Point Men, The (2023)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Point Men, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

This film is inspired by actual events,

but all characters and situations
have been fictionalized.

On Sept. 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda led by
Osama bin Laden att*cked the US.

The US declared w*r on Afghanistan
for giving refuge to bin Laden.

38 countries joined the w*r,

with South Korea sending
hundreds of non-combat troops.

After losing power to
a pro-US government,

the Taliban turned to su1c1de
bombing and kidnapping foreigners.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2006

Let us pray.

Lord, please bestow Your
grace on this barren land.


And please let the seeds
we plant today take root.

Help the people of this
land to understand that

- Jehovah is their...
- Lord.

- one god.
- Amen!

We believe the Lord Jesus
will be the King of all peace!


Everyone okay?

What's going on?

Open the door!

I'm just a bus driver.

Please don't hurt me!

Open up, now!




Deputy Kim!


What happened?

They were supposed to arrive at
Kandahar yesterday, but they didn't.

That's not what I mean! There's
a travel ban on that country!

They entered Dubai through
Beijing, so we never expected...

Just k*ll me already.

What is this?

They're all from the same church.

What's their purpose for going there?

We believe it's short-term
missionary work.

- What?
- Look!

We demand the Korean government to pull
its troops out of Afghanistan immediately

and promptly release 23 Taliban
warriors locked in Kabul Prison.

Tell the Press Office that all media
should describe them as volunteers.


Run, or they're all dead!

Yes, sir!

- Bae!
- Yes?

- Call a meeting quickly.
- Yes, sir.

- Check with foreign press.
- Yes.

If our request is not met by
then, we'll k*ll the hostages.

We give you 24 hours.


Come out!

What is going on?

Sign here.

Park Dae-sik

A hard stay, right?

Three months. No, was it four?

Can't even remember.

Counterfeiting dollars
was a bit extreme.

Was it my decision?

You said you'd pull me out quickly.

Is this how the nation treats
one who risks his life?

You know counterfeiting
is a sensitive issue here.


Go to Kabul.

Let's not see each other again.

What's with your attitude?

- People were kidnapped!
- You take care of it.

It's 23 people!


Hurry up!

We will soon be landing at
Kabul International Airport.

The time in Kabul is 8:24 a.m.,
with a temperature of 31 degrees.

Please fasten your seatbelts and return
your tray tables to the upright position.

Vice Minister.

- Vice Minister!
- Huh?

We're landing. Please
put on your seatbelt.





How is it with the Afghan government?

The ambassador is doing all
he can, but they won't budge.

Please come with me.

What is it?

He's an intelligence agent.

Are you the negotiator?

What's your strategy?

They like to show they mean business,

so send some positive signal
before they k*ll someone.


Isn't that the freak who was
screwing around in Pakistan?

Yes, sir.

Didn't he get kicked
out? Why is he here?

I heard he helped deal with the
Korean hostage incident in Iraq.

But that hostage died.

Intelligence officers are
so scarce in this region...

They must really be
desperate for agents.


Two days ago, two German deporters
were kidnapped in the exact same area.

I don't understand why the Koreans did
not ask our government for protection.

Especially when they are
moving in such a large group.

Tell him to stop lecturing
and release those prisoners.

The most important thing right
now is to bring them back, right?

Please release some Taliban prisoners
in exchange for the Koreans,

like you did last time
for the Italian deporter.

The Italian deporter again.

That was a very exceptional case.

And it was one person at that time.

This time, there are
many. Way too many.

You are aware that the kidnappers
asked us to withdraw the troops.

Yes, I know.

But the Korean troops were scheduled to
go back at the end of the year anyway.

They gave you a very easy task.

We could postpone it.

We could even consider
sending more troops

to expand the medical facilities
and roads in Afghanistan.

The Afghan Foreign Minister has
decided to hold a press conference.

Here's Director Jeong.

How long do you think it'll
take to exchange prisoners?

It doesn't seem it will take too long.

But America's stance is most important,

so I think you should
contact Washington.

Got it.

Good work.

Yes, thank you!


Tell me the terms of the agreement.

Did you not hear me?

Look, don't you have
any sense of procedure?

Instead of just bursting in,
go through official channels.

I've got no use for that.

Will they really release
Taliban prisoners?

The Afghans will never do a
deal over the troop withdrawal.

How do you know about that?

That's a diplomatic secret
sent over the hotline!

Are you wiretapping us?

I won't let this slide!

What do you know about this country?

People here grind their teeth
at the mention of the Taliban.

The president almost got sacked when
he tried to release a few prisoners.

You think he'll let 23 go free?

Sir, it's starting.

Hussein! Hussein!

"We are working closely with
the South Korean government

to solve this hostage crisis."

Will you accept the Taliban's
demand to release the prisoners?

"Under no circumstances will we
release the Taliban prisoners."

"The Afghan government is
considering all other options

to ensure that none of the
Korean hostages are hurt."

What are those bastards saying?

Jeong, what's going on?

It's from Seoul.

Yes, Chief.

Didn't you say you
reached an agreement?

It seems there was a misunderstanding.

Yes, we'll get it cleared up soon.

We've got one hour left!

I know, but...

The Afghan officials aren't picking up?

What? Not yet...

What's with this traffic?

I'm losing my mind...

Is there any shortcut?

Should we try going through the alleys?



Even more packed here.

Hey, how much time is left?

40 minutes.


Let's take the opposite lane.

Are you blind?

Sorry, sorry!

Slowly. Okay, let's go.

- Are you crazy?
- Are you blind?

What is it now?

How far is it?

It's at the second
intersection, on the corner.

Vice Minister!

There's no time, I
think we should walk.

But arriving on foot...

Hurry, it's fine!


Allah is the Greatest!

Is he still not picking up?

Sir! Are you okay?

Vice Minister, are you hurt?


Director Jeong?

We have 30 minutes left.

What do you think will happen?

I think they'll be k*lled.

How do we stop them?

Announce that we'll withdraw troops,

and contact the OIC quickly.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Changing our stance means
admitting we made a mistake.

If you look at the situation here,

there is no other way.

Minister! You announced a withdrawal?

Are we giving in to t*rrorists
after negotiations failed?

What's the backdrop
to this hasty decision?


Director! The Taliban
extended the deadline!


- By how much?
- 24 hours.

Take good care of the Vice Minister.


- Director!
- Where are you going?

Don't you think you
should see a doctor first?

I thought we had an agreement.
Why did you back down?

Don't be upset.

We think it is very regretful

that the Korean government had
to give in to the Taliban's demand.

We feel the same that the Afghan
government broke our agreement!

All you care about is getting
the hostages released.

But we have to keep
fighting the Taliban,

even after you leave.

Please understand that for us,

this is a very complicated decision.

Listen to me.

What does it take to
release the prisoners?


Or American consent?

Answer me. Next time,
there may be no extensions.

Don't get desperate.

This is exactly what the Taliban want.

You sound like you
don't care if they die.

They are innocent
people. Just civilians!

You really believe they are innocent?

Excuse me?



I have a very urgent
matter I have to attend to.

- If you don't mind.
- No, no!

We are not done.

A German hostage has been m*rder*d.

Next will be a Korean.

Mr. Jeong.

Do you believe what the Taliban
really want is the prisoners' release?

Are you saying there's something else?

I think we already told you.


Do you know this guy?

You seen him?

- Salaam.
- Salaam.

Do you know this guy?

Ask at the second floor
restaurant across the street.

Hurry up!

Are you Qasim?

What is he saying?

Qasim is busy now.

Qasim doesn't know Korean.


Lee Bong-han!

You know me?

Come outside.

If you're tired, move to a hotel.

No, I have to hold down the fort.

Are you okay?

The Afghans said we could
pay a ransom for the prisoners?

Why didn't you tell me?

Bargain with t*rrorists?

Are you out of your mind?

What did the Germans get
for sticking to their principles?

Their hostage was m*rder*d!

I'll report to the Minister.

The world will see us as
pushovers if word gets out!

Our aim is to prevent killings,
not protect our reputation!

Everyone here knows that!

Sit still for now.

The intelligence service said
they'll solve it in two days.

Two days?

We only have a day.

What can the NIS do?

The Jirga!

The Jirga.

The Jirga is a council of
Afghan tribal leaders.

In a practical sense, all issues in
Afghanistan are decided by them.

If they issue a decision,

the hostages can be released
without an exchange of prisoners.

Currently, our elite agent and a local
coordinator are making contact.

What's wrong?

What? Let's go.

He says the mule must rest.

Or you can pay another
10 thousand afghanis.

What a crook.

We're not even halfway there.

This is the only road?


I'm serious.

Okay, 20 thousand.

And another 20 if we
get there before dark.

Okay? Go.

Dae-sik, you should pay him through me.

Wait up!




This man says he knows Ismael.

They are Koreans.


You know Ismael?

Do I know him?

I saved him by taking him
to the Korean medical unit

to get surgery after a b*mb exploded.

You did?

Any friend of my nephew is my friend.

But what brings you all the way here?

He's asking why we're here.

It's because of the Korean hostages.

It's because of the Korean hostages.

These people came all
this way for volunteer work.

And he brought this
gift as a peace offering.

It's the latest phone.

Rotate to open.

Rotate to close.

See, they love anything made in Korea.

How do you know about this?

You think I'm here to play?

You said there's no road.

There isn't... it's all minefields.

Damn you!

I'm Jeong Jae-ho, representing
Korean government.

Nice to meet you.

This is Jeong Jae-ho.

He's a representative of
the Korean government.


Come in.

Hello, I'm Afghanistan's only
Pashtun-Korean interpreter,

Abdul Kareem Qasim...

Qasim for short, just call me Qasim!

You're a Korean? That's amazing.

- I'll need your help, then.
- Yes.

What are you doing here?

What? I am cooperating.

Don't you dare butt in here.

Step aside. I'll handle this my way.

This place has its own rules.

We don't have time for this.
23 lives depend on us.

Sir, please calculate
my fee separately.

A professional negotiator like
you is really in another class!

A hospital in the chief's
name, building a school...

That's not class, it's cash.

So a new mobile phone is more classy?

You both work for the
country, no need to bicker.

Doesn't matter what path you
take to get to the same place.

And the phone did the trick. Nice job.

Is he really a key
figure within the Jirga?

For sure.

He's royal family.

Royal family?

Family lines are important in Islam.

There are some families
even the Taliban can't touch.

So we need to win
over that tribal chief.

Korean! Join us.

I think they're testing us.


Don't underestimate their pride.

If you refuse, they'll think
you don't respect them.

Have a smoke!

That isn't tobacco, it's a
strong strain of hashish.

One more time!

He says to smoke more, but don't do it.

I'm fine!


Someone's coming...

He said he'll help us.

He said the hostages will be
safe as we discuss the matter.

They're helping us because
they want to show

that Islam respects honor
and is welcoming to guests.


They decided to let them go.

Really? For real?


Great work, really!

Thank you!

I'll buy you a drink back in Korea!

I'm not going back to Korea.

I like this area.

I like feeling I'm the only
one between sky and earth.

Hey! Listen up!

They agreed to release the hostages!

What kind of reaction is that?

Anyway, my great translating

and pretending to know
Ismael played a big part.

You're not friends with Ismael?

One in three guys here is named Ismael.

That tickles.

Have you no fear,
pulling a prank like that?


Now, let's settle the payment.




There's no plane that
can take all 23 of them.

Should I book a private plane?

Who are they, Olympic gold medalists?

Find some connecting flights!

Yes, sir.

What is it?

So why do missionaries keep
taking these reckless trips?

If one dies on a mission...

Don't just stand there.
Call the TV station!

Yes, sir!

In fact, they all wrote their wills
before flying to Afghanistan.


This is the Foreign Ministry.


What you're broadcasting
now is very dangerous.

It could provoke the Taliban!

How can I control their opinions?
They aren't reading off a script.

If something happens to the hostages,
will you take responsibility?

Stop the broadcast now!

How can I cut off a live broadcast?

The Taliban don't understand
Korean, what's the problem?

Sorry, I've got to go.

We're broadcasting.

No, go away.

I'm sorry, but everything is settled.


Dae-sik, let's go!

What is he saying?

He's asking why we lied to them?


He asked why we told them
they were volunteers...

Why are they on TV?


Listen to me. They're not missionaries.

You've got to insist
they're volunteers, okay?

This is unforgivable!

Volunteers! Volunteers!

They're not volunteers.


We're not lying!

The hostages are currently
held in three groups,

with the first eight scheduled
for release tomorrow morning.

The press conference will
resume after a 10-minute break.

What do you mean we
have to pay the ransom?

The negotiation failed!

Every broadcast here
is quoting Korean news,

reporting that the hostages
are missionaries.

Is this true?

Al Jazeera is broadcasting the
Korean feed with subtitles.

The Afghans will mediate
the ransom payment.

Is there no other way?

It's the most realistic,
preferable option now.

Director Jeong, don't be so inflexible.

Why don't you try negotiating
through the Jirga one more time?

It's over with the Jirga, Chief!

Minister, you need to decide quickly.

We'll discuss it, so just wait.

Is that so?

Okay, thanks.

What is it?

An Asian body has
been found in Musheky.

No, that can't be!

Wait, what is it now?

I have to go home!

Let's go check.


These people are from
the Korean government.


For crying out loud...

What's this?


Vice Minister!

I found this on a Taliban website.

My name is Hong Mi-sook.

I am Korean and I work as a nurse.

This is my first time
visiting Afghanistan.

Everyone here is kind
and treating us well.

We are provided with a great
meal and bed every day.

I miss my family.

I strongly urge

the Korean government
take more active steps

to save its people.

What did he say?

He said they never asked for money.

The only way for the Korean hostages to go
home is the release of Taliban prisoners.

We warn the Korean government.

Persuade the Afghan government to
release Taliban prisoners within 24 hours

or we will k*ll more hostages.

Mr. Negotiator, now what?

All right, don't panic.

The Taliban want us to panic.

How can I not panic right now?

Just give me a chance to think!


People are dying while you think!

Watch your mouth!

Have you gone mad?

Hey, stop it!

What are you doing?

- One more.
- Sure.

Neither America, nor President Karzai

will ever hand over the prisoners.

There's only one way.

Direct negotiation.


That's absolutely ridiculous.


Are you afraid to meet the Taliban?

It figures...

The dweeb who spends his
life in an air-conditioned office

would pee his pants when
meeting the Taliban.

Do you know what it means to sit
at the same table as the Taliban?

There is a Maginot line that
can't be crossed in diplomacy.

The moment a diplomat sits
face to face with the Taliban,

South Korea becomes a country
that surrendered to t*rrorists.

It would be a crushing diplomatic loss!


Mr. Diplomat,

you can eat this.

Then send me. I'll go.

Why? You want to make up
for what happened in Iraq?

You think I do this for myself?

Here's some personal advice.

Just go back to Korea.

Staying stuck in the past,
roaming around this place

that would drive anyone crazy.

Save me!

Please save me...

It's all my fault...

Watch, and then tell your government!

I want to go home!


Are you Mr. Park from South
Korea Intelligence Service?

Let me get this straight.

So that broker persuaded the Taliban
to change their list of prisoners,

and we'll be able to get
those inmates released?

Yes, how many times
do I have to tell you?

Abdullah is no simple broker.

He's a British businessman who
dealt with the Taliban before the w*r,

and has intervened in such
kidnappings countless times.

How do we get those
inmates out of prison?

An inside job.

How is that possible, especially
with the U.S. military against it?

Since it's in Ghazni, it's possible.

The central government has
less control over that region.

Jailbreaks happen often.

How much does he want?

Two million dollars.


Mr. Abdullah, until now, the Taliban
demanded we release 23 prisoners.

Now suddenly, they changed the list?

I don't understand.

The Taliban also feel uncomfortable
about these killings.

As the clock is ticking, they are
having internal disagreements.

If given the chance,
they prefer to negotiate.

You are not Afghan. Why get involved?

As someone who understands the Afghans,

I truly want these Koreans
to go back to their families.

No trust.

No deal.

I'm wasting my time here.

Just a moment, please.

What's the problem?

He's settled kidnapping cases?

Then let's check with
the British government.

Everyone working here has
fake names and nationalities.

A background check will take too long.

We have to go with our gut feeling.

Please decide quickly.

There's no time to sit and think.

We need to properly check first!

What if there's another victim?
Will you take the blame?

If she's ready, put her on the phone.


Will this buy your trust?

Two minutes.


This is the Vice Foreign
Minister. What's your name?

I am Hong Mi-sook. Please help me!

Yes, please stay calm.
I'll ask you a few questions.

How many are with you now?

There are seven of us here.

How many Taliban guards?


How's everyone's health?

Not good, especially Hye-young,
she's not eating at all.

Where do you think you are now?
Any recognizable terrain?

I don't know. They
keep moving us at night.


Please just tell my family this.

I'm sorry, and I love
them. Just tell them that...

Ms. Hong! Don't worry, you'll
be able to tell them yourself.


Now what?

One hundred dollar bills. No consecutive
serial numbers. Put them in two bags.

Mix them up.

Dae-sik, there's 100 here.

As soon as we get the money,
you get the prisoners.


Team A has arrived.


Team B ready.

Everyone stay alert, and
let's finish this quickly.

Where is Abdullah?

Where's the money?


Now, release the prisoners.

Should we count the money first?

The prisoners first.

Very well.

It's me.

Release the prisoners.

Yes, Vice Minister.
We counted 23 of them.

It's done.

This heat is k*lling me!

What the...?

What is it? What's wrong?

Vice Minister, look at this.

Director Jeong asked me to
dig up more info on Abdullah.

This is from the
British Foreign Ministry,

and it seems he's a fake.

Abdullah, real name Peter Merchant.

It says he died in Kuwait last year.

Take the prisoners to this place.

The Korean hostages will be there.

May God be with you.

Just a moment.

Director Jeong! Don't
give him the money!


He's a fraud!

Hands up.

Put it down.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

Put it down!

No, don't go!

Don't follow them!




Take him out, quick!


Investigate whether that
NIS nut was in on this fraud!

Find out how much he got paid!

You should've checked if the Taliban
got paid for allowing that call!

You think you're here on vacation?

You bastard. You won't
get away with this!

You're out to ruin us, aren't you?

Please stop, sir.
He's doing all he can.

It's a Taliban general.


He wants to suggest something very
important to the Korean government now.

"Transfer $100,000 to the foreign
account by this afternoon.

Then we'll release 30 Koreans."

He's saying he'll release 30 Koreans.


Not 23, but 30?

Fake Taliban, petty crime
inmates, a fraud broker...



This time, he says he's
the Taliban commander.

He said the deadline
has already passed.

First he's a general,
now he's a commander?

Translate this word for word!

If he calls one more time,
he won't get away with it!

My name is Park Sung-jin.

Born August 1973.

I live in Ojeong-dong, Bucheon.

Mr. Park Sung-jin!

Tell him it's a misunderstanding.
We need more time!

Translate now!

Please meet these people's demands!

Then we can live.

Please save me!

Whatever it takes, we will find
a way to release the prisoners!


We gave enough time,
but you kept wasting time.

Hurry and tell them!

I want to live! Please save me!

Mr. Park, say "Nanawatai".

Protection! Fairness! Mercy
of the Pashtun people!

- Allah is the Greatest!
- No!

Next time, bring me the right answer.

The next deadline is
tomorrow at 4 o'clock.

Welcome, Minister. I'm
Secretary Cha Min-yong.

I'm ashamed to make you
come so far, Minister.

The Taliban have warned the Korean government
that there will be further killings.

In response, the Foreign
Affairs minister

has made a visit to the
Afghan President Karzai.

Will the Korean government's new negotiation
strategy be able to satisfy the Taliban

without causing any friction to
the South Korean-Afghan relations,

and effectively prevent the
Taliban from further killings?


What happened?

They launched a military operation!

What are you talking about?

The military have mobilised in Ghazni,

and there are concerns that the joint
military exercise will provoke the Taliban...

So this is the plan
the Minister brought?

Vice Minister.

Is it true that we're launching
a military operation?

Just a normal operation.

This is a sensitive time,
it can provoke the Taliban!

We need to stop this right now!

How can we stop soldiers from
training on the b*ttlefield?

It's not...

We're preparing for the worst.

If they k*ll any more hostages,

there will be a rescue operation.

Minister, the U.S. military's att*cks
in that area have failed for years!

So should we just sit back
and watch the hostages die?

We're not done negotiating yet.

President Karzai gave a final
refusal to release the prisoners.


Director Jeong, start packing.

You've done enough.
Your work is done here.

- Minster!
- I'll take care of it, so go home.

Then what will happen to the captives?

Minister! The U.S. Army
commander is on the line.

What did he say?

How did it go?

I've been ordered home.


So you're just going to walk away?

And the captives?

You're going to let them die?


I feel bad seeing you leave after
all the trouble you went through.

I'll come visit you when
I'm back in Seoul.

Thank you for your efforts.

Great work.

Let's hear what they have to say.

Hong Mi-sook is my wife and
a mother of two children.

Please bring her back safely.

Please help my wife Hong Mi-sook

to return home safely. Please!

Honey, you must be so tired.

Hold on.

Hello? This is Jeong
Jae-ho from Afghanistan.

I'd like to speak to the
Chief Presidential Secretary.

He's in a meeting now,
so if you tell me...

This is a very urgent matter,
so please connect me.

He can't answer the phone right now.

If I don't talk to him
now, you'll regret it!

Director of Foreign Ministry? So what?

Director Jeong, what is it?

Mr. Secretary.

Let me negotiate
face-to-face with the Taliban.

I'll try to persuade them myself.

Did they change their conditions?

No, but face-to-face negotiations
are our last chance now.

I know how you feel,

but Minister Choi is there
now, so follow his orders.

Director, you'll be
late for your flight.

Hello! This is Jeong Jae-ho!

This is the President.

You really think there's a chance?

Everyone says it's
impossible. Is it possible?

It's a long shot.

But Mr. President, I can't give up.

I'm told we can't
guarantee your safety.

Will you still go?


You can come back alive?

I'll try my best.

My fellow Koreans.

You must be anxious at the news of a second victim

among our people kidnapped
by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

I emphasize, we are willing
to use any means possible

to ensure the prompt and
safe return of our citizens.

Director Jeong, do you
know what you've done?

Our president just sent an open invitation
to negotiate with the t*rrorists!

You know better than anyone what
a stain this is on our diplomacy!

As far as I know, our first
duty is to protect our citizens.

If I am mistaken, please tell me.

We have a message from the Taliban.

The hostages are safe,

and if we send a team,
they'll negotiate with us.

The expected point of contact is near
Mijan, northeast of Kandahar Province.

The U.S. military will provide
protection up to the meeting spot.

It's said they want

$1M for a US prisoner, and $1.5M
for an Italian photographer.

We've got a lot of people.

This is highly confidential.

Thank you so much.


How many vehicles for that day?

- Two cars, eight in total.
- Okay.

Javeed Nurul Haq.

Considered a top-level t*rror1st
even among the Taliban.

It's a group that the
CIA are keen to capture.

This is quite terrible.

He's a notorious figure
even among the Taliban.

Where's Abdul Kareem Qasim?

- Where's Abdul Kareem Qasim?
- I'm here!



Dae-sik, buddy!

Can you please get me out of here?

No wonder I couldn't reach you.

You couldn't stay out of trouble?

It was a misunderstanding.

Should I give you a chance to get out?

Please. As a fellow Korean, please?

- Then translate for me.
- Of course, whatever you...

Where are we going?

- To the Taliban.
- The Taliban?

Have a safe trip. I'll just stay here.

It's to save people.

I should risk my life to save theirs?

What nonsense. Bye!

It's probably better
than getting flogged.


Gambling, drinking, swindling.

You did the full set.

Under Sharia law, you'll get
whipped dozens of times.

Can you take that?

It hurts. It already hurts.

Let's talk outside.


Are you ready?


You being nice is awkward.

Since I may never see you again.

It's a joke.

You know how to joke?

Why aren't you wearing this?

They'll think I'm scared. I won't
give them the upper hand.

Pride won't protect you from b*ll*ts.


No bathroom breaks
during the negotiation.

I can't even drink water?

They're coming.

I heard you were a church deacon.

Why does that matter
when I'm facing death?

I'll pray to the local god.

What is he saying?

Go on.




Why'd they have to come here
and cause so much trouble?

Will you be okay?

With what?

Not calling your family.

Wow, you really must
have wiretapped us.

You know who I envy the most?

Someone with a place to go back to.

They said only the negotiator
and interpreter can come.

I don't think I need this.

Let's go.


Pop this with your molars in one bite.


I'm good.

Hey! Where are we going?

Shut up.

Where are we going?

Director, how far are we going?

I am Jeong Jae-ho, the negotiator
representing the Korea government.

I'm here to negotiate
the hostage issue.

He says it's nice to meet you.

He asks if you brought the answer.

What are you doing? These
people are quick-tempered.

First, ask them to show us
the condition of the Koreans.

- Bring the monitor.
- Yes.

He says now that you've
checked, let's start talking.

- There's one more thing.
- What is it now?

As I'm here on behalf of
the Korean government,

you should prove you are
the leader of this negotiation.

This guy is a bit particular.

What can he do to make you believe him?

Tell him to release three
of the hostages first.

- What?
- Translate, now!

Dammit, this...

He says you're tricking them!

If you let them go now, Muslims all
over the world will be proud of you.

He said he'll let two go.

That it's a gift from Allah.

Hold on. We have to
check for expl*sives.

What the hell are you saying?

Over here!

Oh, god!

Ms. Kim Hye-young? Ms. Kim?

Come here.

Come here!


How did it go?

Kim Hye-young and Lee
Jin-hee are safe with us.


He says it's our turn.

What are you doing?

Come on, say something!

There will be no release of prisoners.


You said you brought the answer.

This is our answer.

If he wants to proceed, tell
him to change the conditions.

I can't. We'll die if I say that.

What did he say? Tell us now!

Okay, I'll tell you.

This will only weaken
your bargaining power!

He said he'll do the
negotiation his way.

He told them to k*ll that woman.

Sir, won't you do something?



I will ask our government.

They're changing their conditions.

He said to free all Taliban
prisoners by midnight tonight.

Let me confirm that.

All of the Taliban prisoners?

That's correct.

If we don't,

they'll k*ll a hostage

every hour.

300 prisoners?

They had no intention of
negotiating in the first place.

Let's go to Bagram Air Base.

Please wait a little longer!

Who do you think you are?

We sent Jeong Jae-ho as our negotiator!

Shouldn't we give him
that slim chance and wait?

If we start bombing now, the
negotiator is in most danger.

I think it's time, why
aren't they calling?

They won't.

Why? Wait a minute...

They said the Korean government broke off
the negotiation. What'll happen to us?

We never should have
given them a chance!

You tricked us.


The Allies have launched
a military campaign.


He said to stop lying.

They've got 21 hostages, so the Allies
can't carry out a rescue operation.

Why did he say 21? Two
got released, it should be 19...

This isn't a rescue operation,
this is a mop-up operation!

The U.S. and Afghan forces just
needed an excuse to level this place.

When the operation starts,

the hostages, you and your
men, and us too will all die!

Are a few of your men more
important than saving many lives?

You yourself provided the excuse
for this bombing. Know that!

I know what you are thinking.

You come here to save those people.

You don't just let them be k*lled.

Tell your government
to stop the attack.

We don't have the power.

Koreans aren't our guests.

You sent the troops here!

You are an extremely rich country.

You can do whatever you want.

You may be a good commander,

but you are nothing as a negotiator.

You know your biggest mistake?

You overestimated us.

Allah is the only god.

Muhammad... Muhammad
is the only prophet.

It's the price of breaking
down this deal.

I will send you the hell first!

The only way to stop the bombing
is to tell them we have a deal.

We are not afraid of American missiles!

Time is on our side.

So is Allah.

Eventually, we are
going to win this w*r.

Why take things so far?

You know better than anyone,

the prisoner exchange is impossible!

Why do you think?


Money? You have insulted us!

Take him out!

Take him too!

He told them to take me
too! Director, what do I do?

These American bastards!

Allah is the Greatest!

50 million.



Remember, Afghanistan
is the graveyard of empires.

Send all the troops home.

Make all Koreans leave
Afghanistan in a month, for good.



Never set your foot
again in this country,



The negotiation is done.

They'll release all the hostages.

Call the Americans.

Good work!

Director Jeong?

Nice work everyone.
We've reached a deal!

You can go back to Korea now.

Thank you.

I take back my comment
on you being a dweeb.

Great work.

No, thank you.

I really wouldn't have been
able to do it without you.

What's this?

They said one has to stay behind.

What are they talking about?

They guaranteed our safety up to here,

so they want to
ensure their safety too.

We're done negotiating, what is this?

He said if we don't do
it, no one can leave here.

I'm the representative of
this negotiation, so I'll stay.

Then as the person in charge,
lead them safely back to Korea.

It's my turn now.

Don't worry. My luck is good.

I will stay.

Let him go.

Get it together!

Be sure to see the director off.

You did well, Lee Bong-han. Go.

Take care of yourself, brother.

"If I break this agreement and disclose
anything about my work here,

I agree to be punished
according to the law..."

Pretty straightforward, right?

Thank you.

We work ourselves to death,
and are left with nothing.

21 people came back alive.

That's true.

The 21 former hostages abducted
in Afghanistan on September 19

have just landed at
Incheon Int'I Airport.

The safety of one anonymous team member

who remained with the Taliban after
the deal has also been confirmed.

This marks an end to the largest
hostage crisis in Korea's history.


The Minister's at the press conference,
but we still haven't figured it out?

What do you even do? Find out now!

Hello, who is this?

You didn't go to Washington?

Or maybe you couldn't?

Park Dae-sik?

You son of a...

So quick to swear at me!

Where are you now?

Why didn't you call?

You know how worried
I was? You weren't hurt?

I told you. My luck is good.

Is that Director Jeong? Me, me!

Hold on, someone wants to say hi.


Director Jeong...

Salaam! Have you been well?

Oh, Qasim! Lee Bong-han!

There must really be no one there.
Working with Qasim again?

Last time in Afghanistan, I
don't think I got fully paid...

You little...

Director Jeong, come quickly.

Anyway, take care of yourselves.
Let's get in touch soon.

Take care and...

I won't say see you later. Don't
want to get into another mess.

Park Dae-sik.

Everyone has a place to go back to.

You know, right?

Peace be upon you.

Did he say he'll pay? No?

Always talking about money...

Let's go!

At 8:43 a.m. today, our
government confirmed

that Marine Star 1 from Dongin
Shipping Co. Of Busan

was kidnapped in waters
off the Indian Ocean,

300 km from the port
of Kismayo, Somalia.

The h*jacked ship carrying
a total of 25 people

is believed to have been h*jacked

by Somali pirates armed
with portable rockets.

We are holding an emergency
diplomatic and security meeting

to discuss countermeasures,

and a response team will
be sent as soon as possible.
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