18x17 - The Tengen Gate

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x17 - The Tengen Gate

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- [Grunting and screaming]

The power!

The power!



- Ooh, ah, ooh!

Master xandred's roars
even have the rocks a-rolling.

Look at them go!

[Distant roaring]

- I'm glad you're enjoying it.

If the ship keeps tossing around
like this,

I'm gonna be sick.

- Be sick! Be sick!
Be sick!

- Just be glad the boss decided
to lock himself in his cabin

While is power is surging.

All we have to do is
protect him from other nighlok

Until he finishes
absorbing his new powers

And this chaos finally stops.

- [Roaring]

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Master xandred must be busy

Trying to absorb
his new surge of power.


With no one in charge,
the moogers will run wild.

It's the perfect opportunity

To deal with the red ranger
without interference.


[Alarm blaring]

- There's no time to lose.

- Right behind you!

All: yeah!

[Crashing and blasting]

[Crowd screaming,
distant explosions]

- Six.
No, seven!

- All at once?

- Down there.

The sanzu river's
seeping through.

- Ha!
Let's go!


All: go!


- Flying foldingzord.

- Dragon foldingzord.

- Bear foldingzord.

- Ape foldingzord.

- Turtle foldingzord.

All: mega mode power!




- Samurai morpher,
gold power!

Claw zord, I need you now.


Octo zord, you're coming too.


All: zords combine!

Battling mega zord,

Armed for battle.


Mega mode power!

Claw zord, transformation!


Let's switch this up.

Let's see what we catch today.


Claw battle zord north, ready!

- Whoa!

Is this a mooger family reunion?

- Antonio, focus.

- I am.

I'm gonna go for the high score.


Who wants their butt kicked


- Let's get to work.

[All grunt]


- Hey!

where you point that thing.

Golden, baby, yeah!


These guys just keep coming.

[Metallic clanging and growling]

- Got 'em.
All: ha!


[Lasers blasting]

- Aw, man, the flying ones
freak me out.

- Not a problem.

[Engine whooshing]

It's time for these fly boys
to get their wings clipped.

[Lasers blasting]


- Let's finish this!

Octospear charge!


[Electricity zapping]

- Mega blade.

All: activate.

- Ha!

All: ha!

- Katana power.
All: ha!

Final strike!




- Nice!
- Whoo!

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Noodle face, unlock this door!

- Ooh, ah, ooh!

This is bad.

With the boss still struggling,

Who knows
what kind of despicable

And conniving nighlok
might come around and--


- Despicable and conniving?

- Arachnator.

I didn't mean you.

I meant someone really
despicable and conniving.

What are you doing here anyway?

Um, not that it's not great
to see you and everything.

- I heard
master xandred was tied up.

Now I see that it's true.

- Uh, yeah, pretty much.

- Then this would be
an excellent opportunity

For some bold
and ambitious nighlok

To seize his throne

With your help.

- With my help?

- What do you say?

- Ooh, ah, ooh!

You really had me going there,

Seize the throne.

[Laughs feebly]

I mean,
even in the state he is now,

No one can beat the master
in a fight.

- Of course not.

We both know
xandred can't be beaten.

But he can be sealed away.

[Laughs maniacally]

- I don't know what to do.

We've fought so hard,

But the sanzu river
keeps seeping into our world.

- I can't believe
this is happening.

- What else can we do?

We've beaten the nighlok
every time.

- We can't think about
winning or losing.

We have to believe in ourselves
and keep fighting.

- [Sighs]
jayden's right.

We can't give up,
no matter what.

- I'm glad to hear that.

Because I may have found
something that could help us.

- The black box?

Ji, we can't.

- What is it?

- A magic talisman created by
the very first red ranger.

It is said it can unite

The symbol powers of all rangers
into one.

- Okay, cool,
so let's fire it up.

- It's not as simple as that.

The red ranger
never finished the talisman.

- Many have tried,

But none have the skill
and power to complete it.

- What about antonio?

He's a tech whiz.

- Yeah, I mean,
the guy programmed the zord

Like it was a coffeemaker.

- But he doesn't have mastery
of symbol power like we do.

You know how much it drains us
each time we use it?

- Kevin's right.

Trying to transfer
even a few of our symbol powers

Into the box could destroy him.

I can't ask him to do this.

- Jayden, none of us
want to see antonio get hurt.


- We're talking about
saving the human race.

- If he's willing,

Give him a shot.

- Okay.

- First, you must
retrieve the black box.

For generations,
it has been protected

By the guardians
of the tengen gate.

- This is the tengen gate?

It's just a big wood thing.

- The tengen gate

Is an important part
of ranger history, mike.

This commemorates
where the first samurai rangers

Battled the nighlok army.

- They say the sanzu river
flooded the entire city.

- What happened?

- The rangers defeated them
because they never gave up

And they took their training

- They certainly did.

Although the legends tell us

That the green ranger
was a bit of a prankster.

- [Chuckles]
- no way.

- Apparently
he drove the blue ranger crazy.

But they were still
the best of friends.

I am disuke,

The elder guardian.


To the tengen gate.

Your mentor advised us
that you were coming.


A penny for your thoughts,

- It's nothing.

- You haven't told them
your secret, have you?

- They're my friends, disuke.

I don't like lying to them.


- I'm sorry, jayden.

But it is your responsibility
to be the red ranger.

- I know.

I won't fail them.

- Ah.

My senses tell me the rangers
are nearby.

They practically reek
of goodness.


It's time to find the red ranger

And force that sealing symbol
out of him.

[All grumbling agreeably]

- It's an old folk tale.

A young woman made a deal
with the nighlok king

To save the life of her beloved.

But the king tricked her

And turned them both
into nighlok.

- Sure sounds like something
a nighlok would do.

- The king
took away the man's memory

And cursed him to
wander the earth alone forever.

- It's strange.

It's almost as if
I met this woman before.

- So you've come
to accept my challenge.

- Challenge?

- You said you would try
my secret recipe.

Baby barracuda fish kebabs.


They're muy fantastico.

- I did say that.

- Come on.

You won't be sorry.

Hold on to your taste buds...

'Cause they're
about to be rocked.

- The black box.

The most powerful samurai w*apon
ever conceived.

Few even know of its existence.

- Thank you, disuke.

I shall protect it with my life.

I hope your friend
can program it.

With each passing day,

The nighlok presence
grows stronger.

I fear that soon
even this sacred place

Will be corrupted by their evil.

- Ha!

Ah, the tengen gate,

Symbol of nighlok defeat,

Now the site of my triumph!

- Now,
let us dri t tea together.

To honor the ancient rangers

And for good fortune in battle.

- [Spits]


- Jayden!

- [Groaning and grunting]

The drink is poisoned.

- Disuke!

There are nichols
in the garden.

- Nighlok!

[Roaring and groaning]

- But we can't leave jayden.

- Don't worry about me.



- [Whimpers]

[Roaring and grunting]

- Ha!

- Ha!
- Ha!

- Ha!

All: ha!

- Nighlok!

- Only four of you.

My little scheme
must have worked.


All: go, go, samurai!

Boys: ha!
Girls: ha!

- Ha!

[All grunting and smacking]

- I'm calling antonio
for backup.


- The tengen gate?

I'm on my way.

I'm sorry, but I got to jam.

Please, enjoy your fish.

- The tengen gate.


[Grunting and smacking]

- I hope antonio can find us
in this bamboo forest.

I better step up my game.


Forest spear!

[Smacking and grunting]

How do you like me now, huh?

[Smacking and grunting]

- This is taking too long.

Hydro bow.


Hold still, would you?


[Laser zinging]

- Ha!

Where's spidey?

- I don't know.

You think he'll turn up?

- [Shouting]

- You had to ask.

- I'm not even breaking a sweat.


[Smacking and grunting]

- Let's try that again.

- Let's not.

Sticky situation you're in, huh?

- Fire!


Bug off!

- You guys okay?

- Yeah.
We're fine.

- Better than he's gonna be.

- Ha!

I could beat you all
with one claw.

- Oh, it's on.

- What a joke.


You're going to
fight my black magic potion

With dried mushrooms?

[Lasers zinging]

- Foolish nighlok!

Your forces were defeated here
once before.

And they shall be again.

- Ooh, ah, ooh!

You want to piece of me too?

- Wa..

It's me you want.

Let the guardians go.

- Fine by me.

I just need one thing from you.

You're going to show me
the symbol you red rangers use

To seal away master xandred.

- [Groaning]

- This is all too easy.

[Smacking and grunting]

Let's go for a spin.

[Smacking and grunting]

- We can't beat him.

- We have to.
Jayden's in trouble.

[Smacking and grunting]

- Kevin!

- I've had it with this guy.

Both: ha!

- Oh, yeah?

[Laser zinging]


- Hey!
Let me go!

- If you insist.

[Electricity zapping]

Now you're toast.

- Mike, look out!

- [Screaming]

[Smacking and grunting]

[Both groan]

- Mike!

- Time for the big finish.

- Not so fast, nighlok!

- Antonio!
You found us!

- Anyone who hurts my friends
has to answer to me!

- I don't know who you are,

But you just made a big mistake.

- Wait!

- Antonio!

Go help jayden!

- Go on!

- Okay, but I'll be back.

[Smacking and grunting]

- Your friend comes to save you

And you tell him to run away?


[Smacking and grunting]

Now you're doomed!

[Lasers zinging]


[Both groaning]

- [Grunting]

- It's a simple question,
red ranger.

Just show me the sealing symbol.

I'll give you the antidote,

And it'll save us both
a lot of grief.

- Never.

- Huh.
That's how you want to play it?

- The man said "no!"

- Huh?

- Gold power!


Barracuda blade!

- Who invited you?

This is a private conversation.

- [Groaning]


[Smacking and grunting]

- Not you again.

- What's this?

The fisherman's the gold ranger?

- Ugh.


Where is that
slimy little mollusk?


- Dayu!

- Master xandred!

You've recovered.

- And just in time
to stop that traitor arachnator.

- You know, I thought
destroying the power rangers

Would be much more
of a challenge.

Soon, I will rule the world!


- Arachnator!

- What?

Master xandred!
It can't be!

- Enough of your treachery!

- [Screams]

- [Groans]

[Smacking and grunting]

- Hold still, would you?


[Wind gusting]


- Ugh, that smell.

[Lasers zing]



- Okay, fish boy, let's dance.


- I think it's time to cut bait.

- Ow!

Those take forever to grow!

- Playtime's over, squid.

- Really?
Batter up.

[Grunting and explosions]

[Smacking and grunting]

- Hey, fisherman.

- Huh?
Hey, what are you doing here?

- Relax.

I'll take care of the red ranger
from here.

- What?



Come back with my friend!

- Deker spoils everything.

I'm out of here.

- Hey, come back!


I failed you!

What about the others?



Wake up!


What am I supposed to do now?

- [Growling]


What shall I do with you?

I t*rture you;
I banish you.

And still, you plot against me.

- I think octoroo
is helping him.

The slimy little weasel.

- Nonsense, dayu!

Octoroo would never
plot against me.

He was just trying
to poison the red ranger.

Now, that's initiative.

- Initiative!

I defeated four rangers.

And besides, it was my plan.


- Your plan?


Your plan
was to steal my throne!

If you want power so badly,

Have a taste of mine.

[Creatures roaring]

- Uh-oh.

Something big's happening.

[Electricity zapping
and arachnator screaming]

- This is how I treat
traitors like you.

[Laughs maniacally]

- Finally,
the opportunity has arrived.

Soon I shall have
my divine moment

And duel the red ranger.
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