02x09 - Putting Everything on the Line

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderators: Heroman23, Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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02x09 - Putting Everything on the Line

Post by bunniefuu »

Renge: New Year's is great!

Renge: The kadomatsu looks so cool!

Text: Miyauchi

Text: Happy New Year I look forward to spendinganother year together January Hotaru

Text: Happy New Year Koshigaya Komari

Text: Happy New YearNatsumi

Text: New Year's GreetingsI appreciate everything you have done for me in the past year.I pray for our continued friendship in the coming year.Koshigaya

Title: Nonstop

Title: Episode

Title: It Got Cold and Then Hot

Hikage: Nee-chan!

Renge: I brought New Year's cards for all of you.

Hikage: Seriously! I need my New Year's money! Please!

Kazuho: Hey...

Hikage: I spent the whole year counting on getting New Year's money from you,

Hikage: and I really need it now!

Hikage: I won't get through the winter without it!

Kazuho: Come on, Renge's watching you. Stop acting like this.

Hikage: Renge! Help me beg for New Year's money!

Renge: Sigh...

Hikage: Why do you look creeped out?! It's New Year's money!

Text: NewYear'sAllowance

Hikage: Yeah!

Hikage: Thanks, Nee-chan!

Renge: Thanks, Nee-nee.

Hikage: Now I can buy a crêpe on my way home from school.

Renge: I'm gonna buy some candy from the candy store!

Hikage: The candy store, huh?

Hikage: Candy Store!

Hikage: Gimme—

Renge: Know what? I got my New Year's money, so I'm here to buy some candy.

Kaede: Yeah? Good for you.

Hikage: Hey! I didn't even finish asking you for New Year's money!

Kaede: I thought you were gonna say, "Gimme a faceful of your counter."

Hikage: Then I'll try again! Gimme New Year's money!

Kaede: Look, I'm not well off enough to throw around money like that.

Renge: Hika-nee, you shouldn't be too demanding.

Renge: Candy Store has it rough just running the store.

Renge: And I want these, please.

Kaede: You don't want New Year's money, Renge?

Renge: I got mine from Nee-nee, so I'm good.

Text: New Year's Allowance

Text: ToRenge

Kaede: I see...

Text: ToRenge

Renge: I got my candy, so I'll go home now.

Hikage: Huh?

Renge: Bye, Candy Store. I'll be back soon.

Kaede: A-All right.

Renge: I'm gonna eat my candy at home.

Hikage: Yeah, sure.

Kaede: Hey, Renge!

Kaede: I do have New Year's money for you, actually...

Hikage: Uh, then... I'd like mine, too, please.

Hikage: I got money from Candy Store, too! Sweet!

Renge: Hika-nee, you shouldn't be too greedy.

Hikage: Well, I won't demand it so obviously at the next stop.

Hikage: Greetings, Aunt Yukiko! Happy New Year!

Yukiko: Um, Happy New Year.

Yukiko: You're awfully full of vigor today.

Hikage: Not at all! This is how I always am!

Yukiko: Oh... I get it.

Yukiko: You want New Year's money.

Konomi: There.

Hikage: Heya, people. HNY.

Komari: Oh, Hika-nee. Happy New Year.

Konomi: Long time no see, Hikage-chan.

Hikage: 'Sup?

Komari: Hey! You already got New Year's money!

Hikage: Aunt Yukiko gave it to me.

Renge: Hika-nee's been real greedy today.

Renge: She didn't just beg Aunt Yukiko.

Renge: She begged Nee-nee and Candy Store, too.

Renge: Konomi-nee, help me set her straight!

Konomi: Well, it's normal for adults to give kids New Year's money,

Konomi: and it would be rude to give it back once she's received it.

Hikage: That's right. I guess Renge wouldn't understand that yet.

Konomi: Still, Kaede-chan's old enough to give out New Year's money now, huh?

Konomi: Maybe I should start giving some, too...

Hikage: Oh?!

Hikage: If you have some to give, I'll happily accept it!

Konomi: I don't have an envelope for it,

Konomi: but here, Hikage-chan.

Hikage: Wow! You're serious?

Hikage: Sweet! I got more New Year's money than I thought!

Hikage: Now I can live like the Tokyo bourgeoisie!

Konomi: Aw, man. I gave someone New Year's money.

Hikage: I'm not giving it back now, even if you ask!

Konomi: Oh, sure, that's fine. I just meant...

Konomi: I'm just a high school third-year, not a grown-up,

Konomi: and I gave you, a first-year, New Year's money.

Hikage: Huh?

Konomi: Which means, as a first-year, you should give the middle school kids New Year's money.

Hikage: Actually, I'll just give this back to you.

Konomi: What? You're returning a gift I gave to you?

Konomi: Didn't I just say that would be rude?

Konomi: Go on. You need to give the others some New Year's money.

Natsumi: Yay!

Komari: Thanks for the money!

Hikage: My Tokyo bourgeoisie lifestyle!

Konomi: Was that good, Renge-chan?

Renge: I knew I could count on you, Konomi-nee!

AllForToday,Text: Non Non Biyori

Renge: Hika-nee! Let's go play outside!

Hikage: Huh? Are you crazy? It's cold outside.

Renge: What are you talking about?

Renge: Kids are outdoor creatures. Cold doesn't bother us.

Hikage: Yeah, but I'm not a kid, and I don't recall being born outdoors...

Natsumi: What the heck? You're shorter than me, though.

Hikage: And I'm not gonna let you bait me like that.

Renge: You're almost never home!

Renge: Stop complaining and play with us!

Natsumi: Play with us!

Hikage: Ow! Ow!

Hikage: Okay, fine! Stop pulling on me!

Hikage: You guys are hopeless.

Hikage: At least it's daytime, so it might still be kinda warm...

Hikage: It's snowing like crazy!

Natsumi: C'mon, Hika-nee. You're way too excited over a little snow.

Hikage: I'm not excited! I'm the exact opposite! That's why I shouted!

Hikage: It's so cold... I can't play outside in a blizzard like this.

Hikage: I'm going in.

Renge: Wait, Hika-nee!

Hikage: Huh? What now?

Renge: I think if we move around a lot, we'll warm right up!

Renge: Move around with us, Hika-nee!

Natsumi: Oh, good idea. What should we do, Ren-chon?

Renge: Let's see...

Hikage: Could you not just assume I'm in on this?

Renge: I know! We'll play Daruma-san Fell Down!

Natsumi: Okay, Hika-nee, you're up.

Hikage: Huh?

Hikage: I'm up for what?

Hikage: Daruma-san... fell down!

Hikage: Daruma-san...

Hikage: Hey! I'm not even moving at all!

Hikage: We're supposed to be moving around to warm up,

Hikage: but I don't even get to move a—

Hikage: Okay! You guys can move now!

Hikage: That's game, set, and match on this plan!

Natsumi: Aw, but I was starting to feel pretty warm.

Hikage: Well, of course! You guys get to move!

Natsumi: We weren't moving that much.

Natsumi: Did you even look at us?

Hikage: No! If I was, that would be game, set, and match!

Renge: I just realized something.

Hikage: Oh, did you now, Renge-dono?

Renge: I think giving Hika-nee a chance to make comebacks will warm her up faster than moving!

Hikage: Huh?

Renge: Look, you're short of breath already.

Renge: That proves your body's warmer.

Natsumi: I get it!

Natsumi: So if we looked at her using thermography, she'd be in the light blue range!

Hikage: I was all blue to begin with!

Natsumi: Wow, looking good!

Natsumi: The light blue is turning to emerald green!

Hikage: At least give me a nice, healthy yellow!

Renge: Dark blue.

Hikage: Don't lower it even more!

Hikage: Also, what's with your fingers? Is that supposed to be a thermo reader?

Natsumi: I'm sorry, ma'am. We're all out of salmon.

Hikage: You're a fishmonger now?

Hikage: I can't even come up with comebacks anymore.

Renge: Translucent.

Hikage: Now I'm losing all color?!

Hikage: The thermo's only picking up half of it!

Natsumi: I see. Translucent.

Hikage: Wait, what? What are you doing?

Natsumi: Filling out your record. Your patient record.

Natsumi: You seem to have an illness that makes you turn translucent,

Natsumi: so you should come to our hospital.

Hikage: I'm not translucent, okay?!

Hikage: Also, weren't you just a fishmonger?!

Natsumi: Now, don't worry about a thing.

Natsumi: We specialize in translucence.

Natsumi: We have an attached convenience store, you see.

Hikage: Don't describe it like a hospital attached to a university!

Renge: Rattle, rattle.

Natsumi: Oh, Director!

Hikage: Wait, what? This is still going?

Renge: Scalpel!

Hikage: Already?! You guys move fast!

Hikage: No operation ever starts that smoothly!

Hikage: There are steps leading up to it!

Renge: That's true, I guess.

Renge: Okay, I'll take your temperature.

Renge: This is a thermometer.

Hikage: Yeah, yeah.

Renge: Beep, beep! Your temperature is recorded.

Hikage: You're still moving too fast. All I did was take it from you.

Natsumi: What is the patient's temperature, Director?

Renge: This is...

Renge: too far away!

Hikage: Far away?!

Hikage: What does that even mean?!

Hikage: That's not something you say after taking a temperature!

Natsumi: How far away is it, Director?

Renge: About as far as the Pacific.

Hikage: That's not even that far, is it?

Natsumi: I see. So about the same as a house on a fifty-year loan.

Hikage: Whoa, that repayment date is far off, all right...

Natsumi: Hmm... Your temperature's far away, and you're colorless and see-through...

Natsumi: Hika-nee, you'll have to be admitted.

Hikage: Not colorless and transparent! I'm translucent!

Hikage: Wait, no! I'm not translucent, either!

Natsumi: Okay, Hika-nee, your room is right here.

Hikage: You're just being random...

Natsumi: This is a shared room, by the way.

Natsumi: From the left, the other patients are...

Natsumi: Horse Mackerel, Mackerel, Amberjack, and Young Amberjack.

Hikage: Those are fish!

Hikage: All the patients in this room are fish!

Hikage: You said this was a hospital room, but is it actually a fish store?

Hikage: What you said earlier made it sound that way, too.

Natsumi: I'm not sure what you're talking about, ma'am...

Natsumi: So, Hika-nee, is the bed comfortable?

Hikage: Oh, I'm already in the bed?

Hikage: Uh, well, yeah... I guess it's comfortable.

Natsumi: Isn't it, though?

Natsumi: We keep the temperature just perfect.

Natsumi: We use the best filters and high-quality seawater, too.

Hikage: It's a fish t*nk now?!

Renge: Rattle, rattle.

Natsumi: Oh, Director!

Renge: Time to operate!

Hikage: What? Wait, this is my hospital room...

Renge: Slice!

Natsumi: Fantastic filleting of that amberjack, Boss!

Hikage: Hey!

Hikage: This really is a fish store!

Hikage: And those fish aren't patients! They're goods on display!

Natsumi: H-How can you say that?!

Natsumi: Calling our patients "goods" is making a mockery of us!

Natsumi: Never say that again!

Hikage: What, so you just filleted a patient? Are you nuts?!

Hikage: And Hika-nee, how long are you gonna stay in that t*nk?!

Hikage: Get out of there already!

Hikage: You put me in here!

Hikage: Ugh! You can't even decide whether this is a hospital or a fish store!

Hikage: Make up your mind!

Natsumi: Hospital? Fish store?

Natsumi: This is just a convenience store, ma'am.

Hikage: What kind of convenience store is this?! I'm done here!

Natsumi: Thank you.

Renge: We appreciate your patronage.

Kazuho: What are those three doing out there in this blizzard?

Text: Nonstop

Text: Miyauchi

Kazuho: Oh, good timing.

Kazuho: You've got a phone call.

Renge: Hello?

Honoka: Renge-chan! Good to see you again!

Renge: Honoka-chin!

Renge: When did you come back?

Honoka: Yesterday. I'm visiting my grandma for New Year's.

Renge: Oh, then let's go somewhere to play!

Renge: I'll show you lots more places you didn't see last time!

Honoka: Really? Okay, let's go!

Renge: Your hair accessories are cute.

Honoka: Yeah! They're my favorite!

Kaede: Oh, hey, Renge.

Kaede: Who's that behind you?

Honoka: Nice to meet you.

Renge: This is Honoka-chin.

Renge: She's visiting her grandma over winter break.

Honoka: Look at all the different snacks!

Renge: I always buy my snacks here.

Renge: By the way, when are you going back home?

Honoka: The day after tomorrow.

Renge: I see.

Renge: You're not staying very long, huh?

Honoka: I told them I wanted to stay longer,

Honoka: but they said it can't be very long, since it's winter break.

Renge: Oh, those are really good.

Honoka: What? Which ones?

Renge: They're kinda like sweet yogurt.

Honoka: These? Okay, I'll buy some!

Honoka: I'd like these, please.

Kaede: Thanks.

Honoka: It is good!

Renge: Right?

Honoka: Where are we going next?

Renge: Well...

Kaede: Careful getting home. There's a lot of snow.

Renge: 'Kay!

Honoka: Well, Renge-chan, I'll see you tomorrow.

Renge: See you tomorrow.

Renge: I'm going out to play!

Kazuho: Oh, have a good time.

Renge: I'll be back later!

Honoka: Thanks for walking me home.

Renge: You're welcome.

Renge: Honoka-chin, you're leaving tomorrow, right?

Honoka: Oh... Yeah.

Text: Ishikawa

Renge: I-It's late! I gotta go home now!

Honoka: Renge-chan!

Kazuho: Oh, morning, Ren-chon.

Kazuho: Want some osechi?

Kaede: Hey, Renge.

Renge: Candy Store, you're here?

Kaede: Yeah. I brought a lucky bag for you.

Hikage: How is that a lucky bag? It's just stuff you couldn't sell.

Kaede: Well, don't eat any, then.

Hikage: I mean, I never said I didn't want any, so I'll have some...

Renge: Candy Store, can I give this to someone else?

Kaede: I already gave it to you. You can do what you want with it.

Mom: Honoka, we're going now.

Honoka: O-Okay...

Renge: Honoka-chin!

Honoka: Renge-chan!

Honoka: You came to see me!

Renge: I came to give you this!

Honoka: Wow, candy!

Honoka: I can really have all this?

Renge: Yeah. It's yours.

Honoka: Then...

Honoka: I'll give you this.

Renge: Wha... But those are important to you.

Renge: I can't take it.

Honoka: No, I want you to have it.

Honoka: Now we match!

Renge: Yeah, we match.

Mom: Honoka, we need to go.

Honoka: Oh... Okay.

Renge: Honoka-chin! Bye-bye!

Honoka: Yeah! Bye-bye, Renge-chan!

Honoka: I'll be back!

Renge: I got to say goodbye this time.

Text: Non Non Biyori

Text: That's all for today

Kazuho: To think that Kaede would...

Kazuho: You agree, don't you, Hikage?

Natsumi: Oh, Nii-chan's studying for entrance exams.

Kaede: Here, Renge. I brought you another cookie.

Renge: I'm gonna be even more of an onee-san.

Title: Next TimeEpisode

Title: I Got Drunk and Remembered

Text: Photo: Oono

Text: Please Watch Again
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