22x03 - A Fool's Hour

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x03 - A Fool's Hour

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

tried to steal the greatest
power in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.
But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to dinosaurs.

You must keep the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

...he was blasted
deep into space.

Now the Energems
have been found,

and Sledge returns to battle
a new team of heroes.
Dino Charger!

(narrator) They are
"Power Rangers Dino Charge"!

million years,

and you couldn't snag
a single Energem?

Not even one.

Keeper gave them
the dinosaurs
for protection.

That little cretin

who blew up
my ship?

You haven't got him,

You're about as useful as
space trash, Fury!


Quiet, all of you!

I mean it!

Keep it down,
or you won't be
fed tonight.


Oh, no,
you don't!

So, Scrapper.

You want to
escape, huh?

Uh, no, I was just--

Bring me an Energem,
and I'll personally

chauffeur you to
any galaxy you want.

Of course,
Master Sledge.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers

♪ In a world
full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to break
the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only
one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever

♪ Dino Charge
altogether ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Hah! Hyah!

Hah, hah, hyah!

♪ Maybe, I just
can't say maybe ♪


Good morning.


Don't you look sharp.

It is such a relief

to finally
come to the museum

and not to have
to look...

...like that.

Isn't it great?

I get to be a busboy
at the café.

You're late,

Please, Chase.

This is a sterile

not a garage.

Why is Tyler dressed
to work in the café?

We're Rangers now,
you know?

Busy saving
the world.

Sometimes you're busy
saving the world,

and other times
you're busy
flipping burgers.

it's burgers.

That's how
you blend in.

No one will suspect
you're Rangers.

(Koda yawning)

Someone say,
mm, burgers?

Koda, what, do you,
like, sleep in that cave?

Yes. My home.

Koda found
the Blue Energem

, years ago,

the Pleistocene era.

So, you mean...

Koda's a...



Really, he's
, years old?

That's impossible.

Once he bonded
to an Energem,

he stopped aging.

None of you
will age

when you're bonded
to an Energem.

So I'll stay ?

This job's got
some great benefits.

And I will always
look like this.

So there's
some negatives, too.

My spear is good for

sabre-toothed tiger.

You write
on the walls?

(Koda grunts)


It's a prehistoric
form of writing.


I... write...

my story here.

That one.
Who is that?

That is Fury.

Very bad.

He fight to steal...


Yeah, yeah, yeah,
he tried to take my Energem.

look at this.

Is that him?


The one that was
after your dad.

(alarm rings)

That doesn't
sound good.

Several objects entering
the Earth's atmosphere.

Let's go find out.


This way!

Oh, look!

It's the Rangers.

What are you?
A walking lollipop?

Well, it's lovely
to meet you, too.


Allow me
to introduce

the most magnificent
intergalactic bounty hunter

in the universe!

(Sledge growls)

The one, the only,

my future husband,

This is a joke, right?

You're the Rangers who
destroyed my monster?

Power Rangers.

(both laughing)



Up there.

(Tyler gasps)
That's him!

The creature
in my dad's journal.

(Sledge chuckling)

(Fury growls)

(Sledge grunts)

As I was saying,
you're the troublemakers

that stole my Energems.

it's you.

The Energems
belong to no one,

not to you.

My dear old friend.

You thought that
blowing up my ship

could stop me?
Think again.

I waited in deep space
for millions of years

for a comet to pass.

I caught it with
my Electronet

and rode it
all the way to Earth.

But it was
worth it,


I will destroy you

and then I'll leave here
with the Energems.

The Rangers possess
the power of the Energems

and the strength
of ancient dinosaurs.

If you try to take
the Energems,

you will be the one
who is destroyed.

(Sledge snarls)



No prob.

We got this.
I guess.

Looks like
they're gonna cry!

(Scrapper laughing)

Bring it on,

Dino Charger!

Tyler? Tyler?

Something wrong?




Woohoo! Yay!
You destroyed them!


Woohoo! Yay!
You destroyed them!

Better get
your eyes checked!

Let's do this!

This isn't any fun!

One! Two...


The hotshot
does it again.

I'll take you apart!

I'd like
to see you try!

This no problem for
caveman strength!

Caveman strength is
nothing against me!

Let's see how you like

the power of
the triceratops!

Have a piece of this!

And a slice for you!


You're outta here!

(Sledge growls)

Ever heard
of deodorant?

The only thing I smell
is your defeat!

I'm getting
too old for this.

Oh, no!
But Master Sledge!

One last warning,

Hand over
the Energems in an hour,

or I'll blast this planet
to pieces.

One hour!

One hour.
How long is that?

Not long.

How do we stop him?

We-- we need to come up with
a plan to beat him together.

Something's going on.

I'm gonna
follow him.

Tyler, I know
you want answers

about your dad,

It's not about
my dad.

Fury was
signaling him.

I've got a hunch.

Forget your hunch,

We're a team now,
we have to work together

or we don't
stand a chance.

We don't always
have to be together

to work together.

Don't worry, I'll see
you guys back at the base.


Just let him go.

We're just gonna have
to solve this without him, eh?



Wait a second.


What is that stench?

Smells almost...

(Fury growling)


Come on!
Get over here!

Master Sledge!

Is your plan
on schedule?

So far, the Rangers
took the bait

and are leading Scrapper
right to their base.

Once he tells me
the location,

we'll scorch the place,

and finally the Energems
will be mine!

They're gonna destroy
our base.

And everyone
along with it.


Kendall, Chase?


I've got to warn them!

(Scrapper chuckling)

Come on, guys,


Ah, yes.

That must be the entrance
to their secret base.

Sledge is
gonna set me free.


Too late,
Red Ranger.

Secret's out.

Oh, I can't
wait to get back

and tell Sledge
the news.


Not if I can help it.

I hope
this bucket of bolts

makes it back
to the ship.


You'll pay
for that!

Vivix, rise!

Get him!

Dino Charger, ready!


Think you can take me on?
No way!

T-Rex charger, engage!

Dino Saber!

Power slash!

You're next.

I'll turn you
to scrap.

Think again,
dumpster breath!

With Keeper's help,
I've upgraded

your Dino Chargers
using the trans meter.

Your Chargers will now
be able to activate

a high-strength armor mode
called Dino Steel.

But will Dino Steel be
tough enough to beat Sledge?

Maybe, if Tyler
hadn't left us.


Alien DNA detected
in the northwest quadrant.

And Tyler's there, too.

Let's go!


Dino Morpher Blast!


Ow, ow, ow!

Oh, man,
that stings!

You should've stuck
with your friends.

You've messed up

I'm just
getting started!

You're pretty tough.

Tougher than you!
Which isn't hard.

I was almost
to the ship!

You're gonna regret

getting in my way,
Red Ranger!

Say goodbye!

Say goodbye,
Red Ranger!


Are you okay?


I think so.

You're fighting alone?
You could've been destroyed.

That's why you don't
follow hunches.

You're right.

But so was my hunch.

Sledge wasn't going
to give us one hour.

That crusher creep followed
you guys back to the base.

He's heading off
to tell Sledge where it is

so they can steal
the Energems.

That's their real plan.

So if you hadn't
followed Fury...

Sledge would be making his way
into our base right now,

everything and everyone.

Ugh, you wrecked
my hubcaps.

I am confused.

Is hunch
bad or good?

Right now,
it's good.

Let's do this...


With a little help
from Kendall.

She's developed
a new armor mode for us.

Come on!
Let's get out of here!

I still gotta tell Sledge
where their base is!

Don't count on it.

It's Morphin Time!

Dino Charger!
(all) Ready!

Energize! Ha!

Unleash the power!

Power Rangers...

Dino Charge!

Okay, guys.

Let's check out
our new armor mode.

T-Rex charger, engage!

Dino Steel!

Armor on!

It's about
to get wild!

Vivizoids! Rise!

Chase, use your new
Para Chopper.

No problem, mate.

Para Chopper, blast!

Let's try my new
Raptor Claw!

Hyah, hyah!

Is that
all you've got?

Not even close,
tin can!

Take this!
Raptor Slash!


Can you handle
my new w*apon?

Tricera Drill,
coming through!

Stego Shield!

We see how tough
you really are!

Caveman, toss!

Guys, I could use
some help here.

Time to see
what my Zord can do.

Dino Charger,

Summon Tricera Zord!


Tricera Charger, engage!


There she is!
Let's try this out!

T-Rex, smash!

That thing hurts!

This T-Rex Smasher
has some bite!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Too slow!

All right!
This is the best!

So, I see you made
your Tricera Zord.

She's awesome.

Just watch what
she can do.

Go, Tricera!

Good work, guys.

We finish this.

our powers are
stronger together.

Combine them?
Great idea, Koda.

Stego Charger, engage!

Dino Morpher

I'm crushed!


The Rangers just
defeated Scrapper.

Oh, no, they didn't.


I'm gonna
flatten you all!

He big,
like mammoth.

We'll take care
of that.

Dino Charger,

Summon T-Rex Zord!


T-Rex Charger, engage!


Nice entrance,

That prehistoric
piece of junk

is no match for me!

Bring it on!

Jump, Rexy!


Nice move.

Call your Stego Zord.

I think I found a way
to combine your Zords.

That is great,

We stronger together.

Dino Charger,

Summon Stego Zord!


Stego Charger, engage!

This looks bad...


Whoa! Our Zords are awesome!

the three Zords
will combine?

That's the plan.

Dino Charge Megazord,
Tri-Stego Formation!

Stego Charger, engage!

Tricera Charger,

T-Rex Charger, engage!

Zords combine!

Stego Zord, combine!

Tricera Zord, combine!

Dino Charge Megazord,

Dino Charge
Megazord, wow!

Impressive, eh?

Look at this!

We're inside
the Megazord!

Feels powerful.


(Blue) Hyah!
(Red) Hyah!
(Pink) Hyah!

Battle mode, engage.

Let's roar!

I'll smash you!

Time to take out
the trash!

You'll never
defeat me!

Haa-- hyah!


Take this!


The results are in,

You're garbage.

You ready?
Always ready.

Let's do it!

T-Rex Zord!

Final Strike!

Unleash the power!

I'm headed for
the scrap heap!

♪ Power Rangers
Dino Charge ♪♪

Monster, extinct.

♪♪ (humming)

Whoa! Watch it!

Look out.

Gotcha covered.

Thank you.
Oh, hey.

Uh, look, I wanted
to apologize.

I was wrong to think
you'd abandon the team.

I'm sorry, too.

I shouldn't have
been so quick

to go off
on my own.

Fact is,

we work better

Doesn't seem right.

We save the world
in the morning

and serve them lunch
in the afternoon.

You're crazy.
It's a blast.

what I learned.

Don't look at me.





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