02x04 - The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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02x04 - The Scheming Kingdom of Falmuth

Post by bunniefuu »

Once I'm done with my business
in Dwargon, I'll return to Ingracia.

Well then, I will now announce
the result of your final exam!

-Could it be--

No way.

It's a shame, but all of you…

have passed!

Hey! Don't scare us like that!

I figured we needed more suspense.

Oh, well, that's great.

I was not a bit worried though!

Now we can all move on to the next grade.

All of us together.

Yes! I'm so happy!

You all did well.

With that, all of my duty
as your teacher is over.

Starting next semester,

Ms. Tiss will replace me as your teacher
and I will return to Tempest.

Mr. Rimuru…

Don't be so sad.

I will still be here for a few days,
so please send me off with a smile.

Even when I'm back in my country,

Alice, Chloe, Ryouta, Kenya, Gale,

you will all still be
my precious students.

Mr. Rimuru…


That aside,
you better fulfill your promise, okay?


She's right!

You said you will show us the continuation
of those mangas if we get good grades.

Yes, I've got it all covered.

I will give you all volumes of the manga,
including Parasyte.


Ms. Tiss, everyone was able to pass
the exam thanks to you.

Thank you.

It's not me,
it's all thanks to their own effort.

I can leave Class S to you
without worry starting next semester.

Please take good care of them.


Look. We're finally here.

That's the country of monsters,
Jura Tempest Federation.

She's our new friend.

Myulan the Wizard.

Nice to meet you.
I hope we can get along well.


Please enjoy your time here.

She's acting as our military adviser

and is teaching us
how to fight an opponent with magic.

Then you must be very strong.

It's nothing much.

Are you holding a festival?

No, but Lord Rimuru
will be coming home soon.

So we're preparing
to celebrate his return.

Well then, we still have
a lot more things to do.

Excuse us.

And also, please come in
and enjoy the hot spring after this.

Hot spring?

It will wash all your sweat
and fatigue away.

Thank you very much.

So that's Kijin.

Each one of them seems to be very strong.

Well then, Myulan,
I will show you around Tempest.

This is the blacksmith's shop.

The weapons and armor they make
are the best in the area.

Here's the guest house.

It's awesome, isn't it?


Excuse us!

Oh, good work today.

Here's the delivery
for this month's high potion.

Yes, that would be all.

Your sign, please.

Thank you very much.

I believe we will be ordering more
starting next month.

I will drop by to talk about it later,
so please tell Gabiru about it.

Duly noted.

They are producing that many high potions?

They have both military
and technological power.

This is undoubtedly a threat
to other countries.

Hey. Is there anything wrong?

Oh, it's nothing.

There's a training ground nearby.

What a stupid man.

I was ordered by Lord Clayman
to investigate this country of monsters.

Youm, I'm just using you for that end.

What an idiot.

He didn't even suspect
that I'm actually a Magic-born.

Well then, you may rest.

That hurts.

The damn geezer
didn't hold back at all as usual.

We're beaten to a pulp.


That demon--

I mean, Sir Hakurou is always like this?

Yes, that's right.

Beaten to a pulp.


It's not a laughing matter at this point.

Come on. Stand up, you guys.

They are doing this? Every single time?

Well, you guys are quite something too
for surviving through all that.

I've got to say, it makes me want
to invite you guys to Beast Kingdom.

-Hey there, Grucius.
-Oh, Youm!

You look horrible, man.

Shut up.

And she's?

Oh, she's Myulan.

She's the strongest one in our group now.

I bet even you can't win against her.

The strongest?

So you're telling me you lost
to this skinny woman?

Then how about you try it out?

If she loses,
I will call you "Boss" from now on.

Sounds great!

If that woman wins against me,
I don't mind being your lackey.

Unlike Youm, I won't hold back
against a woman, okay?

Let's go!

Myulan, let's call more people
to laugh at him.

And you call yourself a "Champion"?
Hurry up and get me out of this!

Hey, you.

It's your win.

You're quite honest.

I mean, just look at me.

You sure are strong.

I applaud you for that.

Didn't I tell you?

So, Grucius, about that promise just now.

Yes, I'll call you "Boss" from now on.

Oh, well, that was just a joke.

But a promise is a promise.

-But first, I have to tell you this.

If Lord Carrion orders me to k*ll you,
I won't hesitate to do so.

I'm sorry, but it's an absolute rule
that I will not break.

I got it.

I will keep it in mind.

In that case,
I'll join your party as well.

I also want to see other countries.

I don't mind that,

but are you sure?

My duty is to expand my knowledge.

I'm allowed to do whatever I want.

That battle was truly a splendid one.


I'm convinced.

With your magic,
we can defeat that geezer with ease!

Hey, by "geezer,"
you mean Sir Hakurou, right?

Do you have some sort of plan?

Jeez! You're too loud!

Okay, so first,
with Lady Myulan's magic, we…

Just what am I doing here?

Oh, really? A mock battle?

Today, we will have you pay
for what you've done so far!

Are you ready, jeez--

I mean, Master!

What an awful taunt, to say the least.

That's the spirit!

I will now fight you like
it's a real battle, so be prepared for it!

The magic circle trap is already on set.

All that's left is to lure him there!

Well then, shall we start?

He's aiming at me as expected!


-We got him!

Now get him all at--

-Where did that geezer go off to?

Did you just call me "geezer"?


You've got to be kidding me!

Why is he moving like normal?

It's Instantmove.

Didn't I teach you that already?


Well then, would you like
to explain to me now?

Just what did you guys plan to do
by trapping me with that magic?



Oh, you're okay, young lady.

I bet these fools begged you
to help or something.


I will say this to you guys just in case.

But don't you dare try
to "test" Lord Rimuru, like this, okay?

What are you talking about?

It's not like this will work
on Lord Rimuru anyway.

Are you sure?

He might fall into the same trap
just as easily.

Oh, my. Did you catch a cold?

No, I bet someone's talking about me.

Well, you're famous after all.

How about another helping?

Let me take that offer, then.

Oh, I'm feeling alive now.

That geezer will definitely not die
even if we k*ll him.

Gobta, I believe it's better

to stop trying to win
against Sir Hakurou at this point.

I will definitely give him
what he deserves someday.

Your guts really impress me.

Though, that magic-user lady
sure is strong, isn't she?

You think so?

Moreover, she's a good woman.

I have no objection.

I wish she would bear my child.

Hey, wait! I can't allow that!

She's my subordinate.

Love is anyone's freedom.
First come, first served.

"First come, first served"? Got it!

Hey! Not you too!

What a troublesome bunch.

Rest assured, Princess Shuna!

I will beat the crap out of them
and shape them up from scratch!

I will help out too.


-Hurry up and finish that one already!

Just wait, okay?
I'm at the good part here.

I can't believe it would end up like this.

Now that's surprising.



So how's your business going lately?

Thanks to you, we got a lot
of quality high potion to go around.

I already spread the news
to the countries in the west.

I'm sure there will be
more demand coming in.

And you will make a lot of profit, right?

Of course.

That's my business after all.

But please worry not,

I will make sure that the right pay goes
to Tempest as it should.

Not that I'm worried about that, anyway.

I will also be paying
for tonight, of course!

As my thanks for the business
and a farewell gift for today.

I'll happily take on that offer.

Baron Veryard also says thanks to you.

With high potion circulating in the area,

the Blumund Kingdom's economy
finally got some steam running.

Veryard, huh?

It's good that we signed
a security treaty, but…

I've been had.

If some other countries were to sneak past
the forest and attack Blumund,

Tempest would have no choice
but to go and help.

That's how politics goes.

But if Tempest were to be att*cked
by other countries,

Blumund would surely come to help.

It's a give-and-take.

But Tempest getting att*cked?

There's no guarantee
that nothing will happen.


I predict Tempest will eventually become
a new central location for trades.

Dorf also said the same thing.

When that happens, there will surely be
a country that finds Tempest an eyesore.

For example,

the Farmus Kingdom.

But, well, it's not like anything
will change that sudden.

But there's nothing to lose
from being extra careful.

Yes, you're right.

Farmus Kingdom--

King Gazel said that he doesn't like
the king from there.

Like he's too greedy or something.

The Champion Youm, huh?

Yes, it is said that Youm,
along with his party,

has defeated the Orc Lord
along with his entire army.


A Champion? What a ridiculous story.

However, we received a report
about Orc Lord from the Free Guild.

So it's not all
just some baseless rumor, huh?

As for that Champion Youm,

it seems like he's using Tempest
as his stronghold.



That country of monsters
people were talking about?


With the appearance of their town,

there have been fewer merchants
traveling past Farmus Kingdom.

Our economy has now worsened as a result.

Because it's now possible to travel safely
to Dwargon without crossing our country.

This is a matter of life and death
for Farmus Kingdom.

If we let this country of monsters
do as they please,

the news will soon reach
the countries in the west,

making it hard for us
to do anything about it.

If we're going to strike them down,
it's now.

However, evolved monsters
are hard to deal with.

Humanoid ones are known
to be exceptionally smart as well,

making them a hard opponent.

How many men can we move right now?

Around , of them.

That's not enough.

Rest assured, Your Majesty.


Archbishop Reyhiem.

Does the Western Holy Church
have any plans?

Yes, indeed we have.

Regarding this land of monsters,
the Western Holy Church

has identified it as a threat
to the heavens and plans to subdue it.

I see.

So the Church has already certified them
as an enemy of the gods!


However, they have yet to do
any actual harm to anyone.

We can move
only when a country asks for help.

A country that asks for help, huh?

I see.

-If, speaking hypothetically--

Say, citizens of our country were to
receive any harm from this monster nation,

what would happen?

Well, then the Church
will surely take responsibility

and send in the Temple Knights
to come and help fight the monsters.

That's reassuring to hear.

With their help, we can march
into battle with no worries.

Very well.

This will be a crusade.

Dispatch an advance team and cause a riot.

Your Majesty, I am thinking
of sending off the Otherworlder

as a display of our power.

I see.

Those freaks might be useful
in this situation.

However, don't let your guard down.

I've ordered them to retreat immediately
after they are done making a scene.

Your Majesty,
may I use my secret spell as well?

Secret spell?

Excuse me for a moment.

That's interesting.

Very well. I'll permit it, Reyhiem.

Thank you very much.

I promise I will bring you
the utmost of glories!

A country ruled by a slime?

Are you making fun of me?

Shogo, keep yourself down.

Listen until I finish.

A slime is a small fry!

How the heck did one end up
as the ruler of a forest?

Shogo does not mean any ill will.

Slimes are famous as weak monsters
back in our world.

Regardless, you guys will join
the advance team

along with knights
and head to Tempest.


It has been a while
since the last time we went on a trip.

Don't make me laugh.

Are they seriously sending out the army
just to deal with a slime?

Well, if it really got ,
or so monsters under its control,

then that slime should be
a pretty decent threat.

Yes, sure.

Humans in this world
are just so damn weak to begin with.

That, or you're just too strong, Shogo.

The Unique Skill you've got
for battle is nuts, after all,


Still, I find your skill to be scarier
than Shogo's to be honest.


Even I find yours to be
just as ridiculous.

But still, damn that old man.

He just keeps on ordering us
to do whatever he wants.

Like, seriously, he's really annoying.
I feel like k*lling him one of these days.

There, there. Don't be like that.

At the very least,
as long as we listen to him,

they will provide us with the best food
and accommodation this world has to offer.

What? Yes, no shit.

The best they have to offer is nothing
but garbage compared to our world.

Yes, totally.

They have no fashionable stores
nor cosmetics.

No TV, no internet, no smartphones.

This world is devoid of entertainment.

I would be totally fine
if it just blows up tomorrow.

Shogo and Kirara look dissatisfied,
but this might actually be a chance.

If this turns into a w*r, we might get
the chance to k*ll those who control us

and we can finally be free.



At the time,

I didn't have the faintest clue
that a crisis was approaching Tempest.

Next time, "Prelude to Calamity."
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