w*r (2002)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

w*r (2002)

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Yermakov, Ivan.
And he was John.

So we're kind of namesakes.

We met in the summer of 2001.

For two months I'd been locked up
in the village of Verkhny Iskhoi

by Aslan Gugaev.

Back then, none of our
lot had heard of him.

His detachment wasn't that big.

There were three of us there.

Me, Fedka and a Jew - a commercial.

A businessman from Vladikavkaz.
Called Semyon, I think...

Me and Fedka were sawing up wood
when they brought them in on a truck.

There were another
two of our guys with them...

Vladimir Gostyukhin

Yuri Stepanov

You k*lled my brother!

Yes, I k*lled your brother!
And a whole lot more!

I whipped your sorry black arses and
I'll keep whipping them

because you're enemies...

Did they pay you well?

Don't k*ll me! Please!

I just arrived.
I'm not guilty! Please!

My mum's all alone...



Look down!

- What's he want?
- Something in English.

Take the bucket - it stinks!

- Who was sh**ting?
- They k*lled two of ours.

Give me your hand.

Shit happens...

Take the jug.

It'll be us next!

I didn't like her at first -
full of herself. Wouldn't even look at you.

I didn't understand
that she was just embarrassed.

We all crapped in the same bucket.

And I thought ginger
was a right weed.

In the hole, it's
every man for himself -

you're always hungry
and they beat you the whole time.

He wasn't too bad, though.
He looked after her.

A "gentleman".

And from the start with me...
because of my English, no doubt.

Back in Tobolsk I finished
computer school

and in Chechnya I'd get the news
by Internet for Aslan.

...and a whole lot more besides.

I whipped your sorry black arses and
I'll keep whipping them

because you're enemies...

Did they pay you well?

Don't k*ll me! Please!
I just arrived, I'm not guilty! Please!

My mum's all...

I'm worn out. Can't get any relaxation.
There's a w*r on...

When will it end?

When all the Russians
will live in the North.

You're white.
You've got the White Sea.

We're black.
We've got the Black Sea.

Why did you k*ll the lads?

It took me three years
to find that Lieutenant.

I paid thirty grand to get him.

He shot my brother.

I found him in Rostov.

He k*lled a lot more
good Muslims besides...

And the youngster?

Who needs someone like that?

He goes off to get some vodka.

There's a w*r on,
and he leaves his post.

Is that any way to carry on, Ivan?


You're either a shepherd or a sheep.

Those who let themselves be skewered -
they're the sheep.


There are people amongst you.

I saw one in jail near Virkhayansk.

A hardcore convict, strong,
like a Chechen.

If people like him led Russia,
you could win this w*r.

But you've got too few of them.

You're stupid and weak.
And you're led by half-wits.

You've given back
the Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

You've just given away
half the country for free.

Soon the Chinese
will take the Far East.

You're fighting us

while in Moscow I've got a hotel,
three restaurants, four brigades

in Petersburg, Moscow and Samara.

I milk the Russians like cows

but we still get money
out of the state budget.

Do you know...

why you fight badly?

You don't know?

Because you're not fighting
for your Homeland!

You fight because you've been herded
out here like a sheep.

I know my ancestors going
back seven generations.

I'm a descendant
of the Murid, Hadji Kazi.

A hundred and fifty years ago
he was already cutting you lot up.

This is my land

and I'll clear it of unbelieving dogs

until there's not a Russian
from here to Volgograd.

Got it?

So, what are they writing
about us on the Internet?

The satellite's gone,
we'll catch another.

Aslan, tell your men
not to beat me round the head.

This is the Internet,
you've got to use your brains

and there's a lot in English.

And the foreigners asked if they
could have a wash.

Come here.

I'll pay! I'll pay!

In accordance with
the Shariat

taking money from Jews
for military actions

is considered legitimate.

And while you won't pay us

I'll pay!

we will cut your fingers off.

I tried to translate
what Aslan had said,

but John didn't understand.

So I just said they don't like Jews.

Can I have another cigarette?

He got it immediately about Jews,

but that it was all a put on for him,
that they were getting him ready...

What did the Jew's seventy grand
matter to Aslan?

They didn't mention a ransom
to John for a month.

They beat one guy
to frighten the others.

The main thing for them is to break a man,
so that he'll pay the money himself.

And they certainly know
how to break a man.

Then they took us away.

Where're they taking him?

You just worry about yourself.

Shut up, bitch!

- What's he want?
- Something to drink.

He can wait.

Nice place!

Been in long?

Captain Medvedev.
Give a proper report.

- What?
- Give a proper report.

Take it easy!

Right, attention!

Who are you?

Private Kulik.

Sergeant Yermakov.

Captured on May 10th, 2001,
during a battle on the road

from Alkhan Yurt to Urus Martan,
while carrying supplies.

And them?

They're commercial.
Actors from England.

They were doing
a theatre tour in Georgia.

Well, they're actors...

At ease.

We mustn't let things slip, lads.
There's a w*r on.

Is it your back, Comrade Captain?

Contusion and shrapnel
round the vertebrae.

Let me take a look. Fedka!

How did it happen?

How? We were on a transporter.

A rocket went straight through Kit,
a guy in my platoon.

I only worked it out
when I came round.

Whoever was inside
the transporter bought it.

So we were lucky...

You may have been lucky...

But what about your platoon?

I got concussed just like you,
Comrade Captain.

And the b*llet's here...

How long had you served?

Two weeks to go before
my tour was over.

And him?

Still wet behind the ears.
His first year.

Captain Medvedev was a tough nut,
no doubt about it.

Everyone worked that out straight away.

You can't break a guy like that,
can't wear him down.

If we'd had more like him,
what an army we'd have had!

We all felt his strength,
his confidence.

He's lying there, can't even get up,
but he's got this calm inside him.

A commander.

And Margaret fell in love with him -
I new straight away.

- I think we're somewhere here.
- Here?

It seemed to me they took us further.

Well, I'm getting hungry.

She says you have to exercise...

Careful, careful...


Like that?

Says they can't come up with two million,
even if they sell everything.

Says the government won't pay.

They're in negotiations
with the Russians.

He says they'll do everything.

Right, enough!

Same thing over and over
for half an hour!

What's she to him?


He's not lying?


Ask him if he could get
two million together.

Yes, he says he can.

Tell him the woman stays with me.

In exactly two months
he gives me two million.

If he doesn't, the whole lot
of us will f*ck her

and then I'll cut her f*cking head off.

Tell him.

Why're you using foul language?
Allah forbids it.

Speaking Russian is the same
as using foul language.

To Allah, all your words
are the same. Translate.

I didn't believe they'd let us go.

It wasn't the Chechen way.
Too smart for them.

And they like to play with you:

tell you you're going
to be released.

Let you wash in the river.

- Comrade Captain!
- You know the address?

I'll do everything,
if I get out before you.

I can't decide whether
to let you go or not.

The baksheesh for you is rubbish.

They're paying nothing.

And who'll get
on the Internet for me?

The Captain.

I know you put the wrong address
on the letter you wrote.

You said.

Alright, tell them about the Captain.

I'm tired - be a shame
to k*ll him.

I paid fifty thousand for him.

If they don't let my nephew go,
who'll give me that money back?

Tell them I'll wait
another month and that's it.

Will he get the money together?

I think so.
He wants to get married.

We're counting from today.
He's got two months.

Or he won't have
anyone left to marry.

Alright. Don't come back.

I won't let you go a second time.

How should he pass the money on?

If he wants to, he'll find a way.

Tell him to give
his number and I'll phone.

Give him this.
He can watch it later.

No, they're not taking us to Grozny.

No, definitely not to Grozny.

Don't get worked up.
They'll stop the car...

take us out and sh**t us.
You know Aslan.

He let us go.
I don't know why.

No one paid for us,
that's for sure!

If it had been Khattab or Basaev,
that I'd understand...

there's politics involved.

But who's Gugaev?

Maybe it was a trade-off
with the local security service.

Someone told me it
happens all the time.

The FSB swap a gangster,
then get the credit.

They said they'd carried out
a secret service mission

to free us.
Well, the usual nonsense.

It didn't make any difference
to me who did what.

Could I have some more water?


Yes, they should have.

No, they won't.

I don't know, cheap.

They don't pay a lot for a soldier.

We're not commercial,

just slaves really.

How much for a commercial?


There's a market in Shatoi.
The prices go up and down there.

Buy one, order another...


Well, how do you "order" a m*rder?
Are you just off the moon?

But you're talking
about gangsters!

Chechens are gangsters.

- All of them?
- Yes.

That's the anger in you talking.

Well, you know best.
Listen, can I have a cigarette?

We were slaves.
We had to earn our food.

And what did you do?

Everything. In the fields,
sawing wood. All sorts.

Was it hard?

Not really. Anything's better
than sitting in the cellar.

Only the nutcases
used to beat us.

They'd get high and have
some fun kicking us.

We wanted more food.
And there was no salt.

You coming to Petersburg?

No, I'm going home.

I want to be in time to get
into the Linguistics University

on the interpreter's faculty...

You don't know any English,
and the exams have finished.

My Mum was at school
with the rector.

And the military board will help.

Mum said I have
to be quick though.

Tobolsk, via Petersburg.

Listen, if you're ever in Nizhny, here...

Ivan, you know, I...

Alright, Fedka.
Maybe we'll meet again...

Before going to the
Medvedev family

I told everyone in Chechnya
about the Captain

phoned headquarters

then managed to phone
the Interior Ministry.

Told the cops about
Gugaev's nephew in prison.

Just the way Aslan wanted.

When I went to see the Medvedevs,
I knew there was nothing doing.

They're good people,
spoke with me, gave me tea.

I just worried about my
socks making a stink...

- Please, help yourself.
- Thank you.

And what's he doing there?

Nothing. Waiting for
a prisoner exchange.

- Why don't they exchange him?
- Mother!

The Chechen was
sentenced to execution,

then the sentence was reduced.
He's a danger to society,

so they won't to let him go,
and it's taking forever.

But why's it taking forever?

Mother, put the tea on.

Why take forever?
Why keep a Chechen they...

wanted to execute anyway?
I don't understand.

I always said about those men
in their caps.

I never used to buy my oranges
from them in the market.

Tell me, is he really
in good health?

Yes. What can I say?
Do I look healthy?

Well, he's healthier than me

and he asked me
to tell you not to worry.

Asked me to tell...
asked me to tell...

My Dad's a hero. He's defending
our Homeland against gangsters.

He'll come back soon, and we'll
go to the zoo like we used to.

And then I went home to Tobolsk.
And John went to look for the money.

Ivan? Is it you?

I thought you were at the w*r!

Don't you remember me?
I'm Simakov, Stepan.

- So, all over then?
- What?

Well, the w*r!

We'll have to get them in!
I'll tell the lads.

- How's your dad doing?
- What about my dad?

Well, he's in hospital,
up on the hill.

Hi, Sliva.

Hi, Ivan.

Unfold it, and then put it through...

Nothing had changed at home.
In a word, Siberia.

Two years had passed -
it was like I'd never left.

Sliva still a bandit,
same as he was at school.

His parents got him out
of being conscripted.

It's a shame - would've seen
the world, worked some things out.

Most of the people there
haven't been further than Tyumen.

Mum had aged a lot though,
and Dad...

Hi, Zinka. My dad's here...

Ivan! We saw you on TV!

Zin, my dad's here...

Have you seen Katya?

Zin, my dad's here!

Eh, yes, yes...

Why do I drink, son?

Because life's become boring.

I lived until I was about forty

and that was it.

Misery, all of it.

No love, son.

It's good that you were at w*r.

w*r makes a man of you.

And that's what you should be.

A man has strength. It's all held
together by that strength.

I had strength, but it's gone.

If I could be up and
on my way to w*r now!

Don't be angry with me
about your mother

she's a good woman

but I've just fallen out
of love with her.

You'll understand later.

Remember, son:

if you fall out of love,
walk away!

You can't live without love.
You mustn't' son!

Hello, mum.


Everyone says they saw you
on television, but I missed it.

It's no big deal...

To our brothers, Sapek, Uvar,
Taran and Tolka

who are no longer with us.

They hadn't been at w*r.
Our own Siberian lads k*lled them.

We all went to the same school.
Some my age, some older.

I didn't know Taran at all,
but Sashka Uvarov was a friend of mine.

Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

The position of the President
of the Russian Federation, Mr. Putin

is that we mustn't pay ransoms
to t*rrorists for hostages.

So I apologize.

I wanted to work with computers -
nothing doing.

You say you were in Chechnya,
and they start scratching their chins.

"We're using new
technologies here" they say.

So I got knocked
back everywhere.

The military board
were no use either.

I could get work loading
trucks without them.

Ivan, let's get married.

Where will we live?

Dad will be out of the hospital
soon, then what?

Ivan, you asked me to wake you!

I'm up Auntie Val!

Put the tea on.

- Why aren't you at work today?
- Because it's Saturday.

I bought some good tea, "Akbar"!

Aren't you from round here then?

"No -speaka -di -Russian"...

Ah, you want Ivan!

Should have said, instead
of mumbling away.

How did he get there?
I don't know.

Doesn't speak a word of Russian.

Alright, in Moscow they put him
on a plane, but in Tyumen?

He found the station,
bought a bus ticket

then on the ferry, then he
found me. Good going.

As soon as I saw him, I knew.

Knew what?

What was going to happen.

...into the mountains
to hunt goats.

Let's see the documents.

And the cartridges?

As they should be by law, officer.
They're stored separately.

Alright. Good day.

- Can we have our own compartment?
- Not shy, are we?

We'll pay...

I can't make any promises.

Take Compartment Six for now
and we'll see.

Anything you say, my lovely!
I'll be hoping...

Be off with you, my "lovely".

Why did I go?
Not for money, that's for certain.

But why? I don't know.

Maybe to get Aslan.

Probably because
of the Captain though.

I asked our commander about him,
I asked for help.

He's got connections
from back in Afghanistan.

He said, "What're you worried about,
be happy you got out.

It's not your w*r,
we'll manage without you."

I got angry about it.

And I felt sorry for Ginger.
Where'd he be without me?

And why not ride to Vladikavkaz
and back for free?!

What were the g*n and
the amm*nit*on for then?

But we were going
to the Caucasus!

And the stuff was good,
I could always use it for hunting.

And he was paying!

Hi, guys. I'm Alexander Matrosov!
Where to?

That way.

I got it. I'll put the case
away, alright?

Hey, skinny!


Alexander Matrosov.

This is John, and I'm Ivan.

Guys, I'm Alexander Matrosov!

No free compartment,
so I'll have to cramp your style.

Soon the scum will clear off.
But, for now, I'll play host!

- Anything else?
- Take it easy for the moment.

They're reliable guys.
They're responsible,

you say the word, and that's it!
No going back!

Of course, they're
black-arsed scum,

but they deliver the goods bang
on time and never screw you!

And you know some major
players down there?

Come on, Ivan!
I'm Alexander Matrosov!

Well, I might have some
business for you, Matrosov.

Hey, scumbag!

Get us some more vodka,
and get us some nibbles...

Look, skinny's conked out.

He was a funny guy,
Alexander Matrosov.

He was buying heroin from
the Chechens and taking it to Russia.

We got very drunk
in the restaurant car.

I saw straight away
he was a con-artist.

I didn't tell him anything,
just checked him out...

Arriving in Vladikavkaz!
Do you want the ticket receipts?

Hello? Can I speak
to Alexander Kardanov?

Yes, Kardanov.

They'd talked a lot of rubbish
to John in Moscow.

There was no big shot ex-KGB guy
who exchanges hostages.

The guy said he was an FSB Major.

He knew we were coming
and was waiting.

When I met him I knew we'd
landed in a right mess.

But what was I supposed to do -
turn round and go home?

You were prepared
to k*ll, even then?

Journalist, you go off to play pool
back in Moscow.

What's your goal? To pocket
some balls, in order to win.

Well, this is w*r, this is...

Sergeant, what're you getting
so worked up for him about?

Comrade Major, it's not my money,
so I couldn't care less.

But ten percent is steep.
He hasn't got much as it is.

Gugaev knows how much we've got -
any less and he won't let her go.

He'll either r*pe her or cut
her ears off - I know.

And we're late - only four days left.

The ten percent isn't for me.

There's my people,
the people in Chechnya.

It's a big operation -
an illegal operation, Sergeant.

What if we said 50,000?

I wouldn't be sitting here, Sergeant.
What are we haggling for?

You've got the money with you?

Who carries that kind of money,
Comrade Major?

What guarantees can you give?

Serious people in Moscow
gave you my number, Sergeant,

and I don't give out IOUs.

You've no choice, Sergeant. Without
me you're screwed, got it?

Day after tomorrow,
we meet here. I'll bring the money.

There's one condition -
I go with you.

We'd got tails everywhere.

I noticed when I got our bags
from the station.

Guys watching, gangster faces,
harder than our Siberian guys.

They weren't looking for me -
they didn't need me.

And John was in the tram.
So the game was on...

Listen, where're you from?

Nizhny Tagil.

Almost my neck of the woods.
I'm from Tobolsk.

- In for much longer?
- Five months.

- Conscript?
- On a contract.

Been to Chechnya?

What do you think
we're doing here?

What do you want?

I really need to get into Chechnya.
Give us some help...

I'm here for the first time,
we never went in from this side.

Always through Mozdok.
I've got no idea here.

If I got over the border,
I'd find my way from there.

Leave something behind
over there?

I was captured over there.

I've been in civvies for a month,
but I've got a debt to pay.

Tell me who I've got to talk to
and whatever I've got I'll...

- Well, what have you got?
- What do you need?

What size do you take?

What've you got in here?

Nothing worth thieving!

That's a joke, right?
What're you looking at?

Is that it then?

Stay down! We'll be going
through their border now.

Don't sweat it - they're our guys
on the post.

See you round, guys!

You guys are totally f*cking mad!


I'd noticed that he was
filming everything

mumbling to himself,
but so what?

When he spoke to me,
I understood, but otherwise...

But sh**ting a film? You've told me,
but I never would've guessed...

They're about to k*ll his
woman, and he's filming.

They're strange.

It's funny - in English "to film" and
"to sh**t" are the same word - "sh**t".

I didn't know. He told me later.

Anyway, we went on,
just the two of us.

Keep up!

Shit, the map's too small!



You're working well.

Where's your owner?

Are you deaf?


He was nearly broken then.

I didn't go near him for
the rest of the day.

He mumbled into his camera,
I had a bit more to drink and slept.

I thought, if he keeps moaning,
I'll hand myself in to our guys.

The bastards had all our
military locations on their maps.

I even knew where I'd go.

But the next morning he's as fresh as
a cucumber. "Come on" he says, "let's go."

Waiting for a bus?

End of the road, darky.

Russian! I'm just a shepherd!
I've been tending my flock!

Listen, scum, I know a lot.
One word of bullshit and I'll sh**t.

If you hear the word "three"
you're no longer living.

- Name?
- Ruslan Shamaev!

- How many slaves?
- No slaves, I just tend a flock...

One, two...

OK! Two, ages ago, but my brother
took them for a debt I owed him!

When did you shave the beard off?

Two weeks ago! They made me! I'm
a simple fellow, I live in the mountains!


Nizhny Alkun!

Where's Aslan Gugaev?!
One, two...

- He was in Katan-Yurt...
- Three...

Russian! I know! I'll show you!
Whatever you want!

Careful, scum.
You're my sl*ve now.

And if you screw up,
I'll blow your head off.

Gugaev. One...

On the pass! Protecting
the mountain pass!

Now we're talking!

Get up and show me on the map.

If I have any doubts about what you say,
it's over - I've counted to three.

I don't know Russian so good.
You speak fast.

I sh**t even faster!

We're here. Where's Aslan?

Not here.

Well done.

You've passed the first test.
Let's try the second.


Over there. My hand's tied,
I can't point.

- Here?
- No. There!

There, you've passed
the second test.

Just the third one left.

Now, my shepherd friend, you show us
how to get there fast and safe.

And so that you don't think I'm joking,
I'll tell you straight:

me and the Lone Ranger are finished
anyway, same as you! Got it?!

But, if we complete our NATO mission,
I give you my word as a Russian paratrooper:

I'll let you go!
You can go tend your flock!

But, you know how difficult
these things can be...

Albatross Four!

Albatross Four!

Ruslan Shamaev. Nizhny Alkun.
Check his identity and report back.

If I'm not on the wire tomorrow, k*ll all
his relatives. All of them. Over.

This is Beslan Khatuev's jeep.

His brother's disappeared.
Everyone's looking for him.

We won't get there in this jeep.
We have to go across the glacier.

Faster that way.

Ruslan believed us, especially when
we dumped the Landrover.

Get up! Move it!

Get a move on!

I said move it!

Don't worry.

I've told them to leave your family
for now. But they're fierce...

I'll do everything, Russian!

Let's take a break.

I know a way through the ravines.

There's no one round here.
All the villages are deserted.

After the deportations, the Chechens
didn't come back.

- You're from Moscow, yes?
- Yes.

- You have a university there?
- Yes.

You studied there?

Everyone in Moscow studies there.

My uncle lives in Moscow.
He didn't study there.

But he's not Russian, is he!

My eldest son is very clever.
I want him to study in Moscow.

Have you got contacts there?

Yes, but it's expensive.

I've got money. I want our clan
to have a politician!

But he's not
very good at reading.

That's not important anymore.
You just need contacts.

You'll help, yes?

No problem. If your son survives.

Come on! Hold on John!

Who did the jeep belong to?

Beslan Khatuev.

What's his call-sign?

I don't know Khatuev's - honest!

Who's do you know?

Loads. Who's do you need?

Get Gugaev.


Salaam, Aslan! How's the Internet
doing without me? It's Ivan.

Salaam, Ivan. What do you want?

Just to say "Salaam"...

I heard the Englishman is
bringing the money.

He's late. I'm waiting, for now...

How are my friends?

They're fine.

I'm sure they are.
He's bringing the money.

But first you promise before Allah
that you won't trick us.

OK. Who'll hand over the money?

"OK" isn't good enough -
promise before Allah!

I've got a witness here.
A Muslim believer.

I swear before Allah! When?

In four days time. Over and out.

We'll see how faithful
you are to Allah.

We have to get there
in two days. Got it?

We got there in a day and a half.
Ruslan took us across some goat-tracks

in from the Georgian side
which was totally unguarded.

All we had to do was
make the exchange.

Russian, he won't keep his word.

I heard how he spoke.
All Gugaevs are lying dogs!

Our grandfathers fought,
even made peace.

In the second w*r they took
60 sheep from us.

"I'm a fighter, you're
a shepherd" he says.

"Your father's brother wanted
to k*ll my grandfather.

But he got scared, and you're
just the same!" he says.

Why're you telling me all this?

Tomorrow he'll k*ll the American,
then you, and then he'll k*ll me.

You won't answer the radio,
so my family will be k*lled too.

That's right.

So, proud Chechen shepherd,
can you use thing?

Not all Chechens can tend a flock,
but all Chechens can sh**t.

You have a chance to save
the honour of your clan.

Russian, tell yours to leave my family
alone. They'll k*ll you...


I'm your family now, got it?!
Protect me, and you'll save them.

If I see it's all over for us,
then I'll tell them.

Let's go.

In his book and film, John says you were
beating the Chechen shepherd...

...and then you just give him weapons.

So what?

Weren't you afraid he'd
sh**t you in the back?

Of course not, I had
his family as hostages.

Salaam, Aslan.

Salaam, Ivan.

You're a mountain man, Ivan.

I live on the plains.

We brought the ransom.
Let's go.

- Where're the keys?
- There.


No! Obey your orders!

You won't get out of here!

Then you won't get the money.
Tie his hands!

What about your oath, Aslan?

Go to the machinegun.

Tell your people already.

It's still too early!

Morning, Comrade Captain!

Hello, Sergeant. Give us a smoke.

We'd landed ourselves right in it.
We couldn't use Aslan for cover.

No way back through the pass
with the Captain.

We could go down through the village,
but there were a lot of beards down there.

The Captain said it: climbing a tree
is easy, getting back down's the hard part.

He's a great guy. He thought
of using the river.

They weren't expecting that.

Comrade Captain, we need air support.
We're finished without it.

We're too far off to use the radio.

Let's try the satellite phone.

You're well-stocked, Sergeant!

How does it work?

Simple - we need to catch a satellite.

I'll tune it in.

Hello! Give me HQ chief,
Colonel Malykhin!

Captain Medvedev! Move it!

Great line!
If only we had these...

It's Captain Medvedev. Hi, Kolya.

Listen, we're surrounded -
send some air support!

There's five of us, two English.

The Shatoi region, south of Itum-Kali,
coordinate 34.

There's an abandoned village with
a big old tower! We're in the tower.

Yes, they're firing at us!

I think we can hold out for an hour.

There's nowhere to land.

Alright then.

So? Are they coming?

Lads, give us a cigarette.

- Long to go?
- Seven months.

- Just back from Chechnya?
- From Grozny.

Here. It's a bonus from NATO

for the fight against
international terrorism.

It's English money - almost
two thousand dollars.

You know the rest.

John made a film and
became famous.

I'm being prosecuted for k*lling citizens
of the Russian Federation -

I was a civilian, after all.

John put it all in the film,
about the woman in the jeep

and the old man with his kid at Aslan's.

How did he sh**t it all?

He wrote a book as well -
"My Life in Russia".

He didn't come to the court case,
of course. Gave evidence over there.

But the brave shepherd Shamaev
turned up, detailing how I tortured him

how I cynically slaughtered
Chechen women and children.

He lives in Moscow now.
His son's at university there.

Margaret never did marry John.

I gave the Captain all the money -

I knew what was waiting
for him back home.

His wife wrote, said they'd done
some expensive operations.

He's stuck up for me.
He's a good man.

I don't think they'll put me away,
but who knows.

Our lot in Tobolsk keep
looking to Moscow:

what will Putin say,
will there be legal reforms?

Still haven't seen that film.
It'd be fun to watch it now.
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