01x01 - Family of Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x01 - Family of Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Family of Heroes I have a message for all autobots scattered throughout the galaxies.

Though Cybertron has fallen, we still stand.

Follow these coordinates to join us.

Priority prime.

What is this place? Earth.

And I am Optimus Prime.

Rescue Force Sigma

-17 reporting for duty.

I was not aware rescue teams were still active.

Wherever there is an emergency, there are rescue bots, sir.

Hey, why wouldn't we be active? How long were we in stasis? We better check it with Cybertron H.


That will not be necessary.

Or possible.

Cybertron is no longer our home.

This planet is.

Script by Arvegtor Timing by Deska Hi, mister Harrison! I'm OK! Cody Burns, Griffin Rock PD.

Please, pull over.

Figured you wanna say goodbye to the old rust bucket.

It's her last day on the job.

I still don't understand why the city is making you get a new car, Dad.

- This one works fine.

- Progress, kiddo.

It wouldn't be high

-tech testing ground if we stayed back.

Give it up, Dad.

If Cody had his way, we all would be paddling everywhere.

'Course you'd still be on training wheels, Kade.

The helmet may mess up your hair.

Quit it, Graham.

Don't forget to be at the dedication this afternoon.

Think I can test

-drive the hotty.

We're getting rescue vehicles, no go


Sorry, pal.

For authorised emergency responders only.

So basically, everyone in the family but me.

I've to drop these troublemakers often catch chopper to the main land.

You get your bottom to school.

And Cody, give it time.

You'll find your place.

Heatwave, Chase, Blades, Boulder.

After careful consideration, I have chosen your new mission.

- Nice!

- We are happy to join the battle, sir!

- So, when do we roll out?

- You do not.

As, perhaps, the last rescue bots in existence you are uniquely You will be ambassadors to the people of this planet.

The first autobots to live with a human family, study their customs, obey their rules, and work together to keep this planet safe.

During this mission you four must appear to the humans as machines, robots in disguise.

What? While the people of Earth are comfortable with advanced technology, the idea that alien beings are living among them will undoubtedly cause panic.

So, we can help the humans as long as we hide our true selves.

You are right to question what is best for your team, Heatwave.

That is why I am asking you to lead this mission.

To maintain your cover, you will each adapt a vehicle mode based on Earth's technology.

Wow! Look at those lines.

This thing's a powerhouse.

Boulder, do you wish to scan first? Ha, primitive.

But apparently they use this one for what I did back home.

Is this one first authorities use for ruling enforcement? It seems, your choice has been made for you, Blades.

Wait, this thing flies.

He doesn't like heights.

This is Chief Charlie Burns, he knows our secret, and will help you keep yours.

Rescue Bots, good luck! It is an honor and a privilege.

Over here.

Cody, come here!

- Hey, Doc, Frankie.

- Isn't this exciting? The techs like nothing I've ever seen.

Thank you for coming, folks.

I'm not talking about the rescue stuff, I'm talking about this.

Dino Exhibit at the museum.


-wired arranged actions and fuse with the Creatuceous DNA! Our town has a long history of being on the cutting edge of new technology.

Now, thanks to our friends in Washington, I give you the latest in emergency response the Rescue Bots! Robots, transform! These robotic rescue vehicles will streamline our resources.

Now one human teamed with one robot can do the work of an entire police force, fire department, emergency response unit and engineering core.

Each robot is programmed to respond only to the commands of its handler, so you can sleep at night knowing that Griffin Rock is protected by the very best technology and humanity have to offer.

Hey, that robot moved on its own.

You, kid.

Can you move, I want a photo of Burns family of heroes.

This is the Chief.

Go ahead.

Fire at the natural history museum.

Hey, I didn't tell to do that.

It's new technologies, son.

Ought to be some bugs.

Come on, faster! We'll be outruned by a bulldozer.

I do not understand.

Not so slow.

Fly low.



Clear the museum of civilians.

Please evacuate in an orderly passion.

These humans did not respond.

Well, I don't think we should worry too much about them, partner.

We need to move the planters to create a fire block.

But I That would destroy the harmonious nature of the plaza's design.

What? Nice of you to show up, Dani! Could've been here sooner if my ride wasn't stuck in neutral.

Next time I'm walking.

Looks like a short started the fire.

But this should hold for a while.

Cyber wires are too much for these old circuits.

I have to insist the good thing nobody got hurt.

- I didn't tell it to do that.

- I wouldn't complain.

Your robot was still in rescue mode.

You gave him the directives to save lives, so it did.

You're welcome, Graham.

- Where are you going?

- I need some space.

Chief said there is a bunker below street level.

Really I get something called the cold w*r.

Apparently, we're getting some space too.

Wait for me! I still don't get it.

How did Cade's robot know that The pasta carrots? I know there is a glitch with my copter, too, but at least I had it under control.

A glitch is one thing but I saw Kade, Dani, Graham, you guys did great work today.

Can I be excused? Optimus or no Optimus, I don't know how long I can put up with this order around.

Others taking the credits, having to pretend we're tin cans.

What, did you see the way my partner pilots me? My controls are still sore.

It's always higher, higher, faster, faster.

Still, it was nice being a part of emergency response again.

I find our Chief quite competent.

There's much he can teach us about this law enforcement procedures.

The humans do have strange ways.

But that's what makes them so interesting.

I'm leaving.

You can't leave.

You're our leader.

Then, we'll all go.

Those humans will never understand us.

We'll never belong here.

I know what you mean.

Don't bother.

You're not fooling anybody.

Trust me.

Living in Griffin Rock, I know robots and you guys worst robots I've ever seen.

We failed in our mission.

Our cover is blown.

If this human knows, he'll tell the others.

Are you kidding? And waste a chance to know something they don't, something this huge? I'm the best thing that could happen to your mission, 'cause I'm gonna teach you everything you need to know about Earth.

Can you teach me how to make my human stop yelling? Dani? I don't think anyone can do that.

I'm Cody, by the way.

- I'm Blades.

- Boulder.


- That's Chase.

- And I'm Heatwave.

So, Cody, now that you know what we are, name one good reason why we shouldn't leave this planet right now.

These tunnels like this one all over the island.

And they all end in the bunker.

Great for sneaking out of the firehouse.


That's like a million optics set in carbon.

- So beautiful.

- I guess, it kinda is.

So why would you ever wanna leave? This is what everyone would expect you to act like.

See? Lock your legs, stick out your arms You try.

Really? I don't know where you learned that, but no.

Look, Cody, I understand what you're doing, but what I don't understand is how "talking


-this" has gonna make my rider long respect me.

The trick with Kade is to make him think he is in charge.

Trust me, I've been doing it for years.

Is that part of the film? I know I'm new here, but aren't dinosaurs extincted?

- This one's about to be.

- Heatwave, wait! Look, if anyone sees you taking down that dino on your own, there goes your cover and your mission.

It's attracted to the light! Chase, take your lights! That got us attention.

Now what? We need to lure him somewhere with no people around.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! He's following but we still gonna need an assist.

I'm comm

-link to Chief in.

Rescue headquarters.

Go ahead.

Dad, OK, first, don't worry I'm with the Rescue Bots! What? Who gave you permission to They did it.

I mean Dad, I don't know how to tell you this but the Rescue Bots aren't robots, they're from another planet, they're aliens! How long have you known? Wait, you know? Cody, where are you? Chief Burns, if I may, we're headed westbound to Lake Street with the dinosaur in pursuit.

A dinosaur, again? Cody, you're driving, are you? No! Why did we take the old squad car? That's why.

I'll explain later.

Cody, you jacked my ride? Listen, the T

-rex likes lights.

I think you should Less talk, more action.

Oh, this machine almost drives itself.

Stay here, son.

Come on, we have to find course for the dinosaur or we're useless.

Cody, what did you do to our robots? If you need them to do you want, you have to ask nicely.

Cody, get off this channel.

It's for emergency responders only.

Hide down, Kade.

Cody spotted the dinosaur first.

For now, he's on the team.

Fine by me.

Got any ideas, Cody? Not exactly.

But I know someone who will.


Cody? The Dinosaur Exhibit.

Fine, now you're interested.

How is that going, Graham? I'm almost there.

Just a little more to the right.

Preparing to lift the payload.

Good to go, Dani.

You really think this will hold the tyrannosaur? We'll find out.

Keep him busy, Dad.

Dani is on her way.

Now, how are we supposed to get that thing over here? Thought you'd never ask.

Incoming air support.

I hope, Frankie was right.

You think anyone won't notice? Wait.

I want to get a picture of my heroes.

All my heroes.

Come on, Dad.

Just because Cody answered one rescue call doesn't mean he's part of the team.

- Yes, it does.

- Or we're not.

Cody is our liasion on this mission.

He's the reason we're even giving this place a chance.

Are we clear? Dad, did that thing just talk back to me? Something's definitely wrong with the robots.

We can't use technology prone to malfunction.

They're not malfunctioning.

They're aliens.

- What?

- What?
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