04x31 - Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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04x31 - Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Stronger than before ♪

♪ Go, Zeo ♪

♪ Powered up for more ♪

♪ Go, Zeo ♪

♪ Rangers at the core ♪

♪ Zeo, Zeo ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Zeo Power Rangers. ♪

Finish them.

Victory is imminent.

It's the Gold Ranger.

It's time for a gold rush.

Way to chase off those Cogs.
Thanks, man.

No problem.

Wait a second.

What do you think's
going on with the Cogs?

For two whole weeks,
they've been starting att*cks

and then disappearing.

I can't figure it out.

Even with the Gold Ranger's help

we can't keep doing this.

I'm so tired, I could
fall asleep on my feet.

My plan to tire out
the Power Rangers

is working perfectly.

They're so exhausted,
they can't stand up

let alone fight.

This calls for a new monster.

( yawning ):
Oh, man...

I can barely keep
my eyes open.

Looks like Adam lost

that battle.

Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

What's the matter with him?

Same thing that's the matter

with all of us.

Yeah, I mean, between
school and chores

and homework and
fighting King Mondo

we haven't had a decent night's

sleep in weeks.

Where have you been?

I tried to contact you
last night.

You weren't home.

I've been working...

Is everything okay?
Are you sick?

No, I'm just tired

I've just been working
on a new project.

Really? Anything interesting?

Well, would you look
at the time?

Look, I'm late.
I really got to go. Bye.

You get the feeling

He's hiding something?

All right, you two.

Our new client,
Mrs. Hufford

has entrusted her most
valued possession

with us for the next hours.

It's a safe?

No, pinhead.
It's what's in it.

Don't let it out of your sight.

Any questions?

Yes, sir,
what is in the safe?

All I know is that
it's priceless

and irreplaceable.

BULK AND SKULL: Well, you won't
catch us sleeping on the job, boss.

Prince Sprocket!

Queen Machina!

Oh, dear! They've both
fallen fast asleep.

Your majesty, please wake up!
I have important news, sire.

You should know not
to disturb my sleep

but I'm awake now,
so what is it?

You still sound groggy.

Are you sure you're ready
to hear..?

Just tell me!

Don't make me ask you again,

Certainly not, sire.

We assembled the monster
you asked for.

We call her Somnibot.


Somnibot's lullabies will send
Angel Grove into a deep sleep.

Klank, come here.

Yes, Your Majesty?

Summon the Quadra Fighters
to take Somnibot to Earth

to begin before the Rangers
regain strength.

Sounds good to me.

If the Rangers
think they're tired now

wait until they meet her.

Maybe I should practice.

♪ Rock-a-bye, baby ♪

♪ In the treetops ♪

♪ When the wind blows... ♪


Hey, pilot!
No falling asleep at the wheel!

( yawning ): Wake me when
we get to Angel Grove.

Listen up, people!

♪ Rock-a-bye, baby ♪

♪ In the treetops ♪

♪ When the wind blows ♪

♪ The cradle will rock. ♪

This is too easy.

( laughing )

All right.
Good job, guys.

We'll see you next class.

- ( beeping )
- Oh, man.

( beeping )

( sighing ): Doesn't
Mondo know when to quit?

( beeping )

Oh, man.

( beeping )

Not again.


Huh? What?

( sighing ):
We got to go.


The zeo sensors indicate
that a new monster

has been sent to Angel Grove.

I'm bringing it up
on the screen right now.

ZORDON: This is Somnibot,
King Mondo's latest creation.

Her sleeping spell
is very powerful.

Hmm. A sleeping spell sounds
pretty good right about now.

In order to defeat Somnibot

we must alter her frequency.

Where's Billy?

I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Rangers, stop this monster

before all of Angel Grove
is asleep.

( snoring )

Skull, no sleeping.

( knock at door )

Hi there. I'm from
Smith & Smith's Locksmith.

I'm here about a safe.

Your boss wanted me

to check it out and make sure
it's working properly.

He didn't tell us anything
about checking the safe.

I'm here, aren't i?

Huh. All right.

In that case, it's over here.

All right.


Ooh. Well, I'm afraid

your roller bearing's locked
into your back tumblers

and caused a twisted
lateral doofratz.

- Oh.
- Oh.

What's a doofratz?

You know-- a doofratz.

Oh, a doofratz!
Yeah, right!

Got to take it into the shop.

How long's that going to take?


Go ahead.

All right. See you in a bit.

( both grunting )

Ha-ha. Sure is a good
thing he showed up.

We wouldn't want to go
through the entire mission

with a busted safe.


( phone quacks )

Detective Agency.

Oh! Hi, Lieutenant
Stone... uh, boss.

Yeah, everything's fine.

The locksmith came by
to check on the safe, and...

excuse me, sir.

Did you say,
"what locksmith"?

That guy wasn't a locksmith!

Almost done, Rangers.

I'm adjusting your
Zeo power frequencies

to protect you from Somnibot,
but I need Billy's help

on one final calculation:

where could he be?

I'm right here, Alpha.

Sorry I'm late.

Billy, what happened?

Where have you been?

Rangers, there is no time.

You must stop Somnibot before
she does permanent damage.

There. Everything's ready.


It's Morphin Time!

Zeo Ranger One, Pink!

Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!

Zeo Ranger Three, Blue!

Zeo Ranger Four, Green!

Zeo Ranger Five, Red!

After them now!

Somnibot, you're on!

♪ Rock-a-bye Rangers ♪

♪ In the treetops ♪

♪ When the wind blows,
the cradle will rock ♪

♪ When the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall ♪

♪ And down will come Rangers,
powers and all. ♪

It's too strong.

♪ Rock-a-bye Rangers
in the treetops... ♪

Alpha, Billy, this thing's
more powerful than we thought.

Can you increase
the frequency shield?

We're trying, Tommy.

( groaning ):
Hurry up.

Oh, ay-yi-yi-yi-yi.

I can't seem to get
an exact fix on it, Billy.

( sighs )

I'm going to go try something.

Just tell Tommy and the others
to hang in there, okay?

Good luck.


I can't stay awake.

( Somnibot humming lullaby )

Hey! This is
a private slumber party.

Sure it is. That's why
I'm here to tuck you in.

I'm not ready for bed yet.

It's time for a gold rush.

Hut-hut-hut huzzah!

Whoa! Whoa!

Ah, our Somnibot has been
reduced to somni-bits.

That Gold Ranger is

a constant source of irritation.

Klank, I want you and Orbus

to reassemble the Somnibot

Yes, Your Majesty.

And boost his power.

I want
the Gold Ranger destroyed.

We'll get to it at once,
your Highness.

I know just what Somnibot needs.

Oh, man, that was close.

It's a good thing
the Gold Ranger

showed up when he did.

ALPHA: Billy!

Where did you go?

I had an idea on how to
increase the frequency block

but by the time
I figured it out

You guys were all right.

I'm just glad that's over.

Yeah, us too.

The new Somnibot, Sire.

I'm way more energetic now.

Splendid. Now test it
on some humans.

Nothing will stand in the way
of my plan this time.

We got to find him, Skull.

If we don't, everything
we've worked for

will be destroyed.

Hey, you! Stop!

You really didn't think we'd let
you get away with this, did you?

Looks like you boys
could use some rest.

Uh, Bulky?

Not now.
I'm placing this fugitive

under citizen's arrest.

♪ Rock-a-bye baby ♪

♪ In the treetop ♪

♪ Somnibot sings,
but humans will drop ♪


They're out like a light, boss.

Very well-done, Somnibot.

I believe you're ready
for the big sleep now.


And won't this be
the perfect vehicle

for our mobile power station?

With extra power, I won't
leave a human awake for miles.

I should hope not.
Let's get on with it.

( alarm blaring )

What is it now, Zordon?

I'm afraid we haven't heard

the last of King Mondo's
evil Somnibot.

Observe the Viewing Globe.

Once we hook her up to the power

Somnibot will be unstoppable.

Man, they'll give anybody
a license these days.

We'd better get
the Zeo Jet Cycles.

Back to action!

TOMMY: Stay alert,
everyone. Let's open it up.

All right, here goes.

( laughing )

That's close enough.

With my new strength

I could zap you
from the next county.

Why don't we show them,

Well, you ready?

Just one moment.

Mmm... I must flip that lever.

Power's on.

♪ Say good night, Rangers ♪

♪ Time to go flop ♪

♪ I will keep singing
until you drop. ♪

Just a little more power.

Nighty-night, Rangers.


The sleeping spell is
even stronger than before.

I can't get a fix
on the amplitude.

What can we do?

Klank's drawing off the city's
power system.

Isolate a line and send
a power surge through.

Maybe it will
short out his connection.

Good idea, Billy.

I am initiating
the power surge sequence now

but it will take several moments
to reach them

Bil... Billy?

Where are you, Billy?

Oh, where
is he gone off to now?

( Somnibot humming lullaby )

Oh, no!

Somnibot, quickly,
put him to sleep.

More power.

With pleasure.

( humming lullaby )

You're getting very sleepy,

Just close your eyes.

The power surge will arrive
in three, two, one.

They're shorting out.


Oh, my spell!

Her frequency's
been terminated.

Let's go!

I can stop them
with my own powers.

And the Cogs can help you.

Splendid battle, eh, Orbus?

Yes, indeedy.

♪ Power Rangers! ♪

Whoopie. Whoop, whoop.

Around and around
and away we go!

Rise and shine, Somnibot.

Ah, it's a "lights out"
for you, Rangers.

Sweet dreams.

We need Zeozord Power, now.

All right, Red Battlezord. Now!

♪ Go, Zeo! ♪

Let's roll.

You snooze,
you lose, Somnibot.

I call upon the Power
of Pyramidus.

Let's do it.

Zeo Ultrazord, now!

♪ Go, Zeo! ♪

♪ Go, Zeo! ♪

♪ Zeo Power Rangers! ♪

I'm not impressed

with your fancy contraption.

I'm invincible!

Zeo Ultrazord, fire!

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Zeo Power Rangers. ♪

Somnibot's been destroyed.

What are you going

to do about it?

( groaning )

Well, just as I promised.

Your safe is...

still safe.

I must say, I am impressed

and as a reward
for a job well-done

I would like to share my most
prized possession with you.

did you hear that?

We're going to be rich.

What is it?

Jewels? Gold?

Tax-free municipal bonds?

This is

my secret recipe

for my blue-ribbon
egg-salad sandwiches.

You mean, all this..?

We risked life and limb over..?

Egg salad?

The safe doubles

as a refrigerator. Taste.

Not bad.

It felt so good

to finally get
some sleep last night.

I'll second that.

Hey, Billy, now that
we're all rested

maybe it's a good time

to let us know

what's been going on
with you lately.

Ah, he doesn't have to...

'cause I've already
figured it out.


there's nothing to figure out.

I've just been working
on something.

I'll tell you about it

when the time's right.

Come on, guys,
put it together.

He's always exhausted

but he doesn't fight
with us anymore.

And he wasn't in the
Power Chamber when

the Gold Ranger showed up.

Come on, Billy, just admit it.

You're the Gold Ranger,
aren't you?

Oh, come on.

You don't really think

I'd keep something like
that from you-- do you?

That's true.

What is it?

Are we rolling?

I'm sorry I'm late.

I was just, uh... my line.

I had an idea on...

Silly me.
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