21x19 - The Wrath

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x19 - The Wrath

Post by bunniefuu »

[Announcer] an alien armada has arrived and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave have att*cked us

With a ferocity never seen before.

To battle this new threat, the power rangers

Must master the abilities of the legendary rangers

To become super megaforce.

So this is it, huh?


You know I really enjoyed working here,

But it’s time for me to move on.

Well, whatever it is, uh, you’re off to do next,

Good luck.

You know, i’m going to hang this up on the wall.

Like, when sports teams retire a player’s jersey,

I’m going to miss you, orion.

[Blows nose]


I better go put this in the laundry.


Hey, emma.

Come on.

Everyone else is waiting at your ship

To say goodbye too.

[Orion] this planet is such a happy place.

One day, I hope mine will be like that again.

You know, when I first came here,

My home was gone,

All I could think about was revenge,

But then I met you guys.

I learned so much from you.

Emma, are you okay?

I’m just really going to miss you, orion.

We all are.

Don’t be sad because we have to say goodbye.

Be glad we got to meet in the first place.

Okay, i’ll be glad we got to meet,

Right after i’m sad for just a little bit longer.

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Go go power rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Mega force ♪

♪ Power rangers megaforce ♪


Man, these armada ships are really amazing.

I mean, when they’re not trying to destroy us.

[Jake] someone’s in nerd heaven.

Noah, come on.

So, you’re really leaving, huh?

Yeah. Now that the armada’s decimated,

It’s time for me to head back home

And start rebuilding my world.

Well, we got you a going away present.

Uh, there’s some snacks in there,

And a few mementos of earth.

And, I thought you could plant this on your world,

So you’d never be too far from your second home.

Wow, thanks guys.

I’m gonna miss you all more than you could possibly know.

I owe you guys a lot.


You showed me the importance of fighting with your head

As well as with your hands.

And gia, you showed me that you can be tough

And caring at the same time.


You made me see that even in the most difficult times,

You can find some humor to see it through.

That’s why everyone loves me.

Except for some really stubborn people.


Your empathy helped heal

The scars of losing my home.

Thank you.

And, troy...

You taught me the most important lesson of all.

How to be a ranger.

[Unbuckles bracelet]

I want you to have this.

Nah, I couldn’t.

Just keep it for me,

Till the next time we meet.

[Troy] safe travels, orion.

[Others] bye. Bye, orion. See ya.

[Emma] miss you.

Here we go.

Whoa, that’s amazing.



[Noah] have a safe trip.

[Jake] he knows how to fly that thing, right?

Careful. Careful. Careful!

[Orion] sorry!

Bye, guys.

It’s been amazing.

[Jake] well, there he goes.

Goodbyes are always so sad.

Come on, how about we pay a visit to ernie?

I’m sure he could use some cheering up.

[Noah] troy’s buying.

[Troy] wait, what?

I’ll never forget them.

Okay, autopilot,

Take me home.

What are you doing, tensou?

Trying to contact orion.

I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.

Tensou, wait.

Tune in that frequency.

[Tensou squeaks]

[Male voice] ...and set a course for earth.

The real invasion begins now.

Real invasion?

Tensou, the armada is on the move.

We need to warn the rangers.

[Morpher beeps]

What is it, gosei?

Rangers, you must come to the command center,

Right away.

You got it.

Gosei, what’s the situation?

We intercepted this transmission

Just a little while ago.

[Tensou] I was trying to reach orion.

[Male voice] all armada forces across the galaxy,

This is emperor mavro.

Terminate your missions immediately,

And set a course for earth.

The real invasion begins now.

That’s the voice I heard

When I was captured.

He’s the one that came up with the idea

To use me as a bargaining chip

To get the earth to surrender.

[Tensou] oh, no.


He said, "all armada forces across the galaxy."

Exactly how many are we talking about, anyway?

[Gosei] could be hundreds of thousands.

I’ve never heard of a mobilization

This large.

This situation is more serious

Than you can imagine, rangers.

Emperor mavro is vrak and prince vekar’s father.

He has a massive fleet at his disposal.

He’s incredibly powerful.

And orion just left.

There’s just the five of us, now.

No, it’s not just us.

Look around you.

All the rangers who came before us are here too,

And they entrusted us with their power.

Because they believe in us.

So really, we’re not just five.

We’re over a hundred, all fighting for the earth!


Let’s get out there in the sky ship

So we don’t lose a moment when the armada gets here.

I believe in you, rangers.


Congratulations, your majesty.

With the whole fleet here,

It’s only a matter of time before earth falls.

How dare you even address the emperor,

Considering your massive failure?


Don’t pretend nothing happened.

Do I need to remind you

That you’re one of the three bumblers

Who failed to protect our beloved prince vekar?!

[Levira gasps]

The time has come to prove your worth.

Otherwise you will be doomed along with this planet!

Yes, sire.

[Red] keep your eyes peeled for any signs of the armada.

We don’t know how long we have until they get here.

This new megazord is my greatest invention ever,

My masterpiece.

With it, I will finally avenge the prince,

And redeem myself in the emperor’s eyes.

Those rangers won’t know what hit them.

It’s payback time.

[Rangers] huh?

It’s a megazord. It looks like levira.


Zords, combine.

Legendary megazord, ready.

Your pathetic megazord is no match

For my superior technology.


I hope you’re watching, your majesty.

Let’s go legendary.

[Rangers] ninja zord, activate.

Ninja zord, attack.

Ha, like I haven’t thought

Of a countermeasure to that!

[Red] let’s power up.

Ultimate super mega cannon, fire!


Systems overloading.

Fire smasher!


Samurai strike!

The circuits are destroyed.

I must abandon ship.


Look, she escaped.

Curse you rangers.

Have the courage to face me.

Don’t stay in your megazord like cowards.

Fine by me. Let’s go.

No more inventions to save you now.

[Levira scoffs]

Let’s finish this, guys.

[Blue] royal guards.

We’re here by order of his majesty.

We will assist you.

Well, I hope he doesn’t expect me to thank him.

[Red] hiding behind backup, huh?

Just evening the odds, rangers.

Not that i’ll need their help

To destroy you.

[Levira laughs]

[Red] if she’s got new powers,

Let’s even it up with some new legendary powers.

Mighty morphin mode, red!

Blitz mode, black!

Prism mode, green!

Lightning mode, blue!

Super sonic mode, yellow!

[Rangers] super megaforce!

Red’s mine.

Prism sh**t.

Blitz blaster.

Supersonic flute.

Lightning rod.

Power sword.


I refuse to let you stand between me and redemption.

You don’t deserve to be redeemed.

Redemption comes from changing who you are on the inside.


This new mode is loaded with power.

Yep, with these two rods,

I’ll take this guy down double-time.

Griffin magma galaxy-- aah!

Prism punch!


This can’t be happening.

Not now.

Yeah, good job.

Now, wait for it.

Rangers, let’s use the super mega cannon

Before she has the chance to regroup.

[Rangers] super mega cannon--

Think again.


[Levira laughs]

Super mega blast!



I can’t fall yet.

I was supposed to achieve greatness.

Emperor, use my maximizer.

Don’t forsake me.

[Redker laughs]

Goodbye, levira.

You bought us the time we needed.

Now those rangers are doomed

No matter what.

Ugh! Yes! One less bad guy to worry about.

[Yellow] yeah, now we can finish off the armada.


What was that?


No way.

There’s so many.

Mr. Burley,

You gotta come outside and see this.

I’m right in the middle of--

[Mr. Burley] this had better be important.

Oh, okay.

It’s important,

And really, really scary.

How can anyone, even the rangers,

Take on all of those?

Every ship in the armada’s fleet.

I thought gosei said there might be thousands.

There must be millions of them.

This is beyond anything I could have imagined.

[Redker laughs]

What’s wrong, rangers?

Just look at them.

Did they really think we would let them defeat us?

We rule the entire galaxy.

Rangers, I am emperor mavro,

The leader of the armada.

Face it, you cannot hope

To stand against a force of this size.

Oh, no.

Stay strong, rangers.

My fleet will grind away at you

Until it achieves the inevitable--

Your defeat.

Save yourselves from this pointless struggle.

End your futile defiance.

There’s no way we’re going to leave

The people of this earth defenseless.

We’ll never give up without a fight.

We need to send this guy a message.

You thinking what i’m thinking?

Is this enough of a message to get our point across?

It’s morphin’ time!

Go, go megaforce.

This is our answer.

Earth’s defenders

Never surrender.

Very well, rangers.

Then you have doomed yourselves

And your entire planet.

Go, go!

Come on, lady.

[Red] into the megazord.

Let’s power up.

[Rangers] super mega mode.

[Red] summon sky ship.

[Rangers] zords, combine!

Legendary megazord, ready.

[Blue] good thing we still have the q-rex, too.

Hit ’em fast and hard.

Don’t give ’em a chance to counter-strike.

Give ’em everything we’ve got.

There are too many.

Then we need more of us, too.

Of course, we’ve got our own fleet.

Our legendary zords.

Good thinking, gia.

[Rangers] super mega cannon.

Delta runner emergency.

Red lion, descend.

Ninja zord, activate.

[Rangers] star blazer.

Megaforce zords, activate.

Animal spirits, full fury.

Yes, a few thousand down.


Let’s use our rpm power.

[Rangers] turbo falcon, combine!

Legendary rpm megazord, ready!

[Red] hang on tight, guys.

Thanks, turbo falcon.

Okay, guys, now let’s tap into our mystic force powers.

Legendary mystic megazord, ready.

[Red] guys, let’s lead all of our legendary zords into battle!

[Blue] look, I can even autopilot the q-rex megazord.

It’s working.

Mystic dragon,

Join the other zords in the fight.

Now, legendary battalion mode,

Firestorm strike!


[Green] earth one, aliens nothing.

Is it safe to come out, now?

Oh! Aah!

Way to go, rangers.

Keep it up, you guys.

Impressive, but their tricks all amount to nothing.

[Redker] their legendary powers are no match

For our newest ships.

Better check the comm links.

[Emperor] second wave, advance.

We will crush the rangers’ spirits,

Then crush them completely.

Soon this planet will be ours,

Just like the rest! Oh, no.


Where’d all those come from?

[Emperor laughs]


[Red] watch out.

Huh? The ninja zord’s down.

[Blue] mystic dragon, no!

Delta runner, look out.

Red lion!

Robo falcon, behind you!

[Red] they took down all of our legendary zords.

Now, take them out.

You guys okay?

I think so. Uh-huh.

Yeah. That was too close.

Well, come on. We gotta get back in this fight.

Let’s show these humans the price of defiance.


Nothing compares to the thrill of crushing your enemies.


People of earth, hear me.

I am mavro,

Emperor of the armada.

We control this entire galaxy.

Only you and your power rangers

Dare to resist us.

But it’s over.

We’ve won.

Your power rangers have been destroyed.

And you are all next.

You have one last night

To savor your despair!

You will regret defying us.

Tomorrow at dawn

We are coming back

To finish you.

[Emperor laughs]
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