20x01 - Mega Mission

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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20x01 - Mega Mission

Post by bunniefuu »


[man] Hey, new kid!

[echoes] wake up.

Are you getting off the bus or what?

Weird dream.

You're gonna be late on the first day in school.

Don't want that.


Okay, class,

let's start the year with a science brain teaser.

What species will outlast

all others on earth?



They'll survive all the bad stuff

we're doing to the environment.

Some of them have lots of legs.

They'll be the last ones standing.

Dude, calm down. You're gonna hurt yourself.

She's wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Yes, Noah, you have a different answer?


Robots powered by Perpetual motion engines.

Robots are machines.

So technically, they're not a species.

Beautiful and smart.

And wrong.

Ah, you must be Troy.

Nice of you to join us.

Maybe you can answer our brain teaser.

What species will survive all others?

Us. Humans.

How's that, Troy?

If humans work together,

we can overcome anything.



Interesting. I certainly hope Troy's right.


Yes, admiral malkor.

What do you make of this planet earth?

Humans can't match our strength.

We'll swarm this planet and destroy them all!

♪♪♪♪ [Theme]

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ power rangers megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ All together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ go, go power rangers ♪♪

♪♪ rangers forever ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ All together ♪♪

♪♪ megaforce ♪♪

♪♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪♪

Coming to Ernie's?

Yeah, but first I'm going to the woods.

The orange monarch butterflies are migrating

and it's like a once in a lifetime event.



I'll meet you a little later.

Oh, order me--I know.

A low-fat, cherry berry strawberry

with carob chips

but no hot fudge.

Come on, dude!

Gia's heading to Ernie's brain freeze.

Let's motor.

Jake, she's the hottest girl at this school,

do you really think you have a chance?

Let's go! Come on.

Okay! Okay, fine.

But you're buying.

I've analyzed earth, admiral.

This is a good planet to inv*de.

But the humans-- Hmm, I hope they won't pose a problem.

Humans are used tothe small harmless insects on their planet.

Wait until we land.

We are the future!

We will squash these humans

and take this earth for ourselves.


[energy buzzes]

[man] Tensou?




I was catching some great zs.

How long were we snoozing?



no wonder I'm so groggy.

Wake up.

Aliens have already landed on earth.

It's time to assemble a new team

of heroes.

The most energetic and unstoppable group

that exemplifies the enduring human spirit.

Energetic and unstoppable.

Don't say it.


Get me five kids with talent and attitude,

and get them now!

Hey, chaps. Hey.

What can I get for you?

The usual.

Uh, but make it three.

One for each of us

and one for the very pretty girl in the corner.



[shutter clicks]

You are so beautiful.

[shutter clicks]


What is that?


Huh? I smell a human!

[Breathing heavily]

Here you go.

Thank you.

Six bucks.


Twenty bucks?

I'll ring you up.

Where she go?







How the--


What just happened?

I'm not sure, but it was scientifically impossible.

And awesome!

How did we end up here?

Just where is here?

[Tensou] it worked. It worked!

[tires screech]

What is that?

Wow, an old-school robot like in the movies.

Old school?


What's happening?


Freaky tiki.

I don't believe it.

I've seen these before...

in my dreams.

This is amazing.

Welcome, humans!

I am Gosei.

Your lives are about to change forever.

Welcome, humans!

I am Gosei.

My mentor, Zordon, placed me here

to be guardian of this planet.

I am of the earth

and embody it's great and mystical powers.

Guardian? I only awaken

when the earth is faced with extraordinary thr*at.

Uh, whoever you are,you look like something on one of my dad's Hawaiian shirts.

I took this familiar form

to communicate with humans.

This is a perilous time for mankind.

The earth needs you.

What are you talking about?

Aliens have already landed.

And you have been chosen

to protect it.

A giant talking tiki and now aliens?

You got to be kidding me.

He's not kidding.



You're mixed up in this, too?

I saw this just before whatever just happened.

What gives?

This can't be real.

Your skepticism is healthy.

But this is all too real.

You have been carefully selected

to form a team in the long tradition of the power rangers.

Tensou, show them.

What? Oh, yes, on screen.





[Gosei] Emma, you're not only a great bmx cyclist,

but you also truly care about the environment.

You go to great lengths to take care of it.

You shall soar up from the flames like a Phoenix

and be the pink ranger.

Pink is my favorite color.

But what's this ranger deal?

Noah, your thirst for knowledge is unequaled.

Our future depends upon the work of great scientific minds like yours.

As the blue ranger, your att*cks will bite

with the force of a shark.


there's nobody with the boundless athleticism

and enthusiasm to match you, Jake.

I am making you the black ranger,

who will fight with the stealth of a snake.

Then there is Gia.

You are calm under pressure

and pursue excellence with the ferocity of a tiger.

You will be the yellow ranger.

As for you, Troy,

your purity of spirit and strength

are the result of incredible discipline.

Since you've met adversity in your life with great skill,

you shall be the red ranger,

and, like the Dragon,

you will serve as the team's Leader.

There must be a mistake here.

I am new in town.

There is no mistake.

You have been chosen

because of yours skills and character.

Who are they?

Lining the room, you can see

the rangers who came before you.

Now you shall form a new team.

Each of you will be given access to extraordinary powers

that will help you protect the earth.

Those are your morphers.

With them you will morph into mega rangers.

You will wield Power cards

that will unlock special weapons and abilities.

And you shall command mighty machines called megazords

morphers, power cards, megazords?

All this tech, how do we use it?

All will be revealed in time.

If the earth is under att*ck

and you think we're the ones to protect it, we're in.

Megaforce, your mission starts now.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. I'm worried already!

You selected well, Tensou.

They'll be fine.

[all grunt]

[all groan]

Is everyone okay?

I guess so.

[woman screams]


[people screaming]

[Jake] Uh, aliens?


[Troy] Forget that.

They're bad news.


What do you think you're doing?


Uh, I'm guessing these aliens

don't come in peace.

Emma, watch out! Mm! Ugh!

Jake! What?

Behind you!

Let's do this!




Huh? Whoa.


Say cheese!


[laughs] Gia!



This isn't good.


Heads up!

[all groaning]

They're closing in on us.

Gosei told us the morphers will give us power.

Let's use them.

Follow my lead.

It's morphin' time.

[all] go, go, megaforce!

Megaforce red!

Megaforce blue!

Megaforce Black!

Megaforce pink!

Megaforce yellow!

[All]earth's defenders never surrender!

It's time for our new weapons.

Uh, got it. Good call.

[Gosei] Summon battle gear.

Tiger claw! Snake axe!

[Both shout]

my turn!

[Gosei] Summon battle gear.

Shark bowgun.

Nice, Noah.

Summon battle gear.

Phoenix sh*t!

Last but not least.

Summon battle gear. Dragon sword!

Keep taking the fight to them, guys.

Well, what choice do we have?

Mega quake!

Whoa. Nice sh*t, Noah.


Loving this bowgun.

Phoenix sh*t!

Whoa, Emma.

Ta-Da. Wow, did you see that?

I can't believe I can fly.

Did you see what I just did?

We saw.But Gia will tell you that I was the star of the show.

We all did good. Uh-Oh.

Guys, we need Troy.

Here he comes.

Whoa. These powers are amazing.

Nice moves.

Look sharp!

[all shout]

Pesky humans. They dare to fight back.

It'll be our pleasure to destroy them all.

If I were you, I'd throw in a real monster.

Hmm. Yes.

Let's test these power rangers with someone tougher.

Scaraba! The rock beetle.

I summon you to battle.

Reporting to duty, sir.

There's no thug like a bug.

I'll show those hopelessly heroic humans

insect power like they've never seen before.

[laughs] Run, humans! Run!

[people screaming]

Hey, monster.

You mean me?

Leave those folks alone.

You can scare them, but we're not afraid.

So much for rock and roll! att*ck!

We'll protect the earth. No matter what it takes.

[all] power rangers megaforce!

What? Megaforce?

You really wanna fight?

Then fine. Loogies, att*ck!

[Gosei] rangers, it is time to call upon your megablasters.

Troy, let's do it.

Good call.

[all] megablaster...activate!

Okay, let's fry these loogies.

It's on!

[All shout]

shark blast!

Take this!

Snake blast!

Tiger blast!


Phoenix blast!


Dragon blast!

Way to go, guys.

I'll crush you!

Take out that ball!

[All shout]


you punks are "megaforcing" me to lose my lunch.


let's call on the mega weapons.

[all] weapons...activate!

I've got fancy att*cks too!

[Both] sky strike!

Huh? Phoenix sh*t!


Dragon sword!

That's how you do it.

Yeah. Hey, wait.

Snake's venom!

Tiger claw!

Shark's bite!

Now time to show True mega power.

[all] combine!

Megaforce blaster!


[Both] sky power...energize!

[Both] land power...energize!

Sea Power...energize!

[All] megaforce blaster...ready!

Dynamic Victory charge!


mega Rangers, that's a mega win.

♪♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪♪

that was awesome.


All right. Yeah.

Nice, man.

Congratulations on a job well done.

But we were just lucky this time.

Luck had nothing to do with it.

You Rose to the occasion and unlocked your powers.

Do not doubt yourselves.

You were chosen, and for good reason.

This morning, you were regular kids Leading normal lives.

But now you must master your new powers

and live extraordinary lives.

This has to be the craziest first day of school ever.

But I think we're prepared to do our part.

I'm not so sure.

Hmm? Hmm?

The helmet does mess up my hair.

Just kidding.

We're a force to be reckoned with.

[Gosei] Yes, you are the power rangers megaforce.

Earth's defenders never surrender!

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