18x13 - Unexpected Arrival

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x13 - Unexpected Arrival

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed dnn
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- Finally, I have arrived!

Wait till
they get a load of me.

This will be golden, baby.

- [Chittering]

- Not yet, buddy.

[Alarm blaring]

- Huh?

- So where's the nighlok?

[Wind gushing]

- Jayden, what's wrong?

- I thought I felt something,

Like someone watching me.

But it's gone now.

[Strange buzzing]

- Something definitely triggered
this gap sensor.

- Yeah, but what?

Let's go.

- Ah.

Now I can move on
to more important business.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- That was fast.

- It doesn't take long
to deal with nothing.

- The gap sensor
was working fine.

But no nighlok.

We didn't see anything
out of the ordinary.

- Bull's-eye.

- It just says,
"see you soon."

- See you soon?


A nighlok attack?

- No, not here,
at least.

The house is protected
by defensive symbols.

- And they're doing a good job.

I mean, someone shot this arrow.


There's something fishy
about this.

- Obviously.

- No, there's really something
fishy. Smell.

- [Sniffs]


- Ah!

Where are you?

- Jayden, what's up?

- Something is here.

[Wind rushing]


Did you feel that?

- No.
What did you feel?

- Shh.

[All scream]

- Don't scare us like that.

- I could have sworn
there was something.

- Relax, dude.
There's nothing here.

- There was definitely something
otherworldly here.

I sensed it.

- Sorry, jayden,

We didn't sense anything.

Could it be your imagination?

- Jayden, it's important
to trust your instincts.

But I don't feel
another presence.

[Wind rushing]

- Sorry, em.

Where are you?



- He's really got that flippin'
out thing down pat, huh?

- Anybody else feel anything?

- Mirror, mirror on his wall,

Who's the most freaked-out
ranger of them all?


- I know something was there.

- This should feed his paranoia.

[Wind rushing]

- It's gone.

- There's really anything wrong
with the gap sensor.

- But we must have missed
something the last time.

- Somebody shot that arrow.

- Okay, keep your eyes peeled
for anything suspicious.

- [Shouting]

Fresh fish, cooked or raw!

Listen up, I do it all.

Hey, sweetheart.

You want to buy some fish?

- Mia, where's that paper
with the arrow?

The writing.

It's the same.

- Well, that's fishy.

- Hello.

Ladies, come get
your grilled fresh fish.

- You make these
flyers yourself?

- Yeah, I'm a one-man business.

- Well, it sure is nicer
to have one handed to you

Than shot at you.

- Oh, that's for sure.




You're gonna ruin my big moment.

- Ah!

- He's so fast.


- Hello?

- I just found a note
from jayden

Saying he's headed
for spring valley.

It must have something to do
with what he's been sensing.

- Jayden went to spring valley
on his own?

All right, we're on our way.

- Mia and I will go.

You and emily go after
the fish guy.

- So, volpez.

- What?

- You have any luck spying
on the red ranger?

- Luck?
Try "skill."

It's tricky now,

Because the red ranger
can sense me.

But my enchanted eye
will see all.

Ooh, it gives me
evil fuzzies all over.

- Fuzzies, schmuzzies.

All I care about is seeing him
practicing that sealing symbol.

If he perfects it,

Master xandred will be sealed
down here for good.

And we'll all be done for!

- Don't get your tentacles
in a twist.

Ooh, it looks like he's starting
to practice it right now.

- He's doing it?


- See for yourself, squiddly.

- Now we're seeing eye-to-eye.

What's wrong?

It looks like smoke has gotten
in your all-seeing eye.

- This can't be!

- I spy with my little eye

- Where did he go?


I'll take care of him myself.


- I want results.

- Come back, stop!

- We'll never catch him!

He's too fast.

- You go after him.

I'll try and cut him off.

- The spring's
right around here.

- Ahh!

I can't believe they forced us
to come to this vile world.


- [Roaring]

- My enchanted eye!

[Both shouting]

- Give me back my mirror!

- It's not nice
to spy on people.

- I said, give it back!

- Jayden!

- Good thing we found you!

Kevin, this must be
the nighlok

That jayden's been sensing
this whole time.

- Three on one's not fair.

- Neither is
secretly watching us.

But luckily, I saw through you.

When I splashed water
on my face,

The presence I sensed went away.

That's when I realized

That water could help me
block your spell.

I knew then that this was
the one place

I could truly hide from you.

- Aw, nuts.

- Of course.

The water in our world
is more pure

Than the water
of the evil sanzu river.

- And the water
from the sacred spring

Must have cut off the creepy
nighlok's spy spell completely.

- Yes, he fooled our gap sensor,
but not us.

- No, my mirror!

And I never even got to see you
practice that sealing symbol.

- So that's what
you were after!

- Hah!

- Who cares if you know?

You're still going down.

Fox cyclone!

[All screaming]


- We'll need the others
to outfox this guy.

Where are they?

- They're still chasing

That fishy arrow guy.
- The what?

- I'll call and see
where they are.

- No one can help you now!

- [Breathing hard]



- We need you at spring valley!

Forget that guy you're chasing.

- Good, 'cause he kind of
made that choice for us.

They need us in spring valley.

Come on.

- Man, this sounds like a
perfect time for my big moment.

- Try this spell!
Fox fire!

[All grunting]

And this one!

Fox flare!


You saw through my plans,

But the stress from
all my spells

Has finally taken
its toll on you.

You're finished!


[All shouting]

- Are you okay?

- Was that a cool save or what?

- You know what to do.

Spin sword!

All: quintuple slash!

- Nuts!
Fox reflection steel.

- Huh?
- No way.


- Right back at you, rangers.

[Explosions and shouting]

I have thousands
of mirror spells.

I can handle whatever
you throw my way.

But I know you can't handle
what I'm about to throw at you.

- Catch of the day!


- Huh?

- Now what about
what I throw at you?

- Huh?

- Now this is a big moment.

Man, this is gonna be
so golden.

Now let's do this.

- Wha?

- Who's this guy?

- That's the guy
you were chasing.

- What is he doing?

- He's going to get taken apart

If he goes up against
that nighlok.

- Samurai morpher!

Gold power!


Yeah, hah, hah!

Yeah, hah!

Gold is good to go.

- Huh?
- Huh?

- That's it?

No, "thanks for helping"?

Or a little "what, what?"

All right, I get it.

You need a minute.

What can I say?

When I make an entrance,

It's "go big or go home."

Am I right?

- Let me ask this again.

Who is this guy?

- Wow, he's so sparkly.

- Don't worry.

Just leave this one to me.

You hang tight.




- Aw, come on!

Now there's six of you?

- I've never read about
a gold ranger in the archives.


- First I've heard of it.

- I'd say we've probably done
enough talking.

Now it's time for action.

- [Laughter]

What kind of stance is that?

You're not worth my time,
twinkle toes.

I'll let these guys
take care of you.

- My style is different,
but it's all mine, baby.

And as they'll see,

There's plenty of strength
behind it.

Now if we're done talking,
barracuda blade!

[All groaning and shouting]

[Electricity sparking]


- He didn't even move.

How'd he do that?

- Yes, he did.

Just faster
than the eye can see.

- I've never seen
anything like it.

- [Grunting]

- That what the legendary
sheath slash maneuver.

- But that's impossible.

- Not anymore.

- He's pretty fast, yo.

- [Shouting]

You want some too, huh?


- A straight slash.

The backhanded grip.

Such a strange technique.

- Who cares how he does it?

It's good.

- Hiya!

What's the problem?

Come up and get me.

I'm right here.

Whoa, whoa!

Okay, that part wasn't
so fantastico.

- You okay?

- Stay back.

I told you I got this.



[Monsters screeching]


Oh, no.

Didn't mean to play lumberjack.

Ahh, ahh!

Ugh, man.

This thing is sharper
than I thought.

- Yahh!

- [Screaming]

That was just a lucky shot.

- Not quite.

Fierce fox flock!

- Guys, we need to help him out.

- Hah!

Spin sword, blazing strike.

- Ahh!


- Excellente!

You're better than I remember.

But no time now.

Barracuda blade.

- Aw, nuts.

Come on!



Yeah, baby.

When I promise a golden moment,
I deliver.

- What did you mean,
I'm better than you remember?

- I mean, just whoa.

- Seriously.

If someone doesn't tell me who
this guy is,

I think I'm gonna lose it.

- You're definitely
gonna lose it.

You haven't seen anything yet!

- Whoa!
No way!

- We'll deal with our
gold friend later.

First thing's first.

All: samurizer!

Go, go, samurai.

[Electronic beeping
and whooshing]

Megamode power.

Zords combine.

Air strike combination.

Battlewing megazord.

We are united!

- Whoa, fantastico!

- Time for my ace
in the foxhole.

Volpez vail!


- Huh, where did he go?

- Ahh!

- He's still there.

He's just invisible.

[All shouting]

- How can we defeat him
if we can't even see him?

There must be a way
to uncloak him.

- [Laughs]

- Better think
of something quick.

We don't have much time left.

[Shouting and grunting]

- Oh, no.
I need to help them.

I'll text octozord.

Now's your chance, buddy.

Let's show them what you can do.

[Electronic beeping]

Now it's time for
your big moment, buddy.


Nice entrance, octo.

- Now that's something
you don't see every day.

- It can't be.

- This one's all our, mi amigo.

Megamode power.


We're ready to roll.

Let's do this, baby.



- He's got a zord, too?

- Could he really be
one of us?

- The octozord,
but how?

- All right, nighlok.

Come out,
come out wherever you are.

Octo ink cloud.

- Ahh, ahh!

Aw, nuts.

- Aha, gotcha!

- [Screaming]

- Yeah, solid.

- Nice.

- Now's our chance.

- Yeah, time to finish him.

- Jayden?

- Hey, jayden.

- Oh, right.
Let's do this.

All: megablade, activate.

- Katana power!

All: huh, huh!

- Flying slash!

- ♪ Go, go power rangers ♪

All: final strike!

- Hey, now!
Come on!


- Yeah, yeah, baby!

Demand greatness;
I'll deliver.

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Hey, hey, how about that,

Was that golden
with a capital "g" or what?


- Start talking.

What's your story?

- I just came to help 'cause of
all the nighloks showing up.

Guys, I'm on your side.

Tell them, jay.

- Is that really you, antonio?

- Hah, I knew you would
remember me.

- Whoa!

[Horn honking]

That's my dad.

Well, I guess I'll see you.

- Yeah.

I've got a going away
present for you.

But it's our secret,
all right?

- Wow, cool.

- Remember we'll always
be friends,

No matter how far away we are
from each other.

- All right, I'll keep training.

And when you become red ranger,

I'll come back
and be a samurai too, okay?

- Okay.

- I can't believe
it's really you.

- Believe it, baby.
I'm back.

And I'm ready for some action.

You still think you can take me?

[Both grunting]


- If I learning anything

It's to trust my instincts.

- That guy is amazing.

I vote he should join our team.

- Wait.
He's good today,

But one battle doesn't make him
a samurai.

- Say what you want.

But today, antonio definitely
delivered his golden moment.
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