01x04 - (D) Start Line

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x04 - (D) Start Line

Post by bunniefuu »

The hallowed grounds of UA...

The school with the best hero
training course in the world,

the place every kid wants to go.

Sure, there are similar
programs out there,

but they don't hold
a candle to UA's,

which is why it's almost
impossible to get in.

The school's alumni list
is a "who's who" of idols.

All Might, the most
famous pro there is.

The legendary peacekeeper,

with the most wins
under his belt.

The Fiery Hero:


Not to mention the denim‐clad,

award‐winning marvel,

Best Jeanist.

Graduating from U. A.

is basically a requirement
if you wanna be a great hero.

And so...

I held my head high and marched
towards the entrance exams.

This was it.

The first step towards achieving
my dream of becoming a pro.


This is nuts.

It's, like, a whole city.

[STUDENT C] Can you imagine
how much it cost to build this?

UA is amazing!

Like your application said,
today you rock'n boys and girls

will be out there conducting
ten‐minute mock battles

in super‐hip urban settings.

Okay, okay. Let's check
out your targets.

There are three types of faux
villains in every battle center.

You'll earn points based on
their level of difficulty,

so better choose wisely.

Your goal in this trial
is to use your Quirk

to raise your score by
shredding these faux villains

like a mid‐song guitar solo.

[gulps] Okay, this is it.

A mock battle.

How come none of these
guys seem nervous at all?

Are they that confident?

Oh... Some of them
even have special gear.

[IZUKU] Hey, it's her! The nice
girl I met at the school gates!

The one who kept
me from falling.

[IZUKU] I should probably thank
her for helping me back there.



He's here, too?

She looks like she's trying to

focus on the trials ahead.

What are you going to do?

Distract her and ruin
her chances to succeed?

No, no, no, of course not. I...

Hey, over there.

That's the guy who almost
bit it out front earlier.

He practically wet himself
in the lecture hall.

Dude, what a loser.

But one less rival to
worry about, I guess.

He's out...

Why do I feel like

everyone's already
written me off?

Right, let's start!


Get moving!

There are no countdowns
in real battles.

Run, run, run, listeners!

You're wasting airtime here.

Huh? [gasps]

I'm already behind!


Hey, wait up! Save
some villains for me!

Just calm down.

This is fine.

I have plenty of time.

I'll catch up to them.

After all...

I've got All Might's
power in me.


Good. You swallowed it, yes?

Yeah, but I don't feel like
anything's different yet.

[ALL MIGHT laughs]
Well, of course not!

Your body has to process
the hair first.


It should kick in after two,
maybe three hours.

[IZUKU sighs]
My stomach's in knots.

And I still need to shower and
eat something before the exam.

[ALL MIGHT] You may have molded
your body into a proper vessel,

but you did it in a
hurry, so be cautious.

You haven't even taken
it for a test drive yet.

The physical backlash of
One For All can be intense.


[ALL MIGHT] There's no time to
go into the fine details, but...

Take note.

[IZUKU panting]

You've got to prepare yourself

before using this Quirk.

So I want you to clench
your butt cheeks,

and yell this from the
depths of your heart,


[gasps] Wha! A one‐pointer!

Target acquired.

Commencing attack.


Gotta dodge him!

Why won't my feet move?

Holy crap, I'm gonna die!

[IZUKU whimpers]

Got him!


A laser?

Merci beaucoup!

We make a great team
with you as my decoy.

Although, I doubt I'll be seeing
too much of you in the future.


What did he mean by that?

[PRESENT MIC] Six minutes
and two seconds left!

[IZUKU yelps]
Not good, not good, not good!

Come on.

I need points, fast!

[IZUKU panting]



‐‐[OCHACO panting]
‐‐[IZUKU] Her again!

Now, release!

Okay, that should be
at least 28 points.

Twenty‐eight points?

[TENYA grunts]

That puts me at 45!

How'd he get so many?

Thirty‐two for me!

Hey, back off, that one's mine!

First‐come, first serve!

At this rate,

there won't be any enemies left!

I'm gonna fail!

[PRINCIPAL] Clearly, the
examinees have no idea

how many villains are present,
or their locations.

They have limited time,
must cover a vast area,

and hunt down every last target.

Some use information‐gathering

abilities to plan
out strategies.

While others rely on speed
to pull ahead of their peers.

Of course, remaining
calm under pressure

can be a huge advantage.

As can pure power
and combat ability.

The most successful students

use a combination of
all these tactics.

They're the ones who rack
up the highest scores.

[TEACHER A] Hm, I'd say this
year's group looks promising.

[TEACHER B] Well, there's still
plenty of time before it's over.

The real test has yet to come.

‐‐Let's see how they react.

[EXAMINEES murmurning]


[PRESENT MIC] Think of it as a
hurdle you should try to avoid.

I recommend my listeners
try to ignore it,

and focus on the ones
topping the charts.

[IZUKU squeals]
Isn't this a little extreme?

[EXAMINEES screaming]

[IZUKU screaming]


Now things get interesting.

A person's true
character is revealed

when they're faced with danger.

[IZUKU gasping]

This is a disaster.

I've gotta run and find
some smaller villains.

Crap, crap, crap.

I'm still at zero points!

Less than two minutes remaining!

What?! Two minutes?!

[IZUKU] Everything All Might
did for me, all that training...

It'll be wasted!


[OCHACO groaning]

I'm sorry, I didn't ask first.

I figured you wouldn't
mind me catching you.

There are no combat points

rewarded for taking on
the humongous villain.

But there is...


A chance to shine.


[ALL MIGHT] To show what
you're really made of.

[IZUKU growling]

So clench your butt cheeks, kid.

And yell this from

the depths of your heart.


That's right.

Show who you are.

Embody what it
means to be a hero.

Nothing is nobler...

...than self‐sacrifice.

This is...

...kind of like when I
tried to save Kacchan.

I moved without thinking.

But now I have a Quirk,

real power.

Just one minute left!




I jumped using One For All.

So, maybe I can use
it to get down, too.

Just like All Might.

Landing should be a
piece of cake, right?


Right, right, right,
right, right, right, right!


I'm broken!

[IZUKU screams]

[ALL MIGHT] You may have molded
your body into a proper vessel,

but you did it in a hurry,
so be cautious.

The physical backlash of
One For All can be intense.

He warned me.

I should have listened.

I can barely contain
this borrowed power,

even after ten
months of training!

[IZUKU] And this is just
a hair of his Quirk!

I got way ahead of myself
attacking that giant villain.

I'm acting like a pro...

...when I don't even have
enough skill to be a sidekick.

[IZUKU groaning]


This isn't over.

There's gotta be
something I can do.

A Detroit Smash!

It's the only chance
I've got to survive.

My legs and my right
arm are broken,

so just one option.

I can do this.

But if my timing's off,
then I'm toast.

Even if I live,
I've got zero points!

And if I break my left arm too,

there's no way I'm
gonna pass the exam.

[IZUKU screaming]

[groaning] And release.



[OCHACO wretches]

I'm alive.

That girl...

She stopped my fall again.

[IZUKU] Sure seemed to
take a lot out of her.

But at least she
doesn't look injured!

That's a relief.

And now...

Thanks to her...

I still have a chance

to get at least
one point before‐‐

And that's it.

Time's up!

[alarm sounds]



[OCHACO groans]


Did you see that dude's attack?

I didn't think he had
that kind of strength.

Me either.

Looked like some kind of
reinforcement‐type Quirk, but...

There was something else.

If he has such an amazing Quirk,

how come he didn't snag
any points all day?

[STUDENT N] Maybe he was
trying to trick all of us.

Joke's on him.

There's no way he's passing
with a zero score like that.


But you gotta admit, that
was a pretty amazing move.

They're all missing the point.

Don't they see what he did?

He sacrificed everything.

Just to save that girl.

He must have known
how little time was left,

how many points he
needed to pass,

that he was putting
his life on the line.

But despite those concerns,

he didn't hesitate to jump.

If this hadn't been an exam...

Then, of course,

I would have done
the same thing!


The exam...

The judges...

They saw that.

Very nice, good work all around.

You're heroes in my eyes,
every one of you.

Here, reward yourselves.

Have some gummies.

Oh, uh, thanks.

Yes, yes. Don't eat
them all at once, okay?

Thank... you...?

That mademoiselle,

she's the heart of UA.

Oh, my goodness.

You were hurt this badly
by your own Quirk, sonny?

It's as though his body

isn't used to handling
his own power at all.

Gimme some sugar!

Um, what's she doin'?

You're watching a
school nurse in action.


The Youthful Heroine,

Recovery Girl!

[AOYAMA] Her Quirk is a très
awesome boost of healing power.

She's the only reason UA can
hold these reckless exams.

Look, she's saving him
months of recovery time.

All right, he'll be fine now.

Anyone else injured?

I wonder...

What if the exam
has other parameters

I didn't take into account?

[TENYA gasps]

It's possible.


Snap out of it.



Why are you smiling
at that fish?

Should I be worried
about you, honey?

Oh, sorry, no.

I just spaced out for a minute.


Based on my own estimates,

I barely passed the
written part of the exam.

Not that it really matters,

since I ended up with a big,
fat zero in the mock battle.

Not a single point.

And ever since the exam,

I haven't been able to get
in touch with All Might.


I know.

Waiting for the
results is terrible.

I guess.

No matter what, I just want
you to know I'm proud of you,

and I think you're
really cool, sweetie.


[IZUKU] I didn't tell my mom
about All Might or his secret.

I want him to continue being the
Symbol of Peace for everyone,

the number‐one hero.

Besides, he trusted me.

So, I'll keep my mouth shut.

All Might,

somehow, some way,
you saw potential in me.

But I failed.

I let both of us down so much.

I'm sorry.

But I'll keep trying.

A letter, Izuku.
They came, Izuku. Look!

You got a letter!

They're here!

Your test results from UA!



Booya! I am here as
a projection now!

[IZUKU yelps]

Wait, All Might?!

But this is from...
UA, isn't it?

I know it's been a while,

but with great power, comes
a great amount of paperwork.


My apologies, young man.

The truth is, I didn't
come to this city

just to fight villains.

You're looking at the
newest UA faculty member.

You're seriously going
to be working at UA?

Huh? Yes, what's the matter?

Who's showboating?

Oh, sorry. I'll wrap it up,

but I have to show
him something first.

Wait. I have to do how
many of these things?

[sighs] Right! So, moving on.

[clears throat]


[ALL MIGHT] Even though
you passed the written test,

you got zero combat points
in the practical exam.


I know that.

Of course, I know.

It's all I've thought about.

I'm a failure.

[ALL MIGHT] Fortunately,
there were other factors.

But before we get to that,
I have another surprise.

Here! Look!

A short clip for your
viewing pleasure!

Um, do you have a sec?

Sorry to interrupt.

It's that nice girl.

She showed up after the exam

to talk about you, young man.


What did she have to say?

You'll have to stay
tuned to find out!

You know that boy with
the really messy hair

and all the freckles?

It's hard to describe his face.

He's kinda plain‐looking.

Uh, doesn't really stand out
or anything, you know?

She means me!

I was wondering.

Would it be possible to give him

some of the points
I earned in the exam?

I heard him say something about

wanting to get
just one point in,

which just seems crazy.

How could someone who took down
that huge villain all by himself

not have any points in the end?

[KATSUKI] You'd never be able to
hang with the best of the best!

He would've had a better score

if he hadn't've
stopped to help me.

[DEATH ARMS] There was
absolutely no reason for you

to put yourself
in danger like that!

He saved me.

I have to make it up to him.


Please, sir!

Can't you just...

...give him my points!

You have a Quirk now, yes.

But it's your actions
that inspire others.

And that's why I am here.

You see, the practical exam
was not graded on combat alone.


[PRESENT MIC] Thanks for
showin' up to the station

with your request.

But there's no reason
to give him your points.

The kid's chartin'
well on his own.

[ALL MIGHT] How could a hero
course reject someone who

is committed to saving others,

no matter the
consequences to himself?

After all, that is
what makes a hero.

And that's what my
alma mater is all about.

Training those who
would risk their lives

for the greater good.

So, we have Rescue Points.

A panel of judges watches,

and they award points
for heroic acts

beyond just fighting villains.

Izuku Midoriya,

60 Rescue Points!

And Ochaco Uraraka,

45 Rescue Points!

You both passed the exam.


This is some kinda joke?



You have made it.

You're now a part of
the hero academia.


It took a lot of help.

But my life has
changed completely.

And now,

I'm enrolling in the
high school of my dreams.




Oh, my baby!

Welcome, Young Midoriya!

This is UA High,
your hero academia!

I'll do my best

on the Quirk assessment
test today, All Might!

I promise!

Your teacher shows no mercy

and expels students who
do poorly, but, no pressure!


Next time:
"What I Can Do for Now"!

Oh, no.

What the heck are you doing with
your index finger? [screams]

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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