01x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for TV show, "Duty After School". Aired: March 31, 2023 – present.
Tells the story of the seniors at Seongjin High who started a 'real w*r', not a w*r for entrance exams, to fight against the attack of a mysterious creature that covered the sky.
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01x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

(All people, organizations,
locations, and incidents...)

(in this drama are fictitious.)

It's okay now. All the
spheres have been k*lled.

What happened?

Is this...

a dream?

I think they also have survivors.

There are boys too.

- I told you.
- They have many people.

Don't step on her.

Don't step on her.


I'm sorry.

Don't step on my friend.

Don't step on her.

My friend...

Don't step on my friend.

Don't step on her!

Don't step on her!

Oh, gosh.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

(Shelter )

(Shelter Guide Map)

(Bus , Shelter )

(Shelter , Maesong-Si)


Are there any?

Darn it.

- Gosh.
- Here...

Excuse me?

(Shelter , Maesong-Si)

Mr. Lee.

There are no signs of spheres.

This way.

(The th Shelter)


It stinks.

Any survivors?

It seems everyone's dead here.

I don't think there are any survivors.

I wonder if my parents are okay.

Guys, check this place.

This must've been a dormitory.

You kids are...

the only survivors.

We were told to deliver
supplies to the shelter.

But when we arrived...

- What about the person in charge?
- We don't know.

He disappeared.

Why did you stay here...

without the commander in charge?

We were told to wait.

That's why we waited.

We did as we were told.

So why...

It must be very hard,

but please calm down.

We'll talk again once
things are sorted out.


Yu Jung, take care of them.


Aren't you hungry?

Do you want something to eat?

- One, two, three.
- All right.

You're not...

Kim Dong Hoon, a senior
at Hamil High School.

Ae Seol.

Kim Dong Hoon, a senior
at Hamil High School.

(Hamil High School, Senior Kim Dong Hoon)

- Jang Seung Hee.
- Jang...

Did you...

see her eyes earlier?

They were unfocused.

Completely blank.

It is just dreadful.

If I had been left alone,

would I have become like them?

Will we be able to survive?

This small-sized shelter...

was devastated as if there
was a surprise attack.

Shelters were set up in the
outskirts of the city...

where medium spheres don't
appear in the first place.

Besides, there are no traces
of medium spheres falling.

I wonder how this place was
raided by smaller spheres.

Spheres looking for prey swarmed in here.

How did they know that
the shelter was here?

Mr. Lee.

Ae Seol might cause big
trouble at this rate.

She was already weird,
but it's gotten worse now.

Something might actually happen.

Don't worry about her.

She's doing good enough, and
she will continue to do so.

You don't know much about her.

Just don't regret it later.

It's because of No Ae
Seol, that darn wench.

Bo Ra.

There are no spheres.

There are no spheres.

No spheres.


This is too bad.

I heard their commander-in-chief ran away.

Thank goodness, we have Mr. Lee.

I know.

You must be starving. Eat up.

- No way.
- Hey.

What are you doing?

Why are you holding a r*fle?

What are you doing?


ran away.

My friends...

They asked me for help.

But I...

ran away alone.

They all died.


It's not your fault.

It was the same for me.

When my friends died,

I was busy running away.

It's never your fault.

Please put the r*fle down.

It's dangerous, that's why.

Yoon Seo.

Please put the r*fle down.

Don't come close.

Your name...

is Yoon Seo, right?


I know...

you've suffered a lot in fear.

From now on,

we'll protect you.

Put down...

the r*fle.

Yoon Seo.

Please put the g*n down.


You said it was okay.

That we just had to do as we were told.

That we should wait.

I know you'll run away again.

- Yoon Seo.
- Stop.

Extra points?

What's the big deal about all that?

It's merely nothing!

I don't believe you anymore.
Because of you people...

Because of you adults, everyone died.

My friends...

They're all dead.

You k*lled them all!


- What was that?
- Darn it.

What was that sound?

- What?
- Wasn't that a g*nsh*t?

- Hold on.
- Was it shot in this building?

Darn it.

Won Bin.

Won Bin.

- Gosh.
- What do we do?

Wake up, Won Bin.

Kim Won Bin!


- Mr. Kim...
- Go get the blood-stopper!

- Yeon Ju, the blood-stopper!
- Won Bin.


- Oh, my!
- Go get it quickly.

Darn it.


Hang in there.


It's not my fault.

The adults...

The adults are to blame.

It's not my fault.

It's not my fault. It's not...

It's not my fault.


(Duty After School)

Wild goose, this is seagull, over.

Wild goose, this is seagull, over.


Is he asleep?

Mr. Lee.

Is he okay?

Fortunately, the b*llet
went through his shoulder.

He's not going to die.

Oh, goodness.

But he needs to be treated
as soon as possible.

I'm all good,

so don't worry.

Won Bin, are you okay?

Gosh, I'm telling you I am.

- Don't get up.
- Thank you.

You guys should go now.

- Duk Joong, what time is it?
- What?

It's pm.

It's time to give him painkillers.

Leave that to me. Thanks.

I'm not going. I want to stay by his side.

- Let's just go already.
- Why?

- Are you sure he's okay?
- He will be all right.

I don't want to go.


Oh, goodness. Mr. Lee...

Please do it gently.

I'm already holding myself back
from wanting to throw you a punch.

You were in no position to
take that b*llet for me.

If something bad happens to you,

the kids will be left without you.

I can't take care of them alone.

Don't blame...

that girl too much.

She must've been...

confused and terrified.

She'd believed that the
adults would protect her,

so she must've felt betrayed.

I used to be like them as well.

Then now what?

I'll do the best I can.

How did it go?

How's Mr. Kim?

He's all right.

- Goodness.
- What a relief.

Guys, what if they end up...

sh**ting us too?

Hey, lower your voice.

They might hear you.


I'm just anxious, that's why.

You really need to watch your tongue.

But I understand her in a sense.

It was like she took the words...

right out of my mouth.

Mr. Lee wants to see us all.

As soon as the sun rises
tomorrow, we will withdraw...

and return to the camp.

- What?
- Can we do that?

What about the mission?

I can't guarantee your safety here.

We can't even figure out how
many spheres are out there.

And if they attack us all together,

we won't be able to handle them.

Look, Mr. Lee.

With what happened last time,

won't you get in trouble if
you keep disobeying orders?

I've just decided that your
safety is the current priority.

I'll take responsibility.

Don't worry.

The sentinels should make
sure to keep guard on alert.

The rest should go to bed.

We'll take off right
when the morning comes.

That's all.

- What?
- But...

- Gosh, why must we go back?
- He can't just go like that.

- It was hard to come here.
- We're going back?

- My gosh.
- If we just go like this...

- Are we really going back?
- Just like this?

Let's go.

If this is what happened to a shelter,

I wonder what happened...

to our school.

But if we go back,

won't Mr. Lee get punished?

- What if he goes to the guardhouse?
- The guardhouse?

This is worth the death penalty for sure.

- Death penalty?
- No way.


Stop, or you might jinx it.

Come to think of it,
Mr. Lee's quite disobedient.

That's because of us.

By the way,

what will happen with extra
points if we fail our mission?

Darn you.

We have to clear the
mission to get extra points.

His nonsense is so darn consistent.

But if they don't send us to our parents...

for not clearing the mission?

Is that actually your concern
when someone's to be ex*cuted?

Well, I was just saying...

Let's look on the bright side.

It's good that we're returning
from this dangerous situation.

Culprits are bound to be at a crime scene.

("Dr. Frost")

Hold on.

What the?

My Coke.

I swear I put it in here.

- What?
- Gosh.

- So Yoon.
- What?

- Was it you?
- What are you saying? I'm innocent!

What are you looking at?

I think that punk already drank it.

Darn, who took it?

- Hey. Goodness! Where is it?
- What are you doing?

- Move. Where did it go?
- Are you kidding me?

Knock it off, you punk.

- What is the matter with you?
- Did you see it? Where did it go?

So Yeon.

You should be asleep.
Why aren't you in bed?

Well, the thing is...

I'm worried about the return.

It's not yours to concern.

You came to say that?



I have something to tell you.

What is it?

Mr. Lee.

The truth is, I...

- Duk Joong.
- Good heavens!

- What are you doing?
- Well, I...

I'm off to the bathroom.

- Go on.
- Thank you...


What are you waiting for? Go on now.

This requires a great deal of focus.

What is it that you have to say?

It's nothing. Goodnight.

(Woo Hee Rak)

"Woo Hee Rak"?

I wonder how it went.

Kim Duk Joong, that pooper.

- She's back.
- This is so annoying.

Did you tell him how you feel?

No, I don't think the time is right.

- Gosh.
- My friend's helpless.


I'll do it when we return.

I don't get why you like him.


You see it's bound...

to get beautiful when you fall
in love during a time of w*r.

What are you saying? Gosh, you're insane.

Na Ra, there's no need to do that much.


Oh, right.

Get some sleep while I keep watch.

I'm okay.

I see.

Should I tell her now?

No, she'll think I'm a psycho
if I tell her at this time.


it's just us here. This might
be a chance to tell her.

- Look.
- What?


Na Ra, do you perhaps...

have someone...

Do you perhaps have...

a celebrity you like?

- I see spheres.
- What?

The detector doesn't show anything.

They're outside its radar.

About km away from here.

Let me see.

Are you saying they exchanged signals?

We're not exactly sure,

but a giant sphere gave
out light in the sky.

Then a boss sphere emitted light as well.

After that,

they went somewhere.

It seemed like they were communicating.

So they're showing...

a pattern where a few go somewhere...

and come back...

after exchanging signals.

Maybe they're looking for something.

- Could it be...
- Scouting.


Yes, it's as if they're scouting.

They're checking where people went.

They're smarter than we think.

They went somewhere
around here and came back.

What's there?

I heard a shelter was there.

Our platoon commander said so.

That a small-sized shelter was there.

Hold on a second.

Then does it mean they got an
order from the giant sphere...

and decided on a nearby
shelter as their next target?

No way.

Because it has...

a lot to prey on.

- Pardon?
- People gathered to find shelter,

but it ended up becoming
a place full of prey.

And it got much easier for the spheres.

- Gosh.
- We better inform them quickly,

but the communications are down.

What do we do?

We will...

withdraw tomorrow morning as planned.


What about the shelter?

The number is too many.

Let's return as soon as possible
and come up with another way.

What if the spheres
attack them before then?

Given their speed, it'll be too
late when the backup force arrives.

What are you trying to say?

There's nothing much we can do.

Right, we have to follow orders.

We can't go home until we
k*ll all the spheres, no?

You know what happened to
the Hamil High students.

You don't want to die, do you?

Right, it's too dangerous.

Soon Yi. You're scared too, right?

I'm scared.


someone's parents might be there.

Who's going to protect them?

If we go, other students will come.

Sungjin High instead of Hamil High.

And another high after that.


I guess it's decided.

- Thank you.
- You make me smile.

Doesn't it feel like...

the kids somehow became so mature?

Gosh, I feel so proud.

Maybe this is how a parent
feels to watch their child grow.

Be honest with me. How old are you?

I'm .

It's a different spot.

We're going to get busy. Stay focused.

What are you talking about? I'm a patient.

There are no exceptions.

- Sir, you're too mean.
- You heard me.

Oh, please.


The spheres are scattered
near the neighbourhood,

and it's too dangerous to
find and k*ll them -by- .


So we will...

gather the spheres here at
Maesong City University...

and get rid of them all at once.

- What? How?
- How will we do that?

- At once?
- How?

- Is that even possible?
- How?

From now on,

listen carefully to what I say.

(Seolbong Building)

Be careful.

Oh, that.

What is it?

Isn't this the one, guys?

Yes, I think it is.

First off, we'll combine
dynamite with depleted uranium...

to make depleted uranium expl*sives.

It was here.

- Hey, be careful!
- Be careful.


Be careful.

This is not right.



Platoon Two, attention.

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

Each team should figure out where
to install the expl*sives...

and install them while ensuring safety.

When you're all done,

move quickly to the rooftop of
Seolbong Building and stand by.

- Understood?
- Yes, sir!

All teams, get to work.

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

Team One...

will restore power in the machine room.

(Basement Floor)

When the power is restored,

the rest will place the
expl*sives in the building.

Team Six will observe the spheres...

until the job is done...

and cover the other teams so
that they can leave safely.

If the spheres make an
unusual move in the middle,

report to me right away.

So what are we doing with
the expl*sives, Soo Chul?

Didn't you hear Mr. Lee?

I got distracted because I chipped my nail.

We'll place the expl*sives,
lure the spheres, and...



It's simple.

Simple, you say?

If we fail to place the
expl*sives, we'll die.

If we fail to lure the spheres, we'll die.

If we fail to k*ll them
all at once, we'll die.

We'll also die if we're distracted
during this operation like you.

What do you think? Is it simple?

Where? Where do we look to keep watch?


- Duk Joong.
- Yes.

- Duk Joong.
- Wait. I'm working on it.

Take this.

- Jun Hee.
- Yes.

- So Yeon.
- Hold this.

Didn't you learn how to do this?

Darn, I learned the easy way.

When you're all done
installing the expl*sives,

Slowly. - seal every
door to the outside...

and move swiftly to the
rooftop to stand by there.

- Do we install the expl*sive here?
- Yes.

Give it to me. I'll do it.

What is this smell?

- It keeps smelling like spheres.
- What?

You know, there's this fishy
smell peculiar to them.

What's with this mood?

Hey, Young Soo. Do you
have a crush on So Yeon?

What are you saying? I don't.

I guess you do like her.

Hey, this is enough.

Hey, you shouldn't say it stinks
about a boy who likes you.

I mean, I really appreciate it.
Right, Young Soo?

Stop it.

What on earth? You don't stink at all.

Hey, try smelling him again.

Darn, I told you to stop!

Are you out of your mind, you darn moron?

- Hey.
- Stop.

This isn't the time to fight.
Come back to your senses.

Wait until we talk later.

We'll lure the spheres,

and when every entrance is
sealed, we'll explode the bombs...

and k*ll them all.

- They've started moving.
- What?

Darn it.


Hey, hold this.

Mr. Lee, the spheres are moving unusually.

I think they're preparing to take off.

- Already?
- Darn it.

Guys, let's do it quickly.

The kids.

What about the kids?

They aren't done with their job yet.

What do we do about them?

- Did you hear it?
- Yes.

- Gosh.
- It's too soon. What do we do?

Isn't it obvious? Let's
install them quickly.

- Let's move.
- Go.

They're moving already?

Gosh, this is strange.

Darn it.

What are you waiting for? Run!

Goodness, gracious.

We must change their direction
before they arrive at the shelter.

Aren't you done yet?

We have a few left.

If we don't lure them now,
the shelter will be att*cked.

But if this rings, they'll
come in minutes.

What, minutes?

Let's wrap it up in
minutes and leave this place.

Platoon Two, begin luring the spheres.

- Young Sin, can you do it?
- Yes, I think so.

We'll begin the operation
to lure the spheres now.

Everyone, wrap it up in minutes...

and move to Seolbong Building.

Are you kidding me?


It's stuck!

Let me try.



All right, it's loud.

One, two, three.

Oh, come on!

My hands are so shaky that
I can't do it properly.

- Let me do it.
- Help me.

Aren't you done yet? We must get out now.

I'm almost done.

- Are you?
- Yes.

Do we do it for real?

- Do it!
- Darn it.

What are you waiting for? Smash it now!

- They're almost here. Hurry up!
- Where are the others?

We must go. Let's go!

Let's go!

- Run.
- Goodness.


(Seolbong Building)

Mr. Lee, we must get out now.

I have to connect them all.
I'm almost done.

We'll do the rest.

Then finish it up in the hallway.

Let's go.

Let me help.

They're crowding in.

Why aren't they coming?

- Bo Ra.
- Guys. What about the others?

- Gosh.
- Where?

There are too many!

Darn, we're doomed.

Mr. Lee, you must get out of there quickly!


Go without me.

Mr. Kim.

I'll follow you soon. Be careful.

- Gosh.
- Darn it.

- Come on. Do it faster.
- Darn it.

How many more do you have left?

A few more.



Darn it.

We have no time. Finish it quickly!

They went toward the main building, right?

I can't see.

Let's go downstairs.


- What do we do?
- They shouldn't come this soon.

- Guys!
- What?

- What is it?
- Let's go first.

- Gosh, where are you going?
- This way!

- What?
- Darn it.

What do we do?

- What is it?
- What? Why are they going there?

- Let's do this quickly.
- Darn.

Mr. Lee.

The spheres have come very close.


I'll wrap it up. Move to Seolbong Building.

I'll do it.

The kids' safety comes first.

Go with the kids.


Finish it and join us quickly.

Kids, let's go downstairs.

No, I'm not going.

- Hurry and go.
- No.



I'm not going!

Hurry up!

I don't want to go.

- Let's go.
- Hurry up!

- I don't want to go.
- Come on!


- Go quickly.
- Move!

Darn it.

Darn, not again.

There are too many.

They're swarming in.

What about the others?

Soo Chul...

Let's go.

Let's go.

Come quick.

Let's arrive safely first.


Darn it.



They should be here. Why
aren't they coming yet?

- Guys, they're coming.
- What?

Young Sin, over here!

- Gosh.
- Young Sin.

Thank goodness.

- Why is it just you two?
- Yeon Ju.

What about the rest?

- Oh, no.
- Darn it.

- Why aren't they coming?
- What...



- They're here.
- Oh, it's them.

- Eun Young.
- Thank goodness.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, what about you?

Jang Soo, connect the line.

What about Mr. Lee?

What happened?


stand by here...

until there's an order from Mr. Lee.

- What?
- Why?

- What?
- What's going on?

So Yeon, what happened?

- So Yeon, where's Mr. Lee?
- Why isn't he here?

- So Yeon.
- What is it?

- What happened?
- What is going on?

(Seolbong Building)

(Field Trip, the Best Part of College Life)


Sungjin High Platoon Two.

- This is the platoon commander.
- Mr. Lee.


the expl*si*n now.

But you are still in the building.

I'm not, so explode the building.

Where is he?

You must do it now to k*ll the spheres.

No, Mr. Lee. Get out of there now. Quickly!

Mr. Lee.

I'll go now.

- What?
- I'll go too.

Are you going to get us all k*lled here?

Kim Won Bin, pull yourself together.

If you don't explode the building now,

all of us will die.

No... No, Mr. Lee.

Please get out of there.


Blow it, Won Bin.

I can't escape anyway.

Don't let me die in vain.

This is an order.

Blow it now.

The spheres might come out soon.


At this rate...

What do we do?


- No.
- There is no other way.

You promised...

that you'd protect us until the end.

So please get out of there.


I'm sorry...

I can't protect you until the end...

as I promised.


for dragging you into this w*r as an adult.

At first, I thought you
were just disobedient kids.

But now that I think about it,

I'm so grateful...

and proud of you.

Thanks to you,

this endless w*r...

didn't feel so frightening.


trust and rely...

on the friends next to you.

Protect each other.


do not get k*lled.

This is my last order.

Initiate the expl*si*n.

That's all.

Mr. Lee.

Mr. Lee!

No... This isn't right.


- So Yeon.
- No...

Let go of me!

Mr. Lee!

- Mr. Lee...
- What do we do now?

Please tell us what to do.

Mr. Lee!

- Let's not do this.
- Don't.

- Don't do it.
- No...

- Darn it!
- Let's not do it.

Darn it...

(Seolbong Building)

(Field Trip, the Best Part of College Life)

Let's not do it.

- Don't.
- Let's not do it.

- Don't do it.
- Please...

- Goodness.
- Don't do it.



- No.
- Please...

- Don't!
- Yu Jung...

- No...
- I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry.
- Yu Jung!

- Yu Jung, no.
- Don't.

Yu Jung!

Mr. Lee!

(College Main Building)

(Duty After School)
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