01x03 - (D) Roaring Muscles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x03 - (D) Roaring Muscles

Post by bunniefuu »

The world's most popular hero.

All Might! Age unknown.
Quirk unidentified.

He broke onto the hero scene

and was an immediate hit,
thanks to his abilities.

Ever since he appeared,

crime rates have
drastically decreased.

His very existence, a deterrent
for many would‐be villains.

The world's a safer place.

They don't just call him
the Symbol of Peace.

It's what he is.

And this pillar of
justice said to me:

[ALL MIGHT] Young man.
You, too, can become a hero.

Midoriya? You're kidding...

...Quirkless wannabe.

You really think they'd
let someone like you in

when they could have me?

[DOCTOR 1A] Sorry, kid,
it's not gonna happen.

I'm sorry, Izuku.

[IZUKU] I needed someone
to tell me that.

And then...

The person I admire most
in this world did.


Part of me never thought
I'd hear those words.

Much less from him.

I deem you worthy of my power.
My Quirk is yours to inherit.

[IZUKU gasps]


Wait. What do you mean inherit?

Inherit what?

[laughs] You should
see your face right now.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna
force this thing on you.

Listen well, young man.

This is your choice.

Do you wanna accept
my awesome power or not?

Wh‐What is he talking about?

What is this?

There are a couple
things you should know

about my abilities.

[IZUKU gasps]

[ALL MIGHT] Journalists
always guess my Quirk

is super strength or some
kind of invulnerability.

When people ask in interviews,

I always make a joke
and dodge the question.

That's because the
world needs to believe

that their Symbol of Peace
is just a natural born hero,

like any of them.

But I'm not.

There's nothing natural
about my ability.

I wasn't born with this power.

It's a sacred torch
that was passed on to me

from someone else.

Someone gave you
this Quirk? No way.

Yes way. And you're next.

I can give you my abilities.

[IZUKU] Wait. Hold on,
this is a lot to process.

It's true that there's
a lot of debate

as to what your
Quirk actually is.

Nobody's ever figured it out‐‐

It's one of the world's
greatest mysteries.

People are constantly
talking about it online.

But, well, the idea
of passing on a Quirk

or inheriting it just doesn't
make any sense to me.

I've never heard anything
like that before.

Powers are supposed to be
unique to each individual.

I mean, since the first
superpowers, no one's ever

been able to just
give someone else

their power like
a present. That's crazy.

If this is true, it would
cause us to rethink

everything we know about
Quirks to begin with.

‐‐All bets are off the table.
‐‐[ALL MIGHT] Uh, sounds like

[ALL MIGHT] you're overthinking
this whole "inheriting" thing.

Stop nerdin' out!


You'll have to
adjust your reality

and accept this new truth!

I can transfer my Quirk
to someone else.

And that's just one facet
of my secret abilities.

The true name of my power
is One For All.

One... For... All.


One person improves the power,

then hands it off
to another person.

It continues to grow
as it's passed along.

It is this cultivated power

that allows me to save those
who are in need of a hero.

The truth behind my strength.

But why would you
choose to give me

a gift like that? What if
I can't live up to it?

[ALL MIGHT] I was on a long
hunt for a worthy successor.

And then, I watched
you jump into action

as the rest of us stood idly by.

You may just be
a Quirkless fanboy.

But you tried to save that kid.

You acted like a hero.



You gotta stop cryin' so much
if you want my Quirk.

Come on, kid.

[IZUKU whimpers]

[IZUKU] He's said so much
to encourage me.

He even told me the secret
behind his powers.

Is this...

Is this what I've been
waiting for all these years?

How can I turn him down?

Okay, I'll do it. Yes!

No reluctance.

That's exactly how I
figured you'd respond.

But it wasn't that simple.

Receiving All Might's
power turned out

to be no easy task.
As I'd soon find out.

[IZUKU grunting]

Hey, hey, hey.

It's pretty comfy up
on this fridge,

how are you doing down there?

[IZUKU grunts]

People move these
every day, y'know.

And most of them don't even
have any super strength.

Well, yeah, but...

There's an extra 600 pounds
with you sitting on top of it

Nah, I've lost weight,
so I'm down to 560 these days.

In this form, at least.

Great, much better.

Why do you have me
dragging trash

across the beach, anyway?

[laughs] Take a
look at yourself.

You're not ready for my power.

[gasps] But I thought you
said that I was worthy!

[IZUKU screams]

[ALL MIGHT] I'm talking
about your weak body.

My Quirk, One For All,
is a whole lot to handle.

The combined physical
abilities of everyone

who's ever used it creates
a hurricane of pure force.

An unprepared body
can't fully inherit it.

Your arms and legs would
sh**t off if you tried to.



So this whole trash thing
is really some kind of

hardcore gym workout.
And... you're my trainer.

You got it. But there's
another reason, too.

I did a little online
research yesterday.

Turns out this part of the
beach used to be beautiful,

but it's been a total mess
for the last few years.

That's right.

Because of the ocean currents,

anything that's dropped in
the water ends up here.

People take advantage of that
when they're illegally

dumping their trash.

Now, all the locals
avoid this place.

Heroes these days are
all about showing off

and capturing flashy villains.

Things were different
before Quirks.

Service was what mattered.

Back then, heroes were those
who helped the community.

Even if it was kinda boring.

You will restore the coastline

for this entire
section of the beach.

That is the first step
on your path, young man.

Towards being a hero.

Um... All this?

But... There's so much.
That's impossible!

Young Midoriya, you
wanna go to UA, right?

Well, yeah. Of course!
You went there.

So it must be the best
school around, right?

It's a long shot. But still.
I'm gonna sh**t for the moon.


[ALL MIGHT] You've got
a lot of spirit, fanboy!

But, as I've mentioned before,

hero‐ing isn't easy
to do without a Quirk.

It's not fair, but
that's the reality.

And UA is the hardest
hero course to get into.

So that means...

...that I have to
prepare my body

for your Quirk really fast.

UA's exam is in ten months!

Not to worry, kid.
I've got you covered.

With the help of my handy "Aim
to Pass: American Dream Plan!"

Follow this to the
letter and the beach

will be cleaned up just in time.

I also detailed every other
aspect of your life

while I was at it.

Even my sleep is scheduled.

[ALL MIGHT] If I'm being honest,
this is going to be super hard.

Think you're up to it?

Yeah, sure I am.

I have to work way harder
than anyone else to get in.

So what choice do I have, right?

Just like that,

I began ten months
of absolute hell.


[ALL MIGHT] Come on, put your
back into it, Midoriya!

It's not gonna move itself!


[IZUKU] I'm using
different muscle groups

depending on the size and shape
of the trash I'm hauling.

Let's go, let's go!

The clock is ticking
and ten months

will be over before you know it!

Don't you give up!
It's time to go beyond!

So you see,

with the appearance of Quirks,
the Building Standards Act

in place had to be...

So tired. But I gotta focus.

It'd be better if I
could finish cleanup

a week before the exam.

That means I've only
got 294 days left.

If I take recovery
periods into account,

assuming I'll be
resting two days

between each hard
workout, then...

That gives me about 98
days of actual training,

even at my most efficient.

I can get in around five hours
every morning and night,

so that's 490 hours.

Also, I'll need to
make sure I'm hitting

every muscle group, which means
I need to pay attention

to the type of work I'm doing
on the beach every day.

I could start sneaking
in extra workouts

and lifting weights
on my own, I suppose.

Yeah, yeah.

That would help me
focus my workouts

and isolate specific muscles.

But it'll cost me time.
Lots of it.

I'll have to cut back
on the hours of sleep

All Might scheduled for me,
but independent training

could help me catch up
a little bit more.


Hey! Midoriya!

[IZUKU yelps]

I know you had a
run‐in with a villain.

But pull yourself together, kid!

If you really wanna
get into UA,

you might actually
have to know something.

[IZUKU] Oh, right,
I've gotta study, too.

You hear him? Nuts!


[IZUKU grunting]






[IZUKU wretches]

[ALL MIGHT groans]

[IZUKU grunting]


‐‐[GIRLS squeal]
‐‐[ALL MIGHT laughs]

[IZUKU panting]

‐‐[IZUKU groans]

[ALL MIGHT sighs]
Hey, hey, kid, look alive now!

You've only got
three months left!

What, are you gonna give up
after all this work?

Wanna flush it all
down the toilet

and take it easy?

You're overworked.

The "Aim to Pass:
American Dream Plan"

was created with
your body in mind.

It was fine‐tuned to
ensure your progress

was swift but manageable.

Which means...

You haven't been sticking to it.

You're overdoing things;

that's gonna have the opposite
effect of what we want!

I have to work harder.

Or I won't stand a chance
against the other applicants.

I don't just want into
UA, I want to excel.

I want... to be like you.

I want...

...to be the greatest
hero in the world!

So I'll keep on trying.

Until I've got what
it takes to do that.

I want people to see my
fearless smile and feel safe.

And be just like you!

Gotta hand it to the kid.

He's given a lot of
thought to the future.

That fighting spirit's

what I like about you, fanboy!
It serves you well.

I do get your concerns.

That said. Now's not the time
to go and rush progress.

Fear not! I can get
you back on track.

Leave it to this old man
to adjust your plan!

[IZUKU weakly] You're not
an old man, All Might.

[ALL MIGHT laughs]

[car door slams]

And suddenly...

It was the morning of the exam.

[IZUKU screams]

[IZUKU screaming]

Hey, hey, holy crap, kid.

You even cleaned up outside
the area I told you to.


There's not one speck of
trash left on this beach.

Only a few minutes to spare.

But you exceeded
my expectations!

Holy... Stinkin'... Supercrap!

Excellent work.

I finished everything.

All Might. I did it. Do you
think I'm ready now?

Yeah, you did good, kid.

I gotta say, I'm impressed.

I knew you had it in you,
but this is beyond.

Look at this.


It's you crying ten months ago.

Look how far you've come.

Such improvement!

There's still a long
road ahead of you

before you can inherit
my full power set.

But it's starting to
look like you can do it.

All Might... Do I deserve
this? Are you sure?


[IZUKU] You put so much time
and energy into helping me.

How did I end up so lucky?


[ALL MIGHT] Are you really
worried about that

after all these months?

It was your hard work
that did this, not mine.

Now. For your reward,
Izuku Midoriya.

Yes, sir!

Someone told me this once.

There's a difference between
being lucky and deserving.

One's an accident,
the other a reward.

Never get the two confused.


Take that to heart, young man.

This gift. You earned it
with your own valiant efforts.

And so...

I held out my weak,
Quirkless hands,

and grabbed the future.

Eat this.


To inherit my power,
you've got to swallow

some of my DNA,
that's how it works.

[IZUKU] This isn't exactly
how I imagined it.

C'mon, there's no time.

You'll be late for the exam.

‐‐Eat. Eat. Eat!
‐‐[IZUKU yelping]


Made it just in time.

[IZUKU] I was so worried
about missing the exam

that I didn't have a chance
to test out my new power.

Eat this.

I may have swallowed the hair,

but I don't feel like anything
great has happened to me yet.

Stupid Deku.

[gasps] Kacchan!

Get out of my way, now,
before I set you on fire.

[yelps] Oh hey, g'mornin'.

Um, let's just both do
our best out there, okay?

Good luck!

I think that's the
kid who withstood

the sludge villain.
His name's Bakugo, right?

Yeah, he's the real deal.

Ever since that day,

Kacchan's been taking
it easier on me.


[IZUKU] I guess I was just
scared out of habit.

But I'm not defenseless anymore.


I have to remember all
the work I've put in.

Thanks to All Might,

I'm actually going to be a hero.

Or I'll just die.


Heh. Are you okay?


I stopped you with my Quirk.

I'm sorry I didn't
ask first. But...

I figured you wouldn't
mind me catching you.

Isn't this all, like,
way nerve‐racking?

Uh, I, uh...

Well, guess I'll see you inside.


[IZUKU] Holy whoa,
I just talked to a girl!

[IZUKU laughs]

What's up, UA candidates?

Thanks for tunin' in
to me, your school DJ.

C'mon. And lemme hear ya!

Keeping it mellow, huh?

That's fine, I'll skip
straight to the main show.

Let's talk about how
this practical exam

is gonna go down, okay?

Are you ready? Yeah!

Oh my goodness, it's the
Voice Hero, Present Mic.

So cool!

I listen to his radio show
every day of the week.

It's so crazy nuts that
all the UA teachers

‐‐are pro heroes.
‐‐Will you shut up?

Like your application said,

today you rockin' boys and
girls will be out there

conducting ten‐minute
mock battles

in super‐hip urban settings.

Gird your loins, my friends.

After I drop the mic here,
you'll head to your

specified battle center,
sound good?


I see. They're splitting us up

so we can't work with
any of our friends.

Yeah. You're right.

Our examinee numbers
are one after the other,

but we're assigned to
different battle centers.

Get your eyes off my card.

Damn. I was really looking
forward to crushing you.

Okay, okay, let's
check out your targets.

There are three types of faux
villains in every battle center.

You'll earn points based on
their level of difficulty,

so better choose wisely.

Your goal in this trial
is to use your Quirk

to raise your score by
shredding these faux villains

like a mid‐song guitar solo.

But, check it!

Make sure you're
keep'n things heroic.

Attacking other examinees
is a UA no‐no, ya dig?

[TENYA] Excuse me, sir,
but I have a question.

Hit me!

On the printout,

you've listed four types
of villains. Not three.

With all respect,

if this is an error on
official UA materials,

it is shameful.

We are exemplary students.

We expect the best from
Japan's most notable school.

A mistake such as this won't do.

Additionally, you with
the unkempt hair.


You've been muttering
this entire time.

Stop that.

If you can't bother to take
this seriously, leave.

You're distracting
the rest of us.


[STUDENTS laugh]

All right, all right.

Examinee number 7‐1‐1‐1.

Thanks for calling in
with your request.

The fourth villain type
is worth zero points.

That guy's just an obstacle
we'll be throwing in your way.

There's one in
every battle center.

Think of it as a hurdle
you should try to avoid.

It's not that it can't
be beaten, but there's...

...kinda no point.

I recommend my listeners

try to ignore it and focus on
the ones toppin' the charts.

[TENYA] Thank you very much.
Please, continue.

Oh, I get it.

So they're kinda like traps
you have to get by in games.

The whole thing's like
a video game, huh?

[PRESENT MIC] That's all
I got for you today.

I'll sign off with
a little present.

A sample of our school motto!

As General Napoleon
Bonaparte once laid down.

"A true hero is one who
overcomes life's misfortunes."

Mm‐hm. Now that's
a tasty soundbite.

You ready to go beyond?

Let's hear a Plus Ultra!

Good luck!

Hope you practiced hitting
more than just books.

Well. This is it.

Time to put ten months of
training with All Might

to the test. Time to
give it my all.

I will become a hero.

Just like I always dreamed.
I won't let myself down!


UA High's entrance exam is here,

and every one of us wants a spot
at this prestigious school.

The question is,

will I be able to get through
the practical with the power

I only just received
from All Might?

[OCHACO] Let's do our best
on the exam today!

Huh? Who're you? Holy crap.

It's that girl I talked to!

Next time: "Start Line"!

I, Ochaco, will try hard not

to puke during the test.

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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