01x22 - Conquering the Labyrinth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*
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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x22 - Conquering the Labyrinth

Post by bunniefuu »

Shizu's lingering regret
that she entrusted to me

was a group of children summoned here
with a defective condition.

Their underdeveloped bodies

are unable to control
the Magicule energy within them.

Eventually, that energy
will unleash itself,

destroying their bodies
and condemning them to an early death.

Shizu was also summoned as a child,
but lived for much longer than usual.

Rimuru concluded it was the spirit, Ifrit,

who dwelled inside Shizu that allowed her
to take control of that energy.

In order to save these children,

he has set out to find high-ranking
spirits to inhabit their bodies.

Shizu, I will definitely save these kids!

Is this the entrance?

The Dwelling of the Spirit
is just on the other side.

Is everyone prepared?

Once we enter, we may never leave.

Of course, I'm ready!


I'm fine.

I'm not scared at all.

Ranga, help everyone if something happens.

My Master's students are my students, too!

I will protect them with my life!

Let's go.

It keeps going in one direction.

What is this?

For a labyrinth,
this doesn't seem so hard.

Yes, but something feels strange.

Make sure not to stray off.


It may look like a straight path,

but there are traps everywhere set up
to disorient us.

Using only human senses,

we might not be able to continue
or return how we came.

Thank goodness for my mental map.

What is that voice?

Where is it coming from?

It's as if the sound
is directly inside our heads.

The power to convey thoughts?

No. Is it telepathy?

These visitors are boring.

Be more afraid!

Be more frightened!

That's better.

It's boring if you aren't more afraid!

Are you a spirit that resides here?

We've come here
to meet high-ranking spirits.

If it isn't a bother,
we would appreciate your guidance.

What a funny thing to say!

That's fine.

I'll tell you.

That was easy.

However, before that...

Before that?

Sir, look.

That's a clear enough invitation.

I suppose we have to.

It's a dead end.

There's no need to rush!

Small World!

Isn't that incredible?


Now, it's time to face a trial!

In games and anime,

the ominous monsters
always have glowing red eyes.

Hey! Is our trial to defeat this thing?

Exactly! That's right!

Whatever. This should be easy.

How about I handle this?


You look after the children.

If anything happens to me,
take them and run.



It's fine!

Our teacher is strong.


You're going alone?

Overconfidence is dangerous!

Great Sage, Appraisal.


It's a golem composed entirely
of Magisteel.

This thing is dangerous.

It's Magicule energy is astounding.

It's stronger
than what I faced the other day.

What should I do?

It's so imposing.

Hey! This thing is trying to k*ll me!

How is that a trial?

That's the point!

Take a misstep and you die!

Can you win?

I get the impression
that she's mocking me.

It's certainly fast,

but I can still avoid it easily.

How will I end up taking it down?

It's made of metal,
so Black Lightning probably won't work.

The electric current would go
into the ground and finish us.

I don't think a sword will cut it.

What if I use that?


It's okay.

There's nothing to worry about!

Hey! If you apologize now,
I'll look past this.

But if you don't,

I'm going to smash this thing to pieces!


Great! That's splendid!

Go ahead and try!

Restraining Thread!

My Elemental Colossus!

It's time to say your farewells.


Hell Flare!


It's not that impressive, but...


No way!


It's only one hit!

There you have it.

Sir, you're incredible!

You're nearly as strong as Ms. Shizu!

He was sure to win.

Why are you acting big, Alice?

And now,

if you don't want to be incinerated
then get out here.

I see where you're hiding.

At this moment,

despite my profound humiliation,
I come to meet your call.

A fairy?

She's cute.

What's your name?

I'm one of the...

She bit her tongue.

That must hurt.

Has it been long since you've spoken
without using telepathy?

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I am one of the Ten Great Demon Lords.

Ramiris of the Labyrinth!

A Demon Lord?

Bow your heads in reverence and kneel--

What are you doing?

-Not that!

How are you a Demon Lord?

If you're going to lie,
at least make it believable.

How is it possible that a brat like you
became a Demon Lord?

Don't call me a brat!
That's terribly rude!

What would I be other than a Demon Lord?

A dumb kid.

Who are you calling dumb?

An imbecile?

That's right. I'm an imbecile.

Saying it politely doesn't mean it's okay!

My friend Milim is a Demon Lord.

You look incredibly weak compared to her.


You're an idiot!

Hey, did you know Milim is known
as the Demon Lord of Absurdity?

She thinks that force
is the answer to everything.

Comparing my lovely self

with that incarnation of absurdity
is incredibly rude!

If you don't comprehend that,
there's going to be trouble!


A lot of trouble!

She's so annoying.

There's something strange about you, too.

How were you able to use
such a haphazard technique?

You didn't need to be so excessive!

Do you really know Milim?

We became friends recently.

Hold on.

Is it possible you're the slime
that became the new leader of Jura Forest?

That's right. You know a lot.

So it is you!


-You're a slime?

Sir Rimuru is...

A slime!

It's true.


Sorry to surprise you like that.


You're so powerful for a slime.

That's not really impressive.

Sir Rimuru is capable of anything!

We can talk about all the details later.

Come on! Did you forget about me?

Sorry about that.

Why do you know about me?

Milim came by for the first time
in quite a while.

She kept boasting about a new best friend.

I laughed at her scornfully,
but it turns out to be true.

If Milim came here,

that might mean she wasn't lying
about being a Demon Lord.

What's with that skeptical expression?

Believe me when I say I'm a Demon Lord.

She noticed my skepticism.


This is so good!

She eats a lot.

Where does it all go?

I never intended to k*ll or harm you.


For real.

I planned to scare you a bit,

and then I was going to dash in
and save you to earn your admiration.

What is that?

Performing in my own play?

But then, you destroyed
my Elemental Colossus!

I just finished it
after messing with that toy I found.

I had no choice.

I thought it was going to k*ll me.

The point is,
that thing was highly sophisticated.

I used earth spirits
to control its weight,

water spirits for joint movement,

fire spirits to generate power,

and wind spirits to regulate the heat,
utilizing all four elements!

It was crafted with the best
spirit engineering.

Spirit engineering?

Could that be...

Due to his over-eagerness for success,

the Magisoldier Project that
he had worked on went up in flames.

Is that the Magisoldier Project worked on
by elves and dwarves in Dwargon?

That's right! You sure know a lot!

The project failed

because they couldn't produce
the Magicore that would be its heart.

After all,
making it with conventional steel

would never be able
to withstand a spirit's power.

After it fell apart,
they threw out the shell,

which I then took and restored!

Could I be a genius?

Don't you think I'm amazing?


That actually is incredible.

She managed to complete the research

when Vesta and his team failed.

She only looks like a dumb kid.

This Demon Lord Ramiris could be amazing.


I know that you're amazing.

I see how amazing you are,
and so I have a favor to ask.

What? A favor?

Why should I do you a favor?

I'm listening!

I want to hear your request very much!

It's good to be agreeable.

Of course, you'll be rewarded.

If you work with me,

I'll make a new golem for you.

Hurry and keep talking.

I explained everything to her

regarding the circumstances
surrounding the children.

I told her we were after
high-ranking spirits

to live inside them
and control the energy.

That's why we came
to the Dwelling of the Spirit.

I see.

Those kids have suffered so much.


That's why I want you to introduce me
to the Fairy Queen.

Oh, did I not mention that?

-I'm that person.

The Fairy Queen is me.

If this is a joke then--

This is no joke!

It's for real!

Then tell me,

why would a Demon Lord become
the Queen of the Fairies?

Wrong again!

You have it backward!


The Queen of Fairies fell from grace
to become a Demon Lord.

Is that how you would describe yourself?

Well, I did have a fall from grace.

Falling can be so easy.

That reminds me.

He fell from grace, too.



It seems there was something
he wanted to investigate,

so he called a high-ranking spirit
from the ancient past

and they entered into an agreement.

Isn't that surprising?

I was left with no other choice.

As Queen of the Fairies,

I had to recognize Leon as a Hero

and grant him
the divine protection of the spirits.

Hold on.

Why did a recognized Hero
become a Demon Lord?

Because he fell from grace.

Perhaps he was copying me!

Becoming a Demon Lord requires
a fall from grace.

Well, I could knock him out
with a single punch!

Calm and collected.

One punch!

You're lying.

More importantly, Heroes can become
Demon Lords in this world?

Leon also went
and said something ridiculous.

He asked me to summon a specific person
from another world.


That isn't even possible.

What a fool! He looked like he would cry.

He did cry.

It's not a stretch to say he cried.

It was audacious for such
a stupid crybaby.

One punch!

I don't understand too well,

but this Demon Lord Leon

may be a more troublesome opponent
than I first thought.

Is she okay?

Won't Leon destroy her

if he finds out she's talking
behind his back?

If it were me,
I would calmly put an end to her for sure.

You're thinking of something
quite rude right now, right?

Not at all!

So, will you take me
to the Dwelling of the Spirit?

While I am a Demon Lord,

I am also a guide for saints,

the Fairy of the Labyrinth,

and the former Queen of the Fairies.

I am responsible for granting

the protection of the spirits to Heroes,
just as I did for Leon.

There's no need to worry

for I am objective.

I am,

and continue to be,

the one who maintains
the balance of this world.


I will help you with the summoning.

I hope you can call
some really powerful spirits.


I'm glad everyone is doing well.

They were such cute little spirits
way back when.


Treyni said she had no connection
with the current Fairy Queen.

That's because
even after my death and rebirth,

I retain the memories
from my previous life.

I guess none of them know that.

We were separated long ago
and haven't spoken since.

Tell them to come and visit me.

Got it.

That will be fun!

This is...

The innermost depths of the labyrinth.

The Dwelling of the Spirit.

This looks like Veldora's cave.

It's overflowing with natural energy.

There are high-ranking spirits here?

There are,
but these spirits have their own will.

They'll only respond to your call
if they feel inclined.

What if they don't come?

You can cut away some energy

and bring forth a new high-ranking spirit.

Bring forth?

if they don't come when we call,

we'll make spirits on our own.


This won't be easy.

I'm worried about their aptitude.

But there isn't another choice.

I have the Unique Skill, Degenerate,
which uses unification and separation.

If Demon Lord Leon could do it,

there's no reason I can't as well.


It's okay.


We'll stay composed.

We'll do our best!

That's the spirit!







Let's do it!


Shizu, can you see us from where you are?

I'm going to see

that your wish is fulfilled.

Next time, "Saved Souls."
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