01x23 - Saved Souls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x23 - Saved Souls

Post by bunniefuu »

In order to save the children,

Rimuru and the others
sought the Dwelling of the Spirits

and met Fairy Queen Ramiris.

Then, after earning her cooperation,

they went to summon
the high-ranking spirits.

This is...

The innermost depths of the labyrinth.

The Dwelling of the Spirit.

Kenya, Ryota,

Gale, Alice,


Let's do it!


Shizu, can you see us where you are?

I'm going to see
that your wish is fulfilled.


You'll call the spirits from over there.


Any way you like.

You could ask for help or ask to play.

If any spirits respond with interest,

then you've succeeded.

I wonder if they'll come.

Of course they'll come!

Teacher, they'll come, right?

Will they come?

It will be fine.

In the worst case,

I'll take a demon or anything that comes.

That's a rather wicked evil, you know?

So, who will go first?


If anything happens to me,

take care of the others.

I'm excited to see what happens
when you call.

This is fun!

I'll pray.

These aren't high-ranking spirits.

They're lowly spirits.

If these tiny spirits

are fragments cut from a high-ranking
spirit with Gale's prayer,

we just need to bring forth a new spirit.

Great Sage.


Would you like to use Gluttony
to consume and then unify the spirits?

Yes, of course.

Gale, keep praying.

Hold on.

You ate them! What are you doing?

Quiet down and watch.

I have an idea.

Do it, Great Sage.


With unique skill Degenerate,

unification into a high-ranking
spirit is complete.


Its special trait is earth.

Creating an auxiliary
artificial personality.


Do you wish to unify the high-ranking
earth spirit with Gale Gibson?

How's that? Appraisal.

The chaotic energy is subsiding.

He can control it.

As his body continues to develop,
he'll gradually acquire abilities.

We did it, Great Sage!

Somehow, it's like I saw Great Sage
make a smug face.

It's your imagination!

Okay, that's enough.

You did great.

Everything is fine.

The breakdown has been stopped.

I guarantee it.


Thank you so much!

Don't worry about it.

It's only natural
I look after my students.



It's a little early to celebrate.

Cheer once everyone has succeeded.


With unique skill Degenerate,

unification into a high-ranking
spirit is complete.

Its special trait is air.

Do you wish to unify the high-ranking
air spirit with Alice Rondo?

Alice, you did great.

Everything is fine now.

Thank you!

All right! It's my turn.

I haven't started praying yet.

Something is coming.

Hey, how's it going?

I'm doing great--

Hey! What are you doing inside my house?

I've just come on a whim.

Who is that?


Hello, I'm a light spirit.
It's nice to meet you.

Unlike this evil monster
who fell from grace,

I'm a pure and innocent light spirit.

Who's evil?


it appears that you've summoned
a high-ranking light spirit.

So your name is Kenya?

I'll just call you Ken.

I sensed a brightness
emanating from you, Ken.

A ray of light!

I'm not impressed.

And so, I've come to help you, Ken.

I'll look after you

until you're grown up.

You never know, Ken might
even become a Hero someday!


Ken, a Hero?

Don't get carried away.

It inhabits you.

That easily?


It's fine.

Just like we planned.

Isn't that great?



The special traits are water and wind.

Creation of an artificial high-ranking
spirit of water and wind successful.

Do you wish to unify with Ryota Sekiguchi?

One more.


Teacher, it's just...

I love you.

I like you too.

I wish you had waited eight years...

No, ten years, before telling me that.

I wish I had heard that when I was alive.

So, start praying.


That pressure
felt like the sky just crashed down.

That's not a spirit.


This is a Spiritual Body and is similar
to a high-ranking spirit.

An abnormal amount of energy
is being detected.

Its limit is beyond measure.

What the...

Wait! I won't allow you
to do as you please!

Hey, what are you doing?

Shut up! That thing is dangerous!

Can't you tell?

I can't tell at all.

What's the danger?

We can talk later...

It inhabited her!

It's too late.

I'm finished.

I didn't know that would happen.


The vast amount of energy

has completely vanished.

Her condition appears to be stable.

There doesn't seem to be any problems.

But, what was that?

What just happened?

I have no idea!

I don't know the details.

But it was probably born in the future.

It comes from the future
but looks like a spirit!

It sounds beyond belief,

but inhabiting her has maybe
secured its eventual rebirth?

What are you saying?

I honestly don't know!

But that thing was incredibly powerful!

If it was born in the future,

there could be some serious trouble!

It's possible that it received protection
from the Spirit of Time.

I have no clue!

Things are good.

If Chloe is okay, then it's fine.

No one knows what the future holds

so it's best to let it be.

Wonderful, Chloe.

Exactly as planned.

You're safe and danger has been averted.

Was that really like the plan?

Of course it was.

Well, I guess it's fine.

Now that it's inhabiting her,
there's nothing I can do about it.

Isn't it fine?

Everyone succeeded.

Thank you.

It's because of you
that these kids are safe.

Thank you.

-Thank you very much!
-Thank you very much!

I'm grateful!

That's enough!

She's a Demon Lord?

Honestly, what's going on in this world?

We did it, Shizu.

Everything is okay now.

It was the happiest of endings.

At least we thought so.


I needed to give Ramiris a replacement
golem for the one I destroyed.

Then I had to summon a demon,
so it could possess the golem.

Then there was one last problem.

But that's a different story.

Thank you so much.


It was nothing, really.

The children are safe.

Now they're free to live ordinary lives.


The nations that abandoned them
aren't likely to try taking them back.

Not only does it violate
international law,

but they would also be making enemies
with the Free Guild.

Will you give the children identification

and invite them to join the guild?


If that's what the children want,

it would be a good idea.

For the time being, they will continue
their studies at the school.

They will have an opportunity
to choose their future.

I'm counting on you.

No need to worry.

By the way,

you still haven't told me.

How did you resolve the matter?

That's a secret.

It's better not to know some things.

It's not the same as telling you

but I hope this makes up for it.

Got it! Thank you so much, Teacher!

Hold on!

Really, so much has happened.

But this matter is settled.

All the problems are resolved.

Shizu, this is okay, right?

Thank you, Slime.

An abject failure.

Someone finally came to summon me

and my family got there first.

Next time.

Next time, for sure.

I know you will guide me

to the truth of this world.


Don't go.


Don't keep Teacher here.

I know.

Please go!


I'm counting on you.

Leave it to me.



Chloe, you're such a crybaby.

Stop crying!

Ken, you're crying too.

I am not, my eyes are just sweating!



There, Chloe.

I'll give you this to cheer you up.

I wanted that!

I got it.

Well, isn't that great?

That's not fair!

Oh right, I have presents for all of you.

You look cool, Ken.

You, too!

These are marvelous.

How cute.

There's a really skillful girl
named Shuna in my country.

She made these to give to you.


Thank you!

Okay, be sure to study hard.

Saying goodbye is rough

but we're sure to meet again someday.

I'll bring Ranga when I come to visit.

Even though we'll be gone,

study diligently!

Make sure to come back and see us.

After graduation, I may go and visit you.

I'll be waiting.

The entire city of Rimuru
will welcome you.


See you later!


Take care!

See you.

Master, why did you give
that important mask to her?

I'm not sure exactly.

I don't know myself.

Somehow, giving it to Chloe felt natural.

It was the best thing to do.

I see.

I imagine

that Shizu would be happier
with Chloe having it.

She'll take care of it.

She could be a great warrior like Shizu

or even become a Hero!



Yes, my master!

Let's go to our town. Let's go home!

Everyone is waiting.

A man who thought he was living
a thoroughly ordinary life

was stabbed and k*lled in a random attack

and then reincarnated in another world.

He convened with Veldora Tempest

and adopted the will and body
of a certain girl.

He overcame many crises,

brought different monster races together,

built a country, and helped save kids.

His name is Rimuru Tempest

and he's just a slime!

Next time, "Extra: Black and a Mask."
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