has nothing to offer, but how about joining us for a drink?

Have a drink!

Well, I just can't refuse your offer.

You as well!

Yes, thank you!

May I have another?

Huh? Well

How did you—?!

Sure. You look like you enjoy drinking.

I won't lose this match, Kakashi!

Oh, so you're a drinker too?!

I'm just getting started!

Seems like you're a seasoned drunk!

How's the reconstruction going?

It's impossible.

But you can't leave things as they are, right?

I can't tell if it's a boulder or a mountain.

It's not like we can do anything about it by ourselves.


We cleared away the mud and sand.

We've done everything we possibly can.

Why haven't shinobi from the Hidden Steam come to help you?

Recently, several young women have gone missing nearby.

Girls just about your age.


Human lives are at stake.

So, of course, that takes priority.

Why don't we just seek help from the Land of Fire?

You think they would cross the national border

and come all the way to a village like ours?

I doubt it!

But we are here! We're right in front of you!

And say they did come to help.

For something like this, they'd only send low-ranking guys with no authority.

Don't you think so too?

No, you're wrong!

He's the previous Hokage!

Not gonna happen.

Like I can move it by myself.

I'm sorry you embarked on a long journey for nothing.

Oh, no!

This is a specialty from the Land of Steam.

They're potatoes roasted in an underground pit.

Please have one!

Thank you very much!

It's delicious!

I'm sorry that's about all we can offer.

I wish you could have soaked in the hot spring, but

No, I'm sorry we can't help in any way.

Why did I become a shinobi?

I can't even help this one old woman who's in a bad situation.

All right.

Eat up now.

Even if the boulder is removed, there will be lots of debris.

Simply hauling that away will be a huge task.

It's near impossible with this amount of people.


Are we just going to give up?!

Isn't there anything we can do?!

You've got guts.


I've already taken steps.

Mr. Choji is?!

Yeah, he was on a mission nearby.

To be able to move a giant boulder like that

He's the only one who can do it! He's the strongest man in the Hidden Leaf.

Oh, someone's coming!

He looks very strong.

Please, Mr. Choji, help us.


That sharp gaze!

No wonder he's a Hidden Leaf hero who lived through the Great Ninja w*r

I ate

all of my potato chips.

Why did you even come here?!

I haven't eaten anything for so long

I get it.

He had a rough mission and hasn't eaten for days!

The last time I had potato chips was


minutes ago!


I'm sorry

The way I am now, I can't move that boulder

Please wait!

If it's food that you need, I have some delicious potatoes!

Here you go!

Th-These are—!

These are the Land of Steam's potatoes roasted in an underground pit, all right!

They live up to their delicious hype!

So, they'll do the trick?


There's not enough fat in the roasted potatoes.

I have to have potato chips.

Why does it have to be chips? Can't you just drink cooking oil?

This is a problem.

You can't buy potato chips this deep in the mountains.

Potato chips

If I just had potato chips

Potato chips

Potato chips

Potato chips!

I'll think of something!

Are you sure?

I feel bad making you help me like this.

I'm a pretty good cook.

My mom taught me.

I don't have much experience with cooking

So right now, you're the big sister.

Could you cut them more evenly, and thinner?

Like this?

Yes, yes.

I'm sure there are thick-cut chips out there that have a flakier texture.

But I prefer thin and crispy potato chips

that showcase the true essence of the potato!

Then, why don't you make them yourself?!

The simplicity of frying a potato in oil brings out every aspect of its taste.

That's what a potato chip is!

The five senses come alive as one's appetite is stimulated

Although deep frying seems easy,

it's a deeply complex and profound technique.

You must clear your mind and

be attuned to the sound the potato makes while it's frying.

Long ago, Asuma Sensei would often say to me during training

"Clear your mind. You're too occupied with your thoughts."

Clear my mind?

Yes. He said to just focus strictly on what you can do right now.

Mr. Choji, you were my father's pupil, weren't you?

Yes, I was.

What was my father like?

Let's see,


smoked a lot.

No, I didn't mean that!

He was very blunt

and how can I put it?

Awfully vague.

I see

But you know, now at my age

I can sort of understand how Sensei felt.


You know how Cho-Cho and the rest of Team

wear those pierced earrings, right?

Uh, yes

Back in the day, when I was in Team ,

Asuma Sensei gave those earrings to us as a gift when we all became chunin.

My dad gave them to you?

He didn't seem to be watching at all,

but actually, he was totally aware of everyone around him.

I think he smoked all the time as a way to hide his shyness.

So, he had some charming traits.

You seem kinda happy, Mirai.


The sound has changed!

Take them out now! Hurry!

Huh? Right!

Oh no! Ow! Hot!

Seems like we did it, kinda

The shape's not quite right.

But what's important is the taste, right?



You did it, Mirai!

It was all thanks to you, Tatsumi.

Mr. Choji, actually, I think a boulder this size is too—

You made me such delicious potato chips.

Leave it to me!

Let's just leave it to him, and see what happens!


All right! Here I go!

Super Expansion Jutsu!



What's going on?!

Mr. Choji's Super Expansion Jutsu!

I've only heard about it. It's amazing!

What's going on?

You folks were shinobi?

Oh, thank goodness!

Please do your best!

Right now, you're our only hope, Mr. Choji!

Just a little more!

A little more!

A little more!

Long ago

Asuma Sensei would often say to me during training

to just focus strictly on what you can do right now.

What I can do, right now.

If I can make the boulder just a little bit easier to move!


I'll push too!

Well, I can't just stand by and watch.

All right!

Let's go!

Go? What can we do?

We can't let outsiders outshine us!

You're right!

Let's take back our village and our hot spring!


Pull harder!

We have to move it!

Justa little more!

Amazing! That's beautiful

He did it!

But what about the hot spring?

Thank goodness!

We did it!

We did it!

You're amazing Miss Mirai!

Thank you so much

Now our village can be happy again.

Oh no, it wasn't me.

This was all Mr. Choji's doing!

Hey, where is Mr. Choji anyway?!

What is it


Mr. Choji?!


This happens when I do that thing.

Choji's special jutsu expends calories too, not just chakra.

Thank you so much.

I'm a shinobi, and I couldn't do anything.

If you weren't here Mr. Choji, by now

No, it wasn't my strength alone.

In the same way that you were able to inspire the villagers

back in the day, I had Asuma Sensei, so I could become strong.

My dad?

When I was a genin, I had a hard time learning jutsu,

unlike my teammates Shikamaru and Ino.

I got depressed often because of my failings.

What's with the sad face?

Didn't I tell you to have more confidence in yourself?

It's not that easy to be confident.

Well, that's true.

I wasn't confident in myself for a long time.


You too, Sensei?!

But if you focus on the things that you can do,

one day you'll become a full-fledged shinobi.

Although, it may give you little consolation now.

Will that day ever come?

Don't worry!

I'll train with you as often as you want, until you pass the Chunin Exams.

Sensei's words back then

Is what binds my strength today, to protect the King.

The King?!

That's the quiz that Shikamaru Sensei gave me.

Yes. It was Asuma Sensei who first posed that question to us.

My dad did?!

So, who is the King?

Sorry, but I swore to Shikamaru that I wouldn't say.

I see

But one day, you will understand too, Mirai

The King that Sensei gave his life to protect.

You're just like him.


You're just like Sensei, Mirai.

I'm like him?

You think of every possible way to help someone.

Watching you all this time,

you brought back memories of Asuma Sensei.

You are Sensei's child, after all.

That's so wonderful, Miss Mirai!

Thank you so much!

See you later!

There's nothing better than a late-night soak!

You're right

I used up so much strength today, this hot spring is really soothing.

Um Miss Mirai?

Yes, what is it?

Do you want to know more about your father?

What's this all of a sudden?

I mean, sure I want to know him.

But I heard a lot about my dad today, so I feel a little bit closer to him now.

Just a little, though.

I wish I could have talked to my father, even just a little bit.

I see

Tatsumi, are you feeling okay?

Maybe you've been in the water too long?

I'm sorry

I've been lying to you.

I told you I was going on a hot spring tour in memory of my mother.

But actually, that's not true.

What do you mean?

Miss Mirai

Have you heard of the hot spring where you can see people who've d*ed?

A hot spring where you can see people who've d*ed?

I came all the way here to see my mother at the Resurrection Hot Spring.

There's no way something like that is real!

I really want to see her!

Don't you want to see your father?

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Resurrection Hot Springs!"

Can I really meet my father?

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