11x02 - There's No "I" in Team

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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11x02 - There's No "I" in Team

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Deep in the mountains,

secret ninja academies
train our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three
who would be chosen above the others.

Three who would become...

♪ Go, Power Rangers!
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ The call is on
Their force is getting strong ♪

♪ They'll have to brave the weather ♪

♪ Ninja storm!
Stand together ♪

♪ The storm will grow
The waters flow ♪

♪ Power Ranger
Ninjas go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Ninja Storm is growing ♪

♪ It's growing!
It's growing! ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers!
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ At the speed of the wind, go!

♪ And scream like thunder ♪

♪ Go, Power Rangers
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go, Power Rangers
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪

- SHANE: Come on, you guys.
- TORI: Ow!

- Shane.
- Ah.

- This could take all day.
- Ow, Shane, will you stop pulling?

My wrist is totally tweaked.

Sorry, Tor.

It would be so much faster
if we could split up.

Not to mention less painful.

DUSTIN: This "scroll of " thing better
be worth it. These cuffs are brutal.

Sensei would not have sent us
if it weren't important.

- It's got to be here somewhere.
- What kind of scroll is it, anyway?

I'm thinking if we see a scroll
anywhere around here, that's probably it.

Okay, well, there's one.


TORI: That's fully it! Whoa!

Wait, it says something.

"Stronger is one than three."

What? That's it? We'd be better off
buying fortune cookies.

- Let's just grab it and bail.
- I'll get it!

- Who's on my foot? Shane?
- That was so not effective.

I'll do this myself.

Kelzac, party of ten.

Will you stop pulling my arm, Shane?

- Wait, don't pull!
- Dustin!

SHANE: Dustin, look out!

Stay here, I'll get the scroll!


- Oh, yeah!
- TORI: Shane, wait! Stop!

- Let me go!
- Put me down.


- Dude!
- Help us!

Tori, Dustin!

Ah! Oh!

Ah, I almost had it.

( Sighs )

Simulation over.


that was below average.

It'll be on the mainframe
if you want to relive it.

Rangers, you are lucky
this was only a simulation.

Sensei, why can't we get this right?
Why do we keep failing?

That is for you to figure out.
Tomorrow, we will try again.

DUSTIN: Come on, Tor.

Hey, wait.
Where are you guys going?

Home, man.

No way, not until we get this right.

Sensei and we'd try again tomorrow.

Dude, if I don't sleep, tomorrow's
just gonna be a replay of today.

That's why we got to keep practising
until you guys get it right.

Until "we" get it right?

Look, that's not what I meant.

We know what you meant.

This is not ninja school anymore.

This is the real deal, and if you're not
willing to focus on what's important...

Dude, if you think you can
do a better job by yourself,

the just go for it, man.

Maybe I will.

- Fine.
- Later, dude.

- Marah, what do you think you're doing?
- I just need to do this.

( Dies Down )

You just reased half
of what was in there.

I know that. I meant to do it.


Oh, my gosh.
Is that a zit?

Your whole head is a zit.

- I was looking at that.
- Hey, ah!

This is a personal alien manager, okay?

It's for calling forth
aliens from Uncle's army,

not looking at their hideous
reflections, right?

( Beeps )

At your service, my ladies.

Now that is an alien.

From the planet Stupid.
Who'd call you a "lady"?

- All right, that is it.
- You want a piece of me?

- Sure.
- Bring it on!

- Okay. Fine.
- Go ahead.


And they wonder why
I have acid reflux.

- Get off!
- Move.

- Show my nieces what it is you do.
- At your service.

BOTH: What are you doing?

( Struggling )


Until you two can learn
to work together,

you will be forced to work together.

( Both Grunt )

( Computer Beeps )

Ah, just can't get this one piece to fit.

If I could just find a way to harness more
power from the hydraulic systems.

Some kinds of power
cannot be found in a computer.

What other kind is there?

Where's Shane?

I don't know, single-handedly
saving the world?

Yeah. I guess it's nice
being a one-man army.

Each piece has its place.

Shane will learn, but you must help him.

That's the problem.
He won't let us help.

He will. Give him time.

- Ah, get off! You're hurting me!
- You're on my foot!

- Wasn't that a Power Ranger?
- You think?

KAPRI: Come on!

I was right.
It's definitely a Ranger.

Yeah, and what do we do
when we see a Ranger? Huh?

- Come on!
- Don't rush me.

Command, shift, send, there!

( Laughs )

It's time to make some connections.

( All Shouting )

MAD MAGNET: I always say,
opposites attract.

Anything you want to talk about?

Hey, Kelly,
you're a good boss, right?

No one's ever quit on me.

So, how do you do it?
What's the trick?

There's no trick. You just work with them,
give them a chance.

We're more like teammates, you know?

But how can you be sure
things won't get messed up

- if you don't do them yourself?
- I trust the people around me.

Especially my friends.

( Woman Outside ) Put me down!

What was that?

BOY: Ah! I'm scared of flying!

Stay here. I'll check.


- What's up with this?
- I think I'm lost.

Can you tell me where
I might find a Power Ranger?

Get off!

He's a Ranger, get him!

I thought he looked familiar.

Take that!


This is fun!

Do you think your playmates
have the mettle to join us?

I can take it myself!

You think so, do you?

- TORI: What's up, Cam?
- It's Shane.

And some weird magnet-head thing.
I tapped into the police surveillance system

when I saw the power readings
were off the chart.

We better help him.

Wait. I will let you know
when it is time.


- Well?
- Ninja storm, Ranger form!


Power of air!

Get ready to be recycled.

What's the matter, Ranger?
Your friends not sticking with you?

Told you, I don't need 'em.

- Have it your way.
- I always do.

Take that!



And that!


I can't handle this alone.
Tori, Dustin, I need your help!

Your friends aren't coming.

- Now?
- SENSEI: Now.

Let's do it.
Ninja storm, Ranger form! Hah!

Power of water!

Power of Earth!

BOTH: He-ya!

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Fine now.

You guys came!

Of course we did.

- I can't believe I was such a jerk.
- I totally can.


No, I'm just busting on you, bro. Okay?

We know you're great at this stuff,
just don't forget you're not alone.

I know, and right now,

you have no idea
how glad I am about that.


Pardon me, I haven't finished
destroying you yet.

- Yeah? Think again.
- Dream on.

New play, Ninja aerosol.


I'm so over this guy!

Why not just give up already?

( Voice Dying ) Now it's time...

Look, his energy centre.

I see it!

- Let's take it out.
- Goodbye, Rangers.

It's been fun!

Land hammer!

- Sonic fin!
- Hawk blaster!

Put 'em together,
what do you get?

- Storm striker!
- Kids, don't try this at home.




- RANGERS: Yeah, all right!
- We did it!

Together, like it's supposed to be.

"Take your nieces for the summer,"
they tell me.

"They won't be any trouble," they said.

Stop pushing me!

- Yeah, all right.
- Yeah, man, we did it.

Scroll of empowerment!

Bigger is better!

- No way!
- ( Laughing )

What are you gonna do,
pathetic Ranger Ninjas?

- SHANE: Looks like you put on a few.
- DUSTIN: He might want to cut out carbs.

Watch out!

Mind your step!

- Now we're in trouble.
- Big trouble.

The program still isn't sequencing.

- I don't think they can handle it.
- They're ready, Cam.

Send the Zords.

All right.

Just another few seconds to
access the holographic portals.

Got it!

Rangers, listen closely.
Hidden in a subterranean hangar

are three powerful,
robotic as*ault vehicles.

Now that Lothor's raised the stakes,
we have no choice but to call upon them.

Guys, I'm sending you
some big time backup!

The Hawk Zord!

The Dolphin Zord!

And the Lion Zord!

They materialise through holographic
portals and I've adapted them

to operate under your command
using your inner ninja powers

of air, water, and earth.

The zords are equipped
with an arsenal

of state-of-the-art weaponry
that you can access using

the power disks on your morphers.

I'll be sending you new power disks
as you master each skill level.

The Hawk Zord's all mine!

CAM: That's right, Shane.
You pilot the Hawk Zord.

Tori, use your power of water
to command the Dolphin Zord.

That makes sense.

CAM: Dustin, you'll have control
over the mighty Lion Zord.

That's massive, dude!

( Roars )

- Those are flash new rides!
- TORI: It's awesome!

- I knew he was up to something.
- Can we get back to work?

Let's do it!

Whoa, check it out.
This is pretty cool.

Dude, I got seat warmers!

All right, let's bring it.

You think you can stop me
with something made of metal?

I'm a magnet!

Let's fight fire with fire!

Flame att*ck!

Check out these turbos, man!
I'm fired up!

Surf's up, dude.

He is washed up.


- She sh**t, she scores!
- Good for two!

Whoo! Dolphin victory dance.

How'd you like this?

No, he's got me!

Hang on!

Ah, I'm hit!

- Pretty birdie!
- Hey! Watch the fin.


Guess it's up to me.
I'll pick you!

It's lion tornado blast.

That's what I call blowing chunks.

Thanks, Dustin. You rock!

Good job, dude.

No problem. Now, let's
show 'em some real muscle.

After burst, fire!


ALL: Awesome, we did it!

DUSTIN: Magnet, dude,
you're headed for the scrap pile.

Whoa! I'm back!

Oh, man! What's with this?

It must be his magnetic personality.

Great, I don't know what
we're gonna do now.

- TORI: Think!
- Yes, Shane, you do know.

Feel what is inside you.

Your ninja powers will
help to guide you.

The scroll.
One has the strength of three.

- Good idea!
- ALL: Let's do it!

- We did it!
- It's a megazord!


Mega-fools! Try this!

( Mad Magnet Laughs )

Cam, what next?

This is all I got. Make it last.

Follow the cues on your screen.
The disk'll activate your next level.

Guys, do what I do.
Inserting power disk in sphere drive!

DUSTIN: You got it, Shane.

TORI: Activating power sphere!


- Power sphere...
- Activate serpent zord!

ALL: Megazord, multiply!

- Three against one. That's not fair!
- Ready!

- Aim!
- Fire!

♪ Go, Power Rangers!
Go, Ninja Storm! ♪

♪ Let's go! ♪


- Yeah!
- We did it!

- We sure did.
- Nice teamwork, guys.

♪ Go, Power Rangers!
Go, Ninja Storm! Let's go! ♪

All the people are back to normal.

We get zords. How stoked am I?

SENSEI: They are not toys, Dustin.

As ninjas, you should know,
never escalate a battle.

No, that's cool with me, man.

Now that you have learned
to work as one,

the balance of power will
always be on your side.

( All Laugh )

( Yelling )

How come we're still stuck?

Don't you mean "stuck up"?

Uncle, I know you're
in kind of a crabby mood.

but if could give us
a spell or potion...

- Or some nail polish remover?
- LOTHOR: Silence!

The time has come to pump up the volume
on the Power Rangers.


( Laughs )


And this time, no one will stop me!

( Laughs )
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