Honest to God (2022)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Honest to God (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Yep, yep.

All right, all right.

Lee, why don't you

come to my office

and we can discuss the

additional coverage.

You can set up a date with

one of my secretaries,

either Candy or Donna.


All right, bye.

Oh, hi Benji.

Hi Candy.

Hi Donna.

Oh, hey Benji.

My, but you girls

look lovely today.

Thank you.


Here's the Henderson file.

- Thanks, Donna.

- You're welcome.

Oh, kitty cats.

I love kitty cats.

I had one once.

Oh, that's nice.

He got squished by a car.

That's not.


Oh, he's off the phone now,

You can go in, Benji.

Oh, thank you, Donna.

You're welcome.

Keep them out of the street.

No worries.

They're indoor cats.

Hey Benji.

Hi Danny.

Hey, wanna go to lunch?

Daisy's Deli has that

turkey sausage sandwich

for special today.

You know the one with the

fried green peppers

and the onions.

I may have to pass.

Heartburn, I think.


You're still getting that.

About a month now of off and on.



I keep telling you, Danny,

I've been taking

that stuff for years

and I can eat anything I want.

That's what you keep telling me.


I'm telling you it,

it's much better than any of

that over the counter stuff.

And the important thing,




Not a drop.

Well, you won't get

it from taking it.

Well, thank you for

that very descriptive

piece of information.

Let's do it another day.

Oh, alright.


We'll see.


Are you okay?


Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

Oh, okay.

Well I better go.

See ya


You know, when we were at

Andrew Farnsworth's funeral,

his wife told me that he

had complained of discomfort

in his abdomen for

a very long time

and just kept putting

off seeing the doctor.

Just like you, dad.

How come you only speak

when you want to point

out other people's flaws?

Where did you learn that?

It's whiter.

You really need to set up

some guidelines at that place.

Are you still

getting those pains?

It's heartburn,

doesn't last long,

goes away in minutes.

But it keeps coming back.

You too?

Maybe that's why you don't

enjoy life as much as I do.

No, it's because

I'm older than you.

And I know what's really

happening in the world

while you and your generation

are the first to

complain and last to act.

That's not fair.

I'll tell you what's not fair,

living as long as I have

and knowing what I know

based on years of experience

and being looked at

by younger people

as if all of that

doesn't mean a thing.

- Daniel.

- Okay.

I'll have it checked out.

I can make an appointment

for you with Dr. Marshall.

No, I'll, I'll do it.

You said that last time.

Didn't you say you

had somewhere to be?

No, my shift doesn't

start til late.


You got a paying job?

I volunteer.

As what?

A grief counselor.

For what?

For people having a hard time

coping with the final

season of "Game of Thrones".

It's not funny.

You'd be surprised

how many people

get severely traumatized

if their favorite TV show

doesn't end the way

they expect it to.

Like "Breaking Bad",

final season perfect.

It's not funny.

Yes it is.


if you had to watch one TV

show in your entire life,

it would for sure

be "Breaking Bad".

Everybody knows that.

Ever since Bernie d*ed,

it's been hard for me to

keep things organized.

That's why I'm glad

you're helping me

make the more

difficult decisions.

Bernie used to do all that.

Well, he was good at it.

So if you think I need this

extra insurance, then I do.

Well, it's your decision,

Mrs. Loomis, as always.

But I think it's better

to be safe than sorry.

I mean, whatever

you say, Daniel.

I trust your judgment.

I mean, you're so good at this.

It must have been

your calling in life.

An insurance agent?

Could all be part of God's plan.

Well, I don't know about that.

Well, either way,

there's still time.

Sometimes we

have to go through a

lot in our lives before

it's revealed to us.

And when the time is right,

when the time comes,

God will let you know.

You're still a young man.

I sure don't feel

like a young man.

You're just a pup.

Oh, right there.

I'll, I'll date it.

Thank you, Daniel.

You're a good man. Have

I ever told you that?

All the time, Mrs. Loomis.

Can I get you

guys anything else?

No, thanks, Alice.

We're good.

Can I take this from you?

Yeah, yeah, I'm done.

And how about you?

- Take this...

- Oh, no.

I'm still working on my fries.


He was just a little

bit older than us.


Andrew Farnsworth.

I told you, you

didn't have to go.

You know how you

are with funerals.

Think about something

else, will ya?

Don't concentrate on this finger

or you will miss all

that Heavenly gold.

Bruce Lee, "Enter the Dragon".


He's dead too.

And his son.

Just like Beverly.

Hey, come on.

Don't go there.

Finish your fries.

I hate funerals.

They always remind me of

how many people we know

who've left us.

Like who?

Glen Fry,

Tom Petty,

Burt Reynolds,

Aretha Franklin.

We didn't know them.

And they were still

part of our lives.

More than Farnsworth was.

Benji should've never

gone to the funeral.

He's gonna drive me

crazy the next few weeks.

Maybe you should pray for him.

No, you do it.

Not now.

Daniel, it really bothers me

that you won't pray with me.

Then you do it.

Now, you're, you're

better at it than I am.

How are you gonna

get any better at it

if you don't even try?

God and I have a relationship.

I know him.

He knows me.

Prayer's nice, but I,

I don't think it's

that big a deal.

How can you say that?

You know me.

I know you

and you know I love you.

That's why I don't have

to say it every day.

And that's why it means

so much more when you do.

We may know you,

but sometimes we

really need to hear it.

Maybe you and Benji should go

out, do something together.

When was the last time

you guys just hung out?

I don't know.

Might take his mind off of it.

Don't get me wrong.

I care about him,

but it has been a

lifetime responsibility.

It should be.

You're his best friend.



I'm making an appointment.


Do it.

We never go out.

That's what I was told.

It's a wonderful

world, isn't it?

Hey, can be.

No, I'm not talking

about the people in it.

I'm talking about

the world itself.

And sometimes I'm just like

sitting around in my apartment

and thinking,

how good things are.

And then I just,

just smile,

like a real honest

to goodness smile.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Now the time I like to

do a little thing called

amateur showcase.

This is where I invite

someone up from the audience

to come up here and

show us what you can do.

I should have known,

ladies and gentlemen,

put your hands together

for our regular,

Mr. Benji Baker.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

And it's, it's I don't

need the music for this.

The music will just screw me up

'cause this, I'd

like to dedicate this

to my good friend, Danny.

It's Daniel.



I was wondering,

could you walk Pretzel?

He has to poopy.

I'm sorry, Ms. Tucker.

It's Virginia.


- I'm late for work.

- What?



Looks like Daniel's not going

to help with poopy, Pretzel.

Maybe next time.

Come on.

Come on, buddy.

Let's go.

Daniel Adams.

Oh, hi honey.

No, no, no, go ahead.

I couldn't get you an

appointment with Martinez

until next month.

However, I was talking to Dory

and she told me

about this doctor

who just opened his practice

right here in Bethany.

His name is Dr. Hajia.

He's from Indonesia, I think.

And he's an internist,

best in the field,

according to

"Entertainment Tonight".

Wait, "Entertainment Tonight"?

He's gotten a lot

of exposure lately

because of his client list.

Some of them are famous,

like Hollywood famous.

And get this, he looks just like

the soup n*zi from "Seinfeld".


No soup for you.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, what's he

doing in Bethany?

He has an opening this

afternoon at 3:00 p.m.

So I grabbed it.

His office is off route

88 at 1619 Wilber Road.

Don't be late.

Wait, wait, wait 3:00 p.m.

That's so last minute.

Daniel, just leave

the office early.

You are the boss.



All right, gimme

the address again.

It's off route 88

at 1619 Wilber Road.


Bye sweetie.


May I help you?

Yes, I have an

appointment with Dr. Hajia.

3:00 p.m.

Going once,

going twice.

Going once,

going twice.


Did you make the appointment?

No, my wife did.

Daniel Adams?


Have a seat, I'll

call your name.


Daniel Adams.

Daniel Adams.

Follow me, please

Take your jacket off.

The doctor will be

with you in a minute.

I know, I know no

soup for you, right?

How are you my friend?

Well, I would say fine, but,

and I wouldn't be here, would I?

Oh, oh, a joke.

Yes, yes, yes.


I love it.

And you are?

It's not on your tablet there?

Oh, you are Dr. Hajia?

No, that's me.



I know.

I'm Daniel Adams.

Like the beer?

No, that's Samuel Adams.

A very good, very good.

And so you tell the

nurse, you have pain?



I mean, it comes

and goes, but it's,

it's been getting worse lately.

In the butt?


In the chest?


Not, not exactly.

Kind of in the middle.


Open mouth please.


Deep breath please.



Three times.


Cough, please.

We need blood.

Oh, I'm afraid

I'm gonna need a little

help getting that out.

Oh, oh, humor.


- Very good, very good.

- Yes.

And the nurse will be

in to take your blood

and then we see.


If you are really Samuel Adams,



She could.


she could.

She could take your beer.

You know, doc,

you really should take your

job a little more serious.

Humor, yes?



Have you recently

been bitten by an insect

that maybe you are

not familiar with?

An insect?

No, not that I know of at least.

Coughing, shortness of breath,

blood where it shouldn't be?

Where it shouldn't be?


What's going on doc?

Well, I, I don't want

you to alarm your wife

or your family.

Just the tests we did

revealed something.

What, I mean, revealed what?

Have you ever heard of Ebola?

Pneumonic plague?



hemorrhagic infection?

No, none of those.


Which one of those

things do I have?

What have I got?

It's early,

but there's something there.


Something where?

It's early.

Is that why it took so long?

Or which of those things is it?

It's early.

You keep saying that.

Well, more tests maybe.

I think I need to send the

blood for more tests to be sure.

Oh wait doc, you can't do this.

You have to tell me.

You don't know me.

I'll go crazy.

The waiting could be

worse than the diagnosis.

Is this serious?

Is it?


I don't believe in not telling

the truth to my patients.

I understand.

They need to know, yes.


I mean, absolutely yes.

So you're saying it's

something serious

and you want to do more tests

and you don't want me

to tell my family yet.

Yes and no.

How serious?


Like fatal serious?

I mean, like I

could die serious?

It's early.

I got that part.

How serious doc?

Come on.

Daniel, there's a good chance

you have a terminal illness

that could result in death

in a short period of time.

Look, my nurse will call you

when we get the results

and you will have to come back

and see me very soon, yes.


How long?

Three weeks, okay.

Maybe less, but

I will do everything in

my power to help you.

You will just have to come back

and see me very soon, my friend.


It's early.

Three weeks,

maybe less


Pneumonic plague.

Denny's mathematic infection.

I've never heard

of any of those.

Oh, maybe Ebola.

Three weeks.

There's a good chance you

have a terminal illness.

Three weeks, okay.

Three weeks.

You don't want me to

tell my family yet?

I better not say

anything to Becca.

It's early.


Well what.

Dr. Hajia, how was he?



What did he say?

It's early.

What's early?

That, that's what he said.

He took some blood.

He's gonna run some

tests and get back to me.

That's probably the pizza.


I figured he might be a

little late getting home.

So I ordered one.

Hi, Chloe.

Hi Benji.

I didn't know you

delivered pizzas.

How wonderful.

Yeah, for about a month now.

Benji, I knew you got a

job at the pizza place,

but didn't know you delivered.


Hi Danny.


How, what?

You don't have a car.

My bike.

Too many right turns.

Maybe you can hold

it at an angle

and then that way it all just

all just shift right

back into place.

Don't worry about it.

We'll make due. How

much do we owe you?

Oh, $26.97.

That's with delivery.


Thank you, Rebecca.

Did he say bike?



Oh, don't worry though.

Next time, I'll take

a different route.

One with little fewer

right hand turns.

Bye Benji.



It's early.

We already established that.


Wait, what?

The clock hasn't rung yet.

Do you wanna get up?

Oh, I, yeah.

Couldn't really sleep.

Bad night.

You all right?

Was it the pain again?

No, no, no.

Just couldn't sleep.

Do you remember the

time we first met?

Of course,

1987, the church picnic.

You're just as beautiful

now as you were then.

I used to tease you.

Called you a holy roller,

'cause you were always

trying to please God,

always reading and

quoting the Bible.

It was so important

to you back then.

It still is.

Yeah, I know.

I love you.

I love you too.



Any calls from

Dr. Hajia's office?

Not since the

last time you asked.

That was only five

minutes ago, wasn't it?

Yes, it was.

Well you have a

remarkable memory.

Yes I do.


I'm gonna to go to lunch.

Is 9:45.

Brunch then.


But what are you

going to be back?

I don't know.

- I don't know?

- Okay.

- Okay.

- So $5.

But where is this place?

This is kinda like the

day before a colonoscopy,

spending every minute terrified

they'll find something in

between all the bathroom runs.

Except this time,

you won't be waking

up afterwards

to see if they found something.

Excuse me.

Excuse me, sir.

Can I ask you a question?

You look like you may not

have a lot of time left.

Although you look really

great for your age.

But I mean, obviously you

have less time ahead of you

than behind you.

You know, when the

time comes, you know,

when you find out you have to go

or exactly when

you're going to go,

what do you do with

the time you have left,

whatever it is?

Probably watch all six

seasons of "Breaking Bad".

Hi mom.

Daniel, why aren't you at work?

Can I come in?

Who d*ed?


Why would you say that?

You come to see me in

the middle of a weekday?

No phone call,

no gift.

What else could it be?

Maybe I just wanted to see you.

Fat chance.


The last time you

came to see me like this

was when you and Rebecca got

pregnant for the first time.

Why did people say that?

Say what?

Me and Becca.


We didn't get pregnant.

She did.

Oh my.

So Chloe's not your daughter?


Did you just find out?


I mean, yes, Chloe

is my daughter.


No, no, no, no.

That's not what I meant.

I don't know why

people say that,

we didn't get pregnant.



It's not why I'm here.

Something has happened

or is happening to me and

well, I have something that

I really like to tell you.


Ever since I found out,

I've been seeing things from

a different perspective,

you know, the sun,

the sky, the flowers.

I mean, I look around

my house differently,

everything and the rooms,

the furniture,

color and the walls.

And it what, makes

you wanna redecorate?

I watched Becca last

night as she was sleeping,

thinking how

beautiful she was and

how much it's gonna

hurt when I tell her.

I really need to tell someone.

I thought being my mother, that

if I was gonna tell someone

that you should be the first.

Well Daniel, honey I understand.

And I am so glad you decided

to share this with me first.

Thanks mom.

I don't know what brought

this on at your age,

but it's a different world

with the internet and all.

Oh yeah.

Does Rebecca suspect anything?

Mm, no, I don't think so.

Although I have probably

been acting a little funny

since I found out.

Have you been walking funny?


To be honest, Daniel,

I should have seen this coming.

Do you remember when

you were 11 years old

and I caught you trying

on your sister's dress?

I just thought it was

an innocent curiosity.

Oh, you mean the

Halloween costume?

And you did play with your

sister's cabbage patch dolls

a little too much.

You mean the ones that

I was gonna sell for her?

It's okay, Daniel.

But I think it's important

that you tell Rebecca

as soon as possible

while she still has a few

good years left in her.

The kids won't care.

Nowadays, everything's

okay with them.

It's okay, honey.

Hate the sin, love the sinner.


Now you just sit there

and be whatever

or whoever you are

and I'll go make some tea.

Ellen comes on at three.

Bad idea.

Do you wanna go see Daniel?

Do you have to poopy?



Well, that was a little

rude, don't you think.

We're good, right?

You know, I never did

explore other religions.

I wonder if one's any

better than the other.

Maybe they know something

the others don't.


We are from the Church of Jesus

Christ of Modern Day Saints.

Do you belong to a church?


My wife attends

Bethany Baptist church

and I go when I can.

I heard that that's

a very nice church.



I just got home from work and

I'm really not feeling

that good right now.

We understand.


We just wanted to make

sure you are good with God.

My name is Daniel.

I'm elder Jones.

I'm elder Wallace.

It would seem

that I'd be the one

carrying that title here.

Yes, it would appear that way.

So do you have first names

or did you have to lose those?

We prefer the elder title

and then our last names.

Well, it feels a

little awkward, but okay.

Could I call you

Wallace and Jones maybe?

- Sure.

- Sure.

So did you see that play,

the Book of Mormon?

You know the one by

the South Park guys.



Yeah, pretty funny.

You saw it?


We may have lost

our first names,

but not our sense of humor.

Of course.

So you guys out

recruiting today?

We don't recruit.

We are missionaries.

Oh, sorry.

I thought that's what you

guys, you know, the Mormons do.

Yes, we know.

So Wallace, what did you

mean by me being okay with God?

Well, if you don't

mind me saying,

you look like a troubled soul.

Well, I just found out something

that could affect

my whole future,

or what's left of it.

Something bad?

Could be.

Are you guys okay

or, or good with God?

Well, I think I can speak

on behalf of elder Jones

when I say yes, we are.

So hypothetically,

if you were to die,

let's say in three weeks.

Three weeks?

Yes, three weeks to live.

Are you sure that when you die,

you're going to be with God?

Well, I think I can speak

on behalf of elder Jones

when I say yes, we are.

Well, I didn't know if it

was any different for you,

you know, being that you guys

have your own book and all,

you know, maybe, you know

something the others don't

and that gives you

more of like a,

a backstage pass,

you know, all access.

Heaven's not a

rock concert, Daniel.

I know, I know.

What I meant was

do Mormons know something

other religions don't

that might make it more of

a sure thing when one dies?

Well, if I had

three weeks left live.




Well, I think I would want

to spend it with my family.


I would agree.

We believe that family is

just as important in life

as it is in death.

Behold, children are a

heritage from the Lord,

the fruit of the womb.

Fruit of the loom?


Oh, sorry.

There's nothing more

wonderful and fulfilling

then the presence of family.

Children are a

heritage from the Lord,

offspring, a reward from him.

Now, speaking of offspring,

look who's come home,

my son Dylan.




We prefer church of Jesus

Christ of Modern Day Saints.

Hey Dylan, why don't you

go upstairs to your room

and play one of your video

games, like space invaders.

Space invaders?

Or any video game?

I wasn't even born then.

I'm entertaining

guests right now.

You're entertaining Mormons.

- How?

- Dylan!


How cool.

And my daughter, Chloe.


I'm Chloe.

I just said that.

I'm elder Jones.

I'm elder Wallace.


And you guys look so young.


How cute.

Chloe, they're

people, not puppies.

I am so happy to meet you.

I've seen you wandering

around the neighborhood

and I never thought my dad would

ever invite you into the house.

At least he said he never would.

Imagine my surprise.

Proof there is a God.

- Yes, there is.

- You just let me know

if you'd like anything

to drink or eat.

I'll get you anything you want.


Bye, Chloe.

What was that last part again

about offspring being a reward?

Lord, I'm terrible at praying.

You know that.

But if there was ever a

time that I needed to pray,

it's now.

I don't wanna die.

Please, not now.

I still have so much I wanna do.

I know, how many times

have you heard that, right?

I'm only in my 50s

for God's sake.

For, for your sake.

You know.

Although I gotta admit,

it's a pretty messed up

world we live in today.

I, I've seen just

some real hate,

Not, not just what

comes from people, but

as an entity with,

with a mind of its own,

from the looks of things,

it's gonna get a lot worse

before it gets any better.

That might be the only reason

I wouldn't be afraid to die.

Not so sure I wanna be around

to see the results

of all that hate.

Lord, I, I have and asked

you for much in my life,

but I'm asking now, please

see me.

Feel me.

Touch me,

heal me.

Wait, that's a

song from the Who.

Scratch that.

If you do, I promise

you I will change.

Not that I've been

that bad of a person.

Like Benji.

I promise to spend

more time with him.

I'll pray more.

I'll read my Bible every day

or as much as I can.

Okay, every day.

I'll give 10% of my

income to our church.

Okay, 20%, maybe more

to see how I'm doing.

I'll even walk Ms. Tucker's dog.

Can I think about that

one or is it too late?

Okay, nevermind.

I'll become a, a

man of God, of you.

You know what I mean.


How's that?

Good morning, sunshine.

Good morning, my love.

No time for breakfast.

I'll grab something on the way.

Good to see you eating

at the table, son.

Is it just me or has dad

been acting a little

strange over the weekend?

You mean like putting $50

in the collection

plate at church?

Or going to the church

in the first place?

It's the Mormons.

God bless you, sir.

Yeah, I know it's

an older vehicle,

but with all the upgrades.

Fab fours grumper.


Full width.


Front winch HD bumper.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Alpine I 209 GM

N-restyle system.


Could all that even

be installed on that old of a vehicle?

It wasn't easy.

Well, even with

all those upgrades,

the stated value

vehicle is the same.

Oh, come on,

Danny, you can do it.

I figure we're looking at about

17 grand worth of coverage.

That's all for my

own peace of mind.

Well, you know, I'm really not.

It's a little extra coverage.

Wouldn't call it a little.

Come on, Danny,

you know how I am.


I'm gonna take care

of this thing like a,

like a newborn baby.

Come on, it'll just

make me feel better.

For me, man.


For you.

God bless you, man.

- Donna?

- What?

Check your email.

What, why?

Just, just do it.


You okay?

Yeah, I just had to

give myself a sh*t.

I almost forgot.

What's in the briefcase.

My life.

Your life?


By the way, my treat today.


Well, it's been a while since

I've treated so, you know.

Whoa, you've never treated.

Don't look at gift

horse in the mouth.

How's everything been going?

Well, my boss, Antonio,

he hasn't been too happy

with my delivery work.

Even got even more unhappy

when I asked him for a raise.

I meant since the funeral

and Beverly.

Why have you told

me all this time

not to bring her

up and now you do.

Maybe sometimes it is

better to talk about it,

you know, with a friend

instead of therapists

or doctors.

Who knows your better than me.

Why now?

I don't know.

Sometimes we need to take

advantage of the time we have.

What do you mean?

I mean, you know,

how often do we reach out

to help someone in pain,

but end up just spending

our lives thinking, no, hey,

they'll be okay.

Would you like to talk about it?


Well, you can.

I mean, you can come

to me with anything.

Just like I can come

to you with anything.

You never come to

me with anything.

But I could, you

know, for whatever.

I just want you to know

that I'm your best friend

and I'm here for you

for as long as God allows.

Why, are you going somewhere?

As always, it's up to him.

Okay, Danny.

I, I gotta get back.


It's been a long time

since you did that, too.

Too long.

Sounded urgent.

I was in the neighborhood

with my granddaughter.

I hope you don't mind

that I brought her in.

Oh, sure.

No, that, that that's fine.

Hi there, what's your name?



That's a very pretty name.

Thank you.

I hope everything is okay.

Oh, oh, it is.

I just thought it

would be important

to tell you face to face.

I was looking over

that umbrella policy,

the one you just took out,

and I'm thinking maybe it's

not necessary after all.

Oh really?

Well, I trust your judgment

and you know what's best.

Well, thanks.

There you go.

Is, is this the way out?


- Thank you.

- Thank you. Have a great day.


- Yeah.

- What's up?

I don't know.

He's been acting strange

ever since he went to

see that. Dr. Hajia.

Oh, he went to go see him.

Yeah. Got to tell you,

I talked him into it.

Strange how?

Like he's got

something on his mind.

Didn't you say he

was talking to Mormons?

You think that's it?


Like they brainwashed

him or something.

It's just one time.

Was it something

Dr. Hajia told him?


He said they were gonna run

some routine blood tests

and he's been waiting

to hear the results.

It's taking them forever.

That's it.

Blood tests always

make me nervous.

Yeah, probably.

Otherwise he's doing

everything he normally does.


Come here, baby.

Did everything come

out okay, baby?

Sure did.

There it is.

Thank you so much

for walking Pretzel.

I really do appreciate it.

- Sure.

- Would you like to come in

for some refreshments?

Thank you, no.

I gotta get back.

Am I losing my mind

or did I just see

you hand a baggy

of dog poop to Ms. Tucker?

Honey, is there

anything I should know?


Let's just say that for

now, I've had an epiphany.


Can you even spell that word?

Probably not, but

I know what it means.

And that's all that's important.

And what was your epiphany?

Truth is there are

no backstage passes.

Backstage passes?

To heaven.


If, if we're to

be good with God,

we got to show we're serious.

I mean God helps those who

help themselves, right?

For however long we're here.

You can't earn

salvation, Daniel.

I know that.

It doesn't sound like it.

So this is why you've

been talking to Mormons

and walking Ms. Tucker's dog?


And yes.

Pick up the book,

read it and decide for yourself.


Oh boy.


You've only called

me Rebecca three times

since I've known you.

The night we first met,

I told you my name

and you repeated it

just before we kissed

for the first time.

The time you accidentally

dropped the new car keys

in the sewer,

outside the hotel we were

staying at in Florida.

And the first and only time

you've ever asked if your

mother could live with us.


Only three.

So get to what you're gonna say.

The last time I

tried to tell someone

it didn't go so well.

Your mother.

How'd you know?


Not now, honey,

your dad may be in the

middle of another epiphany.

Ah, what?

The reason I've been

acting a little strange

the last few days.

You're going to become a Mormon.


In the Chicago suburb

of Bethany, Illinois,

an Indonesian man

posing as a doctor

was arrested two days ago

and is now in custody.

Dr. Morak Hajia,

also known as the

doctor of the stars,

has developed a somewhat

notable reputation

for treating various celebrities

throughout the

entertainment industry.

Dr. Hajia has been

under investigation

since the closing of

his place of practice

in Los Angeles last month

for allegedly

posing as a doctor,

seeing patients,

diagnosing them

with terminal cancer

and then charging them for

tests that were never performed.

It appears the fake doctor

thought the little

town of Bethany

would be the perfect

place to hide

and continue his

illegal practice.

He's being charged with

the unlicensed practice

of a healthcare profession.

In other news, four men

were charged last week

with car jacking

a woman in the...




- Daniel.

- Yes?

Don't drop me.


I am so sorry, Daniel.

For what?

I was the one who

recommended you go to him.

If it wasn't for me,

you never had to go

through all of that.


It's not your fault.

Yes it is.

Okay, it is.

So you got yourself all

worked up for nothing.

What must have been

going through your mind?

Well, I was losing my mind.

That night, I told you I

was gonna pray and I did.

I was so sure I

was gonna die, I,

I even asked God to heal me.

You did?

It was the most sincere

prayer that I've ever prayed

from the heart.

The most honest that

I've ever been with him.

That's wonderful.

I even went as far

as to promise him

a bunch of things I

do if he healed me.

Oh, I'm glad that's over.

I don't know how long I

could have kept that up.

Kept what up?

The promises.

The ones you made to God?


You told me it

was the most honest

you've ever been with him.

It was.

So you're not gonna keep

the promises you made?


No, I, I, yes, of course.

Other than your blood

pressure being a little high,

I'd have to say

you're, you're fine.

Everything's good.

Well, what about

the chest pains?

Well, that was probably anxiety.

The x-rays didn't

show anything and

the stress test

came back normal.

But you know what?

I think I'm gonna

have to put you

on some blood pressure meds.

Is that really necessary?

You want to die?


Then take the pills.

Morning ladies.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

You got a call

from Mr. Hargrove.

He wants you to call him.

Anything else?

Oh, the main

office sent an email

to confirm the changes

in Mrs. Loomis' coverage.



you know what?

Don't respond.

I need to look over

that coverage again.


Here you go.

Hey, dad, can at table 12?



I got another complaint

about a delivery you did.

I'm sorry, Antonio.

I'll be more

careful when I ride.

This bike thing

isn't working out.

I can't keep losing

more customers.

I thought you said you

had a driver's license.

It expired the long time ago.

Look, Benji, you've

been here only a month and

it just isn't working out.

Then no raise.

No, I told you that

the last time you asked.

The no job?

No job.


Mom, what are you doing here?


Anita, what are you doing here?

Well, I'm standing

out here on your porch

waiting for you to

invite me in the house.

Oh, sorry.

Come on in.

I've been experimenting again.

Pickled Kiwi pie.


Can I get you something?

Bourbon and Coke?

We don't have any hard liquor.

How about a bottle of water?


Water makes me sick.

Is my son around?

He's at work.

I hear he came to visit

you a couple of weeks ago.

Yes and what he told

me was quite a shock.

Oh yes, it was.

So he told you?

Yes, he did.

Took him a while to

work up the courage,

but he finally did.

Well, I told him to.

You're taking it quite well.

Well, it was quite

a shock at first,

but once he stopped

seeing that guy

and went back to the other

he's much better now.

There was another?

Of course.

He had been seeing him for

at least the last 12 years.

And didn't really like

his bedside manner.

So I suggested he

sees someone else.


you suggested.

Well he was so unhappy

with the other guy,

I thought it would doing

good to see someone else.

Something wrong?

Honey, not if

it's okay with you.

Of course it is.

Men, you know how they are,

never happy with what they have

and always looking

for something better.



I think we're done.

That's the reason I came

to make sure everything

was okay with all that.


Tell Danny I stopped by.

Hi grandma.

Hello, Daren.


Eh, close enough.

Give your old grandma a big hug.

Can I ask you a

question, sweetie?

Yeah, sure grandma.

Have you ever tried on one

of your sister's dresses?



Now go play some football.

How about them Bears, huh?

Bears suck, grandma.



Sorry, Virginia.

I'm doing a new workout program.

Gotta keep the heart rate up.

It's not moving.

It'll just take a minute.

No, no, no.

I gotta go inside.

I have to run in place indoors.

Can't lose my momentum.

The doctor says I

can get skin cancer.

Too much sun.

Don't wanna die before my time.

Well Pretzel, looks

like you're on your own.

Hi, sweetie.

Was that Ms. Tucker I

heard yelling out front?



I'm pretty sure it was.

Oh yeah, you're right.

She was yelling at the postman.

You know Mrs. Tucker.


Miss, Ms. Tucker.

And the mail came hours ago.


Benji called.

Yeah, what'd he want?

He sounded upset

about something.

He wants to see you.

He said he'll come by

the office tomorrow

and maybe you guys

can talk at lunch.


Everything back to normal?


Did you check your email?


Check my email.



Next year.

What happened to next month?

And only 2%, not 10.

Why would he do that?

I knew it was too

good to be true.

You told me it was come covered.

What it was above

the market value of the car.

You knew that.

Of course I did.

That's why I took out

the additional coverage,

which you said would

cover everything.

Lee, you've been my

client for many years.

I'm sorry if my good intentions

may have been misleading.


Is everything okay?

Yeah, we're good.

All I know is you

said it was covered.

How is that misleading, huh?

Well, you know, this could

be looked at another way.


The reason you took out

the additional coverage

with everything that's happened,

it might look

suspicious on your part.

That so?

Well wouldn't a good

agent have known that

and not approved it?

You know, this doesn't

look any better for you

than it does me, Daniel.

Maybe we'll just let

the Illinois Department

of Insurance decide.

Use your good intentions

to pick up the check.

Lee, come on.


- Daniel.

- Daniel.

- Hello.

- Hello.

Guys, what are you doing here?

You said anytime we

were in the neighborhood

and we were in the neighborhood.

Yeah, well that was

obviously a failed attempt

at a subliminal goodbye.

Can we come in?

Gee, you know, I,

I just got in from work

and there's a lot going on.

We understand.

Elder Wallace.

I don't see the a dog.

Maybe if we hurry,

we can make it.

Elders, guys wait.

All right.

Just for a little while.

And how are you Daniel?

Good, good.

With God?

Oh yeah.

Good with God.

Yeah, everything's great.

Great with God.

Couldn't be better.

That's wonderful.

Did you get a chance to read

the pamphlets we left you?


Yes I did.

What did you think?

Everything looked good.

You know, made sense within

the context of your religion.

But you know what,

there was one thing I

had a big issue with.

What's that?

Well, the whole

coming back thing.

The resurrection.


So in your religion,

you believe that everyone

comes back from the dead?




Isn't that reincarnation?

No, with reincarnation,

you would come back

as something else.

Like a cat or a bird.

And with the resurrection,

you come back as you.

In the same body?



I don't know if he was a Mormon,

but that might explain

Keith Richards.

I mean, he looks like he

may have d*ed and come back

a couple of times.


From the Rolling Stones.

- Oh.

- Oh, I see.

Well and, and what

if you're cremated?

I mean, do you come

back as baby powder?

Ah, you see,

that's why I'm

having the problem.

You know, honestly,

I lost all interest

in people coming back to life

after the seventh season

of "The Walking Dead".

Oh, but that's...

Look guys, I totally respect

your faith and your religion,

but I'm afraid it's not for me.

But Daniel.


I thought you said

you were a Christian.

I am.

Then you understand

about the resurrection.

I do.

You should.

All right, guys,

really appreciate you stopping

by and talking with me,

but I was messed up.

Okay, truth is

this doctor told me

I may have had only

a few weeks to live.


Right, hypothetically.

Well, as it turns out, I'm

not gonna die after all.

Well, that's great.

Praise God.

Well, that's just it.

I mean, actually God had

nothing to do with it.

I mean, the doctor was a fake

and I didn't need him

to heal me after all.

So like I said,

I'm not gonna die.

But Daniel.


You will.

Nice talking to you, Daniel.

Elder Jones.


Oh, no need.


we know where the door is.

Daniel, hey,

what's going on, man?

I don't have time now, Benji.

I've got a really

serious problem that needs my attention...

Yeah, me too.

Not like this you don't.

Look, I've been trying to

get ahold of you for days now.

Look, man, I'm in

big trouble, okay.

Something's happened and

I could lose my license.


Really bad.

Well, okay, the same with me.

I mean, how about,

look, you said that I

could come to you and I am.



You're just gonna have to deal

with whatever it is, okay.

You're a full grown man

for crying out loud.

Hey, crying out loud.

Look what happened

is I went, what?

You walking?

Oh, oh, I'm sorry.

I'll calm down.

Look Benjamin.

I've known you ever

since seventh grade.

I know just about everything

that's ever happened to you.

But not what just happened.

The world does not revolve

around everything that

happens to you, man.

I didn't say,

cause you said I

could come to you.

- I have my own life...

- Then why'd come to me.

And right now I have

a very serious problem.


Did you find out that

you're gonna die after all?


I told you I'm not going to die.

Why should I.

Hey, something...

You told me a lot of things...

Somethings happening that

could jeopardize my reputation

and could result in

me losing my business.

But no matter what happens...

- I don't...

- Hey,

I'll get over it.

I'll get over it.

That's what you need to do.

But Danny, I...

Beverly's dead.

Get over it, man.

Let it go.


One of my customers,

Lee Hargrove,

just filed a complaint

with the Illinois

Department of Insurance.

Yeah, he claims that I

intentionally sold coverage

above and beyond the

market value of the car

and verbally promised

and we cover it.

- Did you?

- Yes.

But he told me he had someone

he thought would buy it for 40

grand if he did the upgrades.

So I thought, what are the odds

something would happen to

the car in the interim.


It b*rned down to the ground

last week and was totaled.

And I think he

might have done it.

Wasn't he one of

your best clients?

Yes, Becca.

- That's why I did it.

- Don't yell at me!

It happened right after

the whole Dr. Hajia thing.

You wouldn't believe what

was going through my mind

at the time.

And that's why I

was double checking

my life insurance policy

and giving away money,

talking with Mormons.

Now look, what's happened.

What does this have anything

to do with all of that?

He was my best customer.

I thought I was doing something

good for him personally.

Then you took it out on Benji.

What about Benji?

Your father told Benji

to get over Beverly.

His bike?


Beverly was a real person.


Benji was engaged woman

named Beverly Arnold

many years ago.

They were out test driving

a new car they had bought

when the car missed

a sharp curve

at 60 miles an hour

and ended in the ditch.

She wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

She d*ed.

He passed out at the wheel

from low blood sugar.

At the time, he didn't

know he was diabetic.

That's why he doesn't drive?


In addition to that, he's

got problems with his heart.

That's why he is

on all those meds.

He's never been the same.

That doesn't sound like

something that easy to get over.

No Chloe,

it doesn't.

Maybe Danny's right

Time to let go.

Can I ask you something?

What did you promise?

To who?


What did you promise, Daniel?

Lots of things,

like walking Cujo.

What else?

It doesn't matter.

I'm okay.

It was a false alarm.

He knows that.

But as stupid as this sounds,

I just thought the

promises I made

were contingent

upon him healing me.

I said it was stupid.

If a man vows a vow to the Lord

or swears an oath to

bind himself by a pledge,

he shall not break his word.

God doesn't make deals.

He isn't someone that you

can bribe into healing you,

especially with vain promises

of being a good person.

You know that Daniel.

Rather than being concerned

with keeping promises,

maybe you should

be more concerned

with what God really

requires of you now.

Admit your weaknesses to him

and pray for God to

renew your heart.

Now that's easy for you to say.

You've always been better at

this sort of stuff than me.

Then get better at it.

He passed away.

Excuse me.

The old man.

That's why you looked

over here, right?

How did you know

about the old man?

Probably shouldn't be

talking to strangers.

I shouldn't really be

talking to anyone, but you.


Or anyone.

Well you don't have anything

to worry about with me.

Is that a promise?

Yes, that's a promise.

Someone watching over you?


The last time I was here,

I thought I was gonna die.

The park looked different then.


I saw things that I

had taken for granted

as it for the first time.

And now?


Now it all looks

like it did before.


Probably because

I'm like I was before

I thought it might be over.

Were you scared?


And I did a lot of stupid

things because of it,

some things that

became mistakes,

big ones.

You sure did.

I even asked God to heal me,

but as it turned out, I

went to a different

doctor later and

found out I was okay.

And Daniel,

how do you know he didn't?

Wow the strangest thing

just happened in the park.


They found Benji on the

floor of his apartment,



They found Benji on the

floor of his apartment.

But who's they?

His landlord,

the police.

Well, what happened?

They don't know.

They're still looking into it,

but they think it was his heart

due to his diabetes.

What hospital?

They did everything they could.

It's too late.

Our Father

who in heaven,

hallowed by your name.

Your kingdom come,

Your will done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day

our daily bread

and forgive us our debts

as we also have

forgiven our debts.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil

for thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory.


And now Benji's

best friend, Daniel

would like to say something.

Best friend.

Death is terrifying.

Don't think it isn't.

The comfort of never knowing

when it will happen or how,

gone and usually that's

when we turn to God for help

as I did, when I was told

I may have only

three weeks to live.

I even made promises out

of fear and desperation,

even though I thought I

was being honest to God, I,

I wasn't.

Like the doctor, I

was also an imposter


to be a loving,

caring Christian.

I've known Benji since

the seventh grade.

We grew up together.

Even back then, people

thought he was strange.

And even though I may not

have known it at the time,

I was his best friend.

And unfortunately it took

me all of these years

to realize that he was mine.

Now, one of the promises

I made to God was

to be a better friend to Benji.

And now the last

memory I'll have of him

is him trying to reach out to me

and I wasn't there for him.

I, I don't believe that

this is a consequence

for not keeping one of

those promises I made.

But right now it feels like it.

Goodbye, my friend.

I can't remember if I ever

told you this all these years,

but I love you.

And I know you're with God know.

Rest in peace, Benji.


Well, it took some time,

but by God's grace,

I made good on the

promises that I made Him,

all of them.

And it wasn't until I began

being honest with myself

that I found out what my

true calling was in life.


here I am.

And since this is my first day,

I wanted all of you to know

how I became your pastor.

I'd like to close with a

verse from Numbers, 30,

chapter two,

If a man vows a vow to the Lord

or swears an oath to bind

himself by some agreement,

he shall not break his word.

He shall do according to all

that proceeds out of his mouth.

So the next time someone

asks you about your faith

and you tell them

you're a Christian,

be honest

to yourself and to God.

Wonderful sermon, Pastor Daniel.

Well, thank you Rose.

So mom, what did you think?

Very nice.

Very nice.

You messed up a couple of times,

but you covered it up well.

Messed up?

I didn't mess up.


- When you...

- You did real good

for your first time, honey.

Well, I hope so.

I hate to think the

three years it took

to get ordained or for nothing.

I just hope the almighty is good

with what you're doing

and being the way you are.


You think that becoming a priest

would've changed everything.

A pastor.


Mom, we have talked

about this many times.


it did mom.

It did?

It changed everything.

Well, it's about time.

But mom.

Let it go.

Oh, we gotta go.

Come on, Rose.

Not so fast.

Goodbye everyone.

- Bye, grandma.

- Bye

Dad, you did great.

Thanks honey.

So pastor Dan,

it's a bold move,

you giving up your

old job to do this.

Well, he really didn't have

much choice in the matter.


What, he didn't.

Well, sometimes we lose

something in his life...

Like your license.


It just means God

has something better in store for us.

Whether you wanted it or not.


No, no he, he's right.

I take full responsibility

for what happened.

Look, I, I gotta get going.

Thanks for coming, Dylan.

Call us every once in a while.


Time to get this

little girl home.


Thanks for coming honey.

Oh, of course.

You take good care

of my girls, James.

I will.

She'll make sure I do.

Bye sweetie.

Good sermon, Daniel.

Hey, hold on.

Thank you.

I'll take good care of her.

I know you will.

You know, I never asked you

out of all the promises

you made to God,

which one was the

hardest to keep?

So did I ever

think I would become a pastor,

that it was my calling in life?

Absolutely not.

Only God knew that.

Well, it looks like

Mrs. Loomis was right.

Sometimes it can take

almost a whole lifetime

to find out what it is.

One thing I do know,

the next time a doctor tells me

I only have three weeks to live,

I'm getting a second opinion.
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