02x11 - School

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x11 - School

Post by bunniefuu »

If I have to fill out another
college app, I'm gonna scream.

You know how many I did?

13, and I'm still not done yet.

What do you have left?

Just Northwestern,
which I'm so not getting into.

My mom is making me apply.
Thinks that

just because my aunt went there,

I can get in with a 3.3 GPA.

Ooh, ooh-ooh.


Girls, inappropriate. There's no shame.

Mr. Camp's a total silver fox.

You hear that, honey? You're
married to a total silver fox.

All right. Get to class.

Volta said his
parents don't care

if anyone drinks at
his house this weekend.

You want to go?

No. Why would I want to go?

You know he's crushing
on you and wants to have,

like, 10,000 of
your babies some day.

Ew! You know, I'm just gonna...

Somebody help him!

Right side clear! Left side clear!


All right. Scenario over.

That's better. It's not perfect.

Deac, you want to be team leader
one day, right?

You got to keep your boys
in sync, every step,

you own the entry.

, I had a clear shot at you.

You got to toss that banger
in at an angle.

All right, you got it, boss.

you weren't expecting
someone to be here?

Why did you look surprised
when you entered the room?

Just wasn't expecting to see
your beautiful face, Buck.

This house we're hitting
tomorrow is heavily guarded,

so we rehearse until we
get this entry right.

So, let's try this again,
gentlemen. Reset.

Sir. You thought
the entry was that bad?

Not at all, but,

we can't let the hotshots
get too cocky, can we?

Yeah. Doc says
Annie's gonna pop any day.

Damn, Deac. I can't find a girl
I want to take on a second date,

and here you are
having another kid.

Ha! And it's a girl.
You ready, Deac?

I got nieces and nephews.
I can tell you one thing.

Raising a girl's
way different, man.

Yeah. All the scrapes I got
in growing up, my mother said

I was still nothing compared
to dealing with my sister.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Remind me again

why I'm taking parenting advice
from you two?

All right, let's move.

Multiple reports of an active
sh**t at River Hill High.

We're patching through live
911 calls.

Please help! There's someone
sh**ting up our school!

- Amanda's shot!
- She's bleeding! Help!

Less than a minute out!

20-David to Command. Can we
confirm any additional units

at the school? COMMAND
Negative. Closest squad car

is five to seven minutes out.

That means
we'll be the first on scene.

It could be all over

before the secondaries arrive.

This is who we are, gentlemen.

Remember your training.
We're sheep dogs.

Confront the wolf,
protect the flock.

Go, go, go, go, go. Move,
move, move, move. Come on.


we've got sh*ts fired from
inside River Hill High School.

Go, go! Keep moving.
Back behind the truck! Get behind!

Go! Go! Go! Go, go, go!

Whoa, whoa! Stop!
What do you know?

I'm a . There's
two sh**t on the first floor.

Two sh**t?
What are they wearing? Don't know.

Didn't get a good look. Which way?

Through here, or you
can go around there

to the big double doors.
Deac, , front side.

Garcia, Stevens,
one, four corner.

Hondo, you're with me.
Let's move, everybody! Go!

Okay. Go, go, go,
go, go, go, go.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Okay. Let's move,
let's move, let's move.

Go, get out of here. Go, go, go!

Get out of here! Go! Go,
go, go, go, go, go.

BUCK All right, go, go.
Keep moving, keep moving.

Keep going, keep going!
Get away from the door!

sh**t in the south hallway.
We have one student down.

Cover me. I got you. Go.

My Carmelita, she-she just
couldn't stop crying.

He said he saw the kids,
the blood, everything.

Just glad he's safe.

Principal O'Neil,
are they over here?

Yeah. Any parents not reunited
with their kids should be there.

All right. Thank you.

Sir? What's happening?!

Yeah, there was
an active sh**t situation,

and there were casualties.

Now, we'll get you all the
information as soon as we can.

What does that mean? Where's my son?

Right now,
I'm looking for a Luke

or an Ainsley Mogavero.

Could you come here, please?

Is he dead?

Mrs. Mogavero,
there were two sh**t.

One was captured alive,
and the other one was k*lled.

Did they hurt my Jeff?

Ma'am, Jeff was
one of the sh**t.

One of the sh-sh**t?
No, no. There's a mistake.

I need to see him.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

Why not?

Jeff was the sh**t
that was k*lled, ma'am.

I'm sorry, but we we're gonna
need his computer, cell phone,

anything. Personal journals...


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry...

Not a day goes by that
I don't think about

changing my last name.

When people hear Mogavero,
I can see them thinking

"Why does that name
sound so familiar?"

All I can do is hope
that they don't remember.

I need to ask you something I
know you've thought a lot about

over the past six years.

Could you have stopped what
happened at River Hill High?

People want to think that
this couldn't happen to them,

that they're better parents.

The last time I saw my son

was that morning before school.

When he said good-bye to me,

there was genuine sadness
in his voice,

and that will haunt me
for the rest of my life,

because my son was experiencing
real mental distress,

and I didn't know
the warning signs.

I thought I was involved in
his life, but the reality is,

I wasn't digging deep enough.

Because if I had been,

I would've gotten him
the help that he needed.

And yes, I could've
stopped River Hill.

Is there anything you want
to say to the victims' families?

If I could give my life

to save just one of the lives
my son took that day, I would.

What he did that day
made him a monster,

but it didn't stop him
from being my son.

He will always be my son.

I'm so sorry for what he did.

All right, one more, Deac.
One more, one more. Yeah...

You're dragging a bit today,
big man. What's going on?

You still moonlighting
with my boy Dee Fletch?

He giving you hell or something?

Yeah, him and Annie both.

I shouldn't say that, actually.
She, she knows we need

the extra money, and she's been
pretty understanding

about me,
not being around as much,

but I-I can tell it bothers her.

Well, if it makes
you feel any better,

my boy Dee loves you, man.

He says security at his place
has never been tighter.

Don't be afraid to ask
that cat for a raise.

You got to love it
when one boss tells you to ask

the other boss for a raise.


You see this?

Is that who I think it is?

What's she doing here?

Who is she? No idea.

I opened it this morning
and came straight here.

No name, no address?

"They all say I'm crazy,

"but they'll learn
how smart I am.

"They'll be sorry for the way

they treated me."
Why does this sound so familiar?

It's from my son Jeff's

I wish it had been burned
and never leaked.

"Your son blazed a path
for the rest of us.

"By the time
you read this today,

"you'll see on TV
how I've honored Jeff

"by amassing a higher body count

with the same g*n."


When you include the sh**t.

The letter says,

"By the time you read this."

My mail's delivered
at the beginning

of the day, not the end. So he wasn't

expecting you to get this
until this afternoon.

So whoever it is is planning
that attack for today.


Does it say which school?
Anything to narrow it down?

No, nothing. Just
a lot of anger.

Postmark shows it was
sent from here in L.A.,

so we have to assume the
target's an L.A. County school.

Doc, how credible
do you think this threat is?

Very. This letter is
essentially a mini-manifesto.

Too detailed and specific
to be a prank.

The way he says,
"you'll see me on TV,"

he's not just looking for
revenge, he's after notoriety.

By k*lling more classmates
than the River Hill sh**t?

That can't happen.

Is it too late to shut down
the schools?

A mid-day evacuation
of over 2,700 schools?

Even if I can
convince the Mayor,

the suspect just waits for them
to open again to attack.

It could also cause mass panic.

That's exactly what he's after.

If this were about
jocks bullying him,

he would have written about
taking out the bleachers

at a football game.

If he wanted revenge
on the popular kids,

he would've targeted prom night.

This isn't about classmates
fearing a specific event.

No, he wants them to
fear their daily lives.

What he's attacking is a symbol
of his oppression, his school.

Cortez, notify school PD

that we have
an immediate tactical alert.

We need all off-duty

to provide backup
at their posts.

I'll coordinate with the chief
to assign cars outside campuses.

Yeah. Let's see if
we can identify

this suspect before he strikes.

Sir, do you remember
six years ago?

We were minutes away when
that first shot was fired,

and a lot of kids
still lost their lives.

By the time some call comes in,
it's gonna be too late.

Well, what do you suggest?

Every year the school board
sends the LAPD a student list

of the ones that are most likely
to be threats... we start there.

We need to be proactive, but
that's a needle in a haystack.

Wendy, what else
does this letter tell you?

Mostly that he worships these
two River Hill High sh**t.

He looks up to them
the way some kids

look up to athletes
or pop stars.

Everything's in motion.

What else should we be doing?

We took one of
the River Hill sh**t alive.

Maybe whoever wrote this letter

tried to contact him in prison.

Guards vet those letters
as they come in.

He would have been flagged. Not
if it didn't hint at an attack.

Well, it's worth checking out.

But leave some of
your team behind

so they can help go through
the school board's threat list.

And, Hondo...

You're right.

We can't let River Hill
happen again.

These boxes are full

of everything,
from marriage proposals

to requests for old Patrick
here to go to hell.

Going back at least a few years.

Do you know
why we're here?

Anyone contact you recently

about plans to copy your attack?

Not in those boxes.

We'd have caught that.

Sometimes admirers write to me.


I always write back saying
I wish I'd never done it,

that I never should have let
Jeff talk me into any of it.

Which of these letters
are from your admirers?

I know you.

You're damn right you know me.

You think we forgot what you did?

I swear, the first thing
I do every day

is say the names
of those six victims,

remembering who they were.

I know that Steve wanted
to join the Navy, and Melanie...

Stop talking, okay? You do
not get to say their names.

Patrick, there's a lot
of letters here... any mention

specifics about what you did?

Or anything on the same g*n
you and Jeff used?

Look through here, maybe.

Officer, have you ever been
at the Golden Gate Bridge

in San Francisco?

Yeah. Did you know

that jumping
doesn't always k*ll you,

and that
almost all the survivors

say that the second
they stepped off,

they felt instant regret?

And that's what you felt?

Instant regret? In that moment,

they realized that everything

they thought couldn't be fixed
in their life was fixable.

Except for having just jumped.

Some things
you can't ever take back.


Check it out.

It's a TEC-9.

That's the same type of
g*n that you used, isn't it?

This is postmarked a month ago.

Has this person
written to you before?

I don't think so.

I got the serial number.

We can run it through NECS.
All right.

Find out where it was
sold and who bought it.

Pack this up. Send Captain
Cortez the number.

Officer, before you go,

I wanted to say thank you

for... For what?

Not k*lling you that day?


For stopping me
before more of them died.

Green one. Deac, move.

Hands! Hands! Hands!

Hey. Where are the sh**t?

Upstairs. Jeff Mogavero
and Patrick Demers.

They just came in
and started sh**ting.

Okay, go, go. Go, go.
Out of the building.

Go. Get out!



Whoa! Down hands! Don't sh**t!

It's okay, it's okay.
Have you seen the sh**t,

Jeff and Patrick? One of
them is on this floor.

What do you mean?
They separated?

All right, this way.

Come on. Come on. Come on.
Go, go, go.

Get behind me.
30-David, the sh**t

have separated, I repeat,
the sh**t have separated.

One is on the second floor, the
other one's on the first floor.

I have students here
in the southside stairwell.

Copy. Send them
down to the south exit

then go after the sh**t
on the second floor.

I need you to go to the bottom
of the stairs quietly.

Deacon, I got a student,
Lila, on the line with intel

on the whereabouts
of the sh**t closest to you.

I'm patching her through. Roger.

Lila? If you can hear me,
this is Sergeant Kay.

Where are you?

We're hiding
in the closet please send help.

Okay, all right.
Listen, don't panic.

I need you to stay calm.
What room number are you in?

Um... r-room number... 208.

208, 208.It's 208. It's 208.

- Okay, Lila.
- Listen to me.

You hang in there
and we will find you.


My God, he's here.

Move. All right.

Stay as quiet as you can.
We're coming.

Okay, lights off. He must've
set off some smoke bombs.

30-David, we're taking fire
on the second floor.

, do you see him?

No. Cover me here.

Hey. Kid. Kid, you all right?



We got a victim down.

Second floor, room 2-0-2.

Guy seems to feel
genuine remorse

about what he did. Look, I don't care
how bad he feels;

He could be a living
saint right now,

wouldn't matter to me. No, I get it.

I'm just saying, at least
he's trying to help us now.

Look, you weren't
there six years ago.

How can you get it? I mean...

I might not have been there,

but I've seen my share
of messed-up stuff, dude.

I saw my mom sh**t my dad.
Okay, so how

can you defend this guy, then?

I saw innocent kids
bleeding out on the floor

because of him. And he's in prison

for the rest of his life.

The rest of his life.

He's living, okay?
Those kids he m*rder*d?

They're never gonna
get that same chance.

He should have died
just like his buddy.

Anything? There's enough
names in the threat list,

they could have their own school.
Seems like all you got

to do to get written up
is wear black and

look at someone the wrong way.
How could she not know

what was happening
in her own house?

My cousin had
clinical depression

and we didn't find out
for the longest time.

Yeah, but you did find out.

Yeah, well, that mom carries it.

And now she's trying to do good

to make up for all
the bad her son did.

Like giving speeches?

Making money off
it, getting famous?

We can use that.


You have over 200,000
Twitter followers, right?

Yes. Wendy, you said

the kid who wrote the letter

idolizes her son.

What if we use her
to contact him?

You think he follows me
on Twitter? He might.

And if he responds,
we can keep him busy.

Which might buy us
enough time to find him.

What if Ainsley tweets out
"I got your letter today,

"I'd like to discuss
it with you.

Please DM me?"Do it.

Talk her through what
to say if he responds. Got it.

We got a hit on the TEC-9 from
the photo sent us.

Ran its serial
numbers through NECS.

Traced to this buyer.

Kurt Wilson. He's our guy?

There was a Kurt Wilson
on the school's threat list.

Expelled two years ago...

and last known address
on the Eastside.

Check DMV, see if
there's any vehicles

registered to that address.

The only vehicle registered

to that address is a '97 pickup.

Get your team over there.

I'm gonna secure a search
warrant for evidence

and issue a BOLO on that truck.

Dispatch to 20-David.

Adam-23 has eyes
on the '97 pickup truck

at the 2100 block.

Central Ave, East L.A.
Requesting immediate backup.

Suspect is believed to be armed.

Advise Adam-23
we are 30 seconds out.

Pin the vehicle,
set up and cover.

We got to figure out

a way to take this guy alive.

Either confirm he's our sh**t
or find out who has his g*n.

Yeah, we're en route, Deac.
We'll meet you there.

Show me your hands, now!

Do not think, just do it.

Both hands, now!

Chris, Tan.
Sage and Hopper g*ns.


He's reaching!

Depositing pepper balls.

Cover, cover.

Cover me.

Get up, get to the car.
Give me your hands.

Where's the g*n?

In the front seat.

It's clear, boss.

No, no. The TEC-9.

What are you talking about? The TEC-9
that you purchased

in Reseda last week.
Where is it?

I want a lawyer. Look.

It's not worth whatever
you're gonna do to your school.

School? What school?

I-I'm not saying anything
without a lawyer.

You really have no idea what
we're talking about, do you?

What are you doing up?

A few hours ago you were

too sick to go to school,
now you're fine?


You know how I feel

about locked doors in my house.

I want this lock

taken off by the
end of this week.

If you're suddenly
feeling better,

you can go to school.

Look, we don't know who this is,

but we do know
he's holding your g*n.

Which you didn't report stolen. Look, man,

we don't want to charge you,
we just need

to find this kid
before he uses it. Look.

Just-just trade us the name,
you can walk out of here.

On your good word?

You see that serial number?

We traced it; You bought
that thing a week ago.

All I see is a guy who's not my client
holding a g*n. If that kid

is underage, it's a felony
to sell him that g*n.

Okay, look, fellas.

My client doesn't have to say
anything and you know it.

If you want any
cooperation from us,

there's no way around it.
We need a guarantee.

Immunity in writing that
promises he'll be cleared.

We don't have time for that.
Listen, that kid made

a direct threat to sh**t
up a school... today.

With a g*n that was sold to him by
your client. Six years ago,

I responded to a school sh**ting

and I had to step over
children's bodies.

All because someone
like your client

provided g*ns to those K*llers.

You want a promise? Say nothing.

And then when this kid goes
out and kills his classmates

with your g*n
in the next hour or so,

we ain't gonna be
coming after you for

felony g*n charges,
we are gonna charge you as

an accessory to a mass m*rder.

So you go ahead and sit in
that chair and shut your mouth.

But that is my promise to you.

Okay. O-Okay.

Just... hang on.

I don't want any kids hurt.

Kurt gave us the name Vince.

And a phone number,
but it's a burner.

The suspect's name is Vince?

One of the Twitter messages
I got back

was by a username
with "Vince" in it.

Show us.


We need confirmation
it's the same Vince.

Ask, "In his letter you
mentioned a g*n, what type?"

That's him. Keep him talking.

How fast can we get Twitter
to release this person's info?

We've worked with them before,
but there's a process.

They'll prioritize once
they hear what it's about.

I'll get Judge Whitt
to expedite a subpoena.

The longer you can
keep Vince chatting,

the better chance we
have of stopping him.

Respond by saying you want
to tell him about your son,

things no one knows besides you.

It's to prevent
an attack on a school.

We need the info right away.

Yeah, I'll be sending
the warrant any minute.

Hold on. Judge signed the warrant.

I'm sending you the paperwork
right now.

Cortez confirmed
that our suspect,

Vince Franz, is a 17-year-old
senior at Hammond Ridge High.

Vandelli's team
and school PD have

an additional 25 units
at Vince's school.

Wasn't he already in school? No.
They couldn't find him,

so there's a good chance
he's at his house.

We know he's serious enough

to buy an illegal
extended magazine.

This kid is ready
and willing to raise hell.

So let's take care of business,

and confront the wolf.

What's that?

Something Buck used to say.

LAPD. Move, move, move.
Get out of here.

BUCK Okay. Let's go. Everybody
move. I want everybody out.

Let's go, let's go.
Let's go. Move.

LAPD. Move, move. Let's go.

Ladies, go. Now.

Hondo. Here. Here.

Is everyone okay?

No. My friend Christopher is
hurt really bad, right there.

And I think there's a hurt
teacher right there.

Metro SWAT. Are you good? I'm okay.

Put your hand here.
Keep the pressure.

Help my wife and the kids
in the cafeteria, out that way.

Where's the sh**t? He's in there, too.

Just went in,
wearing a black cap.

We got multiple sh*ts
in the cafeteria. Everyone stay down!

sh**t last seen wearing
a black baseball cap.

20-David in pursuit.

Everybody, stay down! Stay down!

LAPD! My God!

It's okay. Where's the sh**t?

In the kitchen.Move. Move. Go.

20-David has eyes
on the sh**t.

He's carrying
a semi-auto hand g*n.

We're moving in to engage.

There's no movement inside.
We ready to make entry?

"I wish I could've done
River Hill with them."

"They were so wise."

"I thought talking to you"

"would be the next closest thing
to talking to your son."

"My son was wrong.

You don't need to make
his mistakes."


Move, move, move, move, move.

Breach in three, two...

Two, two, two, two.

Two, two!

Give me two, give me two!

"The only thing
he was wrong about

was that he should've
k*lled you first."

We got somebody.

No Vince Franz, no TEC-9,
and he left his cell phone here.

So we won't be able
to track him.

Any sign of him at his school?

Vandelli's team is
at Hammond Ridge now.

Vince never showed for class.

Hey, I need to get through.
That's my house.

Captain, hold on a second.

Can I go through, please?

Hey, let her through.

That's my house.
What's going on?

What's your name? Whitney Franz.

Vince Franz is your brother?

Where is he? I don't know.

School? What's going on?

We need to locate your brother.

Did he tell you about any
problems at Hammond Ridge High?

No. He's only been there, like, two weeks;
He's been doing fine. Two weeks?

Where'd he go before that?

Leighton. Leighton High?

Wait, Vince had problems there?
Not at Hammond Ridge?

Yeah, he was expelled.

Now, will you please
tell me what's going on?

Where's my mom? Chris.


Captain, we got a problem.

I think we've been guarding
the wrong school.

Principal Cullen, we believe

one of your former students

has plans to attack your school.

His name is Vince Franz.

So we're the target.
What should we do?

How many armed guards are there?

Two of our s
are here now.

That's not enough to protect
1,600 students.

Should we evacuate?

No, he could show up any minute,

that could put you
right in the line of fire.

What if she moves all the
students to one large area

and has the officers
guard the doors?

The gym.

Only two entrances,

locks from the inside,
no exposed windows.

Move your students

and faculty there
as fast as you can.

Get them safe. We're on our way.

Yes, ma'am. Okay.

Principal Cullen wants
everyone to the gym.

Let's go. Leave your bags.


Let's move. Get to the gym.

Let's go, let's go. Let's go.

Before some of you were SWAT,

Buck talked about how most
of the world

is made up of peaceful folks

who avoid v*olence at all cost.

He called them the flock.

He would also say
you have wolves;

People who use v*olence
to attack that flock.

And there's one remaining group.

Those who live to protect
that flock

and confront those wolves.

That group's the sheepdogs,
and that is who we are.

That is why we are SWAT.

I know today's brought back some

bad memories for those of us
who were there six years ago.

Well, let's make sure
this time's different.

You were there?

Protect the flock.

Elijah, keep them
going that way. Got it.

Captain Ruane is here
to take point.

You the K9 unit?

Officer Alonso, sir.

Champ and I are ready
to go in when needed.

You know active-sh**t

You're my backup, then.

We're heading to the second
floor, room 208.

Let's go.

Somebody's in there.

What is it, Champ?

It's okay. It's okay.
We're cops.

Come on. Downstairs,
straight out the door.

Roger that, Hondo.

We're heading south down
the hall in the B building

looking for sh**t number two.

Cross fire! Cross fire!

Lila, I need you stay real quiet

and get as low as you can, okay?

are making their way to the gym

on the south end of campus.

Head there as soon as
you get in.

The Civic parked illegally.

That's Vince's car. Let's clear it.

It's clear.

He's already on campus.
Let's move.

Let's go,
let's go. Move, move, move.

- Stay low. Stay low.
- It's gonna be okay.

Sit down when you
get in there. Sit down.

Stay low. Let's go. Sit down when you
get in there.

Let's go, come on.

Todd, stay with the group.
I got the front door.

, right side.

Don't move! Drop your w*apon!

I got visual. He's armed.

Come out, show us your hands!

Get down!

Street, you good? Yeah.

He's on the move! Deacon.

I'm gonna draw his attention.

Flank him from the other side. Roger that.

Let's go. Move.

Shh, everybody.

He's in front of the gym.

We're here to help you, kid!

Drop your g*n!

You don't want to
die here today!

Think about your sister!
She's alone now, man!

I'm-a try to draw him away.
Cover me. Okay.

Roger that.

Put down the w*apon, Vince!

Stop moving!

Got a g*n! Hold him!
Go hands-on!

Get off me! Hey, stop resisting!

Give me your other hand!

Don't move!

sh**t number two
is in custody!

Someone's in there.

Get up. On your ass. Go!

Hey. Open the door. It's LAPD.

You're safe. It's over.

How do we know
you're the police?

Lila, it's me.
It's me, you can trust me.

It's Officer Kay. Open the door.

You could be lying.

Here, I'm gonna slide my badge
under the door, okay?

That way, you know it's me.


No, I'm-I'm Kenzie. That's Lila.

S-She needs help. Sh...

S-She stood in front of the door
to stop him from getting in,

but he shot through it.

I need a medic!

I got you.

Such a tragedy.

Yeah. But your team
held strong, Buck.

They're well trained.

Thank you, sir.

Finished our second sweep, sir.

Some smoke b*mb residue,
but no signs of expl*sives

or b*mb-making material

Officer Alonso.

You showed a lot of courage
going in there the way you did.

This is Sergeant Buck Spivey.

It's nice to meet you.

Sorry it's under
these circumstances.

Likewise, sir.
Um, just out of curiosity,

there aren't any women
on SWAT, are there?

No. There's no rule against it,
it just hasn't happened yet.

Good to know.

Nice meeting you.

So how many dead?


How old were they?

Youngest was 14.

If not for the grace of God.

Today could've been really bad.

Even worse than six years ago.

I just wanted to say,

I get that seeing that guy
in the prison today

would've been so rough for you.

And I get that you wish
he'd just died before.

But if he had, and if you
hadn't taken him alive,

we might not have
stopped today's attack.


Do you mind?

I used to have one
before we retired him.

Course, go ahead.

You're Alonso, right?

We know each other?

No, but I know who you are.
We all do, ma'am.

I'm Commander Robert
with the LAPD.

Today, we responded
to a threat at the school,

which we've addressed
and were able to prevent.

When can we see our kids?
So someone had a g*n?

The armed suspect has been taken
into custody

with no student or faculty
casualties on site.

Now, we're directing all family
members to stay in this area.

We'll be bringing your
kids over to you in groups

after we finish talking
with them.

So just hold tight,
and thank you for your patience.

Wait, so-so no one was hurt?

No. No one. Everyone's safe.

Thank you.

Did Vince k*ll his mom because
of me? Because of what we wrote?

Absolutely not.


I know you've been
through hell and back,

and a lot of parents
in your position,

they would've hidden
from the world.

I mean, I know I might've.

But because you brought us
that letter, it saved lives.

A lot of lives. Thank you.

You said you wanted
to talk to him.

Now's your chance.

Sergeant Harrelson?

For two years after River Hill,

I researched everything I
could to try and understand

why my son did what he did.

I went through all the public
records, the court filings,

and that's where I came across

the name
Sergeant Daniel Harrelson.

Ms. Mogavero...


I know you were the one
who k*lled my son.

At first, I harbored
a lot of resentment,

but over the years,
I've come to terms with it,

that you did what was necessary.

I really wish it would have
all happened very differently.

You're the reason why there
weren't more than seven victims.

Anybody home?

In here, Daddy.

Wha...? I could've sworn
I heard somebody in here.

Has anybody seen Lila?


I guess I'm gonna have to go say
good night to Matthew instead.

No, Daddy, I'm right here. What?

You were there the whole time?

All right. You ready for bed?

Yeah? Did you brush your
face and wash your teeth?

Okay. There you go.

So what book are we reading?

Tell me a story. A bedtime story?


Did I ever told the story
of where you got your name?

Well, I once knew
a little girl named Lila,

and just like you,

she loved science, school.

She had lots of friends.

And one day,

she helped Daddy save
a whole lot of people's lives

right before you were born.

Can I meet her?


No, she's... she's in heaven.

With Aunt Cathleen
and baby Jesus?

That's right.

Doesn't that make
her parents sad?

I'm sure it does.


really sad.

Maybe I should draw them
a picture

to help them feel better.

I think they'd love that.

Every child has the right
to feel safe.

It's up to all of us
to help end school v*olence.

In 80% of school sh**t,

at least one other person knew

about the attacker's plan
in advance.

And 93% of the time,
school sh**t will engage

in troubling behavior
long before they attack.

If you're a parent,
stay involved

in your children's lives,
seek early help

from school administrators,
or if necessary,

from local law enforcement.

If you're a student,
show your classmates kindness

whenever you can.

Oftentimes, the kids least
likely to ask for help

are the ones
who need it the most.

And don't be afraid to go to an
adult if you suspect something.

You can be the generation
that ends school v*olence.

For more information and tools
to keep our schools safe,

use your phone to scan
the barcode below.

Use your phone to scan
the barcode below.
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