01x03 - Hotshots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x03 - Hotshots

Post by bunniefuu »

Can I call you back? This really isn't a good time.

I can see that, Doc.

My solar car is out of control! Why wouldn't you shut off? The accelerator's stuck.

This steering system seems to have a mind of its own.

And it And I'm getting a little car


All right, team.

You heard the Doc.

Let's do what we do.

The vehicle has turned south on the March Line.

Hey, how about we drop down and bounce on his roof to slow him down.

Helping out is good, dropping is OK.

Bouncing I'd like to discuss a little further.

Dani, you two just keep an eye on things from up there.

Doc's now on Waverly.

Headed right for some parked cars! Roger that.

I'm on it.

I think you mean we're on it, don't you? Just get us there, Heatwave.

Doc's back on Main street.

You know, if I were ground unit I kinda pop Doc's tires.

Good idea, Blades.

Guys, I'll go back to the station and get a spikestrip Don't need, Dani.

Boulder and I can improvise.

What do you think? Physible? A thing of beauty! Well, at least I know the automated tire

-replacement works.

Oh, no.

Doc's on Old Canyon road.

transcript by Arvegtor timing by Deska 1x03

- Hotshots Blades, can you stop Doc's car if we land in front of it? Beats dropping and bouncing.

No, Dani.

Stay in the air.

Chase and I are closing in.

It's all right, Doc.

You can let go the wheel now.

All in norm except for the part where I couldn't stop or steer.

- Not a bad test run!

- Oh, yeah! An out of control vehicle, an unsuspecting public.

Disaster in the making.

How did our brave family of heroes save Griffin Rock yet again? It was heroic but I dug deep in Graham, anything to add? Well, in order to create a makeshift tire hazard I had calculated distance between And how did you confide, Dani? Me, I Dani monitors everything from the air.

I tell ya, we couldn't do our job without my little sis.

We probably could, but As I'm saying a rescuer this type requires on skill, concentration.

You know, if there is mud to be found, Boulder's gonna roll right through it.

I'm part tractor.

It's what I do.

I believe there must be a more efficient way to hold a runaway car than skiing behind it.

There sure is.

You've beat Doc Greene out of the driver's seat.

Gonna love that Doc keeps us busy.

Some of us others only watch from the sky.

Don't feel bad, Blades.

Maybe our next rescue will happen in the air.

That would be nice.

As long as it's not too high in the air.

What's the matter who does what? None of us is appreciated.

What do you mean, Heatwave? Did you notice that I was one out there risking hook and ladder but Kade took all the credit.

Once again.

Well, I don't know who's get it for helping neither neither Dani.

But I know we're appreciated.

Something tells me Dani would not agree with you.

Doc, are you here? Oh.

Sorry, Dani.

I'm building a replacement for the newspaper dispense when I ran over.

Want that bin readers in the head? No


-no! When he tosses papers into your car as you drive by.

Anyway, I'm glad you're here.

I wanted to thank you for your help today.

Well, I didn't do much.

But that's all going to change.

Can you build me one of these? Ah, a scoop


You know, they used something like this on the island years ago for lugging.

Might even have one in storage.

Could you lend it to me? Absolutely.

Right after that thing runs out of Sunday editions.

Hey, Dani, what are you doing? Cody, I beg of you talk some sense into your sister, please.

Relax, Blades.

You're looking good.

Hardly noticeable.


Just don't fly over any power lines.

Actually, that's a sound advice.

- What is that thing?

- A scoop claw and it's gonna put both Blades and me into the action.

- Right, Blades?

- So you keep telling me.

Time to winch it up.

Cody, the remote, please? I can do it.

No no.

So complicated.

Yeah, pushing the bot is so tricky.

I just wanted it done right, brother.

Let's see you transform with it, Blades.

Nobody laugh! I love it! I have to show Dad.

What? Does it make me look fat? Not at all, Captain lad belly.

Come on, don't make fun of him.

He knows we're joking.

Sort of.

Maybe Blades just wants to be treated like he matters.

Come on, Cody, we're just You guys never know when to stop, do you? Cody, get to the command center.

We have the rock slide to deal with.

Dani, what's your 20? We need all hands.

Blades and I are almost there.

Cody, can you see what's coming down from the hill side at us? Stand by.

A boulder as big as a house is coming right down on top of you.

A boulder as big as a house is coming right down on top of you.

A house.

Something the whole neighborhood.

Well, I see we have two options: smash it or grab it.

Smash it! On three! One! Two! Three! Wow! Stand down, boys.

Blades and I have it under control.

Nice job, Dani.

You too, Blades.

That was certainly unexpected.

Though impressive.



-ye, but since when do we not test new apparatus before using it? Consider today the test, grumpy.

See you back home.

There will be no living with Blades now.

Blades, that was so cool! How do you know you can pool that off? I didn't really.

I thought the boulder would be too heavy but then I tapped into the reserve of strength I didn't think I had.

I'm trying to tap a new reserve of patience I don't think I have.

For the record, Blades, that operation exceeded the acceptable level of risk.

Guys, you should be happy for him.

It was a great save.

Sure was.

We could've been flatten out there.

So, thank you, Blades, for coming to our rescue.


And there you have it.

Another thrilling rescue by Dani Burns and her helicopter


OK, if you yell, she's just going to yell back.

We're not mad, Cody, we only want talk to her.

- No, I'm mad.

- She's just trying to help.

Helping is one thing, hugging every mission is another.

Hey, slackers.

Rescue work has never been this much fun, am I right? Something wrong? Dani, we're concerned you might be stretching yourself a little thin.

What he means is stop highjacking our rescues! Your rescues? Yeah.

You're swooping in like some hotshot.

Actually, I think I'm doing a pretty good job.

Except it's not your job, Dani, it's all of us.

Well, if you ask me there is always room for Oh, Cody, please, this doesn't really concern you.

Where is Dad, what's he sayin' about this? I know Dad, he wants us to work it out ourselves.

Handle that claw, Blades.

I promise you won't feel a thing.

Cody, a little help, please.

- This doesn't concern Cody.

- Really? You guys too? We were just thinking that it might be best if that claw isn't used quite so often.

Nobody had a problem when it was a big joke.

And now when I'm saving the day Technically, you're not saving the day.

You're assisting the day when the day has not requested assistance.

That claw is staying right where it is.

Blades, we're going back out on patrol where we are appreciated.

Excuse me, I'm needed in the field.

What you gonna do about this, Cody.


Like everybody says this doesn't concern me, right? Fine, I'll see what I can do.

Dani, hold on.

I'll be your spotter.

Keep your eyes below, Cody.

OK, with luck we can take care of any problems before Kade or Graham even learn about them.

You know they are saying the early bird gets the worm.

I liked you a better when you run for the same team.

We're still a team, Cody.

It's just Sometimes Kade and Graham think I can't do anything on my own.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

- What do you mean?

- You kinda treat me the same way.

Oh, Cody, I do not, do I? Yeah, I think you do.

And every time Kade and Graham make you mad I have to stay out of your way.

Do you think I take my anger out on you? Cody speaks the truth.

Take it from someone whose controls get a furious workout when you're mad.

Cody, I'm sorry.

- I'll do better, I promise.

- Thanks.

And you too, Blades.

I'll go ease you under controls.

This conversation has been very cleansing, hasn't it? We better head back.

Electrical storms and aeronautics do not mix.

I'm losing out too.

Hang on! Mayday, mayday.

Dad, Kade, Graham, is anyone there? Dani, Dani, what's wrong? Hit by lightning.

I'm forced to land.

Cody's with me.

What is your location? Dani, tell me where you are.

Ridgeline cliff! Rescue bots, roll to the rescue! Don't worry, I'm sure it looks worse than it feels.


Actually, no.

It hurts.

- Just take it easy, Blades.

- Yeah, help will be here soon.

We can't stay here.

Which way to the road? And maybe we should ride out the fire inside Blades.

I can handle the heat but you two would bake inside me like snickerdoodles.

So that cliff is our only way out? We don't have the equipment to scale it.

Sure we do.

Here we go.

Activate the winch.

You do it.

- Everyone all right?

- Yes.

Nice job, Blades.


But now what? Look! Well, that's a problem.

Dad, do you read? Kade? Graham? That power surge must've fried it.

I'll try flying again.

No, Blades.


You're hurt.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't be.

Everything will be all right.

The team will find us.

I see them.

Heatwave, Kade, lead the way.

You heard the Chief, bots.

Let's grow some legs.

Now I know how the snickerdoodles feel.

Blades, you might to transform so we can make a run for the road.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I can't move.

I must be more damaged than I thought.

- So, is everyone all right?

- We are.

- Thanks to Blades.

- But he's injured, Dad.


- He can't transform.

- He won't need to.

Dani, how did you feel beeing a rescuer in mid of a rescue? I felt lucky to be a part of such a great family of heroes.

And that includes my little brother, Cody.

- Thanks, Dani.

- And we couldn't do any of what we do without our amazing amazing rescue vehicles.

See that, Heatwave, we're officially appreciated.

She could mentioned us by name.

- Blades, how are you feelin'?

- Much better.

Thank you.

Spend an hour in stasis pod and I'm ready for action.

Only an hour? Then where have you been all afternoon? Dani and I were retrieving that scoop claw from the cliff.

You still gonna use that thing? Only when we'll need it.

Which hopefully won't be too often.

That claw is so uncomfortable.

And you know what else? Your waistline looks better, too.

Thank you for noticing.

- All right, quick

- Good one, Graham.
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