22x15 - The Ghostest With the Mostest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x15 - The Ghostest With the Mostest

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,

the evil Sledge
tried to steal

the greatest power
in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien
named Keeper

entrusted them to

You must keep
the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

he was blasted
deep into space.

Now the Energems have
been found,

and Sledge returns to battle
a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!
They are...

"Power Rangers
Dino Charge."

The Rangers may have
destroyed Duplicon

but I've
adapted this machine

to be able to re-animate
him perfectly.

(beeping and whirring)

I'm alive!


The bounty on you is worth
, space bullion.

Lock him up and we'll
collect every cent!


Only if you
numbskulls can catch me.

I'm outta here!

You can't escape!

We're in outer space,
you fool!

Happy Halloween!

Oh, boy, I can't wait
to go trick or treating!


Get that
duplicating dope!

Please, don't put me in
your slimy, stinkin' cells!

How dare you insult
my beautiful cells?

Hey, what are you
looking at, Memorella?

(evil laughter)



What is she doing?

The Energems are all yours,
Master Sledge.

The entire universe
will grovel before me.


It's a b*mb!


My asteroids!

What a sucker!

You thought you had
the Energems,

but Keeper tricked you.


She read my mind.

Spike Balls!

Toss them both
in the deep freeze!


If we could get ahold
of just one Ranger,

I could read
their memories.


And I can clone Memorella
into that same Ranger!

We can make a fake Ranger
to get inside their base

and finally...

bring me
the Energems!

I am so smart!

(evil laughter)

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge
all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪

(background conversations)

Come on, guys,

the kids are gonna
be here soon.

We have to hurry.

(moaning like a ghost)


Great job on
my ghost costume.

(moaning like a ghost)

Wait a second.

You're a ghost too?

Either someone has filled
the base with mirrors,

or we're all ghosts.

I like that
we look same...

Like tribe.

Even under
that fine costume,

I can tell
you're unhappy.


You made us all
the same costume?

Yeah, well...

I looked so good
in the first one,

I figured I'd make six.


Even under this sheet
I look awesome.

So, you're dressing up
as Cupid, Ms. Morgan.

It's in honor
of the new...

Dino Cupid Charger.


And what noble purpose might
that serve, Ms. Morgan?

Once struck by
a blast of this energy,

an evil monster will
fall in love

with the first
thing it sees.

Oh, so it'll
quit fighting.

That's genius.

Come on, we're late
for our own party.

(all moaning like ghosts)

(dance music playing)

Come on, hit the piñata!

(dance music continues)

You're getting close, Tyler.

Oh, it Koda, Kendall.

Oh, sorry, Koda.

Some great costumes
this year, um...

(spooky voice)

Whoa, that one's really awesome.

(evil laughter)

(all cheering)

Lower, lower!

Why, hello, Ranger.


(evil laughter)

Come with me, Ranger,

and bring all your
useful memories.


(cheering and laughing)

This is the perfect place
for mind reading.

Get over there,


Taking your memories
won't hurt...





All right, Duplicon,

make Memorella
into a fake Ranger

and get her back there before
they suspect anything.

Time to stretch my
cloning muscles.



It's like I'm seeing double.

As a Ranger, they'll let you
into their secret base

and you can steal
all the Energems.

Go and do it,

and we'll never have to sit
in a stinking cell again.

(evil laughter)

(dance music playing)

(device beeping)

Alien DNA detected...


At the party?

But this alert is from
minutes ago.


That's Duplicon and Curio.

They've kidnapped
a Ranger?

Rangers, I need everyone
to the base, right now.

We're coming, Ms. Morgan.

Quick-- it sounds urgent.

(spooky voice)
Ghosts to the rescue!

(door whooshing open)

Hey, we're here.

One, two, three,
four, five...


What's wrong?

Well, a little while ago
one of the Rangers

was kidnapped
from the party, but...

all of you are here.

Which must mean...

one of you is a fake.

There we go!

Snug as a bug in a, uh...

No matter what, Curio,

stay here and watch
the Ranger 'til I get back.

Got it?

Hey, you're going trick
or treating without me!

Uh, of course I'm not.

Just keep an eye
on the prisoner.

But I want
some candy too!


This is the worst Halloween.

Since one of you
is a clone,

I'm going to hold
onto the Energems

until we discover
who it is.

How do we figure
out who's who?

I'll ask each of you
a few questions.

Only the real Rangers
would know the answers.

I'll go first,
I'll prove I'm no fake.

Hand under the lie
detector, please.

I've programmed the machine to
find out whether you're fake.



When did you discover that
Tyler and Shelby had Energems?

Well, my scooter had broken down
so I stopped to fix it.

Then Tyler and
Shelby picked me up.

Help, please!

My husband,
he's trapped!



Hang on!

Are you okay?
We're gonna get you out.

(all grunting)

Okay, we can do
this, together.

On three.

One, two... three!

(all groaning)

What in the world?


Look at that.


Then we came here and
discovered we're Power Rangers.


Next question.
How did we get rid of

Smokescreen and
Wrench's expl*sive?

Well, it was
Fossil Funday,

and we tried to move it away,
but suddenly...


Watch out!

Oh, no.


Where are they going?

Fire the lasers!


(expl*si*n, alarms ringing)

And Sledge got a taste
of his own medicine.

Glorious day indeed, eh?


That should be enough data.

Computer, is Riley
real or a fake?

Riley is...

(beeping and whirring)


You may have your
Energem back.



Oh, my turn?


How did you get Peter
out of the cave

when you both were
captured by Slammer?

Oh, Peter,
very smart boy.



The smart thing to do
is to come quietly.


Watch out!

Two's double the fun!

(bats screeching)

Peter, I have
little brother like you.

I protect him,
I protect you...

I promise.

(Peter moaning)

That arrow is us, okay?


Any sign of them?


Because of his GPS
and my instinct,

we escaped.

Is that right,
Ms. Morgan?


Computer, is Koda
real or a fake?

Koda is...




Duplicon gets
to trick or treat,

why not me?


Hey, the Ranger's asleep.

Well, maybe
it wouldn't hurt

if I just stepped out
for a minute.


Oh, trick or treating,
here I come!

(moaning and struggling)

Okay, Tyler, your turn.

How did you
meet Chase?


I don't even know if you
remember this, but...

Excuse me,
do you work here?

Sure do, mate.

I'm looking for
this cave.

My dad did some
exploring here.

Let's see.
Oh, Sampson Caves.


That fossil
was found there.

It's about miles
north of the city.

Awesome, thanks.

Yeah, no worries.


This would be a bad time
to miss a step.

Whoa, a dinosaur fossil.


What is that?


It's some kind of
a crystal.

So I guess if it
weren't for Chase,

I wouldn't have found
my Energem.

How did you know to call

your T-Rex Zord
the first time you met it?



What is that thing?

I think it's a T-Rex!

Look out!

T-Rex Zord!

It can't be!

Let me go,
you lizard!


That's a trick question.

I didn't call it.

Rexie just showed up.

Very good.


is Tyler real or a fake?

Tyler is...



(all sighing)


All right, Ms. Morgan,
here I come.

You know what to do.


Just kidding.


He's real.

How did we defeat

giant clone Fury
and giant Duplicon?


Oh, come on!
Don't give him any hints.

Oh, yeah!


You Rangers want me?

You'll have to go through
a giant Fury first.

Gas Charger, ready!




My eyes!
It's stinging my eyes.

Oh, that fart was a stroke
of evil genius, Kendall.

Thank you.

And it's Ms. Morgan.


is Chase real or a fake?

Chase is...



(Chase sighing)


The black Energem
is in safe hands.


One of us is fake, milady.


roaning and grunting)


(wheels squeaking)


I'd just like to
get this over with...


Why did you
suddenly decide

to dress up as
the Princess of Zandar?


Uh, because I love

That not how
I remember it.

Look at this tiara.

It's worth
a small fortune.

Do you know how many
people that could feed?

But some selfish princess
keeps it in a box...

just in case she wants
to wear it to the grand ball.

What a waste.

(record scratching)

It's not like that.

I loved the outfit.

Oh, really?

I can barely breathe.

And my feet feel like

they're getting chomped on
by alligators.

I refuse to pretend to be
a whiny, spoiled princess.

Well, it sounds like you
don't have to pretend.


Okay, okay.

I wanted to
play the princess

in order to get the
Ptera Charger back,

that's why.

(majestic music playing)

Awesome, isn't it?

Maybe I should
play the princess.

Uh, just so we can
get the Ptera Charger back.


is Shelby Real

or a fake?

Shelby is...



Fake detected.

It's not me, I swear!

I knew you
looked suspicious.

What did you do
with the real Shelby?

Tell us.

What we do with monster,
Ms. Morgan?

I believe you, Shelby.


Here's your Energem.

She's not the monster.





That not me!

'Cause I me, yes?

Indeed, you are you, Koda.

And he is a fake!

How'd you know?

Is that right,
Ms. Morgan?

What we do with monster,
Ms. Morgan?

He called me
Ms. Morgan twice.

Koda always calls
me Kendall.

Give me my Energem.

Try and take it.

I'm as much K-Koda as you are.

Only real Koda
could stop this.




Whoa, he transformed!

Hurry, friends!

She knows the location
of our base.

We much catch a bat.


(bat screeching)

(evil laughter)

There she is!

It's morphing time!



Dinosaur might

ready to fight.

Power Rangers...

Dino Charge!

Vivix, attack those
lame-brained losers.


And so the fight begins.

It's gonna be
a short battle.

T-Rex Charger, engage.

Dino Saber...

Power Slash!


I have an idea.

Use the new Dino Cupid Charger
Ms. Morgan created.

Good thinking, Ivan.


Dino Cupid Charger,

Dino Morpher,
Love Blast!

What on earth was that?


Give her a hug, vivix.

Oh, no!

You can't all hug me!

Finish her, Ivan.

It will be
my pleasure.

Summon Ptera Saber.

Stop it-- huh?

Ptera Charger, engage.

Lightning Power...

I don't love this!


Magna Beam!


Let's make new memories!

She's gone giant!

I can handle this.

Summon Ptera Zord.


Ptera Charger, engage.

Ptera Charge Megazord,

Time to put this damsel
in distress.


How rude!

Tyler, summon
the Pachy Zord.

Dino Charger, ready!


Summon Pachy Zord!

Ptera Charger, engage.

Activate Ptera Charger Megazord
Pachy formation!

Welcome, brave Sir Tyler.

Let's finish this bat!

Trick or treat!

I pick trick!

Wrecking Ball! Yah!


Ptera Lightning Blitz!

This is smoking!

Pachy Zord Wrecking Ball,

Dino Strike!

What an unhappy Halloween!


Monster extinct.

Now, that was a treat.



You were supposed to be
getting my Energems,

but instead you went
trick or treating?

No, sir!

We tried to get
the Rangers.

I can guarantee you,

we were not
having fun!


That was so fun,

Look how much
candy we got!

This is
the best Halloween.

Does this mean what
I think it means?

Yep, you're going in my

stinkiest, slimiest
cell to rot!

Come on!

Oh, now, that was
some awesome teamwork.

With you and Ivan using
the Dino Cupid Charger...


But I think it jammed in my
Dino Charge morpher.


So, uh, what was
the truth?

Why did you decide
to be the princess

when I was the prince?

Mm, the truth?

Uh, I, uh...


Chase, are you okay?

I'm sorry!

Oh, was that the Dino
Cupid Charger?

The first person Chase sees,
he'll fall in love with.


You are truly beautiful.


What did he see?

I don't know.

What are you doing later,

you handsome rascal?


Now he's even more
in love with himself.



Oh, yeah.
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