02x07 - Despair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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02x07 - Despair

Post by bunniefuu »

Hinata: Die now!

Hinata: Dead End Rainbow!

Rimuru: Awaken, Gluttony!

Great Sage: Complete. Order accepted.

Great Sage: Executing immediately.

Title: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Title: Episode : Despair

Hinata: I don't believe it...

Hinata: I see.

Hinata: This is a form specialized for combat, incorporating the traits

Hinata: of various objects and monsters.

Hinata: So that's it.

Hinata: And on top of that, if Dead End Rainbow didn't k*ll you...

Hinata: That means you don't have a soul.

Hinata: Then...

Hinata: Astral Bind!

Hinata: That's not enough to stop you?

Hinata: Spirit summoning!

Hinata: I lift this prayer up to God.

Hinata: I desire the power of the spirits.

Hinata: I beg thee, heed my wish.

Hinata: Put an end to all!

Hinata: Disintegration!

Hinata: I have avenged you, Shizu-sensei.

Rimuru: I thought I was a goner!

Ranga: At long last, I made it out!

Ranga: Are you all right, Master?!

Ranga: Master!

Rimuru: I'm fine! I'm fine, really!

Ranga: Master!

Rimuru: I really thought I was in trouble that time...

Flashback_Rimuru: This isn't working.

Flashback_Rimuru: She's too strong!

Hinata: I think we're done.

Hinata: It's impressive that you can move so well inside this barrier.

Hinata: Frankly, I had sold you short.

Hinata: But you can't defeat me.

Rimuru: Because you can k*ll me with one more strike?

Rimuru: I wasn't expecting a fight that I had so little chance of winning.

Rimuru: But I'll keep fighting in vain for as long as I can.

Rimuru: I'm not so soft that I'd roll over and die just like that!

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Used unique skill "Degenerate"

Great Sage: to isolate the superior spirit Ifrit as a pure spirit.

Rimuru: All right!

Rimuru: Defeat my enemy,

Rimuru: superior spirit of fire, Ifrit!

Rimuru: ...so I quickly made a doppelganger of myself and ran away.

Rimuru: Running was definitely the right move.

Rimuru: That Hinata chick, though...

Rimuru: Her strength is just unreal!

Rimuru: Even without the barrier, I still might've lost.

Rimuru: That "Disintegration" thing...

Rimuru: There's just no avoiding that at all.

Rimuru: I wonder if Milim could survive it.

Rimuru: I should ask her sometime.

Rimuru: But seriously, damn that Hinata!

Rimuru: She wouldn't even listen to me! She just had to start a fight!

Ranga: I don't know what happened, but I think it's fair to say you won, Master!

Rimuru: Right?! You think so, don't you, Ranga?!

Rimuru: I mean, if Hinata really insists, I'm willing to call it a draw...

Ranga: I don't know what happened, but I think it's fair to say you won overwhelmingly, Master!

Rimuru: Y-Yeah...

Rimuru: Anyway, we gotta hurry home!

Rimuru: I'm worried about everyone!

Rimuru: To Tempest!

Ranga: Yes, Master!

Rimuru: What is it?

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: Specified destination not found.

Rimuru: Huh?!

Great Sage: It appears Tempest has been isolated from the rest of the world by some sort of barrier.

Rimuru: This really doesn't sound good.

Rimuru: Is there anyplace near Tempest that we can jump to?

Great Sage: Searching.

Great Sage: I have a hit.

Rimuru: Great! Off we go!

Gabiru: I shall break through it with my attack!

Souei: No, I'll go one more time.

Gabiru: But...

Gabiru: Oh! Great Rimuru!

Souei: Great Rimuru, I am glad to see you are safe.

Rimuru: Yeah... Wait!

Rimuru: What about you, Souei?! You look a lot worse off than me!

Souei: This is nothing of consequence.

Vesta: Ah, you're here, Great Rimuru!

Vesta: Here, drink this.

Rimuru: What's going on in Tempest?

Vesta: We aren't sure.

Gabiru: I can't get in touch with my men who headed to town! I'm so worried!

Vesta: It appears to be enclosed within a barrier.

Rimuru: So it's true.

Soka: Master Souei tried to break through the barrier around Tempest and enter the city.

Soka: That's when he got hurt.

Souei: Quiet, Soka.

Souei: Don't worry about me.

Soka: Of course.

Rimuru: If even Souei couldn't break through it,

Rimuru: this barrier must be pretty tough.

Rimuru: Who put it there?

Souei: I believe...

Souei: it was the human nation, the Kingdom of Falmuth.

Souei: I have confirmed that they have initiated military action.

Souei: A large army is headed toward Tempest.

Rimuru: We gotta hurry to the city!

Gabiru: That's the barrier?!

Rimuru: Great Sage, analyze it.

Great Sage: Answer.

Text: Answer

Great Sage: Confirmed great magic originating inside the barrier, Anti-Magic Area,

Great Sage: as well as reduced magicule density caused by the barrier cast from outside.

Text: Magicule Density Reduction Confirmed

Rimuru: Reduced magicule density?

Rimuru: Is it the same as Hinata's Holy Field?

Great Sage: Negative.

Text: Negative

Great Sage: The principle is the same,

Great Sage: but its purification ability is weaker, making it an inferior version.

Text: InferiorVersion

Text: Multilayer Barrier Barrier's effects can be nullified

Great Sage: It can be resisted with Multilayer Barrier.

Rimuru: Great magic from inside and holy magic from outside...

Rimuru: So it's a two-layered barrier.

Rimuru: Who could have done this? And why?

Rimuru: Souei, I'll get whoever's using the great magic.

Rimuru: You guys find the one who's erecting this barrier.

Souei: Understood.

Soka: Yes.

Rimuru: But don't engage in any fighting.

Rimuru: Just find out their identity and how strong they are.

Souei: And how shall I contact you?

Rimuru: Hmm...

Rimuru: With this, we should be able to use Thought Communication, even through a barrier.

Souei: I see...

Rimuru: Okay, go!

Souei: Right!

Rimuru: Ranga, stay in my shadow.

Ranga: Yes, Master!

Rimuru: Gabiru, you wait here.

Gabiru: Be careful!

Rimuru: Yeah.

Rimuru: They've thinned out, but there are still magicules around.

Rimuru: This is terrible.

Woman: The children we had with us are all safe, thanks to you.

Guy: Thank you for protecting them.

Guy: Thank you so much.

Lizard: No need for thanks. Sir Gabiru would have done the same thing.

Lizard: We only did what needed to be done.

Lizard: I hope Sir Gabiru is okay...

Guy: Look!

Guy: It's Great Rimuru!

Woman: Great Rimuru! You're back!

Rigurd: Great Rimuru!

Rigurd: I am so glad you've returned!

Rigurd: Thank goodness you're safe!

Rimuru: Sorry I'm late.

Rigurd: You need not be sorry at all!

Rimuru: What happened?

Rigurd: Well...

Kaijin: Oh, thank goodness you're all right!

Rimuru: Kaijin...

Rigurd: Great Rimuru! I must inform you of our situation and seek your counsel!

Rigurd: Please accompany me to the emergency headquarters!

Rimuru: Kaijin, who are they?

Kaijin: Oh, uh...

Rigurd: A very small problem has occurred! That's all!

Rimuru: Don't lie to me. What's going on at the plaza?

Rimuru: Was that...

Rimuru: Benimaru?!

Benimaru: You're protecting that woman, too?

Benimaru: Sorry, but I don't have time to be lenient right now.

Benimaru: Step aside at once!

Grucius: Can't do that. You've already lost your cool.

Grucius: I can't let you have her now.

Benimaru: Oh? I've lost my cool?

Benimaru: If that were the case, I would have burned all of you to cinders by now.

Benimaru: Just shut up and—

Grucius: Sorry, but no matter what happens, I'm gonna protect her!

Benimaru: I told you to shut up!

Grucius: But... I... still...

Benimaru: Stop resisting! Or I'll—

Rimuru: Stop, Benimaru!

Benimaru: Great Rimuru!

Rimuru: Tell me what's going on.

Benimaru: It's this barrier.

Benimaru: It blocks the use of magic, and it has reduced our powers, as well.

Benimaru: This has produced victims within the city—

Rigurd: B-Benimaru!

Benimaru: We will discuss that later.

Benimaru: That is when we realized that the reason we are weakened

Benimaru: lies in the magic that woman used.

Geld: When we located the caster and tried to capture her,

Geld: Youm interfered, so we were forced to engage in combat.

Rimuru: Hmm...

Youm: Master Rimuru!

Youm: I'm sorry!

Youm: I never had any intention of betraying you.

Youm: I just... want to save Myulan here.

Rimuru: Myulan?

Myulan: It's all right. Just abandon me.

Youm: Don't talk like that.

Myulan: There's no reason for you to be dragged into this.

Youm: I said don't talk like that!

Grucius: Great Rimuru...

Grucius: I'm well aware that, as a visitor, I'm in no position to interfere.

Grucius: But even so... would you please hear what I have to say?

Rimuru: All right.

Myulan: No, Youm, Grucius.

Myulan: I have no right to ask you two to defend me.

Both: Myulan!

Myulan: How many in this city have been sacrificed because of me?

Myulan: I'm the one who caused that horrific scene.

Rimuru: Horrific?

Rimuru: What do you mean by that?

Myulan: You'll understand when you see it.

Rimuru: What is all this?

Rimuru: What... happened here?

Rimuru: Are they all...

Rimuru: dead?

Regurd: The humans were merciless...

Rimuru: Humans?

Regurd: We did just as you ordered, Great Rimuru,

Regurd: and welcomed the humans.

Regurd: The result of that...

Rigurd: Quiet.

Rigrud: Be quiet.

Regurd: P-Please forgive me.

Rimuru: What I said...

Rimuru: My own words...

Rimuru: There are three rules.

Rimuru: First, no attacking humans.

Rimuru: Second, no fighting amongst yourselves.

Rimuru: Third, no belittling other races.

Rimuru: That's it.

Rimuru: Because they... followed my orders?

Myulan: If I hadn't used that great magic,

Myulan: this wouldn't have happened.

Rimuru: This woman...

Great Sage: Notice.

Great Sage: The great magic Anti-Magic Field alone could not cause this degree of weakening.

Great Sage: The more likely cause

Great Sage: are the humans that you instructed the one named Souei to investigate.

Rimuru: That's right. I need to calm down.

Rimuru: Is this Myulan woman trying to anger me so I'll k*ll her and no one else?

Rimuru: To protect Youm and Grucius?

Rimuru: Myulan, was it? I want to hear more.

Rimuru: Come with me to the meeting room.

Mjolmire: Great Rimuru.

Mjolmire: Would you mind if I participated in that meeting, as well?

Mjolmire: Perhaps I can offer an outsider's perspective.

Rimuru: You're...

Rimuru: You were here?

Rimuru: Sure. I'd appreciate that, Mjolmire.

Rimuru: I received a report on what had transpired in Tempest.

Rimuru: Mysterious attackers...

Rimuru: And knights from Falmuth...

Benimaru: If this hadn't weakened us, Hakurou wouldn't have lost.

Rimuru: Lost? Hakurou lost?!

Rigurd: He was severely wounded, but he will recover.

Rigurd: Lady Shuna is treating both him and Gobta, who was wounded just as severely.

Rimuru: I see...

Rigurd: As the knights from Falmuth were leaving...

Folgen: This city has been contaminated by monsters!

Folgen: As the protectors of humanity,

Folgen: we must never recognize a nation of monsters!

Folgen: Therefore, we will consult with the Western Holy Church

Folgen: regarding what must be done about this nation!

Folgen: We will return one week from today,

Folgen: under the command of the great and renowned King Edomalis himself!

Folgen: It would behoove you to surrender and swear allegiance to him!

Folgen: If you refuse...

Folgen: I shall eradicate every last one of you in the name of God!

Rimuru: What a farce.

Rigurd: Yes, it is precisely that.

Hinata: You see, your city stands in my way.

Hinata: So I'm going to destroy it.

Rimuru: The Western Holy Church and the Kingdom of Falmuth have been colluding from the start.

Rimuru: I'm betting the Church has it in for us because

Rimuru: their doctrine doesn't condone the existence of monsters.

Rimuru: But then, what's the Kingdom of Falmuth's reason?

Mjolmire: Great Rimuru, may I?

Mjolmire: As we speak, a new trade route is coming into existence with Tempest at its center,

Mjolmire: which is bringing about drastic changes in commerce.

Rimuru: And?

Mjolmire: Trade routes are crucial.

Mjolmire: Simply imposing tariffs creates the potential for immense profits.

Koby: The Kingdom of Falmuth profits so much from trade that it has been called

Koby: the gateway to the Western Provinces.

Rimuru: So a profit for Tempest means a loss for the Kingdom of Falmuth?

Koby: Correct.

Mjolmire: A tremendous loss, at that.

Rimuru: Now I get it.

Rimuru: I've been playing with fire, and I didn't even realize it.

Rimuru: Mjolmire-kun.

Mjolmire: Yes, sir?

Rimuru: Can you update the Kingdom of Blumund on Tempest's current situation

Rimuru: and the approach of a large army from the Kingdom of Falmuth, ASAP?

Mjolmire: Of course.

Mjolmire: I will impress upon them that Tempest is in the right.

Rimuru: Thank you.

Mjolmire: I'll start getting ready at once.

Rimuru: Now, as for you, Myulan-san...

Rimuru: Why don't you tell me in detail what led you to mess with us?

Youm: Myulan...

Myulan: It's all right. I have nothing to hide.

Myulan: I am Myulan.

Myulan: I serve the Demon Lord Clayman.

All: What?!

Rigurd: A Demon Lord?

Rimuru: I see.

Rimuru: So Clayman is the one pulling the strings.

Great Sage: Next time, "Hope."

Next Title: Hope
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