Testament: The Parables Retold (2022)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Testament: The Parables Retold (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

(dramatic music)

- Our father who is in heaven,

hallowed to be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done.

- on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who

trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation

and deliver us from evil.

- Hey.

(door shutting)

- Hello?


- [Recorder] Dear Theophilus.

(guards shouting)

[Temple Guard] Clear.

It's empty.

- No sign of the fisherman, sir.

He's not here.

- Move on, we keep moving.

(panting heavily)

- [Recorder] Clear, it's empty

They knew we'd come here.

- No sign of the fisherman

sir, he's not here.

- Move on, we keep looking

- He can't have gone far.

- The fisherman.

- Feeling lost, Luke?

- Magdalene, you, you

really scared me there.

I didn't hear you.

- Sorry, yeah.

I guess being lied in our face

is part of the job these days

and it's Mary, please.

- Oh, Mary, sorry.

Where is everyone?

- Oh, they'll be at the

next safe house.

We move after a raid like that.

I saw you headed in

this direction,

I just followed you, waited

for the guards to leave.

- Oh, right.

- Sorry, I guess they

didn't have time

to officially brief you

before Paul's arrest.

- Yeah, I guess not.

- Well, not to worry,

we're safe now

by God's grace, ah.

Let's go.

- To the next safe house?

- Yeah, we're just gonna make

a quick pit stop on the way.

- Wait, Mary, what pit stop?

- There's a small family

that I talked to

that wanna hear about him.

- But what about the raids?

It's too dangerous out there.

The most logical thing to do

is head to next safe house.

- But God chose the

foolish things of the world

to shame the wise.

God chose the weak things

of the world

to shame the strong.

Yeah, it's your Paul's,

it's making the rounds.

Listen Doc, ever since

I met Jesus,

there's been nothing but danger

and trouble practically

every day.

It can't have been that

much different,

you traveling here with Paul.

We're on a mission.

Jesus was very clear,

tell his story to all the world,

even a small gathering.

So that is what I'm going to do.

Are you coming?

- Can I take notes?

- Hi, welcome, come in.

- So, the brothers

do as Jesus says.

They put their nets down in

that water one last time.

Then suddenly, the boat

begins to tip.

Oh, and the nets begin to break.

They have caught so many fish,

they have to call their

friends over to help.

And ever since that day,

they decided to follow

Jesus like we do right now.

The end.

- Another story, another one!

- That's enough Benni,

sorry I know you have to go.

- No, that's okay.

Would you like to hear a story

that Jesus told us?

- Yes.

- Yeah? Let me think, oh, oh.

Now this one's a little

bit confusing

so you're going to have

to listen really closely.

There was once a sower

who sowed their seed.

Now, some of those seeds

fell on good ground,

some fell among thorns,

and some fell on shallow ground

while others fell along

the roadside.

- Excuse me.

Sorry to startle you,

but there's been a mess

with deliveries this morning

and I'm afraid that parcel

isn't for you.

- Yes, but...

- I know, I know, but as long

as you've not taken it inside,

this doesn't have

to be a problem.

- All right, good,

sure, thank you.

- No need to thank us,

just doing what we do.

You have a nice day now.

- You too.

(phone ringing)

- Hey babe, you haven't

sent me a present, have you?

- [Joy] Chantel?

- Joy? You all right?

- [Joy] He's left me.

- He hasn't.

- [Joy] I dunno, I dunno.

- Right, where are you?

- [Joy] I've gone to the club.

- Okay, stay there,

I'll be right over.

- Excuse me, sorry

to startle you.

There's been a mess up with

deliveries this morning

and I'm afraid to say

that parcel isn't for you.

- Oh no, this one's okay.

It's got my name on it.

- Sorry miss, I've been

asked to recover everything

that's been delivered

this morning.

- Well, then I'm gonna have

to talk to your supervisor.

What's their number?

- I'm afraid, that's

not possible.

He's out of the area

at the moment.

- Well, then have a nice day.

- To the single life.

A mysterious present.

- I know, I just heard

the doorbell ring

and there it was on my doormat.

- So what actually is it?

- I have not opened it yet.

- Sorry, I don't mean

to bother you,

but did you say you

got a random gift?

- Yeah, yeah, I did, why?

- I'm guessing you haven't

heard then.

- Heard what?

What's this?

- You really have to be

careful with stuff like this.

- Oh, my days.

- For what?

- [Mysterious Man] There's

been a string of these gifts

randomly left outside

people's houses

and they are dangerous.

Let's not hold back here.

- [Radio Presenter]

Oh, okay, okay.

For the sake of being

devil's advocate,

it can't be that bad.

- [Mysterious Man] I'm

afraid to say it is,

lives are at stake here.

- I'll get rid of it.

- You can't.

We've been advised not

to take them inside.

Contact the authorities

if you find them,

they'll remove it.

Do not take it inside.

- What can I do?

- You haven't opened it?

- No she hasn't.

- [Radio Presenter]

And what if someone has

taken it inside by

mistake, what can they do?

- Well, this is where

it gets tricky.

Go home, make sure no

one sees you and hide it.

Put it somewhere where you

forget you ever had it.

- The loft.

- Perfect.

And you have my word, I

won't tell another soul.

- [Mysterious Man] Don't

tell anyone you have it.

And most importantly,

whatever you do, do not open it.

- Thank you, thank you so much.

- No need to thank me.

Just doing what we do.

- Well, please join

me in thanking

our special guest this morning.

- [Mysterious Man] No need to

thank, just doing what we...

(phone ringing)

- Yeah, what?


Oh yeah, yeah, I know.

Just, I'll be right there.

- What's going on?

- I see what you mean

about his charm.

- Who is this?

- A consultant clearing

up your mess.

- Yesterday, you filed

important paperwork, correct?

- Yeah, what about it?

- Tell me this, how

did you fail to mention

the key witness of the defense?

No, that, that, that's

impossible, I didn't.

- I wouldn't if I were you,

trust me, she wanted you fired

but I think we all deserve

that second chance.

Don't you?

Look, I may have found

a way around this.

It's not a moment to lose.

So why don't you to shake

and make up, eh?

If all goes well, I'll ensure

you still make partner.

- Thank you, thank

you very much.

- No need to thank me,

just doing what we do.

Good book?

What, this, oh, this

is a, this is nothing.

- Good, let's not lose

sight of what's important.

- No, no, no time

for reading now.

- No time at all.

- [Voice On The Phone] Hello,

and thank you for calling.

How may we help you today?

- Hey, I don't,

sorry, I'm new to this.

- [Voice] That's not to worry.

You can take as long

as you need.

In the meantime, you can ask

any questions you might have...

- I'd like to order

more copies of the book.

I got sent one randomly

and I really think more

people need to read it.

- [Voice] That's fantastic

to hear, I completely agree.

And just between you and

me, it wasn't random.

- Oh no, it was... I guess not.

- [Voice] Okay, so how

many would you like?

60, 30?

- 100 if that's okay.

- [Voice] Perfect, that'll

be with you in three days.

- Great, my address is...

- [Voice] Don't worry, we know.

- Yeah, of course, sorry.

How much will that be then?

- [Voice] Again, don't

worry, it's paid for.

- Right, well thank you.

I guess that's it, have

a great evening.

- [Speaker] You too,

take care now.

(dramatic music)

- [PA Announcement] Attention.

The court of the Gentiles...

- Are you alright?

- I'm not used to all

this running and hiding,

it puts me on edge.

- Did you enjoy the

meeting though?

- Yeah, it was good

and nice of you to

include that story

for the children at the end.

- Oh, actually that was more

for the adults in the room.

- Really?

- Yeah, what did you make of it?

- Well, it was the sowing

and the seeds.

- The sowing of the seed,

you didn't understand it?

- No, I didn't.

- That's okay.

To be honest, we didn't

understand it

the first time he told it,

no, he had to explain it to

us afterwards in private.

- So wait, Jesus

would tell this story

to everyone?

- He told lots of stories.

He'd talk like that

all the time.

He'd leave half of his

listeners baffled,

enraged the ministers

and then leave us

to figure out what those

stories meant.

- But why?

- Why what?

- Why teach with stories?

Doesn't that make everything


- You should know, right?

That's what you are

doing, writing his story.

- No, no, no, no.

This is for a friend back home.

A report, more of a

report, words, the facts.

- Okay, can I give

you some advice?

Facts are good.

And words, they can

impact a moment,

but a story, a really

good story,

that can change a life.

Come on, it's just

a bit further.

(door buzzing)


- [PA] Truth.

- Life.

- (Door buzzes

- You have a warehouse, how?

- Generous donation from

the Barnabas family.

Have you met James before?

- As in Jesus' brother?

Yeah, briefly when

I first arrived.

- They're all waiting

in the council room.

James is getting worried.

- Understandably.

- Hi there, Zach.

- Luke, good to meet you.

- Just through there.

Should I? I am...

- [Mary] Yes.

- Everyone should evacuate

before the guard get there.

What about Ben's gathering?

- No word yet.

- Mary, glad to see you're okay.

- Any news on what

happened today?

- I'm still trying to

get a full picture,

but they hit us hard.

Four safe houses breached,

another 20 arrested.

- We've lost the majority

of the food banks

in the city center.

- Why now?

- They're probably

still riled up

from Paul's antics

at the Temple.

- No, that was days ago.

- Truth is, we don't know.

My contacts in the Ministerial

Council aren't responding.

Everything seems to be

in some kind of lockdown.

- It just doesn't

make any sense.

- Unless Paul's giving us up.

- He would never do that.

- It wouldn't be that

surprising, would it?

Given his history?

- Deborah, bringing up

people's history...

- James, the last time Paul

was here in this very room,

he almost split the church.

I'm sorry, but I still

don't trust the man.

- [Luke] It wasn't him.

- And you are?

- Sorry, hi.

- We've met, you traveled

with Paul,

came with him to the

capital last week.

- Luke.

- Of course, he's gonna say..

- Deborah, please.

Well, do you know

what's going on?

- Maybe.

When I was hiding,

I heard some of the Temple

Guards talking.

Sounded like they were searching

for someone in particular.

The fisherman.

- [Temple Guard 1]

Clear, it's empty.

They knew we would come here.

- [Temple Guard 2] No sign

of the fisherman, sir.

He's not here.

- [Temple Guard 1] Move

on and keep looking,

he can't have gone far.

- If he's here, we need to know.

Mary, make contact with

the remaining safe houses,

see if they know anything,

find him.

- Do you want me to come with?

- You'll stay here, Luke.

- Yeah, I'll see you again

God willing, take care.

James, keep it up, don't

forget to eat.

- Deborah, you and I

need to go with strategy

for replenishing food supply.

David you're on lookout tonight.

And Luke, welcome.

Zach will show you where

you're staying.

Try and get a few

hours of sleep.

You never know what God

has planned for tomorrow.

- I dunno what I'm doing.

Everyone here seems

so confident...

Sorry, I didn't know

if anyone was up here.

- Not to worry, just on lookout.

I made some coffee

if you want some.

- No, it's alright, thanks.

I'll leave you to it.

- Join me, I insist.

- I thought David was

on watch tonight.

- It's been a long day.

He could use the break.

Here you go.

Couldn't sleep?

- Something like that.

- Anything I can help with?

- Well, I could use

a comfier bed.

No, just homesick, I think.

- Luke, I've been doing

this a long time.

You're side stepping, tell me.

- Look, to be honest James,

I don't know what

I'm doing here.

I came up this way with Paul

for him to get himself arrested.

I thought I could

use this time to

get to know everyone here,

learn more about Jesus,

write this thing for

someone back home.

It's just not that simple.

- Tell me why do you think God

might have brought you here?

What's he trying to give you?

- Give me, what do you mean?

- It's like this,

God gives to us freely

and the enemy will try and

take what was given away.

Our job is to understand

what we have received.

- The sower.

- I'm guessing Mary?

She loves those parables.

- What about the one

who does understand,

in the story I mean.

- Well, they spread

the good news

of what has been given

a multiply.

Maybe that's why you were here.

- (Radio beeps)

I remember Paul introduced

you as a doctor.

I'm guessing that's of language.

- Medicine.

- Oh, wow.

I guess this wasn't quite the

life you're expecting then.

- No, it wasn't.

To be honest, traveling

with Paul,

I really do miss a good bed.

- Yeah.

- I miss my house, my job,

to be honest,

there's quite a few

things I do miss.

What about you?

Do you ever regret not

going a different way,

making some money, buying

a place in one of those?

- Yeah, sometimes.

- Really?

- Who wouldn't?

But what good is it for

someone to gain the world

and yet forfeit their very self?

- Sorry, I don't quite...

- When you look out

there, what do you see?

- Tall buildings, lights,

glamor, I guess.

- Likewise, look closer.

What do you imagine,

I don't know, between

the buildings?

- People.

Staying in bed or getting

ready for work,

walking in the streets.

- Exactly.

Always surrounded by

the promise of wealth,

the glitz and the glamor,

working every day

to either provide

or strive for a better life.

Thinking wealth is the answer.

There was one young woman

who thought the very same.

(dramatic music)

- Watch it.

- Lacey, are you all right?

- I'm a mess, but I'm fine.

- Some people live

on the ground,

but them heads are

in the clouds.

You're gonna go home

and get changed?

- I can't, I'm gonna be late,

I'm gonna be late.

Bill, when did this happen?

- Well, weekend.

- I'm so sorry.

- It's not over yet Lacey.

- Sorry.

- So, the last interview

didn't go well?

- Yeah, or the one before that.

I dunno what it is with

me and interviews.

They just don't seem to like me.

- Oh, redundancy's tough, okay?

Don't be so hard on yourself.

- Yeah, I can't help it.

Family trauma and all of that.

That was a joke.

- Right, well look,

fingers crossed for

your interview tomorrow.

Okay? It's a good one,

I hope they like you.

Erm, Lacey, I wanted to...

- I'd love to.

- Sorry?

- What?

- I, erm, I wanted

to give you this.

I know your birthday's

coming up and...

- Thank you.

- It's just something we

do at the office, you know?

No big deal so...

- I'll open it on my birthday.

I'll see you next week?

- Good day?

- How's Aisha?

- Well, she's tired,

she's moody,

and she's obsessed with

peanut butter.

- Hey Mrs. Jackson.

- Bill gimme the number seven.

- And for you Lacey?

- Two, please.

- So the owners have

decided to sell this place.

- The whole building

and we can't afford to

buy it from them.

So I dunno what's gonna

happen with the business.

- I dunno why the new owners

won't just let you

run it as it is.

- Well, that's what we're hoping

but the way things

are around here.

- They're driving the

community out.

- You know, they're making

Tim's Butchers a coffee shop.

- Pryor Street is

becoming offices.

- Oh, maybe one of them

will give me a job, sorry.

- Don't you worry, I'm

gonna sort it all out.

- The amount of money you spend

on your lucky deeds Mrs.

Jackson over the years.

- Don't you doubt me.

I'm gonna change the world.

Lacey, any plans for

your birthday?

- No.

- You got to do something.

- Do you want anything?

- Just some of the millions.

- Cheeky from day

one, this girl.

Bill, keep the change.

- Mrs. Jackson.

- Yes dear.

- You dropped this?

- On the house.

- No, no, no.

- No arguments.

- Thank you.

(phone alarm)

Happy birthday to me.

You got this Lacey.

- Ms Kazeem?

- Hi, yeah, hi.

(all cheering)

- [Mrs. Jackson] Lacey?

- Today might be our lucky day.

- Oh, Mrs. Jackson, I can't.

- Take it.

And you can put that

away in the fridge.

(door buzzing)

- I'll get it.


Everyone, this is David.

- Hey David.

- Hello David.

- This is for you.

- Thank you.

- Thanks for inviting me.

- I'm really glad you came.

- Oh, Lacey, you have

a boyfriend.

Oh, Lacey.

- Come on, sit down.

Lacey's got a boyfriend

- Half time is lottery time.

- Okay.

- Thanks.

(TV changes to lottery channel)


- So?

- I actually have been,

I was wondering if maybe

you'd like to...

go out sometime, you know,

like a birthday meal

or something.

That's just something we do

at the office, no big deal.

- I'd love that actually.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Lacey

Happy birthday to you

(all applauding)

- Go on Lacey.

- I'm thinking, I'm thinking.

- Yay!.

- Looks like you ended up

with a pretty good family.

- 46...

- Despite all the trauma.

- [Speaker] 12, 07,

and this week's bonus number 39.

- So did you win?

- Lacey, hi, me again.

Look, I keep missing

you when I call.

I just want to check in, really,

on you. Been a while.

Look, I know you don't need

your job seekers allowance


but, I know things

are different now.

Okay? I just hope not

too different.

Give me a call back.

- We've made appropriate


with mutual funds.

- Watch it.

- Continue.

- As I was saying, Ms Kazeem,

we've invested into mutual

funds, stocks, ETFs.

There's plenty of scope more.

What about more property?

(upbeat music)

(door bell)

- Come on in.


Sorry, I was expecting

someone else.

- Did think you let me

in quite quickly.

You look nice.

- Oh, thanks, yeah, I'm

going to a Gala,

raising money for children

in India.

Oh, sorry for not returning

your calls.

How did you find where I live?

- This house was all

over the news

and I was in the area

so I thought, you know,

sorry, it seems a bit weird now.

- No, it's fine, it's

just, I have to go soon.

- Of course, look, I

don't wanna take up

too much of your time, okay?

Look, this probably seems

a bit random and you know,

there's no easy way

to go about it,

but we were friends before.

- I have a boyfriend.

- Right, well, that's good.

- He's really quite impressive.

He's a CEO, he's got

his life together.

He's a really good

fit for me, sorry.

I just thought you'd

be over what we,

what you thought we had.

- I'm not here to ask

you out on a date Lacey.

- Oh, good.

- I'm here for Bill and Aisha

and their kids.

- I hope you don't mind if

I clean while we catch up

'cause the new owners

are coming in today

and we've been cleaning

through the night.

- Bill, I'm the owner.

I bought the place.

I own the building.

- Oh my goodness,

thank you Lacey.

- No Bill, I'm not being clear.

I'm turning this place

into flats.

- I don't understand.

- Okay.

- He's been meeting me at

the Job Seeker's Office.

They're really struggling

and he's hurt.

- I tried to give him money.

Don't think that

I'm not grateful

for all of your help,

I really am.

And I'm gonna pay you back.

This should cover

all the chicken

and maybe get the kids

whatever game they're

playing these days.

- You took their home

and their income Lacey.

I think it would really

help you know

if you just spoke to

them and explained.

- I'll write the check and

you can give it to them.

- No.

- They're hurt, Lacey.

- It's nothing personal.

- Nothing personal.

Lacey I...

This community.

We looked after you...

with everything,

with your job, with

your mom and dad.

- I don't wanna talk about them.

If you don't mind, we'll

have to do this another time.

You're talking to me about

helping others.

This event is gonna

raise so much money

for children in Africa.

- You mean India?

- Yes David, bye.

- Have you spoke to anyone

from your birthday since

you won the lottery?


Look, I know you have

money now, okay?

But when I was at that party,

that flat was so full

of life and love.

Those people loved you Lacey.

- Those people were

gonna die poor

just like my mom and dad.

I never wanted to be like them.

I never asked to be like them.

Every day it was just

the same thing,

bus stop, chicken shop,

I can't, I got out.

- Oh, Lacey.

- I got out.

- You were richer before.

(door banging)

(door bell ringing)

- I'm coming.

(door bell ringing)

I'm coming.

- Did you know her?

- Who?

- The woman?

- Oh no, no, no.

That was just a story Jesus

told a group of ministers

who kept pestering

him about money.

He told them where their

treasure was,

their hearts were also.

- Ouch.

- Yeah, I don't think they

were too happy about it.

Did Jesus like telling

stories? As a kid, I mean?

- Not particularly more

than anyone else

as far as I can remember.

Our mom would tell us

stories of King David, Noah,

and he'd just listen and

smile like the rest of us.

- [Radio] Code 12-47,

code 12-47.

- Come on!

- What's happened?

- There's been a perimeter


we need to leave now.

- (in to radio) Me and

Luke heading down now.

(alarm blaring)

- My journal...

Luke come on.

- I need my journal.

- Wait, there's no time.

- I can't leave it.

- Come on, come on, we gotta go.

(power surge)

(door slams)

(slow creaking sound)

(chain rattling)

(metal clanging)


- Please, please, please.

(Simon laughing)

Who's that?

- How many times do

I have to tell you?

It's not funny.

- What's going on?

- Did he scare you?

I'm sorry.

You can be ridiculous sometimes.

- False alarm, thank God.

It was two of our own.

Luke, meet Susanna, one of

Jesus' earliest followers.

- Nice to meet you Luke.

- I see you've already

met famous Simon Zealotes,

one of the 12.

- The Zealots are

getting restless,

and after the raids

today, I'm not sure

how much longer they'll

hold off.

They were raided too.

- The Temple Guard don't

distinguish them

from followers of The Way.

- The Zealots?

- They call themselves

freedom fighters,

but they're more like armed

nationalists, extremists.

- Yeah, I know who they

are I just don't get...

- If they retaliate, we

need to keep the city safe.

- There's another meeting

tomorrow night but

they're spooked

but we came here in hope

of some answers.

So what happened today?

- This young man overheard

the Temple Guard say

they'd spotted the fishermen

in the city.

- Do we know if they caught him?

- Sent Mary out to

investigate, nothing yet.

- No news is good news.

- Exactly.

Might not have actually

been him for we all we know.

- It was him.

- How are you so sure?

- He was due to meet Barnabas

today in the capital.

- Barnabas?

- Wait he's back?

- Arrived with his companion

four days ago, he's not well,

a high fever and some

injuries that need looking at.

They've been staying

at my house.

- We need to get back there

and explain to them what's

happened here.

Look, sorry, short

visit but God willing...

- I'll come with you.

- Luke?

I'm a doctor maybe I can help

Barnabas, see what's wrong

unless you have any objections.

- Simon, Susanna?

- The more the merrier.

- It's settled.

Look at that, he's

already packed.

- So this is how you

manage to avoid being seen?

- Old sewer system, runs

under the entire city.

- There aren't many that

know about them.

- And those that do either

don't know their way around

or are far too self

respecting to wade through...


...whatever it is you imagine

you just waded through.

- I didn't wanna think

about that.

- Do you mind if I ask?

The zealous, what

is it they want?

- Well, they say freedom, but...

- They want their nation's

independence back.

Whatever the cost.

- Assassinations, riots,

you name it.

- So why do you go

to their meetings?

- Well, someone has

to reach them.

- And they listen to what

you have to say?

- They listen to Simon.

- How come?

- I used to be one

back in the day.

- A zealot?

- Yeah.

- You were an extremist

when he followed Jesus?

- No, no.

I was when he called me

but after I followed him,

it just wasn't part

of me anymore.

- I still don't understand

why you'd go back to them.

- To tell them about Jesus.

- But the things they do,

they're relentless on feeling.

- And so was I till I

saw the bigger picture

but if we can get through to

them, if they can know him,

like I know him, then

not only will a lot of

other lives be saved

but theirs will be too.

- So you think everyone

will change?

- I think anyone can.

- None of us are the same

since following The Way

and through him we

do the impossible.

We love those different to us

as we love ourselves,

we see those whose ideals

and notions are a world away

and we love them as if

we were their neighbor.

- Their neighbor?

What does that mean?

- It means sometimes it hurts

to love the way Jesus

asks us to.

- I don't understand.

- Susanna, do me a favor.

Tell him that story that

Jesus told the lawyer.

- What? Now?

- Yeah, it might distract

us from the smell.

- Shall I record this?

I'm gonna record this.

- There was once a man

on a certain journey.

- Alight James, you

coming tonight?

- Not here.

- Not ever.

- See you at midnight.

(distant chatter)

- Sweet man over a

chick, you know?.

How many fingers have I got?

- Don't know, five?

(group laughs)

- You know he likes

you though, innit?

- You're good.

Sweet man, look at you bruv.

What's wrong with you?

Over a chick you know?

- Tay, check it out.

- Hey white power, you lost?

I don't think you got that.

Turn around.

- What does he think

he's playing at?

- Oh, I get it.

I don't think he understands us.

Is that right?

Is my accent too hard

for you blood?

- Tay, I think you're

in his way you know.

- Mm, silly me.

I'll tell you what,

if you ask nicely, man

might let him through. Well?

- Let me through.

- Pretty sure he said

nicely mate.

- You people, you don't

wanna mess with me.

- You wanna repeat that blood?

- Move.

- What?

- Is that?

- That's James.

- James?

- We don't wanna attract

any attention, not here.

- Yeah, I know, but it's

James and he's hurt.

- Go another way.

- And what, leave him?

- If you wanna end up like him,

be my guest.

Come on.

- Hello? Are you okay?

Can you hear me, who

did this to you?

Okay, save your strength

and stay awake.

I'm gonna call an ambulance,

all right?

- No police.

- Okay, no police.

Let's try and get you sitting

up, I think it will...

I don't need help...

Not from people like you.

- My name is Jabari.

What's your name?

If I don't, it will

get infected.

This will sting.

You need help.

- No police.

- I know, I know.

I have a friend who's a doctor.

She can help.

- I'm not going anywhere with...

- If you don't get help,

you will die.

I'll drive you.

(phone ringing)

- [Claire] Hey Jabari,

are you okay?

- Claire, I need your help.

Someone is very hurt and I'm

bringing them to you now.

- [Claire] Don't be

ridiculous, you can't just...

- I'm not joking.

Please, Claire.

- I'll get the spare room ready.

- Thank you.

- You're going to be okay,

just hanging there.

- How is he?

- He'll be okay, a few cracked

ribs but nothing's broken.

I'm gonna take the next

couple of days off work,

watch over him, just to check

there's no complications.

- I'm sorry, why don't you

take this to cover the cost?

- I didn't mean that

you, Jabari.

- I know, enough, please just,

if there's anything you

need just let me know.

- Thank you.

- It's okay, can I see

him before I go?

- He's awake.

- Claire will be looking after

you over the next few days

but I'll be back tomorrow.

- James.

My name's James.

- Good to meet you James.

- Thank you.

- So who do you think

is the man's neighbor?

- The one who helped him.

- And so we do the same,

no matter what we may

think of the other.

- That's hard.

- Yeah, it is.

Come on, we've got

a long way to go.

- It's just us, no need to hide.

- I don't know you.

- This is Luke.

He's a doctor.

He's here to help.

- I've heard that before.

- Calm down.

He's a companion of Paul's.

Luke, meet John.

- You know Paul?

- Yeah.

I came to the city

with him, you?

I traveled with him

too for a little while.

- Well, practically makes

us brothers in arms.

Nice to meet you John.

- Mark. Most people

call me John Mark.

- We need to see

Barnabas, alone.

- What are you writing?

- Oh, nothing, notes.

- Medical?

- Oh no, these are stories.

- What? Like children's stories?

- Kind of, I guess.

Yeah, they're all part

of a bigger narrative.

These are the, well, some

of the stories Jesus told

to teach, explain, I don't know.

But he told them so

I'm writing them.

- So you are writer as well?

- Oh no, I mean, this is

meant to be more of...

- Can I read it?

- Luke, Susanna and

I need to head off.

So can you go and look

at Barnabas. He's...

- He's not well.

Don't let his happy-go-lucky

attitude fool you.

- Of course and best of luck

with your meeting tonight.

- As God wills.

- As God wills.

(shallow breathing)

- Oh, here he is,

the famous, Dr. Luke.

- Well, I wouldn't say that

but it's an honor to

finally meet you Barnabas.

I've heard so much about you.

- Oh, not everything, I hope.

Although knowing Paul,

it probably would be.

- All good things, I assure you.

- Oh, well then he left

out all the fun bits.

(laughs, then coughs)

- Sorry.

- Not at all, nothing

to be sorry about, okay?

- Yeah.

- So, any ideas why

we're not feeling 100%?

- On our last mission stop,

things didn't go quite to plan.

I thought I was over it,

but my foot hasn't quite

healed yet and

things have gotten worse.

- Do you mind if I take a look?

Yeah, it's definitely your foot,

leaving it this long has

left you with an infection.

Good thing is it's treatable

but I am gonna have to

cut into it and drain it.

- Whatever we need

to do Doc, I'm in.

- Good because I don't

have any anesthetic

and I'm gonna need a

sharp kitchen knife.

- Would any of these do?

- Perfect.

Thank you.

You staying?

- No, I'll just be outside

if you need me though.

- Some people just aren't cut

out for the operating room.

- Quite, God has made him for

something entirely different

and truly special.

He's why we are here.

- How do you mean?

- We came back to the

capital to meet with Peter.

He wants to take John

Mark under his wing.

- Wait, Peter as in...

- Simon Peter, one

of the 12, yes.

- He's the fisherman.

- Well, he was a fisherman, yes.

Oh, you mean that codename

of sorts?

Yes, that's him.

The ministers thought

it clever to try

and hide who they were

talking about,

but well, we thought

it rather obvious.

Right, let's get this

over, shall we Doc?

Are you ready?

- Of course, yes.

Sorry, I'm ready.

So this is probably gonna

hurt a fair bit.

Best thing to do is keep

yourself distracted,

keep talking, all right?

- Oh yeah, about what?

- I don't know, know any of

the stories that Jesus told?

- Yes, yes.

- Great, pick one of those

and go with it. Quickly.

- Okay, right, good, yes.

- The kingdom of heaven

is like a man who found a

treasure hidden in a field.

- Well how much does

he want for it?

- It's not as simple as that.

There wasn't a number.

- What do you mean?

- He said however much

I think it's worth,

not a penny more,

not a penny less.

- What did you tell him?

- Ouch!

- Keep going, you've

got this, okay?

You might need to stretch

the story out a bit.

We got a long way to go.

- Morning hun.

- Look what Nana found.

- Oh, wow, is that for me?

- No.

- It must be for your sister.

What do you think Shay?

- Stop being silly, it's for me.

- Oh, all right then.

- Come on you, let's

get you to school.

Maybe give that a wash.

- Bye dad.

- See you.

- I'm not sure you've ever

been able to surprise me yet.

- There's no way you could

have known about this place.

- Okay, you got me.

You surprised me today,

well done.

- For surprise number two.

Bet you weren't expecting

that were you?

You like it?

- It's beautiful.

- I just want to say thank you.

You made me a better person.

You're my best friend.

And you've managed those

two annoying little rascals.

I love you.

- I love you too.

Never stop surprising Mathew.

- To new adventures.

- To new adventures.

- Hello there, how are you?

- Can't complain.

- And yet we do.

- Yeah, very true.

- So what can I do

for you today?

- Bit of a weird question.

Do you know who owns the

field over there?

- Yes, I do, me.

Pretty much everything

you can see around here

belongs to me,

including there's pretty

little tractor

as I'm sure you'll agree.

- Yeah, it's a very

attractive tractor.

Sorry about the field.

- It's for sale.

- I'm sorry?

- The field and everything

in it, it's for sale.

That's what you wanted

to hear, wasn't it?

- Yes it is.

Have you had much

interest already?

- Well, I'd say there was

much interest from you,

isn't there?

- Yeah.

How much do you think

of selling it for?

- Tell you what?

Why don't you pay me

what you think it's worth

and if I agree then it's yours.

- What I think is worth?

- And not a penny more,

and not a penny less.

- We need to talk.

- What did you tell him?

- Nothing yet.

- We need to be together

on this.

- Can I see it?

- We'll go tomorrow.

- Not a penny more

or a penny less?

- That's what he said.

- Then give it to him.

- What?

- Everything.

- Where are we going?

- We're buying a field

a few miles from here.

- A field?

We're not even going

to have a house?

- No, not at first, but

eventually we'll build.

- And your granddad's

lending us as caravan

until we're on our feet again.

- Why?

- What do you mean why Jamie?

- Like why?

Did you do something stupid?

- No, no, no, it's

nothing like that.

We found something there.

Something that makes

this all worthwhile.

- What?

- It's hard to explain.

- Don't treat me like a kid.

- We're not treating

you like a kid.

We're trying to discuss

this as a family.

Look, you're gonna have

to trust us on this.

- No, I don't.

- Jay?

- Beautiful, how much

do you want for it?

What I need is your signature

just here to complete the sale.

- Sure.

- Completely furnished, what

you see is what you get.

- Still remember moving in

on the day of the wedding.

- Don't you start.

- Why are we leaving?

- I promise, you what comes

next it's gonna be more

than you can ever imagine.

- But I didn't want more.

- Neither did we until we

saw it, trust us sweetheart.

- Come on.

- [Matt] Hi there! We're back.

- Ah hello again!

- What can I do for you today?

- We'd like to make

you an offer.

- Oh, certainly.

- Sold.

And you'll be wanting

the deeds I assume.

- Thank you.

But, I never told you my name.

- Oh, I always make

it a priority

to know the names of those

I'm doing business with

and those I'm not.

- By the way, we

found something.

- I know exactly what's

in my fields.

Who do you think put

it there for you?

- Thank you.

- Why did you want

so much for it?

- Sorry?

- Why did you ask for so much?

It cost us everything.

- My dear child, I only asked

what they thought it was worth.

Then I'd decide if it was

enough or if it was too much.

As it happens, it was

exactly right.

- And for what? A field.

- I think you should

go and have a look

and if you're not happy,

just let me know.

- Jay, come on, come on.

- What can I do for

you young sir?

- It wasn't everything.

Now, it is.

- Now, it is.

- Take one of these

three times a day

for the next couple of weeks,

you'll be right as rain.

- Oh, good, all done then?

- All done.

You'll need to keep off

that foot for a while.

It's not exactly gonna

be a comfy walk.

That story, it's like

yours, isn't it?

- How so?

- Well, from what I've heard,

you gave everything you

had away to the church

when it first began, everything.

Even when it was hardly more

than a few thousand people,

everyone thought were going mad.

You gave it all away for...

- The kingdom.

- Right.

- Paul, didn't spend much time

talking about the

kingdom, did he?

Don't let him fool you.

It's only because he's

so busy growing it.

- I made us some food.

- Told you he were special.

- [Barnabas] Our father

who is in heaven,

hallowed would be your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will done on earth

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day,

our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who

trespass against us.

Lead us, not into temptation

and deliver us from evil.

- [Temple Guard] We have

you surrounded.

- Run, Simon run.

- After him.

- Barnabas, are you okay?

- Get your things.

- What?

- There isn't much time.

They're coming.

- Who is?

- The Temple Guard, the

zealots were found last night

and they've taken Susanna.

They'll be here next,

now get your things.

- But what about Simon

and the others?

- Get your things Mark.

At the back of the garden,

there's a door onto the street.

Keep moving and keep him safe.

- What about you?

- Speed is not on my side.

The least I can do is

buy you some time.

Mark, let's go.

Run and find Peter.

- Peter? How?

I don't, I dunno how to...

- He will guide you,

- Mark?

- No, God, but you

have to listen,

listen for his voice.


- [Temple Guard] By order

of High-Minister Ananias,

final warning, open the door.

- This way, this way.

- They're making their

way over the bridge.

- [Barnabas] But you

have to listen.

Listen for his voice.

Not in the wind, not in

the quakes, nor the fire...

but in a gentle whisper.

- Luke?

- This way, come on.

- This way.

- That way.

- No Luke. That's toward

the city center.

- Trust me.

- Wait.

- What?

- I don't know.

We just need to wait.

- Follow me.

- Come on.

- Thank you.

Did Barnabas send you?

- No.

- What?

Who are you?

How'd you know where we'd be?

- The same way you knew to

wait where you were meant to.

- Peter.

- Mark.

It's so good to see you son.

- You must be Luke.

Mary said to expect you.

- She found you.

- I certainly did, but

stubborn as always

he refused to leave the city

until he got where he came for.

- Where were you?

We waited for you for four

days and you never came.

And now we've left Barnabas.

- I'm sorry Mark.

I tried to get to both of you,

but there were so many

guards, more than usual.

I was spotted, I am sorry.

- Why was security so tight?

- High Minister Ananias

was on the move

heading North to Governor Felix

to speak against Paul.

- Paul?

You know where he is?

- He's been kept under

guard in Herod's Compound.

- Has he been sentenced?

- I dunno, but knowing Paul,

he's probably making

the most of it

and preaching to anyone

who will hear.

- And those that won't.

- I have no doubt.

- So what's the plan?

- For now we rest up.

Wait until tomorrow for

the search parties to clear

then we get outta the capital.

We head west to the shores.

I have some friends

in a small port,

we'll get a boat from there.

- Okay you, come on

let me take a look.

No, no arguing, come

on lemme see.

- You're hurt.

- Like I said, I was spotted.

- Well, they've stood up.

I mean, you're alright, but

less of that running next time.

- Some nice stitch work there.

- Yeah, I'm used to patching

up the boys.

- You are a doctor, Luke?

- Yeah, yeah, I am.

- He's also a writer.

- Are you now?

- No, no, I'm not.

- Yes he is.

- No, I'm not.

I'm not the creative type.

- You're always write

whenever I see you.

- Okay, yeah but they're

just reports,

research, it's nothing

more than that.

- Are you good?

Are you good?

- It's just a hobby.

- You know the Holy

Spirit tells me otherwise.

- No, I'm just a doctor.

- No one is just anything, Luke.

I might be known now

as a preacher,

leader, I guess but I'm still

a pretty good fisherman.

God entrusts us with

gifts and talents

whether it be medicine, writing,

teaching, fishing,

whatever it is,

but they are not random.

They are given

intentionally with a purpose

and it is our duty

to nourish them.

And then give back to him.

Hiding one away would be like

lighting up a lamp and

then covering it up.

Have you ever heard the

story of the Great Maestro

and three talented students?

(dramatic piano music)

- Bravissimo, played

with dedication,

control and heart, Christopher.

- Nailed it, Chris.

- Well, I'll just do as

Maestro says, play...

- Play every day.

- My very own parrots,

Bekkie, your resilience

knows no bounds.

You mapped it out with

great calculation.

Now let the map go

and let your hands

take you on the journey.

Malcolm, you have the

heart of an artist,

passionate, intense, chaotic.

You must tune your instrument

to allow the music

to shine through.

I regret to inform you that

this is my final lesson.

Don't look so shocked.

This day has been coming

for a long time.

So my final lesson to you,

my most devoted students

is this,

each one of you has

been given a great gift,

talents of different degrees

and of varying amounts.

They should not be withheld,


set aside for a rainy day,

but they should be used,

invested, spent.

Hold out your hands.

Oh, there is an immeasurable

gift in each of your hands

to be used not only for

your own betterment,

but for the betterment

of others.

It is your duty.

Enough from me.

I have shared all

I have with you.

And one day I expect to see

what you've done with it.

Now go forth and share what

you have with the world.

- The only thing we're gonna

be sharing are these coffees.

- You don't think Maestro's

right Malcolm

about bettering the world?

- I dunno.

Maestro always speaks in riddles

so that we go back next

week for answers

but what we ever get

is more riddles.

- Well, there's no next

week, not anymore.

- More time to play,

play every day.

Come on, you don't really

stick to that.

- I do.

- Yeah, I still struggle

to keep up.

- But you guys have

an innate ability.

You both have, they can't

take that away.

Somebody else could practice

their finger exercises

as much as they like,

but they will never

have the raw talent

that you have and I have.

Don't get me wrong,

I have learned

a lot from Maestro, a lot,

but am I gonna play for any old

gig to share my talents? No.

Am I gonna practice for my

Philharmonic audition? Yeah.

Because I know my worth

and I'm not gonna share

for anything less.

- Wait, you have an audition

at the Philharmonic?

- Yes I do.

- Malcolm, congratulations.

- That's incredible, well done.

- Thank you.

- Hello, Mr. Novak.

Yeah, it's Chris from

Double Clef Magazine,

we spoke yesterday.

Yeah, I was wondering

if you gave any thoughts

to that fantastic ...

- Hi, can I get you a coffee?

- I'm on a call.

- Yes, no, I'm fine. Mr. Novak.

I'm so sorry but our system

seems to have crashed again.

Yeah, we we'll call you back.

Hey, sorry, I think I came

across a bit rude just then.

It was nice of you to offer.

Would you like a coffee

or anything?

- Sorry, I'm on a call.

- Hello, Mr. Holloway.

- Yes, this is Ruth calling

from Double Clef Magazine.

(soft piano music)

- Chris, we'll see you now.

- Sorry to hear that, Chris.

They don't know what

they're missing.

- Well, nobody says

it's gonna be easy.

I mean, if Maestro taught

us anything, it was that.

- Yeah.

- Chris?

- Yeah.

- This may sound crazy,

but hear me out, okay?

- Okay.

- Maestro told us to

share our talents, right?

- Yeah.

- Well, what if we worked

on something together?

Not just for us, but

something that could

end up making a difference

to people.

- Well, it's a great idea.

For the betterment of others.

- Exactly.

- I just don't think that

now is the right time.

I mean we're both

focusing on big auditions

and I don't want us

to lose focus.

You understand, right?

- Yeah, you're right

but one day, yeah?

- Of course.

- Well, keep going.

You're great pianist,

it will happen.

- Yeah, I hope so.

- All you got to do is play.

- Play everyday.

(phone pings)

- Malcolm.

- Chris.

- How are things?

Things are good mate, you?

- Yeah, no, no, no, can't

complain, can't complain.

How was that audition

for the Philharmonic?

- Oh yeah, that didn't work out.

Seems like a million years ago.

- But you're still playing?

- Nope.

I'm an all or nothing

kind of guy.

I work in the city now and

things are going very well

if I don't say so myself.

- Well, that's a shame.

What is?

- That you don't play.

- I don't think so.

Anyway, I gotta go.

- Yeah, no, it was

nice seeing you.

- Same.

- Chris?

- Ruth, hi!

These are for you.

- Oh, thank you, how lovely.

- Yeah, shall we?

- Yeah, so what do you do?

- For money? Same as

you, we work together.

- No, I mean, what do you do?

None of us are there for the

love of selling magazines.

Unless you are.

- No.

- For example, I am an

Oscar, Golden Globe, BAFTA,

Award winning actress

in waiting.

- Are you really?

- Well, it is a pleasure

to make your acquaintance.

- Thank you, you?

- I'm a pianist.

- Wow.

- No, is that you acting or?

- No. I actually have a lot

of respect for musicians

especially pianists, you

must work really hard.

- Yeah, I try to.

Not so much as you.

- Oh, it's a little reward

at the moment.

We must persevere.

- To perseverance.

- And talent.

- Mm, and talent.

- Play for me then, Maestro.

- No, I'm no Maestro.

- Come on, play.

(soft piano music)

(phone ringing)

- Hi Chris, it's Bekkie.

This isn't easy to

say, it's Maestro.

- Can't believe this

is happening.

- I know, she was an

incredible teacher.

- She still is, she's

not gone yet.

- I just hope we can live up

to what she wants us to be.


- Mmh?

- I've been thinking a

lot about that idea I had.

Do you remember?

Working together?

- For the betterment of others?

- I know it sounded crazy but

I really think it could work.

I'm going to produce an album.

All of Maestro's favorites

recorded by stars,

peers, students, not for profit

all proceeds to tackling cancer,

to help make a real difference.

That's exactly the sort of thing

Maestro would want us to do,

chance for everyone to

share their talents.

I've spoken to Malcolm,

he's keen.

- Malcolm's playing again?

- Yeah, he is.

Are you in?

- Me?

- Yeah.

One day, remember?

- I don't do that anymore.

- What?

- I've been out for some time?

I wouldn't be able to commit.

I'm sorry Bekkie.

- Don't be sorry.

It's just a shame.

- [Ruth Voicemail Montage]

Hi honey, just wondering

what time you'll

be back tonight.

It's been a few late

nights in a row.

Bekkie and Malcolm came

around to see you today.

I told you were on a work trip.

I really want you to play Chris.

Layla and I are going to

mom's for the weekend.

I'm guessing won't

be joining us.

Chris, Leila just took

our first steps.

It's like you blame me

that you stopped playing.

I never asked you for that.

I wanted this to sit in

our home and hear you play.

Leila has never even

heard you play.

- Sorry, I'm late home.

Don't worry about waiting up.

I can sort out my own food.

Yeah, I've gotta go.

Good for you guys.

(soft music)

- [Maestro] So my final

lesson to you

my most devoted students

is this,

each one of you has

been given a great gift,

talents of different degrees

and of varying amounts.

They should not be withheld,


set aside for a rainy day,

but they should be used,

invested, spent.

Hold out your hands.

Oh, there is an immeasurable

gift in each of your hands

to be used not only

for your own betterment

but for the betterment

of others.

It is your duty.

Enough from me.

I have shared all

I have with you.

And one day I expect to see

what you've done with it.

Now go forth and share what

you have with the world.

(all goes silent)

- [Maestro] Play,

play every day.

(door banging)

- [Temple Guard] Open the door.

By order of High Minister

Ananias, open the door.

- Mary, lock. Lock.

- [Temple Guard] Open the door.

By order of the Temple,

open the door.

- Go, go, go.

Come on.

(Holy Spirit whispers)

- Wait there.

- Luke!

(intense music)

(power surge)

- [Luke] Here I am.

You win, I've been so scared.

And I won't pretend

that I understand

why you seem to be

pursuing me but here I am.

I don't know what this means

but I do know I'm not

as afraid anymore.

You're not a part of my story,

instead, I get to be

a part of yours.

Your incredible life

changing story

for yours is the kingdom,

the power and the glory.

- [Recorder] Forever

and ever, Amen.

(dramatic music)

(birds chirping)

- Ah, there it is.

- You all right there Peter?

(Holy Spirit whispers)

- Can you give us a moment?

- In our hands are immeasurable


My brother and I used

to cast our nets out

on shores like this.

We'd catch the best fish

the sea had to offer.

We had a real gift

and that is when I met Jesus.

And when he called me,

he told me I would become

a fisher of men

and to drop my nets.

For three years, we followed him

and saw the impossible

bend to his every word.

So when he asked me to

spread his message,

to preach to all creation,

I gave it everything I had

and I saw wonders and miracles

and the whole world

turn upside down.

But when the Spirit whispered

John Mark's name in my ear,

everything changed.

I knew where my attention

was needed,

to help Mark write it down.

The good news of Jesus for

the whole world to read.

Then something happened,

I didn't expect.

A few days ago, Mary came to

me and told me that Matthew

was also writing an account.

- Matthew? As in...

- And now I meet you

and find that you are

doing the very same.

You know what that tells me?

- What?

- He's up to something.

Our nets, Luke,

our nets will be his story.

- Ready to go now?

We should get going

while the coast is clear.

- Luke, you coming?

- No, I'm not.

- What?

- I'm heading north to

Herod's Compound,

try to find Paul.

I think that's where

the Spirit wants me.

- You're going on your own?

- Plus, have a story

to put together.

- So this is it?

- For now.

- Well, you and Paul,

you keep out of trouble.

Yeah? Stay safe.

- We'll try our best.

- God bless you Doc.

- I'll catch you up.

I wanted to give you this.

My way of saying thanks

for getting me here.

- What are they?

Notes of my own that I've

written over the years.

Bits I've heard from Peter

and the others.

I thought you might

find it useful.

- Wait, you do know why

Peter called you, right?

- Yeah, the Spirit told

me and Barnabas

a couple of weeks ago.

- So you won't be needing these?

- I got copies.

Mary's gonna give one

to Matthew and besides

I reckon Peter will remember

all we need.

- Thanks.

- You're a great writer, Luke.

I read some of it when

you weren't looking.

You've got a gift.

You're gonna keep some

of the short stories in?

- Yeah, I think so,

include as much as

possible, long detailed.

How about you?

How are you gonna write yours?

- Well, it's Peter,

so I'm guessing short

and snappy.

- Great story, either way.

- I'll see you around?

- Amen.

- [Luke] Many have undertaken

to draw up an account

of the things

that have been fulfilled

among us

just as they were

handed down to us

by those who from the

first were eyewitnesses

and servants of the word.

With this in mind,

since I myself have carefully

investigated everything

from the beginning,

I too decided to write an

orderly account for you,

most excellent Theophilus

so that you may know

the certainty

of the things you

have been taught.

This is the account of

Jesus, the Christ.

This is his story.


is his Testament.

(dramatic music)
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