22x20 - Wishing for a Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x20 - Wishing for a Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

try to steal the greatest power
in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien
named Keeper

entrusted them
to dinosaurs.

You must keep
the energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

...he was blasted deep
into space.

Now, the energems
have been found

and Sledge returns to battle
a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!
Dino Charger!

They are Power Rangers:
Dino Charge.

Oh, no!

Watch out!

You okay, miss?

Thank you,
that was so brave.

You're a hero.

I'll get your purse.

Here you go.

A hero shouldn't go
unappreciated, right?

How about a few bucks,
you know, for saving
your life and all?

You want money,
for helping me?

That's not heroic
at all.

for your help, mate.


We need to find a hero
for the purple energem
to bond to.

Let's do it again.


Look out!


Nobody? Really?

Okay, reset.

Look out!


Hmm, this is pretty.

Thank you.

You are a lifesaver.

I'd save anyone
as pretty as you.

Check out
the g*n show, huh?

Oh, good grief.

That's enough
for today.

Hey, don't worry,
Ms. Morgan.

I'm sure we'll find
a new Purple Ranger.

I hope.

An unbonded energem
can be very dangerous

if it falls into
the wrong hands.

We'll keep it safe.

And come up
with a new plan.

The purple energem
is unbonded?

There you are!

Ready to turn
the Rangers' wishes
into disasters?

Wish Star, wait!

They have
an unbonded energem.

I have to tell Sledge.
But what about me?

You are going back
to jail.

If I get an energem,
Sledge gives me my freedom.

That's our deal.
The deal has changed!

I won't go back to prison.

Time to write
a wish card.

Fury Freeze!

My wishes always come true.


Curse you, Wish Star!

We'll see who gets
the energem first.

Either way the Rangers
are going down.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains
that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge ♪
♪ All together ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

So what we do now,

We keep trying.

I don't know how or when,

but we will find
a worthy Ranger.

Discover secrets!
Find romance!

With my wish cards.

Misfortune awaits the Rangers.

When they least
expect it

their wishes
will become nightmares.

What do you desire?

Money, love?

Find that special someone
with my wish cards.

Wishing cards.
No, thanks.

We're not superstitious.
Come on, guys.

I am super squishiness.

And I could use
all the help I could get.

Does such sorcery
actually work?

Uh, frankly, no.

Ms. Morgan's right.
Come on, guys.

Wishes don't
magically come true.

Hey, guys.
What's going on?

These guys are writing
down their wishes

thinking they'll
actually come true.

Yeah, like that's
gonna happen.

Koda, got you
the tropical burger.

That my wish!

No! No, no, no, no!
That's not magic.

You always wish
for a burger.

So Chase,
what was your wish?


is that a kiwi
on your skateboard?

You certainly know
your birds.

Oh, your New Zealand accent,
it's so cute.

This is my wish.

Uh, you want to go
to the skatepark?

Sure, as long as
you keep talking.



May all your wishes
come true.

Let's hope so.

Wish Star escaped?

My employer will pay
, space bullion
for him.

I should toss you
in a volcano.

We don't need him.

I overheard the Rangers say

they're looking for someone
to bond with the energem.

Really? They're
looking for a hero?

We could help them
find one.

There's only one being
on this ship

you could mistake
for a hero.

Master, you can't
let him out.

His solitary confinement cell
is the only thing
that protects us.

I don't need your advice.
It's settled.

I'm using Heckyl.


Not Heckyl!

What are you afraid of?
He's not that dangerous.

But-- But I know
of several
destroyed galaxies

that might
beg to differ.

We've all destroyed

Uh, not all of us.

Open it, now!

But sir...
Do it.

I have a bad feeling
about this.

Good luck.

(echoing roar)

Heckyl, get out here!

I haven't been out of
that cell for centuries.


I love what you've done
with the place.

Get cute with me
and I'll throw you
back into that cell.

Bottom line,
you look like a human,

which makes you
useful to me.

So I'll make you a deal.

Bring me the purple energem
and I'll set you free.

Set me free? Huh.

Good idea.


Now, how about
I make you a deal?

I get you
the purple energem

and we're partners.

We rule the universe

No deal, Heckyl.

I think you should

What?! Fury!

Secure the prisoners!

Fine, we have a deal,


I hope my shades
are still in style.


Yes, hold on to
the shades, Heckyl,

because if you fail me

I'm throwing you
into the sun. (growls)

Hey, hey! Is everybody
still good for a picnic?

May be a great way
to clear our heads.

Yeah, I'm in, for sure.

Thanks for the invitation

but I'm still trying
to figure out a plan

to find a Purple Ranger.

I'm helping Ms. Morgan.

So, uh, four it is.


Koda, Koda,
are you okay?

Uh-uh. No go.

My stummy...
(loud farting)

Uh-- I-- I hope
you feel better.

What about you, Ivan?

Uh, alas, no.
I'm covering Chase's shift

so that he can spend time
with his lady of the skateboard.


Well, I guess
it's just you and me.

You and me alone?


Yeah, sure.


That's exactly my wish.

Okay, calm down,
you got this.

Look at that one
over there.

Has the little baby
following it.

Yeah, that's so cute.

Just like that.
Good, good.

And lift it up slow.

Take your time.

Oh, that was close.
You're getting better.

Bubbles this big
never work.

Here, let me
give it a go.

My dad taught me
how to do it.

And just walk with it.

It's so pretty!

Oh! (groans)

Ah, I'm sorry!
There's soap in my eye.

I swear that's not
what my dad taught me.

Let's-- here, just
take it from right here.

It stings, it stings.
Tilt your head back.

Just a little bit
of water.

Are you okay?

Here, let me--
I can dry it.
I'm fine, I'm fine.

Are you sure?
I'm fine.

Are you sure you got
all the soap out?

Yeah. (chuckles)

Let's just have
something to eat.

I'm starving.

Oh, that looks
really good.

Did you make this?



They're everywhere!

They're in my clothes!

(grunting and screaming)

I think I got 'em all.

You're good?

Talk about a terrible
date. Uh--

I mean...
Uh, a date?

Is that what you think
this is?

No! Of course not.

Why? Did you think
this was a... date?


Is that...

my dad?




Dad! Wait!

Why the big hurry?

You're not going

Out of my way.

I'm here for your
energem, Ranger.

If you don't hand it over,

I'll make you
wish you had.

No way!

Too easy.
Looks like my wish
is about to come true.



Two against one?
That's not what I wished for.

See ya!

Are you okay?
(grunts) Yeah. I'm fine.

He got away.

The creep made me
lose track of my dad.

Was that your wish?

Seeing your dad?

Both of our wishes
came true

and they both
went really bad.


What was your wish?

Uh... you know,
a picnic.


maybe something is up.

Let's head back
to the base. Come on.

Hello, Ms. Morgan.

Well, have we found
any prospective
Purple Rangers?

No. Finding a hero
is proving to be
harder than I thought.

Well, even in my day
those worthy of joining
the Knights of Zandar

were truly rare.

Where is everyone?

Well, Chase is at
the skatepark

with his new
lady friend.

Tyler and Shelby
are on a picnic.

Tyler and Shelby
are alone, like a date?


I suppose it is
like a date.

Bet that was Shelby's wish.

And Koda
got his burger.

what was your wish?

Oh, the same thing
every knight asks for:

to help a damsel
in distress.

Thanks, Ivan.

You're my knight
in shining armor.

And you, my lady,
have made my wish
come true.

Now can you kindly
go scrub the grill?

Ms. Morgan?

Wherever are you going?

I know it's crazy,
but I'm gonna wish
for a Purple Ranger.

(Koda moaning)


How you doing, Koda?

Tropical burger...

bad idea.

(stomach gurgling)


What's the matter
with you?

Oh, I believe I may
have injured my back

by helping
a young lady.

That girl,
she broke my heart.

Then she broke
my skateboard.

This is the worst.

(doors opening)

Hey, I'm glad
you guys are here.

We really need
to talk about--
Our wishes?

How'd you know?
They both came true
before they went bad.

Wait a second, that's what
happened to everybody
that made a wish.

Those wishing cards.

They... cursed.

Ms. Morgan.

She's about to make a wish
to find a Purple Ranger.

We have to stop her.

Hi. One wish card,

Oh, go right ahead,

That's what
I'm here for.

What is it you seek?
Love, money?


Kendall, stop!
Don't do it!

Kendall, no!
Ms. Morgan!

(Rangers clamoring)


You could have been hit.

Thank you.

You are very welcome,
pretty lady.

Now, pay attention.

And stay out
of traffic.

He-- He's my wish.

Excuse me.

Are you okay, Ms. Morgan?
I'm fine.

This may sound strange,

but there's something
I'd like you to hold for me.

What is it?


No, no!
Kendall, don't!

(screaming, clamoring)


Yes! An energem.

My ticket out of here.

The Rangers mustn't
know who I am.

I will not ruin my plan
for one single energem.

My wishes never fail me.

I hope you're right.

I wish for you
to explode!

(grunting, groaning)

This is the beginning
of the end for you, Rangers.

Hey, that was my energem!

But I can still
impress Sledge

by destroying the Rangers.


It's morphin' time!

Dino Charger...
(all) Ready!

Dino chargers engage!


Unleash the power!

What? All six of you?

Dinosaur might,
ready to fight!

Power Rangers...

Dino Charge!

Dino Steel...

On the run!

Look out, Rangers,
my wish is your command

and I wish for you all
to fall at my feet.


(all gasping, grunting)

What's happening?

He's controlling us.

I'll put an end
to this witchcraft!

I wish you'd miss me.

Take this.

Hey, Rangers,
try my bamboo blast.

Stego shield!

Lucky shot, Rangers!

Good move, Koda.
Shall we do this?

(all) Weapons combine!

Hey Tyler, Ptera...

(both) Combine!

Triple spike.

T-Rex chopper.

I ran out of wish cards.

Dino pierce!
Double blast!

I have another wish.

Weapons, combine!

Dino spike charger engage!

Dino spike...

Final strike!


This isn't
on my wish list!




The Rangers
are going to wish

they hadn't done that.


Wish Star's about to shine!

No. It's time for us to...

Summon Zords!

Ankylo charger engage!

Pachy charger engage!

T-Rex charger

Zords combine!

Dino charge megazord,

Ankylo dragon formation.


Dino drive, activate!

I don't need wish cards
to crush you.

Bring it on!

My power will bamboozle you!

Pigs will fly
before you beat us.


Ankylo Zord, hammer punch!

Vivix Zords!


(all grunting)
They're so strong!

Ptera lightning blitz!

En garde!

Ha ha! Thanks, Ivan!

Take this!


Pachy Zord wrecking ball.

Final strike!

I wish they hadn't
done that!

Monster extinct.

Hurry up, Wrench!

I've waited millions of
years for this moment.

It's done.

Your blaster is now powered
by the purple energem.



One blast could blow
a hole in the ship.

So, you made it back.

Of course.

Shall we celebrate
getting the purple


You didn't get the energem,
Fury did.

Throw him back
in solitary confinement.

I was so hoping
to avoid this.

Just try to avoid this!



Ha ha!
Good work, Wrench.

Uh, thanks,
Master Sledge.

Next up, the Rangers.

You will pay.

Mark my words.

We lost
purple energem.

Well, if we had not
made those wishes

none of this
would have happened.

Wishes don't
always come true.

The only sure way
to accomplish anything

is to continue trying
and never give up.

If Sledge can control
the power of that energem,

he could build a w*apon
with frightening strength.

There's only one way
to solve this.

Let me guess:

Of course!

Okay, so when Sledge
comes to Earth

he expects to find us
and fight, right?

Okay, well, we have
to go to the one place

he won't expect us to be.

To his spaceship?


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