01x13 - The Reign of Morocco

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x13 - The Reign of Morocco

Post by bunniefuu »

The Reign of Morocco Good morning, Griffin Rock! In the immortal words of our town founder, Horace Burns, "the march of progress sometimes leaves casualties underfoot.

" No one knows this to be more true than Doc Greene, who so consistently could not control his own technology, that he was removed as Griffin Rock's lead scientist in the hopes of finding someone better equipped.

Enter this man Dr.

Morocco, who won the coveted position after wowing the entire town with his mechanical marvel, the Morbot.

In a dramatic showdown arranged by the Mayor, Morbot quickly out

-performed all four Rescue Bots in handling every manner of emergency call.

In the end, the Mayor had this to say.

And, because the Morbot has proven it can protect Griffin Rock much better than our current team, Chief Burns and his rescue force will step down.

What's that? Oh! I interrupt my own morning show with this late

-breaking news.

Look out! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission.

Learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

With Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots.

Everyone all right? That thing's a flying wrecking ball! The Morbot follows its programming to the letter Dad, call us in.

The bots are de


You know that, Kade.

Only the Mayor can bring them back in.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Nuh


It has been a while, hasn't it? I've recently acquired a whole new line of technology representing years of research.

I'm making it all available to my best customers.

I can't believe how fast you picked up a new hobby, Boulder.

I just paint what I feel.

Like today I'm feeling rosy.

Because I believe things will work out.

Me, too.

My Dad's talking to the Mayor right now.

We have to hope for the best, don't we? Yet, one must also prepare for the worst, which is why I feel it prudent to explore other career options.

This book suggests butcher, baker, or candlestick maker.

Um yeah.

Ugh! Huxley is preempting every channel with Morbot coverage.

Blades, are you just gonna sit and watch TV all day? Well, we can't rescue people anymore, so I'm focusing on the other part of our mission "to learn the ways of humans.

" And what's more human than game shows and cartoons? Hey, where's Heatwave? Trying to reach Optimus again.

Priority message from Rescue Force Sigma


As previously reported, our mission on Griffin Rock has ended.

We await correction we need reassignment.

End transmission.

Maybe Optimus doesn't want you giving up on Griffin Rock yet.

Griffin Rock gave up on us.

I have to get our ship back in service.

Never know when we might need it.

Dad, did you show the Mayor what we found? He knows Morocco is behind it all now, right? Did the Mayor give my Daddy his job back? Sorry, guys.

The Mayor says this module doesn't prove anything, and he's right.

But it has the same symbol on it as all the other There is nothing linking Dr.

Morocco to the module, Cody, or to anything else you've found with that same emblem.

I'm sorry.

I can't accuse the man without evidence.

Ah, Frankie, there you are.

Doc, what are you doing? Well, old friend, I'm sorry to say, I'm packing up.

Frankie, you need to start gathering your things, as well.

- But, Daddy

- I need to find work.

We're moving to the mainland in two days.


- But we can't leave Griffin Rock.

- Unless I can get my old job back, which seems unlikely, we really have no choice, my dear.

I'll give you a hand, Doc.

Don't worry, Frankie.

I'm not going to let this happen.

- Me, either.

What do we do?

- We find evidence in the lab.

But we can't even get near there.


Morocco closed off the road.

We don't need the road.

It's important to pamper yourself sometimes.

You know, in spite of all the complaining I do about flying, I miss it especially flying with you.


Thanks, Blades.

Don't worry, we'll be in the air again soon.

Would now be soon enough? I need a lift somewhere.

You know Blades is grounded, Cody.

Why even ask? You've been de

-commissioned as a Rescue Bot, but not as a helicopter, right? To fly where? A covert op to Dr.

Morocco's lab.

To see what he's doing up there.

I like the sound of that.

Circle the lab, Blades slowly.

I just hope the Morbot isn't around.

I don't mind admitting, that thing binds my tail rotor.

There he is.

I bet whatever's on that computer would be proof enough for Dad.

I can't see the screens.

Go down a little bit lower, Blades.

Back up! Back up! Dad, Dani and I are aboard Blades.

The Morbot is attacking.

Lead it back toward the firehouse.

Come on.

Make a move.

Override threat response.


- Shame.

- I was quite ready to rumble.

Dad, I'm sorry.

I asked Dani to fly over the lab and Don't blame Cody.

It was my call.

You've each shown better judgment, but I can't be angry.

That Morbot doesn't own the airspace, no matter what Morocco believes.

That was a most stunning sunrise, Mayor its beauty rivaled only by that of your elegant schooner.

Just my little way of saying welcome back to Griffin Rock.

Though I am surprised you even considered returning here after, um After the town sent me packing? I'm in the process of getting over it.

Chief Burns.

Young man.

Something I can do for you both? The Morbot att*cked my helicopter last night, Mayor, while my children were on board.

- Doctor?

- The Morbot was just doing its job.

It considered the helicopter a threat, since the incident occurred over my lab.

Your lab? Last time I checked, that facility belonged to the town.

Yet the highly sensitive equipment inside demands a vigilant guard.

Your guard has everyone fearing for their lives.

That translates to unhappy voters, Mayor.

Well we can't I mean, that is, I Rest easy, everyone.

I'll simply adjust my robot's programming.

- Well, that's good enough for me.

- Well, not for me.

If anyone gets hurt because of that blunt instrument you call a robot, Morocco, I'll be coming after you.

I promise.

Morbot rescuer or wrecker? You'll know the answer if you're ever caught speeding in this town.

My hidden

-camera exclusive! And what if you need help getting your cat down from a tree? All I can say is where, oh, where, have our Rescue Bots gone? Are you gonna do that all day? Just staying sharp.

Never know what Optimus might have in mind for us.

So you'd have no problem just leaving here, huh? I'm a Rescue Bot.

It's all I know.

Maybe here, in Griffin Rock, I'm outdated, but No, you're not.

I mean none of us is.

What is it? Pea soup.

According to my research, there are many exciting career opportunities for gourmet chefs.

Bon appétit.

I had a big breakfast.

Then, do you mind? I'm out of green.

All yours.

So this means you're feeling Not so rosy.

Kind of expected to be back on the job by now.

Me too, buddy.

But let's stay positive, huh? And however this turns out we absolutely must keep Chase out of the kitchen.

So glad I don't eat.

Did you bring your Dad's flash drive? enough to hold whatever computer files you saw Dr.

Morocco working on.

- How are we going to get in?

- I used to live here, remember? Holographic doggie door invisible to people, not to dogs.

I totally want one of these.

I assure you, many devices in my inventory can be weaponized.

Sounds as if you're building an army.

You are? Then let's discuss my bulk rates.

He's selling all of Griffin Rock's tech.

There'll be nothing left on the island.

Let's go.

My password's not working.

He must have changed it.


He must have.

Clever man, that Dr.


Oh, goody.

A game.

Morbot seek.

- Why are you doing this to Griffin Rock?

- What did my father ever do to you? Do you know how hard it is to restore a damaged reputation? Well, Doc Greene will find out.

Just as I did when I was shut out of this job years ago.

Word spread that it was because my technology was inferior.

- That's because it is.

- Says whom? Oh, aha! I know.

Doc Greene, the Mayor, Chief Burns.

They made me a pariah.

I'm making them obsolete.

Over there! Dispose of them! This way! We're trapped! Well, that's unfortunate.

What is going on here? Hold, please.

More complaints about the Morbot, Mayor.

"It put a hole in my roof.

" "It destroyed the playground.

" "Remember this when you're up for re

-election!" Assemble the Council at once! Mayor's office.

What? There's a fire up at the lab!

- Dr.

Morocco isn't responding!

- Um call the Chief.

- What's going on?

- Who rang the alarm? I did.

The Griffin Rock lab's on fire.


Morocco might be in trouble up there.

So, why isn't the Morbot handling it? No idea, and it doesn't matter.

The real question is, do we help people or not? Rescue Bots roll to the rescue! In there! Hang on! Uh Cody, you might want to take a look at this.


You download.

I'll radio for help.

- Dani! Can you hear me?

- Cody, where are you? Frankie and I are in the blimp, and the Morbot's chasing us.

I don't know how to land this thing.

- Any sign of Dr.


- No, must have taken off in his airship.

And it looks like he's coming back.


That's not Dr.


That's Cody and Frankie and the Morbot! It's breaking down the door! Now what, Dani? I'm gonna bring you down in town square.

You've seen me land Blades a hundred times.

Same thing.

Take the cyclic lever and push.

The nose will go down.

It's working.

Now what? Twist the throttle back to reduce speed.

It broke through! Hang on!

- You are safe now.

- I love these guys.

- Morbot decommissioned.

- And the less Morbot, the better.

What were you two doing in that thing? You could have been hurt.

You said we can't accuse Dr.

Morocco without evidence.

So, we got you some.

Actually, lots.

All in favor? Something wrong with your rescue vehicles, Chief? No, they're perfect.

Just, uh unlocking the doors.

Come on, everyone! Barbecue at our house.

The Rescue Bots, the Burnses, Doc Greene all back where they belong.

Once again, the streets of our town will be protected with compassion and reason, as well as with strength.

And, for tonight, all is well in Griffin Rock.
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