02x12 - The One Unleashed

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*
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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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02x12 - The One Unleashed

Post by bunniefuu »

As of this moment, we're switching
our focus to annihilating the enemy.

We're going to bring Shion,
Gobzo, and all the others back!


Great Rimuru.

To test whether or not you retain your
reason after becoming a Demon Lord,

shall we come up with a password?

A password?


Such as...

"Shion's cooking tastes like shit."


I'll say, "Shion's cooking..."

and you say, "...tastes like shit."

What kind of password is that?!
Shion will be pissed!

That's why it's ideal.

She might just get mad enough
to awaken and complain.


Okay, then.

We will see this through at any cost.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Episode : The One Unleashed

Wh-What happened?

Is everyone...

Was my evolution successful?



Your evolution to Demon Lord,

Evolution to Demon Lord

Harvest Festival completed successfully.

the Harvest Festival, was
completed successfully.

Oh, good...

Great Rimuru! You've awakened!

Good morning, Great Rimuru.

Morning, Shion.

I'm glad you made it back.

Yes, thanks to you, Great Rimuru.

Don't worry me like that again, understand?

That's an order.

Understood. Never again.

Great Rimuru?!

He's awake!

Great Rimuru has succeeded in
bringing all of us back to life!

We have all been resurrected,
without a single soul left behind!



You guys all look...

kinda different somehow...



All those connected to your
soul have been given gifts,

which caused them to evolve.

Evolution Achieved


Also, you're speaking more
fluently now, aren't you?



This is how I have always spoken.

It's just your imagination.



Oh, okay! Guess I imagined it!

Wait! Like hell I did!

You sound way more fluent!



The truth is that your
unique skill "Great Sage"

evolved into the ultimate skill "Raphael."



You must be pretty amazing
if you have an angel's name!

There is no question that I cannot answer.

Y-Yeah? Well, I'll look forward to that!

You do speak more fluently now, don't you?!



It's your imagination.

It's your imagination.

You're gonna keep insisting on that, huh?

By the way, Great Rimuru...

Just to make sure,

allow me to test whether or not you retained
your reason after becoming a Demon Lord.


Shion's cooking...


What about my cooking, Great Rimuru?

I can't respond with "tastes like shit" now!

Great Rimuru, your answer.

If you've retained your
reason, you can say it!


Lord of Wisdom, Raphael! You're up!

Use your wisdom to come up with a great
answer I can give that'll fool Shion!



The applicable answer...

The applicable answer...

What is it?!

does not exist.

...does not exist.

You're useless! I thought there was
no question you couldn't answer!

Well? What about my cooking?

Yeah, uh...

You wish to eat some?

He seemed really sad that he couldn't
eat any while you were dead.

He set me up!

Is that true?
I'll gladly make you something!

But I do recommend giving this answer.





Are you ready?

Uh-huh... Uh-huh...

Of course! That's my Lord of Wisdom!

Ah, Benimaru-kun...

You're asking me for the
password you came up with, yes?

When you say, "Shion's cooking,"
I'm supposed to say, "tastes like shit."


You're the one who told
me to say that, right?

You! Told! Me! To!

G-Great Rimuru!

You do remember that, don't you?

That's the password you came up with!

Do you see now that I still have my reason?

W-Wait, Shion!

Great Rimuru is still a bit
confused, having just awakened!

I understand.

Sir Benimaru... no, Benimaru.

I serve Great Rimuru directly,

so I don't need to use a
title for you anymore.

Allow me to fill your belly with
my cooking until it bursts.

How could you do that to me?!

Try not to die, okay?

"Try" not to?!

Well, since I've been
taste-testing it for so long,

I did learn Poison Resistance recently...

Poison Resistance?!

But this time... I might die.


Well, you reap what you sow.

Oh... R-Right.

We don't have time for all this.

There is still a problem.

What problem?

During the three days
while you were asleep...

I was asleep for three days?!

Yes. And something drastic happened
in the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania.

I am Milim Nava, a Demon Lord!

I hereby void all agreements
made between the Demon Lords

and declare w*r on the Beastmaster,
the Demon Lord Carrion!


The w*r will begin in one week!

Do your best to get ready!

Stop, Milim!

What are you thinking?!

So it's w*r, boss?

Let me take the lead!

Hold on, Suphia.

You don't know how powerful
Demon Lord Milim is.

Even if the entire Beast King's
Brigade took her on at once,

she would just slaughter
us all in an instant.

Phobio, if you say so after seeing
Milim's strength firsthand,

it must be true.

So who is stronger: Milim or me?

If I must say one thing...

it is only that Demon Lord Milim lives
up to her nickname, "The Destroyer."

I see. So she's stronger than me, then?

N-No, I didn't—

If I ran away just because
my enemy was strong,

I couldn't be a Demon Lord.

Besides, to fight the legendary Demon Lord...

I can't pass up such an
intriguing opportunity.

Talk to that slime,

and have our citizens evacuate
to the Great Forest of Jura.

If they get involved in a fight between
Milim and me, there will be casualties.

Also, Milim is mine alone to fight.

What?! But—

Let me fight with you!

Lord Carrion, we—


Only I am capable of fighting
Demon Lord Milim Nava!

You three are to prioritize
the safety of our citizens.

I will not allow you to
intervene in our fight!

Yes, sir!

Have faith in me. I will win.

I didn't dislike you, Milim.

We could have become good friends.

It's a shame.

Demon Lord Milim made her
declaration of w*r ten days ago.

And three days ago...

Hey, Milim.

Why are you doing this?

Are you being controlled or something?

If so, that's a bit disappointing.

I wanted to defeat you in your best
condition and prove that I'm the strongest!


This is my unique skill, Royal Beast Form!

I am the Beast King,
Carrion the Beastmaster!

Unfortunately, Milim, now that
I've shown you this form,

I need you gone at once.

I won't hold back! This ends now!

Disappear from this world!

Beast Roar!

The Destroyer, Milim Nava...

Is that the real you, your combat form?

That was fun!

It's been ages since my
left arm stung like that.

Let me thank you with this little
trick I've been saving up...


She's... in another dimension entirely...

But... she just might be...

Just might be what?

I'd really like to know, as well.

Sky Queen Frey!


Tsk... You, too?

Oh? Just what is it that I am, "too"?

I'd like to hear every last detail.

So Eurazania was totally destroyed?

Yes. I saw it happen.

But we did evacuate all the citizens
in advance, so they are safe.

We need to arrange lodging
and food for the refugees!


I hesitated to do so without asking you,

but I have already taken care of that.

Oh, good. I can always count on you.

We are grateful.

Still... the Demon Lord Frey was with Milim?

We never imagined two
Demon Lords would team up.

Above all, we believed Demon Lord
Milim hated those kinds of tactics.

Yeah, it does seem a bit unnatural.

I can't picture Milim playing dirty, either.

Regarding that...

The direction in which Demon
Lord Frey flew afterward

was neither her own domain nor Lord Milim's.

What does that mean?

She was flying toward

Demon Lord Clayman's domain.


Okay, I gotta go!

Stop, Suphia!

If you're thinking of getting revenge,
we'll all go together.

Hang on a minute, you guys.

I think Demon Lord Carrion is still alive.

And Milim has to be pissed that
their duel was interrupted.

Something's going on behind all this.

So you guys better not go flying
off the handle over this.

We won't be able to help anyone
unless we work together.

Very well.


All right.

Is it Demon Lord Clayman pulling the strings?

So in the worst case, we could
be up against three Demon Lords?

Well, what should we do now?

What's wrong?

I am glad to see you have awakened, my lord.

Uh, yeah...

I offer my sincere congratulations on
your successful evolution to Demon Lord.

Um... Who were you again?

S-Surely you jest...

Even I, a demon, find my heart wounded.

He looks like a pretty high-ranking demon...

I have no idea who he is, though.

He is the demon that was summoned when
you consumed the soldiers of Falmuth.

Oh, right! So you're still around, huh?


Hey, I heard you helped me out a lot!

I appreciate it!

Please, no thanks are necessary.

On that note—

Sorry to keep you for so long.

You can go home now.

Go... home...?


Huh? What's wrong?

Please don't say such a thing!

As I asked of you previously,

I wish to serve as your
lowest, most humble servant!

You want to serve me?

But this guy's obviously a lot higher-ranked

than something like a greater demon, right?

Hey, Ranga, is this really
the demon I summoned?

Without a doubt.

I see... Well, okay, then...

I won't pay you or anything. Is that okay?

It would bring me the greatest
joy simply to serve you.

Then it's a deal.

Thank you so much, my lord!

Drop the "my lord" thing,
though. It creeps me out.

Rimuru's fine. Just call me Rimuru.


What a beautiful ring it has.

Then I shall henceforth
accompany you, Great Rimuru.

And what's your name?

I am more than content to
remain a nameless demon.

You don't have a name?

Then I'll give you one in place of payment.

What?! That is the greatest
reward you could give me!

Let's see... You're a demon, so
you should have a demonic name.

I know!

Your name is Diablo!


It straight-up means "demon,"

but there was a supercar with that name, too.

I see no downsides.

Serve me well enough to live up to that name!

That took about half of my magicules,

but summoning the greater
demon Beretta took about %,

so I guess that's less than I expected.


Since you evolved, your magicules
have vastly increased.

For this reason, a fair
comparison cannot be made.

How much more, anyway?

Ten times what you previously had.


I have a feeling he's gonna
evolve into a hell of a fiend...

He looks so strong!

Diablo... That is my name.

My heart overflows with
gratitude, Great Rimuru.

From this day forth,
you have my full devotion.

I'll be counting on you.

Now, it seemed as though
something was troubling you.

Please tell me, if you don't mind.

Oh, it's no big deal...
Okay, that's a lie, but...

It's about the future.


There are too many problems
at once right now.

The thing with Clayman...

The aftermath of the Kingdom of Falmuth...

And how to deal with the Western Holy
Church that views monsters as enemies.

I see.



I believe there is no need to worry
about the Western Holy Church.

No need to worry

Why's that?

Because the Appraisal

Unlimited Imprisonment

of the Unlimited Imprisonment that seals the
individual named Veldora is nearly complete.


So it's seriously possible to free Veldora?!


I thought that would take hundreds of years!

You're amazing, Raphael-san!


The Western Provinces

The Eastern Plains

If Veldora is freed,

that should be more than enough to
keep the western nations in check.

That's true. As a church, they
can't afford to be careless.

Also, you do speak a lot more fluently now!



It's your imagination.

It's your

Oh, forget it.

But I'm starting to see a way
out of all these problems now.

Okay! I think I can make it work!

Oh? Have you come up with a brilliant idea?

I've decided to live up to
the title of Demon Lord!

Splendid, Great Rimuru.

I, Diablo, swear my loyalty
to you for eternity.

Yes! On the subject of loyalty,

I, Ranga, am also your loyal servant, Master!

I know, I know.

Now that that's settled...
Ranga, I'm going out for a bit.

Tell everyone to start preparing a banquet.


Souei, you there?

Right here.

Get started—

I will gather information on Clayman at once.

Wow. I didn't even have to give the order.

Gotta love a man who's good at his job!

Okay, I'm heading out.

After I evolved into a Demon Lord,

my ultimate skill, Raphael,
presides over all my other skills,

which made them much easier to use.

Gluttony seems to have
evolved into Beelzebub, too,

so now I have two ultimate skills.

This place brings back memories.

It's been two years since then?


Appraisal of Unlimited
Imprisonment is complete.

I can finally fulfill my promise.

I'll set you free now, Veldora.

Am I... taller?

Raphael, make a double of me.

Veldora can inhabit it.

Activating Enhanced Body Double.

I really did mature a bit.

If I do say so myself... I'm kind of...


Okay, time to do this.

Please work.


Soul corridor between Master and the
individual named Veldora confirmed.

I am the Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest!

I am fully revived!

All who defy me will be slaughtered!
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