01x02 - (D) What It Takes to Be a Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x02 - (D) What It Takes to Be a Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

[ALL MIGHT laughs]

[IZUKU gasps]

Fear not, citizens.
Hope has arrived.

Because I am here.


He's the coolest
in the universe!

And once I get my Quirk, I'm
gonna be a hero, just like him!

Sorry, kid, It's
not gonna happen.

[IZUKU] Even if I'll
never have superpowers...

You're worse than the
rest of these rejects,

you Quirkless wannabe.

Do you really think they'd
let someone like you in

when they could have me?

You'd never be able to hang
with the best of the best.

[IZUKU] Even if everyone
thinks I'm useless...

[IZUKU'S MOM] I'm sorry, Izuku.
I wish things were different.

[IZUKU'S MOM sobs]


That's not what I needed you
to say. Couldn't you see?

Despite everything,
I still dream.

And I have to know.

Is it possible to become a hero,
even if I don't have a Quirk?

[IZUKU] I'm a normal
kid without any powers.

Could I ever hope to
be someone like you?

[IZUKU whimpers]

Without a Quirk?


[ALL MIGHT grunting, groaning]

[ALL MIGHT] Oh, no.
Not now, dammit! Not here!

People think I don't
have a chance.

That not having any powers
makes me some kinda weakling.

My classmates like
to make fun of me.

But you know what?

That makes me wanna
prove them wrong.

Ever since I was a kid,
I've thought that saving people

is the coolest thing you can do.

I want people to see my
fearless smile and feel safe.

And be the kind of hero

everyone in the world
looks up to. Just like you!

[IZUKU yelps]

[IZUKU screams]

[CROWD chattering]

[SLUDGE VILLAIN 1A grunting]

Where am I? What happened?


Oh, yeah. That bastard.

If it wasn't for him,

I'd be out of town already.

That was rough.

Weren't you and Midoriya good
friends back when you were kids?

Yeah, you were a little
harsh with him today.

It's his own fault
for gettin' in my way.


You shouldn't waste
your time on the guy.

It's just that...

I've wanted to be a hero
since I was a little kid.

I may not have a Quirk,

but I can still try
my hardest, can't I?

Someone's gotta teach
that worthless nerd

how the world really works.

I hate it when he talks heroes.

[FRIENDS chuckle]

[FRIEND 1B] Hey, I got an idea,
we should go to the Arcade.

Get your mind off it, ya know?


[FRIEND 1A] Or we can sneak
into the bar at the station.

Pick up some ladies.

Now that's a good idea.

Idiots! If we get caught,
there's no way

UA would let me in.

Hey, what's that?

like a skin suit with some fire.

[IZUKU screams]

I‐‐ Wait. Who...?

What happened, you deflated!

Ah! Where'd All Might go?

You! You're not him.
You're a fake! An imposter!

[sighs] I assure you
that I am All M‐‐

[screams] Impossible!

[ALL MIGHT] You know how
guys at the pool are always

suckin' in and flexin'
and tryin' look buff?

I'm like that.

This can't be real!

No. I'm dreaming.

All Might's a giant of
a man who saves everyone.

He defeats all obstacles,
and wins the day

with a fearless smile.

[sighs] There's plenty of
fear behind that smile.

I'm counting on you
to keep your mouth shut.

Don't go talking about this
online or telling your friends.

‐‐[clothes rustling]


Pretty gross, right?

I got this in a big
fight five years back.

My respiratory system
was basically destroyed.

I lost my whole stomach.

All the surgeries have
pretty much worn me out.

And it can't be fixed.

Right now, I can
only do hero work

for about three hours a day.

Rest of the time,
this is what I look like.

[gasps] No way...
Five years ago?

So does that mean it was the
fight with Toxic Chainsaw?

Wow, you know your stuff.

But no. The punk may've
landed some hits,

but he couldn't bring me down.

Most of the world has
never heard of this fight.

I did everything I could
to keep it under wraps.

I'm supposed to be the guy

who's always smiling, right?
I'm the Symbol of Peace.

People everywhere have to
think that I'm never afraid.

But honestly, I smile
to hide the fear inside.

It's just a brave face I put on
when the pressure is high.

This job isn't easy.


Pro heroes are always
having to risk their lives.

Some villains just can't
be beaten without powers.

So, can you be a hero?

Not without a Quirk.


I see...

If you wanna help people,

there are plenty
other ways to do it.

You could become
a police officer.

They get crap because the heroes
capture most of the villains.

But it's a fine profession.

[door clicks]

[ALL MIGHT] It's not bad
to have a dream, young man.

Just, make sure your
dreams are attainable.

Realistic. Understand?

[ALL MIGHT coughing] Now,
let's get you to the station.


[distant rumbling]

Not good.

[distant rumbling]

[IZUKU gasps]

[gasps] A villain! I wonder
which hero will show.

Some villains just can't
be beaten without powers.

So, can you be a hero?

Not without a Quirk.



[SHOPPERS screaming]

It's a monster!

[HEROS gasp]

[SLUDGE VILLAIN 1A grunting]

It's taken someone hostage!

How dare you prey on a child!

[DEATH ARMS grunts]


[DEATH ARMS] What the hell
is this? Some kinda goo.


[DEATH ARMS groans]

You okay, Death Arms?!

Heads up!


Ha! Stay back, or
I'll snap his neck!

[KATSUKI grunting]


[KATSUKI] You picked the
wrong guy to mess with.

I'm gonna send you
back to whatever sewer

you crawled out of!

Let me go!

[DEATH ARMS grunts]

HERO 2A grunting]

You've got so much power.

I really hit the jackpot.

With a Quirk like yours
under my control,

I can take All Might
down with one punch.


[ONLOOKER 2A] Whoa, is that
some kinda special move?

This dude is a
legit supervillain.


It's her!

That new hero,
Mt. Lady will stop him!

[gasps] My only weakness!

I need at least a two
lane road if I'm gonna

make my way through here.

[FRIENDS whimpering]

[FRIENDS yelp]

Fire and wood don't exactly

make a good combination.

I'll let someone else
stop this guy.

Don't look at me.

I've got my hands full here.
Where are those fire trucks?

Can you guys get to him?

Can't get a grip
on his weird body.

Plus, that kid's Quirk's causing
explosions left and right.

This is a shutout.

We've gotta rally and knock
him outta the park somehow.

[SLUDGE VILLAIN 1A cackling]




It's no good.

None of us have the right Quirks
to stop a villain like this!

[HERO 2A] We'll do damage
control until someone

with the right powers shows up.

[BACKDRAFT] There are still
plenty of people to save.

Don't worry, I bet every hero

in the city's coming.

I'm sorry, kid.

You'll just have to hold on
a little bit longer.


If I only had more power,
I could blow this guy away.

Um, this looks bad.

Maybe we should run?

C'mon heroes, you've got this!


Must've dropped him in the air.

I was distracted, worrying
about my time limit.

I can't believe I made
such a rookie mistake,

and after lecturing
that kid about

what it takes to be a hero.

I'm pathetic.

He'll never be a hero.

Better to find out now
instead of later, I guess.

[ALL MIGHT] Make sure your
dreams are attainable.

[IZUKU sighs]

Even All Might said it.

A hero needs a Quirk.

Don't cry, dammit.

Deep down, you knew
this all along.

You've just been
avoiding reality.

That's why you were
trying so desperately

to prove yourself wrong.



That's strange.

Is the fight from earlier
still going on?

Why am I here?

Did I subconsciously walk
this way to check it out?

I shouldn't even stop.
All my notes are useless.



That's the guy who att*cked me!


[IZUKU] That can't be right.
All Might captured him.

[IZUKU] But the bottle...
If he dropped it...

That means... It's my fault.

Why aren't the
heroes doing anything?

[ONLOOKER 2E] It looks like
they've met their match.

Plus, the villain
captured a kid.

Things aren't looking
good for him.


He caught someone?

I wonder how long
they've been in there.

How can they survive
being suffocated like that?

I thought I'd die after only
a few seconds of struggling.

Oh, man.

Wait, I'm confused.

Isn't that the villain All Might
was chasing earlier today?

[IZUKU gasps]

What? All Might?!

No way he lost, where is he?

Well, can someone
call him or something?

‐‐[ALL MIGHT gasps]

Why hasn't he shown up
to help the heroes?

[ALL MIGHT groans]

[IZUKU whimpers]

I'm the one to blame.

He wasted his energy on me.

I'm worthless.

He can't power up yet.

And none of the other
heroes have the Quirks

to stop this monster.

So pathetic...

[IZUKU] It's my fault.
I'm sorry. So sorry.

A disgrace.

[IZUKU] Help will show up
and save the day, I'm sure.

I'm not a real hero.

[IZUKU] Someone...
A real hero will come soon.

[SLUDGE VILLAIN 1A growling]

[KATSUKI grunting]

[IZUKU gasps]

[IZUKU grunts]

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

[HEROS gasp]

[IZUKU panting, grunting]

No, you idiot! Stop!

You're gonna get
yourself k*lled!

Not this brat again.


What am I doing?

Why am I running?
Why can't I stop?

You're toast, kid!

[IZUKU panting]

What do I do?

What would a hero do right now?

Page 25! Right!


Take this!

grunts, groans]

[gasps, coughs]


[IZUKU grunting]

What the hell? Why are you here?

I dunno. My legs...
They just started... moving!

[KATSUKI grunts]

[IZUKU grunts]

[IZUKU] I don't know
why I did what I did.

‐‐[DOCTOR 1A] Sorry, kid...
‐‐[IZUKU] I'm the one to blame.

[KATSUKI] You really think
they'd let someone like you...

[IZUKU] He's the coolest
in the universe!


‐‐I've wanted to be a hero...
‐‐[ALL MIGHT] I honestly don't

think you can become a hero...

[IZUKU] There's always
a smile on his face...

Maybe it was the
look on his face.


I couldn't just stand there
and watch you die!

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

Get the hell off me!

[ALL MIGHT] I have to do
something. No matter the cost.

Just a little bit longer, kid.

And I'm done playing with you!

[DEATH ARMS] Save the boy!
This thing'll k*ll him!

[IZUKU grunting]

I really am pathetic.

[gasps] All Might. But...

I told you the traits
that make a great champion,

But I see now I wasn't
living up to my own ideal.

Pros are always
risking their lives!

That's the true test of a hero!

Damn you, All Might!

Detroit... Smash!

[MT. LADY grunts]

[HEROS grunting]

[ALL MIGHT panting]


It's raining.

[ONLOOKER 2G] Don't tell me
all that wind just now was...

[ONLOOKER 2J] Look at
the clouds. They're moving!

Holy crap.

He changed the weather.

Did that really just happen?

[CROWD cheers]

[ONLOOKER 2J] He changed the
weather with a single punch,

like it was nothing!

All Might saved the day
again, he's amazing!

[CROWD cheers]

After that,

the heroes collected all the
scattered mounds of sludge.

And the villain went into police
custody where he belonged.

[KAMUI WOODS] You moron.
Do you have a death wish?

There was absolutely no reason

for you to put yourself
in danger like that!

[IZUKU] I got chewed out
by the heroes, big time.

While Kacchan was praised
for his bravery.

Man, you're tough, kid!

And that Quirk
is somethin' else!

When you wanna go pro,
head over to my agency first!

I'd love for you to be my
sidekick while you're training!

[IZUKU] I wanted to
apologize to All Might,

but he was swarmed
by interviewers.

I didn't wanna interrupt.

I can always try
to send a message

through his website
when I get home.


[gasps] Kacchan?



I would never ask for a
weakling like you to help me.

Don't think you can
look down on me.

Huh? Got that?
I was fine by myself.

You're just a Quirkless failure

who won't even cut it
as a rent‐a‐cop.

You didn't help me.
You did nothing.

Don't forget it.

I don't owe you anything!

What was that?

Kacchan is right, though.

It's not like I actually did
anything to help today.

But... At least I tried.

Guess now I should get back
to giving up on my dreams.

I am here!

[IZUKU screams] All Might!
Where'd you come from?

Uh, how'd you get rid
of all those reporters?

[laughs] I stand for justice!

Not soundbites! Because I‐‐

I am All Mi‐‐

[IZUKU screams]

[ALL MIGHT coughs]

Young man. I came
here to thank you.

And also to discuss your
question from earlier.


[ALL MIGHT] If I you hadn't
told me about your life...

If you hadn't run
into that fight...

...I would've been
a worthless bystander

watching from the crowd.

So thanks.

Oh, no.

It was my fault he was
there to begin with.

I got in the way
of your hard work.

I wasted your energy.

And... not to mention your time.

I'm not done.

You told me you
didn't have a power.

So when I saw this
timid, Quirkless boy

try to save a life.

It inspired me to act, too.


[ALL MIGHT] There are
stories about every hero.

How they became great.

Most have one thing in common.

Their bodies moved

before they had
a chance to think.

Almost on their own.

[IZUKU sniffles]

For some reason,

I remembered my mother's
words in that moment.

I'm sorry, Izuku.

I wish things were different.


And today, that's what
happened to you.


You never told me, Mom.

Back then... The thing
I wanted you to say...

The words I needed to hear.

Young man. You, too,
can become a hero.


Dreams can become reality.

Oh, by the way.

I forgot to mention
that this is the story

of how I became the
world's greatest hero.

Young man!

I have deemed you
worthy of inheriting

the glorious power of All Might!

Wait. What do you mean inherit?

When you're ready,

you'll take my unstoppable
Quirk. One For All!

So... It's that easy?

I can become a hero,
just like that?

[ALL MIGHT laughs]
Of course not, kid,

not with that frail
body of yours.


Next time: "Roaring Muscles!"

[ALL MIGHT] Midoriya is
going to be super buff

by the time I'm
through with him!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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