01x14 - Small Blessings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Rescue Bots". Aired: December 17, 2011 – October 22, 2016.*
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Set on the fictional island of Griffin Rock somewhere off the coast of Maine, the Rescue Bots (a group of Autobots designed for rescue missions) named Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase respond to Optimus Prime's message for any active Autobots in outer space to come to Earth.
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01x14 - Small Blessings

Post by bunniefuu »

Huxley Prescott reporting near the Griffin Rock dam, where a minivan has crashed through a guardrail.


Aerial rescue is rushing to the scene.

Not if I get there first.

Hurry up, Heatwave! Weren't you listening? Blades and Dani are on their way.

But they don't have all the in distress Haley.

Been trying to get a date with her for years.

Says I'm obnoxious.

So, we're speeding up a dangerous mountain pass, hoping to impress someone who doesn't like you? Hey, it's a human thing.

You wouldn't understand.


[Tires screech, engine revs]

[Tires screech]

Back off, Kade.

Airlift is our safest option.

Heatwave, transform.

I need a ladder.

[Car creaking]

You can't climb over that drop.

There's nothing to anchor us.

Too much for you, huh?

[Car creaking]


Funny meeting you here.



A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots 1x14

- Small Blessings




Whoa! Kade, I'll drop the winch.

No! I have her! Heatwave!


Hang on tight, Haley.

My bot can be kind of clumsy.


[tires screech]

[Car door opens, closes]

Kade Burns, luck certainly seemed to be on your side today.

Luck? Well, more like skill.


I know my way around a rescue, like a shining knight on horseback.

It must help to have a top



-line Rescue Bot by your side.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what kind of wheels I drive.

I'm the one doing the heavy lifting.

Not that you're heavy.

You done flirting, Kade? 'Cause there's still a minivan to deal with.

- I'll get it later.

- What? You can't just


My sister talk, talk, talk.


You, uh, want to get some coffee?



Hey, guys.

Want to come to the hall of inspiration with us? I have to do a safety inspection, but Cody thought you might like to see the new exhibit.

Human inventions?


I can't wait! No, thanks.

Dani's taking me to be detailed.

I'm getting one of those dangly, smelly good trees and everything.

Chief and I are scheduled to be on speed

-trap detail.

It promises to be an enjoyable afternoon.

What about Heatwave? Where is he, anyway? Hey, Heatwave.

We're off to the Whoa! You're a mess.

Oh, really? Kade didn't seem to notice.

Left me to get back here on my own.

I thought he'd been treating you better lately.

Not when there's a female around.

Don't take it personally.

When human men and women get together, their brains seem to just stop working.

- Hard to tell with your brother.

- I'll talk to him.

Oh, this is magnificent.

Welcome to the hall of inspiration.

Yesterday's future today.



Is what I would say if I had been programmed with emotions.

Don't worry.

That's just President Arthur, the curator.

He's a hologram.

Welcome! Be sure to visit the gift shop.

You two go ahead.

I have to check out the wiring in the basement.

I'll catch up later.

[People murmuring]

May I present some of the best new experimental technology of the year camera gloves.

You simply point and click.

[Camera shutter clicks]



That's nice.

And my favorite innovation of the decade the minimizer! An honest


-goodness shrink ray.

Catch! Now you can carry a week's worth of groceries in your palm.

And simply return them to full size when you get home.

Remember that atm we tried to hijack from the gas station?



Imagine if we could just put it in our pocket and walk away.



Oh, yeah.

I'd date me.

[Knock on door]

Uh, Kade, can we talk? Need some big

-brotherly advice on how to charm the ladies, code? No, it's about Heatwave.

You totally ignored him after the rescue today.


So? Haley and I didn't need a third uh, you know, sixth wheel.

You could have told Heatwave that.

You hurt his feelings.

Cody, Cody, Cody, no bromance.

Heatwave's not my pal.

We do rescues together, and that's it.

I don't owe him anything.

[Alarm blaring]

Emergency team.

The hall of inspiration's silent burglar alarm just went off.

Well, time to be a hero again.

If only my girl could see me now.

[Siren wails]

Attention, intruders.

Exit the building with your hands fully visible above your heads.

Cody, can you see anything inside the hall?

[Keyboard clacking]

It's too black.

Thieves must have disabled the cameras.

Okay, there are four ways in and out of the building.

One team stationed at each.

Heatwave, Kade, you stay here in front.

Play it safe, everybody.

Wait for them to come to us.

But, dad there's no way I'm just sitting here.

Come on.

I don't think the chief wants You're not supposed to think.

You're supposed to take orders.

I'm not supposed to take anything.

I'm your partner, not your servant.

Well, partner, I'm going in.




We're closed.





I need backup at the main entrance! Heatwave's down! I think.

Aah! Dad, our botsdisappeared.

And the thieves have us pinned down.

The rear door is clear.

Hang tight, team.

We're gonna walk out of here now.

No one's gonna follow us, or the same thing that happened to your robots will happen to you.

You understand? Failure to comprehend.

[Electricity crackles]

[Handcuffs click]

Guys, come in.

What's happening? We found the thieves, Cody.

But we lost Boulder, Heatwave, and Blades.

Lost? How? Tell me what you did to our bots.

Tell me! He doesn't talk.

And I won't without a lawyer.

[Both laugh]

It should've been me.

Here's their w*apon.

But I

-I have no idea what it is.


Orwhat it was.

What do you think it did to the bots? Send them to another dimension? Ormade them invisible? Or maybe I don't want to think about that.

[All gasp]

Blades, come in.

Do you hear me? Kade! Kade, over here! Of all the times for him to ignore me.

In case you haven't noticed, we're the size of microscraplets.

What happened? It was that shrink ray from the expo.

But don't worry it can make us full size again if anyone can see us.

Graham! We're so small, they probably can't hear us.

Kade, do you copy? Our commlink shrunk so much, the signal's not powerful enough.

Talk about "shortwave radio.

" We just need to get closer.

Dani! It's Blades!


And, boy, do I have a funny story to tell you.

Oh! Oh! Shoo, fly.

Ow! Have a plan "b"? They'll find us eventually.

We just need to stay put.

That might be harder than you think.

[All scream]

Should we jump? No, we're safe up here.

As long as we can



[Both scream]




Something tells me we're not in the hall of inspiration anymore.



Where are we?

- Griffin Rock sewer line.

For a sanitation system, it doesn't smell very sanitary.

We're not staying long.

This way looks as good as any.

You have to admit Our new perspective is fascinating.

Little things seem so big.

And big things seem even bigger.

[Rats growling]


They're rats.

I read a human story where a piper led them away by playing a flute.

I don't have a flute.

[Rats growling]

Hey, guys? Remember that time Cody took us bowling?

[Rats growling]

Move before the pins reset.




-hoo! We're rat

-free! Lost, but rat


I just remembered Graham loaded the sewer

-line schematics into my GPS.

If we follow the map, we can make it back to the firehouse by sunrise.

Rescue Bots, let's roll home.

We need to go back to the hall of inspiration and look again.

We were there all night, Cody.

We covered every inch of the place.

Let's call doc Greene again.

The bots are gone! All right, Cody? Just accept it.

[TV turns on]

Dad, did you find out anything? I've been with these two for hours.

They still won't tell me where they got that w*apon or what it does.

But that's not why I called.

The emergency

-response line is getting an a*t*matic error message from the Griffin Rock dam.

- It's probably nothing, but

- I'll go.

- Kade, you sure?

- What? I don't need Heatwave to be a fireman.

I'll take my old truck.

Cody, you might want to check in on Chase.

Emergency frequency transmission.

Sigma 17, do you copy? Repeat.

Do you copy?




Rescue Bots log.

With my team missing in action, the future of our mission remains unclear.

[Door opens]

You're not giving up, are you? I am the only Rescue Bot left on a planet that is not my own.

We'll figure out what happened to the other bots.

I promise.

Now, tell me everything you can remember about the tech those thieves used.

Would you care to examine the device? I scanned an image before chief stored it in the evidence locker.

Wait that's what made the bots disappear? Chase, this is great! Does "great" have another meaning I am unfamiliar with? Those guys didn't bring this w*apon into the hall.

It was there the whole time.

This is a shrink ray.

Oh, come on!


Call that turbo? I've seen Blades move faster.

Daylight ahead.


More rats? Sounds like a rainstorm.

All: Whoa!

[All grunting]

Aah! Grab on! We're on top of the Griffin Rock dam.

That's funny.

The river wasn't nearly that high yesterday.

Over here.

Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't this side supposed to be completely dry? The water pressure's building up on the other side.

The whole dam could collapse.

And put Griffin Rock underwater.

We have to warn chief!

[All scream]

We can't outrun it!

[Engine revs]



[Tires screech]


I think I wet my oil pan.


[Alarm beeping]

Dad, I'm climbing down to check out that error message.

Heatwave, let's Sorry, Cody.

I wish I had heard your message last night.

My noise

-canceling ear warmers must really work.

Ah! An appropriate serving size! Cody, the minimizer is fixed! Uhwell, nearly.

That's not a false alarm.

[Metal groaning]


Aah! Help! Help! Somebody please! Well, since you asked so nicely.

Heatwave? Where are you? Just hold on.

Boulder's working on something.


Listen up, team.

We have an emergency.

Heatwave? Both: Heatwave! Yeah.

Blades and Boulder, too.

Where are you? Standing on Kade's shoulder.

Both: What?


No time to explain.

We're at the dam.

It's starting to give way!


I can't get the hose to release.





The dam just wasn't designed to hold back that much water.

Something must be obstructing the overflow channels.

There! Kade was supposed to take care of that.

Dad, there's a minivan blocking a spillway.

We got it, Dani.

[Tires screech]

And doc said this'll work? His exact words were "it's worth a try.



- The water level's dropping.

- Ahh, thank you.

- Yes!

- All right! Now all we have to do is patch up this dam.

That's not all we have to do.

Get ready, guys.

[Minimizer powering up]

- Ew! You stink.

- What is that smell? We toured your sewer system.

Not a vacation destination, let me tell you.

Uh, don't touch anything.

I'll get some soap and water.

[Knock on door]

Ooh! That must be Haley.



Ready, babe?


What? A car wash is the perfect second date.

To be honest, this fella is the secret of my success.


I might start liking you.


I missed you, Blades.

- Boulder

- What's up, Blades?
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