16x30 - To Earn Your Stripes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x30 - To Earn Your Stripes

Post by bunniefuu »

Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

-Dai Shi
-Go away

-We're here
-To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
_ungle fury

Jungle Fury, go!

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-_ungle fury

-Go! Go!
-Power Rangers

-Go! Go!
-Jungle Fury

DOMIWIC: Previously on
Power Rangers Jungle Fury...

the Phantom Beast Ki'ng!

l shall make Camille a general.

SNAPPER: But she is not worthy!

You question my judgement?

l fear Dai Shi is losing control
of the human inside him.

We must do something.

Okay, crew. Ready for business?

Not quite. Casey, Lily, Theo,
we're going on a little trip today.

ls this one of your
''lt's not about the destination,

''it's about the journey,'' kind of trips?

No, this time it's about the destination.

-Where are we going?
-Well, you'll find out when we get there.

Fran, you and Dom okay
to handle things here?

Oh, sure, Dom and l make a great team!

l mean, yeah, no problem.

-We got it covered, boss.
-Let's go.

Wonder where they're off to.

RJ clued me in.
Believe me, this is major.



Where's my towel?

That's a direct order
from a senior student!




What's wrong? Is it the Rangers again?

(PANTING) No, it's nothing.

You're overwrought.
Here, sit down and rest.

Where are Snapper and Scorch?
l want to keep my eye on them.

They say they're loyal to me,
but l have my doubts.

As you should. l wouldn't turn
my back on those two for a moment.

You know that l'm the only one
entirely loyal to you.

True. Out of all my generals,
you've been my most trustworthy.

l will always be devoted to you.



Thank you.

You have never thanked me, ever.

(PANTING) l... l need to find the others.

SNAPPER: You were right.
He is distracted by her charms.

He's becoming emotional.

SCORCH: Camille brings
the human side out of him.

We must protect Dai Shi.

Then we agree. Camille must go!




DAl SHl: Jarrod, you are
only my human vessel.

You have no will of your own.
Do you understand?

No. You can't use me
like this any more.

-l want my life back!
-Your life is mine now!

But l never wanted to hurt anyone.

-And l won't hurt anyone else.
-You will do as l say!

Now that l have lived as a human,
l know all l need to defeat them.

But when the final Beast w*r is over,

all humans, including you,
will be erased.

l won't let that happen.
l have the spirit of the Lion.

You have the strength of a lion,
but not the heart.

There's not a shred of nobility
or goodness in you.

That's why l chose you
in the first place. We're so alike.


CASEY: Pai Zhua school.
RJ, what's going on?

RJ: Today is a very special day.

This is the day all Pai Zhua students
have worked hard to reach.

-Your masters test.

We're finally gonna get
our master stripes!

Only if you pass the test, Theo.

Then what are we waiting for?

-Let's do it!

Hey, time out here.
Are we ready for this?

That's what we're here to find out.

Take a few moments to
mentally prepare yourselves,

and then we'll begin.

RJ, you gotta help me here.

You've taken the test before,
what have l got to do to pass?

l'm sorry, Casey.
l've taken you as far as l can.

The time for your master test
has arrived.

To pass,
you will have to defeat your master.

















Guess that's what l have to do.






Theo, l'm very proud to tell you,

you've reached the level
of Pai Zhua master.

-All right!
-All right! Yes!


Lily, l have the honour to be the first
one to address you as Cheetah master.


l knew you could do it.

Oh, l can't believe it. Check it out, T!

THEO: Yeah!
LILY: Yeah!

Casey, l'm afraid you haven't passed.

-But he did everything we did !

l'm sorry, the decision is final.


SNAPPER: Are you sure
you understand the assignment?

destroy the chameleon girl.

And this order comes straight
from Dai Shi himself?

Of course. He turned to us to
make sure the job was done right.

Hey, what's with the long sleeves?

Oh, well, you know,
it's always kind of chilly in here.



Yeah, it's real cold
with all these pizza ovens.

Listen, you don't have to hide
your master stripes from me.

You should be proud.
You earned them.

Don't feel bad, Case.
Not everyone's cut out to be a master.

Look at me, l'm fine just the way l am.


Can you guys cover for me? l'm gonna
take my break and go for a run.



Where are you? Camille?

She is not here, my king.

Maybe there is something
l can help you with.

lf l wanted you,
l would have called for you.

Now, do you know where she is?

l have no idea. But if l do see her,
l'll tell her that you're looking for her.

Don't bother. l'll find her myself.

l doubt it.





FIWW: Casey, l'm afraid
you haven't passed.

DOMIWIC: Wot everyone's cut out
to be a master.

Dai Shi!

Dai Shi!

Are you here?

He's not, but l am!

l don't have time for you. l was told
Dai Shi wanted to meet with me here.

That's not what we heard.

Our sources say
that you conspire to destroy Dai Shi.

l'll destroy you for saying that!

A chameleon can change
with its environment,

and, apparently,
you've changed into a traitor.

l'll show you a change.




CHAMILLA: Don't you know that
l'm Dai Shi's top warrior?

LEPUS: Who do you think sent us here
to attack you?

That's a lie!
Dai Shi would never do that!







Now the traitor will pay.


LEPUS: So long, Camille.



Dai Shi!

Leave her!


You saved me.


That means you do care
about me, Dai Shi.

Dai Shi doesn't, but l do.

-Who are you?

The human?

-JARROD: Are you okay?
-l am defeated. They are too strong.

l'm stronger.

You dare to attack my top general?

OSIRIS: But we thought...

Not another word!





Good luck! l'm out of here!

And you!


SONIMAX: Get up!



What is going on here?

lt's not safe here. We've got to
get you back to the temple.


Wait until the others hear about this.


Maybe if l destroy Red Ranger,
Dai Shi will forgive me.

Look, l'm already having
a crummy day. Do we have to do this?


Yes, we do!

Fine, have it your way.

Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

Strike Rider, cruise!

Strike Rider, high speed! Attack mode!



Hey, where'd she go?




Casey's been gone a while now.

Well, l think he was pretty bummed.

l still don't get it. How come
we passed the test and he didn't?

Casey's an amazing fighter,
and a great leader.

But a Pai Zhua master doesn't ask,
he knows.

Come on.



SCORCH: You and the others failed.

LEPUS: You lied to us about Dai Shi!

SNAPPER: We will all face his wrath
when this is over.

Let's finish this battle first!

RED RANGER: Oh, man.
This day just keeps getting worse.

Nice timing! These guys are brutal.

WOLF RANGER: There's more help
where that came from.

-ALL: Let's do it!
-Let's do it!

Spirit Ranger, Shark!


Spirit Ranger, Bat!

Spirit Ranger, Elephant!


RED RANGER: Jungle Master mode!


Come on!



RANGERS: Firing Jets!










-RED RANGER: Claw Cannon!
-Wolf Beam!

Rhino Blade!

RANGERS: Powered by Animal Spirits.



l won't be defeated so easily!

Bow to me, humans!

RANGERS: Animal Spirits!


Animal Spirits, stampede!

Final Strike!



We'll finish this another day.

Yes, we have damage control
to take care of.

l'm telling you, l saw him. l saw Jarrod,
the person we used to know.

Well, if memory serves me,
Jarrod wasn't that great of a person,

even before he was possessed by
an evil Dragon spirit.

Believe me, l know.

But this time, he was different,
almost kind.

What if there is some humanity,
some part of Jarrod that's still in there?

THEO: Our job is to protect people.

Dai Shi, Jarrod, or whatever you want
to call him, tries to hurt people.

That's all l need to know.

Look, iust because l don't have
my master stripes

doesn't mean l don't know
what l'm talking about.

Casey, this isn't about that.

You know l always try to see
the good side of people,

but even l can see
that Dai Shi has taken over completely.

Now you need to face the facts.
Jarrod's gone.



Now, you need to rest.

Thank you. You came just in time.

One moment longer
and l would have been finished.

l would never let that happen.


Get off my throne!

Yes, Dai Shi. Of course.


-Come on, RJ. Let's go.
-Are we going somewhere?

-Will l need a iacket?
-No, l mean, let's train.

What do you want me to do?
Wash the dishes,

scrub your socks,
fix the plumbing, you name it.

Well, the toilet has been leaking,

but that's besides the point.
We're done training here.

Done? No, obviously, l'm not done.

l failed the master test, RJ.

You gotta show me what l did wrong.

l'm through showing you things, Casey.

l've taught you everything
you need to know.

How you use that knowledge,
that's up to you.



My king, you must understand,
we did this on your behalf.

Yes, we were only trying to protect you.

You do not need to protect me!
l am in total control.

lf you ever act behind my back again,
it will be the last time.

But Camille...

Camille will be destroyed
only if l deem it necessary.

So we have nothing to fear?
The human has no hold on you?

All humans, including this weak vessel,
will soon be gone.

The time of the final Beast w*r is near.

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