03x113 - The Qualities of a Captain

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x113 - The Qualities of a Captain

Post by bunniefuu »

[Script Info]

Title: [Erai-raws] English (US)

ScriptType: v . +

Collisions: Normal



Timer: .


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Style: Default,Arial, ,&H FFFFFF,&H FFFFFF,&H ,&H , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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I'm finally a chunin now.

My first mission as a captain?

Yeah. Though I hate sending you out so soon.

This is sudden.

Did something really bad happen?

Oh, the mission itself isn't difficult.

It's a routine assignment deep in the mountains.

It will be a piece of cake for you!

Are you sure about that?

What do you mean by that?

If the mission's simple,

why would you come all the way to my house to tell me?

There must be something that's gonna make this a drag.

You got me!

Today's Team 's day off.

Both Cho-Cho and Inojin are out doing their own thing.

Which means…


This mission came up suddenly and I couldn't find people available.

So, I rounded up genin who were free, and…

So, it's an improvised team, put together in a rush?

Sorry. I have a mission too, and there's no time.

Here's a bit of advice to my dear student.

You are an exceptional shinobi.

But remember this…

A team isn't comprised of four of you.

Well, you're smart enough to understand this without me telling you, but…

If it comes down to it, I can manage it myself.

Though, it will be a drag.

The Qualities of a Captain

The Qualities of a Captain I get it now. Moegi Sensei wasn't kidding

about the "put together in a rush" thing…

We're still missing one person, but let me start.

I'm your team captain for this mission.

This is all very sudden, but I'm counting on you.

Wow, Shikadai! So, you're a chunin now?

I just got picked, that's all.

Well, your grades were excellent back when we were in the Academy.

And just because of that, you get to be captain?

Gotta hand it to you genius types.

Hey, c'mon! Don't tell me, Iwabe…

Are you jealous that someone younger surpassed you?

Huh?! Don't be ridiculous!

What about you? You're just sucking up to the captain!

Huh?! What's that supposed to mean?!

Hey, c'mon! What are you guys doing?

Damn it! What a drag!

Hey, my bad! Sorry I'm late, ya' know!

Boruto, being on time is basic stuff for a shinobi.

I feel sorry for you, though.

It's your first mission and you're stuck with these guys.

You're a part of this team, too.

We have to bring back a flower called the Gekkouran

that grows at the top of this mountain.

That's our mission.

Is that all? I was wondering what our mission would be,

since we were assigned so suddenly.

We were called up, just for that?

This Gekkouran only blossoms once in four years,

on the night of the full moon.

Still! Sending shinobi out to pick flowers?

How special is this flower anyway?

It seems the Gekkouran has medicinal properties too,

so it's sold at a high price.

That's why the locals having been taking care of this mountain

so that it doesn't get ravaged.

Oh well, picking flowers will be easy.

Don't relax just yet.

We could be att*cked by bandits who are after the Gekkouran too.

There's nothing I'd like better!

Do you know where this Gekkouran grows?

If we don't have a map, how are we gonna find it?

Don't worry.

That's why we have a guide.

A guide?

A pig?

What's a pig doing here?

This is Tonsuke, our guide.

– A pig?! – A pig?!

Apparently, he has an unbelievable sense of smell.

They've tried out other pigs, but as of now…

Tonsuke here, is the only one who can find the Gekkouran.

What's up with him?!

Looks like it's time to feed him.

Since there's no other pigs like Tonsuke,

he's been spoiled rotten.

And unless he's fed regularly, he won't do what you say.

And you have to give him this special food.

He's got a refined palate.

What a stuck-up pig.

We're running out of time.

Just put a leash on 'im, and let's get going.

Hold on. Bandits could come after Tonsuke.

Recently, another pig that was being in training was stolen.

It will be safer if someone carries him on his back.

I guess we have no choice.

We don't have the time to stand around.

Looks good on you, Iwabe!

Damn it! Get off of me!

Wolves appear at night here.

Stay alert and be careful.

No kidding.

Bringing a pig to where wolves live, is like bringing them food.

Must be nice!

One of you, go on ahead to investigate.

The rest of us will stay and observe here, while guarding the rear.

Leave it to me!

I've been waiting for this.

Hey, wait!

I said, just one of you!

Why are both of you going?!

Move it!

In Team , I always go first!

Well, too bad!

I always go first on my team too!

Wolves are nothing to me!

Hey, pig!

Oh no! We have to get him, quick!

Wasabi! It's your fault!

What are you saying?! You even—!

There's no time for that!

Where did he go?

You don't think the wolves—!

I didn't know pigs could climb trees.

This is not the time for your comments.

Let's get him down, quick!

Hey, quit squirming around!

Hah, he has a nose-shaped birth mark.

No wonder he has a keen sense of smell.

Hey! Wasabi!

It's your fault for scaring the pig with your weird jutsu!

Huh?! It's your fault for letting Tonsuke go!

Cut it out, we're on a mission!

Can you two just get along?

-Tell that to him! -Tell that to her!

You heard 'em, Captain.

Damn it.

It's because Iwabe and Wasabi are both stubborn.

You can't prevent them from arguing.

I'm saying let's cross it!

And I'm saying let's not, you dummy!

C'mon! Now what is it?

I'm saying it's faster if we cross this suspension bridge.

But she won't listen.


Tonsuke is scared.

If we try to cross like this,

what if we end up dropping him midway?!

That's why we should take a detour around it.

We're crossing it!

No, we shouldn't!


I've decided. We're crossing this bridge.

But I'll carry Tonsuke to the other side.

If I decide it's too risky, we're going back the other way.

Well, if you say so, Shikadai.

What a half-baked decision.

Okay, no issues with Tonsuke.

Quit acting being so stubborn!

I was totally right!

Look who's being stubborn!

Hey, you idiots! Not here!


That was close.

Wasabi, take the lead.

Iwabe, you take the rear.

How come?!

For the duration of this mission, you're forbidden to talk to each other.

I'm sorry, but this is an order, as your captain.

What did you say?!

I understand.

We should be reaching the area where the Gekkouran grows, but…

Something's coming this way!

Tsk! Guess we've been found out.

Gotta hand it to Leaf Shinobi.

But you're gonna hand that pig over to us.

They're the bandits you mentioned before.

You saved us the trouble of looking for you!

We'll get all of you at once!

Hey, stay in formation!

We have to stay close, or they'll go for Tonsuke!

Maybe they can't communicate because you ordered them not to talk.

Damn it, you have to be able to adapt to every situation!

Guess I have no choice.

Shikadai, above you!

Damn it!

Are you all right, Shikadai?!

I'm okay, but go after Tonsuke!


That was easy.

We chased off all the bandits.

Huh? Where's Tonsuke?

Don't worry. I found him.

I guess we've messed up again.

To make it up for it, let us carry Tonsuke.

No, I'll carry Tonsuke.


I can't leave him in your hands.

What do you mean by that?!

Missions like these are supposed to be simple.

But everything's screwed up today.


It will be easier if I finish this mission alone.

Hold on! Do you have to say it like that?!

Are you saying that we're in the way?!

Hold on, guys!

Shikadai didn't mean it like that.

You can take it any way you want.

But this mission will be a success.

You keep saying mission this, mission that!

But back there, we couldn't communicate because of your order!


That's because you two kept arguing!

You tried to keep us from arguing and only ended up causing more issues!

Shut up!

This is exactly why I'm saying I can finish this mission alone!

Fine, you said it, not me.

You're on your own from here!

Fine, it's what I expected.

Hey, wait!

Damn it.

Are you sure about leaving them behind?

The mission's almost done.

Tonsuke should start reacting anytime now, but…

He's awfully quiet.

Whoa, did you finally find the Gekkouran, Tonsuke?!

What? You're just hungry?

It can't be helped. I'll feed you…

Oh, didn't realize you were that hungry!

That's weird!

I thought Tonsuke only eats special food…

There's no birthmark!

Where are you going?!

That pig isn't Tonsuke!

It was probably during that fight with the bandits,

but he's been switched!


We have to find them quickly!

I knew it was you guys!

We're keeping Tonsuke.

We were getting desperate because the pig we stole before was totally useless.


The ravine's not too deep… We can make the jump.

Let's hurry.


Your leg!

Was it all right to let them go on alone?

The captain said he'd do it alone.

We'd just get in the way, right?

That's true, but…

This is—!

You think it's Shikadai's—?

Does this mean he hid that he was injured?

That idiot!

No good!

I thought we might be able to grab on to the other side.

If we don't cross the ravine, we won't make it in time

for the Gekkouran to bloom when the moon rises!

I have to jump!

You're seriously gonna do it?

If I could only use Shadow Clones like you.

W-Where'd that come from?

I'm just wishing there was more of me at a time like this.


Well, there's no doubt you're awesome, Shikadai.

But that's not because there are a bunch of you around.

Even in this situation…

If Iwabe were here, he could've put up a bridge to the other side.

I guess I still have a lot to learn.

I was too full of myself.


We barely have time until the moon rises!

We're gonna jump over the ravine now.

But with your leg!

I know!

But, I put myself in this mess.

I have to get myself out of it.


We found out that a certain someone was hiding an injury.

C'mon, we have to hurry!

Iwabe, Wasabi, about earlier…

I thought we didn't have any time left?

We shouldn't waste anymore here, with some lame chit-chat.


We're sorry too, Shikadai…

But how do you plan on finding the bandits in the middle of this mountain?

Don't worry.

Tonsuke will send us a signal soon.

A signal?

Okay, let's go get Tonsuke!

What the hell?! What's gotten into him?

It's been a while since I last fed him.

He'll be getting hungry and fussy right around now.

I'm counting on you, Wasabi.

Leave it to me!

I hear him!

They're northwest!

We can catch up if we hurry!

Wasabi's jutsu enables her to possess a cat's abilities,

and lets her hear sounds we normally can't hear.

With her ability, we'll find Tonsuke!

Gotta hand it to you, Shikadai!

They turned. Next, go right!

But what do we do?

They've got Tonsuke.

It's dangerous if we face them carelessly.

Relax. I have a plan.

'Cuz we have to pay them back properly.

You're not getting away, ya know!

Can't you find the Gekkouran yet?

Ya useless pig!

Oh, did you find it?!

So, the Gekkouran is there?

I did it!

Once I sell this on the black market, I'll be super rich!

This is—! Pig feed?

Damn it!

You won't be able to lay a hand on Tonsuke anymore.

Why you—!

Tonsuke was hungry.

By placing his food in your path, he was bound to react and follow it.

Good thinking!

I'm not gonna let you catch me!

Give it up.

I've already got you figured out.

So, this is the Gekkouran?!

It's a beautiful flower…

I kinda feel sorry for picking it.

Well, it's gonna wither up in time, anyway.

Besides, this flower will help a lot of people.

Now, our mission's complete!

A test?!

Yes, to determine if you were capable of being a captain.

So, we assigned you people other than your usual teammates.

Damn it! You're mean, Moegi Sensei!

But the mission itself was real.

How did it go, you guys?

Well, we succeeded, didn't we?

That's true.



Well, it seems like I can assign Team to you sometimes, Shikadai.

What's up with that?

Are you gonna slack off, Moegi Sensei?

I'll have you know that jonin are very busy!

So, Shikadai?

How was your first mission as team captain?

I realized that I still have a long way to go as a captain.

Managing people…

is a real drag.

I finally got it, ya know!

I'm so excited!

Hurry and cr*ck it open, Boruto!

What are those? Cards?

These aren't just regular cards!

These are Extreme Ninja Cards! Also known as Cards!

It's a card game featuring famous shinobi from previous generations!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Cards Proxy w*r!"

Super-rare special card, come to me!

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