Lover for a Day (2017)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Lover for a Day (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »

You okay?
- Yeah.


- Oh, my god!


Jeanne had just been
kicked out by her fiancé.

- Yes?
- Dad, it's me.

You okay?
- ...You?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

- What's up?
- I'm fine.

- Anything serious?
- No.

- Come in.

I'll make you some herbal tea.

- Thanks.


He told me...

I could stay at his

as long as it took me to
find somewhere else.

But I packed my bag and...

...I left

- You did the right thing.

- But he was...

He was completely indifferent.

He watched me pack my suitcase

Without a trace of emotion.

How does somebody suddenly
become so indifferent?

- Look, perhaps it wasn't indifference...

- It was, I promise you.

I'm not going to have another
relationship if this is how it ends.

- If he's incapable of loving you,

don't waste your time
being upset over him.

- Dad...

I don't know what I'm going to do.

It's the first time I've felt
love like this.

- Here...

Drink a bit.

You're thin as a cuckoo.
You need to eat and rest.

- Why "cuckoo"?

Is somebody here?

- Yes.

- Will she leave?

- No. She'll be here for a while.

- Okay.

Can I stay anyway?

- Of course.

The sofa is all yours.
I'll bring you a blanket.

- But... Dad...

I can go if I'm in your way.

- Where would you go?


Essaie de dormir.

- Good night.

- I'm just in the next room.

While trying to sleep,
Jeanne thought about her life

and her father sleeping
next door with a woman.

She thought about the man she loved,
who no longer loved her.

It was like being skinned alive.

- Be careful.

- Thanks.

- You'll get over him.

We always do.

- You mean you always do.

- Every woman. That includes you.

- You're not so great, in fact.

- I never...

I never claimed to be amazing.
I... know...

- You're less beautiful than my mother.

- Is that so?

- Lucky you, in fact.

- Why "lucky me"?

- Because...

I'm sorry.

I'm talking rubbish.
Forgive me.

- It's not important.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- I'll make some room for you.

- They're beautiful, your clothes.
-You think so?

Help yourself.

- Really?
- Don't hesitate to take what you like.

- You too. Take anything of mine.
- That's nice.

Whoopsie daisy.

- I turned him down at first.

He kept telling me that he was
in love with me.

- You eventually believed him.

- Yeah.

It's crazy...

I totally knew.

From the start.

I held off for ages
Until I fell into his arms

But I also had a feeling
it would end badly

Why was I such an idiot?

- You were in love, that's all.

- It's unbearable.

It was him who came
chasing after me.

All of a sudden, I have nothing.

We're not together anymore.


I was played.

- You weren't.
I'm sure it was important for him.

- I mean...

I was played by love.
Not by him.

- If you're feeling this bad,
it must have been good with him.

- Yeah.

But it all ends like this...

How long have you and
my father been together?

- Three months.

It's all new.

Is it a problem?

- What's that?

- That me and you are the same age.

- No.

I don't know.

Where did you meet?

- In class.

- You're his student?

- Well, it was me who...

I chased him until
he cracked

At first, he was incredibly embarrassed.

- You hit on him?

- Yes. He resisted my advances
for the entire semester.

- I can imagine his face.

It makes me laugh.

- Feeling better?

- Yes.

The following day,

Jeanne thought she spotted

the face of the man she loved.

- She'll be fine.
I gave her a sleeping pill.

Do you find me chubby?

- Come to bed, Narcissus.

- A woman ashamed of her body
can't be good in bed.

- News to me.

Not now.

- Why not?
- Jeanne might hear us.

- I know.

I promise I'll be quiet.

I want to f*ck you so bad,
I'm sure I'll come quickly.

At the University, nobody knew
Gilles and Ariane were lovers.

They were very discreet.

- Do you remember
the first time you saw me?

- No.

- You were teaching class.

I remember it well.

When you said...

"Philosophy is not divorced from life."


You looked at me,

you stopped, facing my direction

I felt... completely naked.

I fell in love with you.

Scared of losing her,

Gilles told Ariane that,

despite any future infidelities
committed against each other,

they would stay together.

- I won't be long, Dad!

- See you tonight.

Ariane thought that perhaps
one day she'd leave too.

Perhaps then there would be
no other way.

- Oh dear...

- What?
- Nothing. I'm making a mess.

- Try cutting them even smaller.

Not like that.

- Hello.
- Hi, dad.


- We bought food...

- Hi, my love.
- Okay?

We're making dinner!

- You're not going to kiss me?

- My daughter first, okay?

- What's with her?
She's crazy.

- I think she's got a screw loose.

- Seriously?

- Yeah, I really think so.

- You didn't realise?

- Of course,
only a little too late.

Why "too late"?

Because you love her?

- Yes, I think I love her.

- And you love that she...

Has a screw loose.

- Who knows?

Here, it's for you.

- I don't want anything.

- Are you ill?

- I just want to be left alone.

- If you change your mind,
it's in the oven.

That evening,

Gilles went out with his daughter

- Papa.
- Yes?

- How do you define

- Nobody's ever been
able to say.

It's like any other word.

You might be faithful to things
that have no meaning to others.

- For example?

- Memories, details.

- Right.

There are more important things
than physical fidelity.

- For some people, no.

- For you?
- Me?

For me, I don't know.

I don't know what I'm faithful to. Or who.

What are you going to do
with your life?

- Why do you ask?

- Because I gave that life to you.

- Do you regret it?

- Not a bit.

I hope you don't either.

- I don't know, Dad.

Be quiet.
Everything's fine.

Don't worry about me.

- I'm horrified by people who, watering
their plants, sprinkle passers-by.

For me, that's the bourgeoisie
in a nutshell.

- Where've you been?

- Nowhere. We just went out.

I'm hungry!

- You thought we'd left you?

- Aren't you hungry, Dad?

- No.

Shall we have one
last drink?

I'll open a nice bottle.

- To celebrate what?

- I don't know.

Come on...

- Thanks.

- I want to apologise to
both of you.

- For what?

- It's fine. It's all forgotten.

- I love you both.

One night, Gilles went out after
fighting with Ariane.

He ran into a girl
from the University.

He didn't know how it happened.

He crossed the square.

Of course, she's aware that he lectures
at the University.

All the same, he's an authority.

The girl is Ariane's age.

- What did you say that do?
- What?

- What is it that you do?

- I flash my p*ssy.

- For a piece of chewing gum?

- Not you?
- No.

- Why not? You didn't flash your...

I could have.

- It's your go.

No, it's your turn.

He's thinking of Ariane.

And that he should go home,
it's getting late.

But he's enjoying this girl's company
and delays their parting.

Shall we go?

- Yes... I'll be heading home.

- I thought you...

- What's your name again?

- Yentel.

- Gilles.

- Yes, I know.

- Can I call you a taxi?
- No, I live just here.

- Good, see you soon.

- OK.


- f*ck!

That night,
Jeanne dreamed of Mateo

her lost fiancé.

- Hello?



Jeanne, is that you?


- Ariane.

He called.

- Who?

- Mateo.

He didn't dare say anything but...
it was him.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah

I recognised his breathing.

Don't you believe me?

- Of course.
But why would he do that?

- I don't know.

- Hello?



Mateo, is that you?

Did you know that Mateo
called Jeanne.

- Oh?
- Yeah.

He calls, you say "Hello?"
and he doesn't respond.

- What do you...

- I'm telling the truth. He
called twice already.

I answered a call
from him this morning.

I listen to him breathe, gasping like he
was out of breath.

Then he hung up.

- If this continues, I'll go and see him.

- Hey, it's me.


- f*ck off! Leave me alone!

- Jeanne,
please get down!

- You don't understand! Go away!

- You life doesn't depend on some guy who
dumped you. It's so stupid. Jeanne!

He was arrogant and stupid,
but that happens to everybody.

You'll hurt somebody without meaning
to someday too.

- I can't take it.

I can't live anymore.

Leave me alone!
- Stop, Jeanne!

I know it hurts but
it'll pass.

I promise, it'll pass.

I want him to know...
you don't understand...

to know... the pain he caused.

- Jeanne, stop!

If you jump, you'll never know.
There's a better way.



Come, Jeanne.

Come here.

- Don't tell my Dad.

Promise me you won't tell him.

- How am I supposed to keep that
to myself?

It's not trivial, what I just witnessed.

- I swear I won't try again.

- Promise me you'll rediscover your
taste for life.

You need to start seeing friends again,
seeing guys.

I'll help you, okay?

We'll go out together. Promise me.

- Yeah.

- Hi.

Okay you two?
- Yes... you?

- Yeah, fine.

What's this about Mateo
calling you?

- It's nothing.
It might not even be him.

- What is it that your father does?

- Divorces.

- He's a lawyer?

- It's him who divorces.

It's his third time.

I think he loves divorcing women.
Keeps him busy.

She's a fake blonde.

- No.
- She has grey hair now.

- Really?
- She wears a wig.

- I don't know if I've ever seen her.

- Of course you have.

- At the University.

At the faculty... you must have seen her.

- My Dad told me

that my grandparents had
a store in the Bouzareah district.

As soon as the w*r had been declared,

somebody wrote on their door:
"Suitcase or coffin"

That's when my father left.

His whole family left
for Marsailles from Algiers.

They were settlers.

- When you start to think
the enemy has a reason

and they are the victims,

it's a mental trigger

and you side with the enemy,

working with them,
even dying for their cause.

- You can't say "the enemy."

You can't call them "the enemy."

- Don't confuse it with Islamism,
with jihad, that's different.

At the time,

We stole their lands.

- They had to be courageous.

- You had to brave. Even reckless.

- And stand with your convictions.

- I was against that w*r.

- Ariane.
- Ariane.

I didn't k*ll anybody.
But I was forced to fight, like everybody.

Even if I was sympathetic...

to the Algerien cause.

I could never betray my country.

- Even though you knew they had
no right to be there.

- Yes, even then.

- They were many?

- More than a million draftees.

Among the students, besides Jeanne,
no one knew Ariane was with Gilles

- It was a w*r that wasn't
called a w*r.

It provoked...

Nobody wanted it.

- Got a light?

- Here.

Is that your party trick?

Sorry, that doesn't work with me.

- Not bad looking, that guy.

- What guy?

- You think I'm an idiot?

When he held your coat...
I saw him play with your hair. Your neck...

It didn't seem to displease you.

- You're crazy.

It's you who's doing
the fantasizing.

- I know well his type.

They don't say much,
just wrap women up in their eyes.

He pleased you. Admit it.
I saw it in your eyes.

- Yeah?

- Yes.

He stared at you. Didn't listen.
Just stared and stared.

- Is that right?

- You know very well that I'm right.
Women always notice stuff like that.

- I see that you watched
him a lot yourself.

Could it be that it was you
who was really interested?

It's what you want,
be honest with me.

For me to flirt with others
and sleep with you.

- Where are you going?

- To my mother's.

- Told her about us?
- Yes.

- Don't I get a kiss?

- See you later.

- What did your mother say?

- She didn't give a shit


That same day, Jeanne came across,
a porn magazine cover,

that showed Ariane posing naked.

- Can't sleep?

- It was OK?

- Yeah.

- No, I couldn't get there.

- You're alone?

- As you can see.

And you?

- Fine.

- What did you do?

- Nothing.

Strolled around.

I met some friends.

- What did you all talk about?

- The w*r.

- w*r?

- The next one.

And the professors.

Small talk.


I'm going to hit the hay.
I'm beat.

- Goodnight, darling.

- Night, Dad.

Jeanne says nothing to begin with.

Not to Ariane, not her father.

She kept it to herself and
told no one.

- Oh God...

Oh my God!

Sorry, I dozed off...

- At your mother's?

- You aren't asleep?

- I was worried!

- Sorry. When I saw the time,
I didn't want to call and wake you.

- How is she... your mother?

- Listen, it wasn't planned that way.

- What? I didn't...
I don't understand.

Don't exaggerate.

- You really want to know?

- I guess I didn't make myself clear.

Not only do I not want to know.
I want to be completely ignorant about it.

If you want us to be happy and
together a long time,

we need to learn not to
hurt each other.

You're self-centered, I know that.

I love you just the way you are.

But I don't want to suffer.

Conflict, fighting, reconciliation...

I hate all that.
I'm not interested in the slightest.

I want us to live in harmony.

Understand me?
- I understand.

I didn't think that this
was possible for two people

the understanding between us.

I feel free with you.

I have to correct myself sometimes,
it's true...

But with you,
I feel free to be myself. I feel...

I feel good.

You know me so well,
I can't hide a thing.

I don't even try.

It's crazy, how you can read my mind.

You know things about me.
Things I don't even know.

- I know you because I love you.

- I'll have to be careful.

- Yes, that'd be my advice.

Gilles walked the streets at night

the streets he walked with prostitutes
when he was young.

Then he returned home to bed.

Night passed without Ariane,
who had gone out.

Eternity never stopped.

Happiness reigned over them.

- What are you doing?

- I'm going to Mateo's.

He's working. He won't be home.

- Careful. You should call first.

- I'm sure nobody's home.
I'll just grab my stuff.

I still have the keys.

- I'll go.

- Why?

- It's better.

- She's right. Let her go instead.

- Okay, sure...


- Make me a list.

Tell me what you want.

And give me the keys.

- Here.

There. I put
her books there and...

her clothes there.

- Great.

Maybe we can talk.

- How is she?

- What do you think?

- I didn't want it to be this way.

It was her who stormed out
in the middle of the night.

- You never told her to go?

- Once.

But that was another time.
Another fight.

- You should never tell a woman to leave.

She'll do it herself afterwards.

You know,
we're not made the same way.

Seeing anyone?

- No.

Nothing special.

- I won't tell.

- I haven't fallen
in love with anybody else.

- What then?

- I take my share of the blame.
But she's so possessive.

It ruined everything.

- She's true to herself.

- Okay, there you go.


- You know you were her first great love?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- I was scared.

- Scared of what?

- I didn't feel ready to give
her everything she needed or wanted.

She's extremely fragile.

- It's a shame.

When you're young and fragile like that...

It can mark you for life.

- Life is long.

- Yeah, it is.

- Goodbye.

Ariane told Jeanne

that Mateo didn't live with another.

Which relieved Jeanne's heart.

I met Mateo in the street.

Did you?

Tell me!

There is nothing to tell.

No, but... I made a sign to him
to go f*ck himself.

What did it feel to see him again?

I don't know.

I felt confused.

I felt my throat completely stuck.

That's why I could not speak.

It's too early, actually.

I can't see him again.

It's impossible.

What did he tell you?

Do not say anything to my father. Okay?

Jeanne and Ariane were
linked by secret discussions.

Ariane had not revealed to Gilles

that his daughter had tried
to end her life.

- Have you seen an envelope?
- What?

No. Here it is.

Ariane had taken that risk.

I'm going out.

Jeanne returned the favor
with the porn photos,

about which she never spoke to Gilles.

Listen, I need to show you something.


Where did you find this?

In the street, at a kiosk.


Last year, I needed some money,
so I made some pictures.

Wait, do not worry.

Really, I will not talk about it.

I promise.

I will not tell Daddy.
I swear.

I don't care, I'll delete it.

I don't mind.


It's good.

You know...


They cheat without warning,
and it does not bother them.

But they cannot accept..

that women do the same.

There is only one solution.
You do the same..

And you don't tell them.

- Really? Without notice?
- Yes!

I don't know. If I cheated...

If I slept with another guy,

it would mean that I'm just
interested in f*cking.

Have you ever made love for pleasure?


- Come on!
- No, but yes...

Once, at the beginning.
Out of curiosity.


It was bad.

Not bad, but it was not a good idea.

You must know how to choose your lovers.
That's everything.

- Really? Do you know yourself?
- Yes.

You do that always?

Less and less.

I have a friend, in college.

A guy, who is 25 years old. And...

He never loved anyone.

He can't stay with anyone.

He says that in fact,

when we fall in love,

we start to love everything..
To possess..

To find that life is really incredible.

And the walking in the street is great.

We become stupid.

But it's sad, never to fall in love.

Don't you think?

Maybe he has not found the
woman who can dominate him.

Don't you think?

I don't know.

He skips all the girls.

- Really?
- Yes.

We did everything together, me and Mateo.

I have always been
comfortable at that time.

It's like we're indulging in something...

very quietly, actually.

To be comfortable, that's it.

That's why you have to be careful.

It's a personality thing.
It's not about the guy necessarily.

Maybe it is about us.

We let go of that.

That's why it bothers me
to be in a relationship..

I love that..

And at the same time,
I find it boring because..

it's comfortable, and suddenly..

It becomes less radical inside you.

Your choices, your stuff...

Maybe you're happy to come back home,
find your guy.

That is true.


That's fine, but at the same time..

it's not crazy.

Yes, because it makes you feel less alone,

but perhaps our loneliness is what
makes us act and think.

Yes, that's it.
You start thinking more.

You just have to be good.

You have to put yourself in a big coat.

Not to be cold.

But while you're alone, you're sad...

It might be a pain of being alone
when we love someone,

but at least, in solitude,
we challenge the cold.



- How are you?
- Are you going for a walk?

Watch out your scarf.

Thank you.

What are you doing?

Right now?

I'm going to meet a friend.

- Won't we kiss?
- I am sorry.

Stop, Stéphane.

Jeanne met this friend, the victim
of whom she had spoken to Ariane.

Always so wild.

You're really tiresome, you know.

Excuse me, I...

I have a date.

Jeanne, who had never
dared to sleep with him..

was about to play the role of a mediator.

- Will you come with me?
- Yes.


- Are you OK?
- Yes and you?



We met in the street.

It's okay if we eat together,
the three of us?

I told her about you,
and she'll tell me about you.

- Did you?
- Yes.

Are you okay?

Where was that?

- In Tyrol.
- What?

Tyrol, Austria.

I read that somewhere,
I thought it was a cake.

- Tyrol?
- What is it?

It's the region that I like.

- It's beautiful.
- In Europe.

And this?

Well. That's in the United States.

Something about the environment.

The frame is crazy.

I like it.

You really have the eye.

You see how beautiful the girls here are?

If I stay, I will leave with a student.

Are you married?

I was.

And is it fidelity that made you go there?

A quarrel.

I'm going to pee.

Well, bye.

Are you OK?

See you.

You forget your bag.


Jeanne, was upset by her father's grief,

and felt guilty, and wanted to help Ariane

to reconcile them.

Did you know?

- No, I swear.

That's right, she didn't know.

She couldn't know.


Because it was the first time.

How did you know this guy?

Dad, it's...

It was me who introduced him to her.

Can you leave us alone, please?


I saw you.

So wasted,
so sensual with someone else.

I'm stupid.

I beg you to forgive me.

I beg you.

I thought myself so much
stronger than everyone else.

I'm not afraid of death, but I want
to grow old with the one I love.

- And she can't be you anymore.
- but they're nothing, these guys, for me.

It's just desire.

It has no tomorrow.
It's gone.

Me, I believed you when you told me

if I wanted a younger man

without telling you...

I believed it...
I believed it when you said it!

What would this change?

I don't know.

You ended up like that.
You're a Don Juan now.

You want to have fun with your thing.

It's not true! It's not true!

You're horrible!


I know how much you feel
when you f*ck for pleasure.

I have been like you for a long time.

I made women suffer,
though they didn't deserve it.

So, is it over?

Do you want me to go?

I am going for a walk.


Why did you do that?

We were so good!

I don't know.

If your father leaves me,
I think I'm k*lling myself.

Stop it.

It's OK.


You'd better go get your coffee.

It's time.


Ariane left the house.

And Jeanne remained
alone with her father.

Look how beautiful it is.

What are you doing?

I finished my job, I'm going home.

Look how good it is.

It's true, it looks fine on you.

Turn around.

- Take it, if you want.
- Seriously?

I can exchange it if I change my mind.

Thank you.

- Are we going home?
- Yes.

You look OK now.

Why? Was I sick?

Before separating, Ariane told Gilles

that Jeanne had tried to throw
herself out of the window.

Three months later,
on the night of her birthday,

Jeanne asked her father to
go to a restaurant.

where she'd join him.

How are you, Dad?

Good evening, Darling.

Hello, Mateo.

- Hello.
- Are you OK?

Yes, I am fine.

Wait, I'll be right back.

You tell him.

No, you tell him.

No. I want you to tell him.

Okay, I'll tell him.


- Happy birthday, darling.
- Thank you.


Jeanne and I got back together.

That's good. Good news.

I realized...

that I have always been attracted to
craziness and crazy people.

You see,

there was a girl, in the street..

she was there,

on the sidewalk across the street,
she was looking at me.

I saw that she was looking at me.

Suddenly she crossed the street,
and started to hit me.

She yelled things at me.
I understood nothing.

Then she let me go.

Frankly, I didn't do anything special.

Why me?

Maybe because you didn't,
as people often do, look away.

I don't know.

And suddenly,

this week...

- I'm going back to Mateo.
- Will you bring back your things?


That's great.

When do you want to go?

I'll go...

Next week?

But you only took some of your stuff, right?

Yeah, but it's okay.

I still have things at your house.

Yes, I had to keep a few things.

All right, darling.

Okay. Come.


- Goodbye, Gilles.
- Goodbye, Mateo.

- Goodbye, Dad.
- Goodbye, my daughter.

I will come over.

Yes, whenever you want.

Good night.

- Ciao!
- Good night.
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