02x21 - Day of Dread

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "S.W.A.T." Aired: November 2, 2017 – present.*
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American procedural action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name.
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02x21 - Day of Dread

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on SWAT You're under my direct command now.

No relationships allowed.

MICHAEL: You're engaged in unethical conduct.

JESSICA: I wouldn't consider it unethical.

MICHAEL: Of course you wouldn't, but your bosses would.

I'm in the way.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I think it's time my work family meets you both.

Thanks for always having my six.



This ain't got to be your life.

Don't it?

We both want you to stay here.

You're gonna have to promise to keep working hard and promise to stay out of trouble.


-I promise.

Welcome to the family.

- Got your bus pass?

- Yeah.

- Got money?

- Uh, yeah.

Your phone all charged up?

- Yeah.

- And I know you got your homework packed up, right?

Come on, stop treating me like some kid you got to wipe.


: Ooh, Lord.

I'm glad I ain't got to do that.

Hey, I know you're happy about that job you grabbed.

Finding part

-time work ain't easy.

Oh, any work.

Darryl, helping to deliver chips and pretzels before the sun comes up, that's just your right now.

That ain't your future, you understand?

So, you handle your business, but don't you let that truck make you late for school again.

You stay focused.

Come on, let's get out of here.

My mom's gonna be picking you up from school, so don't keep her waiting, you hear me?

Yeah, she's always nice to me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up, hold up.

- What, I'm not?

- You a'ight.

- "A'ight.

" Okay.

- No, I You know what I'm saying.


Look, I know how hard this has been for you, Darryl.



And I get that you're trying, and so am I.

But I think we're making it work.

- Hey, be safe out there.

- I will.


You better bring me some of my mama's cookies.

That's only if I don't eat them all.

Boy, you better not.

Hey, I'm serious.

Last of the original most wanted fugitives.

Hey, Hondo, how long we been staring at that guy's mug shot on the wall?

Long enough to catch the rest of Metro's list.

Bakir Hadad, he stays at the top.

We got close to him last year.

HONDO: Yeah, well, close doesn't qualify.

What's his official body count?

Five down, right?

All civilians?

Hadad thought he was taking out another dealer, but he hit the wrong house.

North instead of South.

Shot up a whole family.

- Nice.

- CHRIS: Two little kids, mom, dad, grandma.

And he's been Metro's Most Wanted ever since.

Swings through L.


just long enough to pick up his dope profits, and then he bounces.

And we finally got lucky.

- HONDO: Yeah, because he got sloppy.


And he doesn't think we can touch him.

STREET: Well, pride goeth before destruction and haughty spirit before a fall.


I went to Sunday school.

Best snacks of the week.

Hey, what's going on?

I'm working.

Okay, welcome zone straight ahead.


All right, let's make 'em hot.

- Perimeter fully contained?

- 100%, Sergeant.

Undercover unit's got eyes on the address.

Nobody in, nobody out.

Wait, you didn't evacuate the entire building?

We were trying to preserve the element of surprise.

No reason to spook the target if we didn't have to, given his history of slipping the grip.

Then let's move.


Chris, take it out.

Tan, door.




- Sorry.

Well, you'll need an X

-ray, but it looks like nothing worse than a very bad contusion.

Thank you.

Somebody could think they're matching up their stories.

Well, they're more worried about Tan than about how it looks.

Do not discount appearances.

Let's get 'em separated.

I'm not going to ask you what happened; don't tell me.

I know the drill.

No private conversations with any member of your team.

Or with any witnesses.

I got it.

Not until Force Investigation finishes your interviews.

- Understood, sir.

- Starting now.

No more talking.


We're waiting for your League lawyer before F.



- does the walk


- There's no need.

Lawyers are useful in a situation like this.

Only if you got something to hide.

Let's just get this over with.

Don't be too proud to protect yourself.

I appreciate the advice, Captain.

- Were you present?

- No.

Luca and I were in apartment 333 handling another suspect.

- How far away?

- Four rooms.

All right.

Look, we did our job, Commander.

I don't have to tell you how Force Investigation works.

Same old, same old.

Yeah, meaning us versus them, right?

That's not helpful.

It's not even accurate.

We're all on the same side here.


Until we're not.

They're fact


They ask.

We answer.

Simple as that.

You copy?

- You okay?

- No.

I don't understand how everything went sideways like that.

We'll find out.

Street busted his ass to get back on the team.

You know they're gonna look at him hard.

So they look at him hard.

We're SWAT.

We can take review.

HICKS: Everything you say matters.

How you say it matters.

Think before you answer, don't guess, and do not volunteer.

- Commander

- Not even to me.

- Are you listening?

- Yes.

Yes, sir.

I hate this as much as you do.

I doubt it.

Not with a dead civilian.

How did this even happen?

What a mess.

- Do you trust the process?

- No.

It involves humans.

You can't predict human behavior.

Except for self


That's pretty reliable.

You're more cynical than I am.

I'm just a pragmatist.

That's why I'm gonna tell you something.

Good or bad?

You're getting looked at for a promotion.

But a finding of a wrongful death by one of your teams,

- that could sink it.

- The least of my problems right now.

You're not even curious?

Oh, sure.

Director of Police Operations.

As a real possibility?

Real enough.

And that's a straight shot to deputy chief.

Hell, I'll say it, Jess no hiccups, and you could be the first female wearing the chief's badge.

Well, you don't look so excited.

All of a sudden, you're scared of heights in your career?

- No, sir.

- Unless this goes bad, I mean You know Hondo.

You know this team.

- The truth doesn't fix the optics.

- Okay.

Then there's nothing we can do.

Except worry.

My specialty.


For the record, I am Sergeant Nick Boyer, LAPD Force Investigation Division.

This is the immediate after

-action interview with LAPD SWAT Sergeant Daniel Harrelson Jr.

, who has waived legal representation for this interview.


-coded date on this recording.

Morning, Sergeant.

Still morning?

It's been a long day for you already, I know.

So, the purpose of this investigation is to determine if actions by you or your team caused the death of, uh, Kayla Gleason, 23, teacher's aide, residing at You get the cause of death yet, Sergeant?

Residing at 4691 Anacapa Avenue, Apartment 339, Los Angeles.

The preliminary C.



is blunt force trauma, which occurred in close proximity to the stun grenade deployed during the mission.

You can skip all the passive tenses.

I gave the order to deploy.

I respect how you're taking responsibility, Sergeant.

For all my team's actions.

But this was a terrible accident, not a wrongful death.

Why don't we just start at minute one?

You walk me through the mission from the initial breach point.

We entered the building through a back courtyard we accessed from the alley.

Tan, door.

We were serving a rapid entry warrant against multiple homicide suspect Bakir Hadad.

And we had a full package of officers to secure the interior and exterior.

My team, plus Sergeant Vandelli's team as backup.

Did you notice Sergeant Harrelson taking a personal phone call in the armored vehicle?

What does that have to do with the events at the building?

Maybe nothing.

But it's on the timeline.

We were still in transit.

I understand that.

Did you see the sergeant answer his phone?

I saw that he was on the phone.

I appreciate your precision.

Did he say anything to you?

It seemed serious.

But you're a cop, Sergeant.

I don't need to tell you how good we all get at compartmentalizing.

Not always easy, though.

I didn't notice it had any effect on him, if that's what you're asking.

Sergeant Harrelson took the lead, going through the primary door, which made you number two right behind him, correct?

- Correct.

- Let's talk about the initial contact you had with a tenant.

That was my situation, not Sergeant Harrelson's.

I'm a working parent.

I felt sorry for the mother.

I know how hard it is to raise a family on a budget.

I have a ten



Tell me about it.


Hondo, hold.

Ma'am, I need you to go back inside now.

- I got to go to work.

- No, you need to stay inside.

Don't you tell me that.

I need to drop off my kids and catch a bus.

- No, not now.

- I can't miss work! I'm only paid for my hours.

I need the money.

Are you gonna feed my kids?

The door out is right there.

- Deacon!

- Don't treat me like a criminal.

- I have rights.

- Stevens.

Go ahead.

Move, hurry, hurry.


I am not thanking you.

CHRIS: That mom was, uh, so loud and righteous.

- Righteous?

- She thought so.

The guy at the top of the stairs heard her.

You mean the handyman?


No, that was farther down the hall.

First, there was a couple fighting.

He'd figured she'd called 911.

Domestic v*olence?

Not by him anyway.

MAN: You crazy thing! What the hell's the matter with you?

WOMAN: You don't clear your phone unless you got someone to hide! MAN: So you called the cops on me?

! Why'd you call?

! Why'd you call?

! WOMAN: I didn't! Tell this idiot I didn't call! She didn't call, we are not here for you.

Now, go back inside, shut the door, shut your mouths.


CHRIS: The guy was worried she'd get him busted for g*ns or stash or whatever.

He thought it was revenge



Another hero.

- Tell me about the canine.

- Oh, yeah.

The dog was freaking all the noise and excitement.

You know dogs can smell adrenaline.

- He was in the apartment behind us.

- With the handyman?

CHRIS: Playing like some kind of a resident manager or something.

TAN: Nothing about Carlton said he'd be a problem.

Even though you knew he had a jacket?

Sure, but that was a fed case got dropped.

Guy was producing porn without keeping track of all the screen aliases the actors ever had.

Carlton seemed to think we were a robbery crew coming to hit him.

Showed a whole lot of restraint.

Well, that's how Hondo leads the team.

Almost got you k*lled.

I remember a tactical instructor who said this is the only job where you can do everything right, and you can still get k*lled.

Reason we pull hazard pay.

There weren't supposed to be any dogs on


The dog was new.


- (g*nf*re)

- sh*ts fired! (BARKING)


Hey! I'm putting it down.

Officer down!


- Hands up! Hands behind your back! I didn't know you were cops! Where are you hit?


: It caught the vest.

I'm good.

Chris, stay here.

Luca, move, move!



BOYER: You had an injured officer, you'd lost the element of surprise I'm aware of the facts, Sergeant.

What's the question?

Why didn't you reassess the plan?

We are the point of the stick, and the stick keeps going.

That's how we train, over and over: the stick keeps going.

We followed protocol.

Even with a third of your team sidelined?

We were in a hot zone.

We didn't have time to reassess.

When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's too late to be thinking about draining the swamp.

You took a private call in the A.


right before the mission, correct?

You already know that.

We all have personal lives.

Emergencies happen.



Is it possible the content of the call affected your tactical judgment?

I'm asking if you were distracted or upset before the mission began.

I've been a cop a long time, and I was a Marine before that.

I can handle news, but thank you for your concern.

- Did you rush the entry?

- I did not.

This was our chance to grab up a dangerous fugitive who m*rder*d an innocent family.

Yeah, number one on Metro's Most Wanted List.

- And we were focused.

- And motivated.

Bakir Hadad was still top of the charts.

- It's not a contest.

- No, but it's a point of pride.

Lot of pride.

Ego and pride get you k*lled, Sergeant.

We're trained to leave it at the door.

We adjusted, and we brought him in.

Let's go back to that call you took.

Hey, the sooner we get through this, the sooner you're out of here.

Two little kids, mom, dad, grandma.

And he's been Metro's Most Wanted ever since.

Swings through L.


just long enough to pick up his dope profits, and then he bounces.

- And we finally got lucky.

- Yeah, because he got sloppy.

- And he doesn't think we can touch him.

- STREET: Well, pride goeth before destruction and haughty spirit

- before a fall.

- Hey.

What's going on?

I'm working.

Something happened to Darryl.

Hondo, the boy was shot while making deliveries on his job.

LUCA: Okay, welcome zone straight ahead.

I'm in the ER at Cienega South.

They took Darryl into surgery already.

But nobody is talking with me, nobody is making eye contact with me.

Which you know means this is bad.

That job was supposed to be safe.

Mama, I can't do this right now.

I know.

Just get here as soon as you can, baby.


All right, let's make 'em hot.

I love you, too.

Look, he's breathing and he's strong.

- Perimeter fully contained?

- 100%, Sergeant.

- I got to go.

- got eyes on the address.

Nobody in, nobody out.

DEACON: You didn't evacuate the entire building?

We were trying to preserve the element of surprise.

No reason to spook the target if we didn't have to, given his history of slipping the grip.

Then let's move.

WOMAN: Fruit, ma'am?

Since when is life fair?

You know, I think I'm gonna listen to my captain, and I'm

-a wait for a League lawyer to be here.

Mind, uh, stating your name for the record, Ed?

Edward Yannick, acting legal counsel for Sergeant Daniel Harrelson, Jr.

on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Defense League.

Glad you could join us so we can put this to bed.

Oh, is that what you're trying to do?

Guys, we're all seeking the truth.

I just got to find the weak spots before the lawsuits start up.

- Let's keep going.

- Okay.

Um, did the call from your mother impact your state of mind, Sergeant?

Yes, but not the mission.

Well, that's a subjective judgment.

How can you be sure?

The sergeant already answered your question, Nick.


LUCA: We had a plan, we followed the plan.

Since when does a SWAT plan leave an innocent bystander dead?

You guys don't make mistakes like that.

No, we don't.

And we didn't.

You can dig all you like.


I'm glad to hear it.

You know, my gramps was first generation SWAT, and my dad second.

I'm third.

I know what you're protecting.

It ain't SWAT or the department.

Every cop investigation is set up to insulate the city, not the officers.

At least be real with me.

I just need to learn what happened.

- Something else.

- Like what?

I know what you're doing.

- Okay.

- We are not on the same side no matter how you try to play it.

Does that mean you're refusing to cooperate?


This is me cooperating.

Start at the top of the stairs.

On the third floor.

Deacon and I were on the door.



- Police! Show me your hands! LUCA: Hey! Down! Give me your hands! Hands behind your back! DEACON: Stay down.

Luca and I took the accomplice into custody.

That kept us in the grow room.

Oh, while Sergeant Harrelson and Officer Street approached the bedroom door?

We were right there for backup.

The suspect was cornered.

You thought he was cornered.


That's correct.

LUCA: We went in the door, they went to the left, we took our guy down.

And then they threw in the flashbang, that was it.

We didn't do anything wrong, all right?

Bathroom break.

Seems like I'm the only one that needs them.

- Any red flags in there?

- Uh, these interviews are never pleasant, but no surprises yet.

Are those the floor plans that Boyer wanted?

They were out of date when Narcotics gave them to us,

- we just didn't know it.

- The basics are there.

I'll be right back.

- Those the blueprints?

- Yeah.


You watching the interrogation?

- Some.

- So?

What do you think?

I think my team had bad intel going in.

We didn't have the current layout, we didn't know about the grow business.

But they kept going.

We can't wait for conditions to be perfect to complete missions.

You're pushing my best officer to admit a mistake he didn't make.

Ask yourself, was the entry tactically justified?

My sergeant thought it was, and that's all I need.

BOYER: You care about him.

Maybe you're too close to see the true picture here.

Hadad could have gotten away again.

He could have taken hostages.


All better.

You ready?

Oh, absolutely.

BOYER: You made it personal.

Right, Sergeant?

Your team wasn't gonna lose Hadad this time.

Look at the autopsy pics of the family he k*lled

- before you get all righteous on me.

- BOYER: Why don't you

- walk me through the entry

- I caught the tail end of your conversation with Boyer.

First time I've seen you get so worked up.

You took the bait.

I know.

I'm sorry.

HONDO: They were growing khat.

Street name, "African salad.

" I've never even heard of that before.

Of course you haven't.

You chew the leaves to get a buzz.

It's the biggest cash crop in Somalia.

It's used all over East Africa, the Mid


- and Arabian Peninsula.

- BOYER: That must've pissed you off, finding it growing here in L.


- You're a combat vet, right?

- Relevance, Sergeant?

State of mind.

We can move on.

Are you and Hondo involved in a romantic relationship?

- Take your time.

- No.

We're not.

Not now?

- How about in the past?

- Why do you ask?

Over 30 years of being a cop.

Way you're looking at him, defending him.

I'd defend any of my officers.

Were you two ever involved in a romantic relationship?

HONDO: Even if he tried to jump out the window, we had a team in position.

There was just one door between us and him.

The suspect had locked the bedroom door behind him.

I kicked the door in.

Sergeant Harrelson was covering.

Putting the sergeant in the room first, right?

As point man, yes.

That's how we train.

You keep trying to second

-guess me.

These are questions, they're not accusations.

Except that I'm a suspect.

No, you're a subject, you and your sergeant.

There were no tactical mistakes.

There's still a dead civilian.

Kayla Gleason would be supervising nap time at her preschool right now.

She just turned 23.

I can't figure how it happened.

You followed a direct order from a commanding officer.

You didn't have a choice.

So now you're trying to play divide and conquer, is that it?


-that's bad math.

Only if you told me the whole truth about the guy who brought you back on the team after cutting you.

Someone who washes out of SWA doesn't usually get a second chance.

There were some trust issues.

I had some things I needed to learn.

I didn't "wash out.

" Loyalty goes a long way, for all of us.

You might be tempted to return the favor.

Try to cover for your boss's mistake.

You have no idea how ridiculous you sound.

So wise me up.


-David to Command.

Suspect's through to the next apartment.

He's at the front door.

Flashbang, now.

STREET: We couldn't let him get out the front door.

That would've exposed more civilians, more officers.

Well, what about the girl in the apartment?

The bedroom was empty, before dawn.

We didn't know she was there, we didn't know she was home, we didn't see her, we didn't hear her.

It was noisy, though, right?

With the takedown, the arrest, the tenants shouting, the babies, the dog, the officers, the g*nshots.

We did a visual inspection.

We should've seen her.

Stay down! Stay down! You're done! This is 20

-David to all D

-team units.

Code 4, suspect in custody.



Get over here, Street.

Cover me.

Call it in now.


-David to Command.

We have female victim, down with head injury, non

-responsive, no breathing, no pulse.

CPR initiated.

You k*lled her.


: You k*lled her.

Shut up! Did we do this?

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Momma, tell me what's happening.

Darryl's still in surgery.

HONDO: How much longer?

They couldn't estimate.

You find out how many times he got hit?


Once in his side and once in his leg.

Driver didn't even get hurt.

Is the sh**t in custody?

I don't think so.

Well, let's just be grateful that at least the doctors stopped the bleeding, all right?

I'm gonna get there as soon as I can, all right?

They're saying nobody can visit until he's stable in recovery.

At least a couple of hours, if if Darryl beats the odds against him.


Ma, I'm gonna get there.

I tried to call his mother.

Biology does not make her any kind of mom.

No way to reach her.

No voice mail on her phone.


: We could lose him.

He did everything right, everything, and look what happened.

No, Ma.

Ma, don't do that.

Don't you give up hope on him too soon.

You hear me?


I hear you.

I hear you, son.

Oh, God, help us.

- Is this a progress report?

- Uh, yes, it is.

Let you know that we finished most of the interviews.

Uh, we're still talking to the subject officers, but the rest of your team's released.

Why not everybody?

Harrelson and Street are good cops.

They got the job done, but lawyers are gonna see liability based on reckless endangerment.

They're not reckless officers.

They threw in a flashbang and a woman died from a head injury as a result of their action.

And you've already decided that without waiting for all the facts?

I've heard no evidence that suggests any other possible explanations.

So unless you can raise the dead, doesn't look good.

I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry if I offended you earlier, Captain.



- Ready to continue?

- I mean to be at that hospital when that boy gets out of surgery, whether we're done here or not.

You hear how that sounds, don't you?

Like personal comes first to you.

Like you might've hurried the mission in order to check in on this kid.

- What's the question, Nick?

- I didn't hurry anything! I'm just trying to hurry you.

Can we all just try to get back on track?


Would you have ordered the stun grenade deployed if you'd known the victim was in the room?

I'd have used the same tactic, yes.

The suspect could've grabbed her as a hostage.

He could've k*lled her.

We knew that our best choice was maximum shock with minimum damage, and a flashbang is a non

-lethal w*apon.


Not this time.

You're assuming that we had an option without risk.

I chose the option with the least risk.

That doesn't mean zero risk.

If any one of eight things had played out another way, we wouldn't even be here.

But here we are.

Ask me a question or let me leave.

If I hadn't mentioned that phone call Deac, they already had the record.

They know the answers before they ever ask the questions.

Even if they clear Hondo and Street, a civilian still died during our raid, and we got to own that.

What if they don't clear Hondo and Street?

LUCA: Look, we're trained to make the best choices.

Me, I'm gonna trust the training.

We had no alternatives.

You know they'll jump all over every inconsistency or contradiction in the interviews.

Dude, maybe you need to go home

- and take a rest

- I'm fine.

- instead of criticizing.

- DEACON: Hey, hey.

Dial it down.

We're a team.

LUCA: Exactly.

That's what I meant.

We should go the building and figure it out ourselves.

All right, time to get proactive.

- You good with that?

- Yeah.

I'm gonna grab Chris.

I'll meet you there.



- Nothing?

- Man, I hate canvassing.

Okay, so,

- what have we missed?

- LUCA: I don't know.

You tell me, Chris, 'cause I'm out of ideas.

So let's walk it again.


All right, hey, I'll meet you in there.



Thank you.

Thought you weren't gonna say that.


I had no idea what was happening upstairs.

- I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

Did you get to work on time?

Yes, I did.

I appreciate your help, so if you need some kind of witness, I'm happy to testify about our so

-called handyman, Carlton.

- What?

The guy with the dog?

- Yeah.

That guy definitely knew all about that dope farm, the way that he sneaks into people's apartments, especially women's.

I caught him in mine once.

- Inside your apartment?

- Yeah.

He said he was changing the batteries on everybody's smoke detectors, but I think he was just in my underwear drawer.

I mean, the damn detector never works anyway, not even when you set a fire in the kitchen, and I did, twice.

Well, that's got to be scary, especially with kids.

Yeah, well, without kids, I would've been paying attention to the stove.

Maybe I should check those batteries for you.


Yeah, come on.

Me and the kids are gonna go stay at my sister's until things get normal around here.


Hey, Deac, what're you doing?

Hey, come here, take this.

It's a camera.

LUCA: Oh, man.

- Peeping Tom with tech skills.

- What?

Might explain why that flashbang didn't trip an alarm in the girl's apartment.


Now, if there's a cam inside, we don't know what it's gonna show.

Maybe nothing, and maybe it incriminates Street and Hondo.

It's proof.

Either way.

Good or bad.

We don't have to find out.

It just looks like a smoke detector to me.

Once we do this, we can't go back.

DEACON: If we made a mistake, we need to know.

If we didn't, they need to know.

But we can't be afraid of the truth.

That's not who we are.

We should document the search.

- Ready?

- Go.

I'm Sergeant David Kay, this is Apartment 339, 4691 Anacapa Avenue.

Based on information provided to me by another tenant in this building, I have learned that the smoke detectors in these apartments may contain hidden surveillance cameras.

This recording will document that search.

Got it.

LUCA: It's another camera.

Too late now.

I've asked Tech Support to cue up the relevant footage from the SD card pulled out of the camera.

- Commander, you didn't

- No, Sergeant.

I have not seen it yet.

We're gonna share the experience together.

If you could hold off on your interruptions.

Are we ready?

Play it.

(DOG BARKS, g*nshots)


-David to Command! Suspect's through into the next apartment.



HONDO: Stay down! Stay down! You're done! This is 20

-David to all D

-team units.

Code 4, suspect in custody.

We did not do that.

- For once, I'm glad there was a camera.

- Are the subject officers released from further questioning, Sergeant?

Yes, ma'am.

We're as relieved as you are, Commander.

Thank you.


I hope the rest of the news gets better for you.

I appreciate that.

DEACON: I called the DA's office.

Hadad's exposed for another first

-degree m*rder charge.

"Homicide during a felony with reckless indifference.


- How many life sentences can he serve?

- CHRIS: Not enough, but at least he won't be making more bodies.

Oh, man, I don't even know what to do for that.

Annie swears by arnica gel.


: Yeah, so does my mom.

Okay, we've been waiting years for this moment.

It's time to take down Bakir Hadad's beauty shot.

Where's Hondo?

Uh, I think something's going on with Darryl.

- Who?

- Uh, he's this kid from juvie Hondo and his mom have been kind of looking after.

Wait, Darryl?

Leroy Henderson's kid?


Hondo didn't want to make a big deal about it.

- How'd you find out?

- He asked me about the foster system, 'cause, you know, I went through it.

But uh, I think maybe he's trying to give Darryl

- something better.

- I hope he's okay.

Me, too.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

You're highest ranking in the room, Deac.

Do the honors, man.

All right.


Did you think they'd been reckless?

We weren't there.

I had to consider the possibility, and the appearance of possibility.

Both of which would've kept me awake at night.

Sir, I know you're disappointed in me We're not talking about it.

- I need to explain

- For your own good, We shouldn't talk about it.

When that relationship began, it wasn't in violation of policy.

As soon as you moved Hondo to 20

-David, we knew what we had to do.

Took a little while, but we ended it.

It hasn't affected his job performance or mine.

How would you know?


It's a double standard.

But personal relationships like that don't help women rise in a male hierarchy.

They just compromise you.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

But since we never had this conversation, I have no knowledge I might need to do something about.

Go home.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night, sir.

Thank you.

Oh, please.



- Are we gonna talk about

- Nothing to say.

You hardly even look at me anymore.


That kiss?

I thought that was a mutual moment that we had.

Was I wrong?


-I didn't mean to cross any lines.

Except we did.

Me, more than you.

And I've felt guilty ever since.

- I'm sorry.

It's not gonna happen again.

- I know.

- I promise you.

- I know it's not gonna happen again, because I moved in with Ty and Kira.

- Because of me?

- No.

Because of me.

It made me realize that I really needed to commit to them.

A hundred percent.

You and me, we're teammates.

That's all.

We're more than just teammates.

We're friends.

We can't be like that anymore, Street.

It wouldn't be fair to them.

I don't have a lot of friends.

I trust you.

With my life.

And I'm always gonna have your back on the job.

But that's where it ends from now on.

I have to go.

They're waiting for me.

They're not right for you.

I just I don't want you to get your heart broken.

Not your problem, Street.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Oh, oh, oh Hey, hey, hey Oh, oh Oh Hey, hey, hey Excuse me.

Excuse me.


I'm looking for Henderson.


g*nsh*t trauma.

This way.

When your love is in danger And you know you're gonna need to fight When you can't learn When you can't learn When you can't learn When you can't learn I've given enough Now you're just turning the knife I've given enough Now you're just rolling the dice I've given enough Counting on doing it right I've given enough Hey, hey I've given enough Counting on doing it right I've given enough (SNIFFS)

No I've given enough Oh Oh, oh Hey, oh Oh, oh.
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