15x28 - Home and Away pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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15x28 - Home and Away pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Go Rangers, go Rangers
Go! Go! Go!

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Like five fingers reaching
for the sky in five ways

♪ Five her_s walking
through the sun for five days

♪ Dark forces lurking
Leaving evil where they roam

♪ Five Rangers looking
for the same five stones

♪ Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go Go! Go!

♪ There's treasures to be found
There's some lives to be saved

♪ A planet to look after
There's a whole lot of space

♪ Good versus evil
We got her_s on the scene

♪ Power Rangers Overdrive
is the number one team

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive

♪ Pow-er Rangers

♪ Operation Overdrive ♪

mill] Last time on Power Rangers:
Operation Overdrive:

The Octavian Chalice?

A receptacle that synthesises the energy
of three other ancient relics.

The Fearcats destroyed the most
important person in the world to me.

We have to find those relics
before anyone else is lost.

Tyzonn... Tyzonn, wake up.

Vella? Where am l?

On Mercuria. Where else?

[Mig] Now we have all the relics.

Rise, mighty Agrios!

[Ronny] The Battlefleet's trashed.

You finally believe that evemhing
l told you is true?

Of course. l now know that l never
really was a Power Ranger.


How are they coming along?

We're talking extensive damage
from the last battle.

lt's gonna take a while
before they are fully operational.

The Sentinel Sword got hit pre_ hard.

l should be able to repair it
completely, but it's going to take time.

Where's Tyzonn?
His locator signal disappeared.

The others are searching for him
as we speak.

He wouldn't have missed that last battle

unless he were
in some kind of real danger.

[birds chirping]

- Tyzonn, is there something wrong?
- No.

lt's just that...

Are you still having those memories
of being on Earth?


l know it sounds ridiculous,
but they seem so real.

lt's hard to believe
the whole thing was in my head.

Well, you've been through
a traumatic experience.

Give yourself time. All of those
silly thoughts will fade away.

The sooner you put that in the past,

the sooner we can go on
with our plans for the future.

A little bump on your head doesn't mean
you get out of our engagement.

Hey, don't wory,
nothing could ever change my mind

about wanting to spend
the rest of my life with you.


- Destroy it all, Agrios!
- [roars]

Now what do we do?
The Zords are still down!

Not all of them.

l can take the Flashpoint.
Tyzonn wouldn't mind if l borrowed it.

No. You don't have the proper
training to pilot the Flashpoint.

l don't need training, remember?
l just need programming.

- l don't think it's a good idea.
- Just do it...

...Mr HaMord.

Who dares?

Wait! Is that the Mercuy Ranger's
fighting machine?

l thought he was out of the way!

[Mack] All right, Fearcats.
This stops here and now!

- That sounds like the Red Ranger.
- Hope this works.

We've got nothing.

Yeah, no sign of Tyzonn anywhere.

Wait, if Ty's gone,
who's driving his Megazord?


Whatever machine you use will fail.

That's what you think! [grunts]


[shouts, grunts]


Going up.

Gotta be quicker than that!

Now l'm getting mad!

Vella, you know
that l want to get married,

it's what we've always dreamed of.

But if l could iust go back
to Earth and check on...

Go back to Earth?

Tyzonn, do we really need
to go over this again?

Right. No, l meant,

if l could go to Earth,
make sure evemhing's okay.

Then l could know
this whole Power Rangers thing

is in my mind,
l'll never mention it again.

l iust got you back in my life
and now you want to leave?

- Don't you trust me?
- Of course l do.

l'm sory. l'll never leave you again.

- [roars]
- Water launchers!



- He's more annoying than the others.
- Shoo, little fly!

You're really starting to bug.

Okay, Mack. Think.
There's gotta be a way to stop them.

[alarm blaring]

Sir, the Flashpoint can't take much
more. It's reaching critical overload!

He's pushing it too much.

Mack, get out of there!

Did you hear me? l said stop!
Your power's maxing out!

- What is he doing?
- Mack, you gotta bail out, now!

Don't do this!


- Eiect, Mack! That's an order!
- [alarm buzzing]

lt looks like the Rangers
have finally met their match.

lt seems we all underestimated
the Fearcats.

[sighs] This is the only way.

Red Ranger,
we're tired of playing with you.

l should have destroyed those cats
the moment they arrived on the planet.

Now they'll make us
their servants as well.

- Never!
- We won't have a choice.

Look at the power they possess.

This seems impossible,

but l think l hate them
more than the Power Rangers.

What's he doing?

lt's now or never.
Time to go all the way.

Let's do this.

- That fool! It's too much power.
- None of us will survive.

[alarm blaring]

[grunts] This is for you, Rangers.

Engaging maximum power.

- [Rose] Mack, stop!
- What?

You couldn't wait
until our Zords were fixed?

Now that's not vey smart.

- You know better.
- Come on, Rangers, let's help him out.

All right. Let's take them together.

What are they up to now?

They know they can't defeat us!

Team, l'm sending some backup.

Music to my ears!

[all] f*ring rockets!


Score one for the good guys.

- Now, let's give it all we got.
- [all] Yeah!

- [beeps]
- The Sentinel Sword is almost repaired.

And l'm tying a multi-dimensional
frequency for Tyzonn's locator signal.

- He must be out there somewhere.
- Spencer...

- Huh?
- What would l do without you?

For your sake, sir,
l hope you never have to find out.

This is wonderFul. All of our plans
are finally coming together.

l know. l iust hope that the Emergency
Responder Squad hasn't replaced me yet.

Oh, you don't want
that old job back, do you?


Vella, it's the only iob
l've ever wanted.

You know that better than anyone.
And besides, that's how we met.

Yeah, and helping others is fine,

l iust thought maybe
you'd moved on from that.

- Have you?
- No.

lt's iust that there are so many
other things that we could be doing.

Things that are more...

...well, profitable.

That doesn't sound like you, Vella.


- What's that?
- l don't know. l don't hear anything.

lt's my morpher.

You lied to me.

- Ty, l can explain.
- No, you can't.

That means it all really happened.

l was a Power Ranger.

That means my friends are in danger!

No. You've got it all wrong.

lt's you who's really in danger!

- [cackles]
- [Ty] Crazar!

- You!
- Don't be so shocked.

You can't get rid
of a Fearcat that easily.

- What have you done with Vella?
- l replicated her.

After the cave-in, l thought her image
might come in handy.

lf you replicated her, that means
she's still alive. Tell me where she is!

Don't fret. She's in good hands.

l kept you busy while the others
destroyed your friends.

Now that our game is over,
who needs you?

- Eveybody ready?
- You know it!

[both] Come on!

Give it up!

- [screams]
- Oh, man! Here we go again!

Keep it together, team.

- [Dax] But how can we b*at him?
- Keep fighting! Come on!


[both shouting]


We never left Earth at all!

You catch on fast.

lt's all been a big lie, you fool!

Overdrive Accelerate!


- [both grunting]
- You've got nothing!

- Don't look now!
- Aah!


You weakling.


You're going down!

Are you sure this is what you want?

lf you destroy me,
you may never find Vella.

l'll find her.
And l won't need you to do it.

Operation Overdrive!

Mercuy Ranger! Ha!

Yeah! This time,
you're gone for good!


[all shout]

- They're down for the count.
- Finally.

Not so fast, kitties.

- [grunts] Who is that?
- No way!

[all] Huh?

Tyzonn's all right!
l knew he'd show up.

And not a moment too soon.

And l'm dispatching the Sentinel Sword.

Oh, good heavens,

how much more excitement
am l expected to take?

- You're not going to have all the fun.
- Ready, team?

[all] Ready!


This can't be happening!

Now let's show them
what we're made of.


Hold on, eveyone!

Stop them!

- What?
- [snarls]

We're gonna need more power!

On the way, Sentinel Sword!

[all] Operation Overdrive,
arsenal ready!

- Agrios is defeated!
- Eject! Eject!

- [all] Yeah!
- Adios, Agrios!


Agrios is gone! How can it be?

[grunts] The Rangers
have won this round.

But we still have
the Octavian Chalice.

- It has more than one use.
- That's true.

- [Ty] This isn't over yet!
- [snarls]

- Rangers!
- Crazar is gone and you're next.

And we'll take the Octavian Chalice.

You think we're going
to let you have the Chalice?

Never. You'll have to take it from us.

Not a problem.

[all shouting]

- [all yelling]
- Come on!


lt's you and me, Mercurian.

You got it.

There's more!

Defender Vest!

[all shouting]

Drive Detector!

[both yelling]

[grunts] l won't let you
hurt anyone ever again!

Two down, one to go.

Mig! You'll pay for that, Rangers.

l don't think so. It's your turn.

Red Sentinel Ranger!

[att*ck yell]


Nice. Well done, Rangers.




Did l miss out on
something that was funny?

Hysterical! The Fearcats are no more!

The Power Rangers obliterated them!

[both laugh]

That is funny!

Wait a second, l thought
we hated the Power Rangers.

The competition
is dropping off, brother.

Speaking of hate...

With the Fearcats gone,
l can get the jewels.

Your delusions amuse me, brother.

But since l'm in a g_ m_,

l'll give you an offer once,
and once only.

Join my army. Work for me.

lt's your only hope
of being on the winning side.

l'll never work for you!

And when l have the ultimate power,
you'll be the one begging for mercy.

Well, have it your way, brother.

l'll remember your decision.

With the Fearcats gone, we only have
Moltor and Flurious to contend with.

And the Power Rangers.
l'm tired of these failures.

lt's time to make our final move.

Good work, Rangers.
The Fearcats are gone forever.

Well, how does it feel, Ty? Your mission
to defeat the Fearcats is over!

That part may be over, but Vella is
alive. She's still out there somewhere.

Once our mission is over,
l'm gonna find her.

Meanwhile, we have another
cool relic to decipher.

The Fearcats said it had more than
one use. Wonder what that means.

lt means more research. Come on, team.
We better get on it.


...can l talk to you for a minute?


l understand why
you're still angy with me.

l'm not angy.
Anger is an emotion,

which is something
that androids don't have.

So, if you don't like
the way l've been acting,

then perhaps you should
upgrade to a newer model.

See ya, Mr HaMord.
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