01x12 - The Gears Spin Out of Control

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x12 - The Gears Spin Out of Control

Post by bunniefuu »

Ruler of monsters

and all those who follow him,

I apologize for this unexpected visit.

I am the dryad called Treyni.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Rimuru Tempest,

ruler of monsters,

will you defeat the Orc Lord?

Defeat the Orc Lord?

Are you asking me?

Yes, that's right.

After appearing out of nowhere,

that's a rather selfish request to make,

Treyni the Dryad.

Why did you come to this town?

There are stronger races than goblins.

That's true.

If the ogre village were strong,

I would have gone there.

Even if that were the case,

I couldn't ignore your existence.

If our settlements were att*cked
by the Orc Lord,

the dryads would never be able
to fight them alone.

And so, I've come to request
the assistance of someone powerful.

The existence of the Orc Lord
was a theory for us until now.

The dryads have knowledge of everything
that occurs in the forest.

The Orc Lord is there.

The dryad acknowledges it.

So, it must be true.

Please, wait for my response.

I support the Kijin,

but I also don't want
to stir up unnecessary trouble.

Allow me to review the information
before I answer.

Despite my appearance,
I'm the leader around here.

Let's continue with the meeting.

Does anyone have a view
on what they think the orcs are after?

There is one thing that comes to mind.


Souei, did you examine our village
after the attack?


Based on your reply,

I assume you didn't find any?


From among our brethren,
as well as the orcs,

there wasn't even one.


-A corpse.

We couldn't answer how this army
of , orcs fed and supplied itself.

Don't tell me they're...

Unique skill.




It brings about chaos
and calamity to the world.

The Orc Lord is born with this skill.

It holds influence over all
who serve under him

and they devour everything
like a swarm of locusts.

When they feed, they absorb
their victims' strength and abilities

and take to consuming one another.

-We eat our comrade and take his strength!
-We eat our comrade and take his strength!

-We eat this prey and take its strength!
-We eat this prey and take its strength!

It's similar to your Predator skill.

The effects of Famine's influence
render them with an insatiable hunger.

These orcs move on
to feed their endless hunger,

and grow even stronger.

And that is their leader's only wish.

The aim of the orcs

isn't to destroy the lizardmen and ogres
that live in the forest,

their aim is to absorb their power?

Well, that settles it.

We aren't safe from this threat.

We have the Tempest Wolves,
Kijin, and Hobgoblins.

Aside from the taste,

these are powers I'm sure the orcs
would love to consume.

Are you forgetting the meal
that would be the most enticing of all?

The strongest slime is here, right?


Also, we have confirmed that a Magic-born

is responsible for the birth
of the Orc Lord.

I believe this is someone
you don't wish to overlook.


They may be a servant
of one of the Demon Lords.

They are aware of everything
that occurs in the forest.

She's cunning.

Lord Rimuru Tempest.

I once again implore you
to defeat the Orc Lord.

You received the divine protection
of Veldora Tempest,

defeated the direwolves,
and protect the Kijin.

You're capable of defeating the Orc Lord.

Great Sage, what do you think?

Can we trust her?

Dryads are the protectors
of the Jura Forest.

These nefarious creatures are said
to bring divine punishment

upon any who thr*aten the forest.


Divine punishment?

But there are , orcs.


The Orc Lord is no match for Lord Rimuru!

Yes, I'm sure that's true.


No way!

Did she really just do that?

I've decided.

I'll take on the challenge
of the Orc Lord.

Everyone will join me in this.

Yes! Of course, Lord Rimuru!

That was our intention from the start.

We believe in you, Master,
and are with you.

I concur!

Let's show everyone our true strength!


I played it off coolly,

but what if we lose?

We'll be taking on a force
of , orcs.

I think it would be prudent to consider
an alliance with the lizardmen,

but after dealing with that envoy...

I am Gabiru!

I want to speak with someone
who will listen.

Lord Rimuru.

Will you allow me to speak directly
with the chief of the lizardmen?

-Souei, can you do that?

His confidence is breathtaking!


We'll join with the lizardmen
and defeat the orcs.


The decisive battle will take place in
the marshlands of the lizardmen's domain.

An alliance with the lizardmen
on the w*r front is essential.

I'm relying on you, Souei.

Leave it to me.

I hope their chief
isn't like that idiot, Gabiru.

Lord Gabiru!

-Are you awake?
-Lord Gabiru!

-Where am I?
-I'm so glad!

-That's right!
-Lord Gabiru!

I was defeated
by that foolish-looking boy.

They somehow tricked us.

What do you mean?

It's simple.

The boy who defeated me
is the true leader of that village!



-That's why Lord Gabiru lost!
-Of course!

How dirty!

They coaxed Lord Gabiru
into lowering his guard!

-The cowards!

Calm down.

Such is the nature of the weak.

Your tolerance knows no bounds!

Come on, Lord Gabiru!

Our next chief!

Lord Gabiru is so cool!


I'm not really so...

Who are you?

He's been here the whole time.

You're just as amazing as I heard.

My name is Laplace.


As a servant to Lord Gelmud,

I come bearing this warning.

Oh, Lord Gelmud!

Who's Lord Gelmud?

The one who gave Lord Gabiru his name.

Thank you for traveling all this way.

What is the warning from Lord Gelmud?

There's been a troubling development.

It seems that this army of orcs
really is being led by the Orc Lord.

-Orc Lord?
-Orc Lord?

The chief of the lizardmen
is a formidable leader,

but he's very old now.

In all honesty,

wouldn't you say
this is more than he can handle?

I intended to become chief
after defeating the orc army.

But by then, it would be too late!

Yes, that's right.

Laplace, I apologize
for leaving so soon after--

Don't worry about it.

You're returning to the marshlands.

You need to hurry.

I'm indebted to you.

-Let's head out!

Do your best, Gabiru.





Chief, what should we do?

The orc army approaches.

We will fortify our position.

We cannot face an army of , orcs
in an open battle.



There's an intruder!

He wants to speak with you.


Bring him before me.

Chief, this could be dangerous.

Can you sense the aura?


This is no ordinary guest.

It has the strength
of elite lizardmen.

I apologize.

I'm rather busy at the moment,
and cannot extend any hospitality.

Don't worry about it.

I am merely an envoy.

I've come bearing a message
from my master.

And what would that be?

My master wishes to form an alliance
with the lizardmen.

An alliance?

And yet, I have no knowledge
of who this master is.

My master is Lord Rimuru Tempest.

He received a request from the dryads

and is committed
to defeating the orc army.

A direct appeal
from the protectors of the forest?

She told us the army
is led by the Orc Lord.

Orc Lord?

Take that into account
as you make your considerations.

Rimuru? I've never heard that name before.

It's more likely

that he fears the Orc Lord
and has come crying to us.

If he wants to ask for help--

Enough of that!

Shut your mouth.


Tolerating this will lead to--



I apologize for his impolite behavior.

Can you forgive him?

This offer is mutually beneficial, right?

Pardon me.

I didn't intend to harm him.

But I cannot allow
such ridicule of my master.


If I hadn't stopped him,
he would have taken his head off.

Judging from your aura,

you're an ogre from the southwest.

I'm no longer one.

My master gave me the name Souei

and I became a Kijin.


It's a rare, superior variation
within the ogre race.

In that case,

this master who granted your name
is of superior strength to you, Kijin.

The Orc Lord appears

and then all of a sudden,

a powerful leader offers
to form an alliance.

I have no reason to refuse.


Souei, did you say?

I have one condition.


I would like to meet your master,
Rimuru Tempest.


Now then, we will make our preparations

and meet you here in a week.

When the time comes,
you may have an audience with him.


Make sure that you do not engage
in battle before then.


Pardon me.


It's like seeing a beacon of hope.

Bring everyone together.

The orc army draws near
to this underground cave,

but we have nothing to fear.

In seven days,

powerful reinforcements will arrive.

Until then,

we will entrench our fortifications
and conserve our strength for battle.

Do not, under any circumstances,
consider making an attack.

Anyone who falls in battle
will be consumed

and the enemy will absorb their strength.

That's what we're up against
facing this Orc Lord.

Once we are joined
with our reinforcements,

we will launch a counterattack.

We must endure until then.

I will not allow a single casualty!



Okay! Surround him!

Was that really an orc?

It was like fighting an ogre.

It gives me the creeps.

To think that there are , more orcs
just like him!

Such is the power of the Orc Lord.

Can we really hold out
for three more days?

If all we do is defend,
we'll exhaust our strength.

It's you!


Oh, you've returned.

So, were you able to secure
the cooperation of the goblins?


There are , in total.

They are standing by.


However, why are we only defending
against the orcs' att*cks?

This isn't how we,
the proud lizardmen, fight.

While you were away,

we were offered to form an alliance.

Until they are able to join us,

defense is our best option.

You've grown old, Father.


Using this maze-like cave
may be a good plan with a large army.

However, it divides our forces
in too many places.

We cannot face the enemy
with our full strength!


What do you think you are doing?

Be calm, Captain of the Guard.

I don't intend to harm you.


I'll apologize later
for this use of force.

You may feel constrained in captivity,

but you'll have to endure
until I defeat the Orc Lord.


This behavior is intolerable!


My brother!

Please open your eyes!

Unhand me!

Unhand me!

Let me go!

Lord Gabiru.


My father's...

This power...

Vortex Spear, you recognize me
as your new master?

We've apprehended the leaders
of each division.

Many of the younger members
didn't agree with this defensive strategy.

I see.

We're all with you.

We're counting on you, Lord Gabiru.

That's fine.

I will show you
how a true lizardman fights!

The time has come!




-The orc army overran the marshlands.

From one corner of their ranks,
a commotion broke out.


There is no need to fear these pigs!

The marshlands are our domain!

Our innate agility
will have the orcs in disarray!

These dolts are too slow
with their feet stuck in the mud!


The attack is working!


Orcs are no match for the lizardmen!


Withdraw for now!

Gabiru's true strength
is that his men believe in him.

What's that?

But the one thing they didn't account for

is that Gabiru didn't understand

the full terror of the Orc Lord.

The orcs are eating one another!

The chief of the lizardmen

understands the Orc Lord's terror.

That difference now bears its fangs

on the hapless Gabiru.


-We eat our comrade and take his strength!
-We eat our comrade and take his strength!

-We eat this prey and take its strength!
-We eat this prey and take its strength!

Next episode, "The Great Clash."
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