18x20 - The Ultimate Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x20 - The Ultimate Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator: last time
on power rangers samurai.

- Pleasant dreams.

But not for you, dayu.

- Dayu--this must be her dream.

- Mia!
Mia, where are you?

- Jayden, what do you think
you're doing?

- Was I dreaming?


- Aargh!

- Mia!

- What?

- Emily!

To think I wanted to help you.

I thought you still had
a shred of humanity in you,

But I guess I was wrong.

- You're right--
fighting you naive little girls

Serves me no purpose.

- Don't worry.
I'll be okay.

- No thanks to me.

- Why now?
He's too exhausted.

[Moogers shouting]

- Master xandred and his
noodle-faced crony octoroo

Have seen to it that
we are interrupted yet again.

No one touch the red ranger.
He's mine!

Come on!

- He's relentless.


- Not even a challenge for him.

- All right, red ranger.
Our time to duel has come.

- No, not now.

We just finished a battle.

Besides, we rangers don't fight
for the sake of fighting.

- Red ranger, I'll give you

But there will be
no further delay.

Tomorrow, metal will meet metal.

- Didn't you hear antonio?

I won't fight
for fighting's sake.

I only fight
to protect the innocent.

- Well, then.

If you don't show, I doubt
I'll be able to control myself.

- What's that mean?

- Disappoint me,
and I may not be able

To hold my nighlok side back
much longer.

I could possibly attack
whoever is near.

- You'd thr*aten random people?

Then you're not half human.
You're true nighlok.

- Call me what you want.
But no one will be safe.

And my victims' pain will be
your fault, not mine.

- Then you leave me no choice.

I will fight,
and I will defeat you.

- Noon tomorrow
by the sea.

[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- Oo-ah-ooh.

The red ranger and deker
are both giving me a headache.


- Grr.
I despise deker.

But if he eliminates
the red ranger,

He'll destroy
red's sealing power too.

- Then nothing will stand
in our way.

- Yes, their misery
is the best medicine.

- I'm the one
who needs medicine!

Those lousy samurai rangers
cut off my mist blower.

If I can't put humans to sleep,

How am I supposed to eat
in the dream world?


- Eat?

You didn't raise the river
an inch.

You completely failed
your mission.

I should let the moogers
eat you.

- No!
I can do better.

- Then I suggest you go back
and really scare some humans.

- I will.
This time I won't fail.

[Water flowing]

- Hey, mia.

- I was just going to bring
some tea for you.

- Thank you, but you need
to stop fussing over me.

I'm almost as good as new.

- It's just that
when it was time to fight dayu,

I hesitated,
and then you got hurt.

Is it too late for you to return
to your human form?

- You're so naive that
you would seek to save me

Rather than destroy me?

- I understand.

Seeing dayu's past
in that dreamworld,

It must have been hard on you.

- That's the problem.

I can't afford
to let my feelings

Get in the way of our mission

- You're really being too hard
on yourself.

- Guys, we're all meeting
in the living room.

It's important.

- Jayden, it's crazy to do this.

Take on deker
and do it alone?

- Deker insists
that's how it has to be.

- You can't do this.

A samurai only fights battles
that are necessary.

- This is necessary.

If I don't go, deker threatened
to hurt innocent people.

- Okay, fine.

We'll handle him just like any
other nighlok--

As a team.

- Kevin, you don't get it.

If I'm not alone,
it won't satisfy him.

- Since when do we let a nighlok
dictate how we battle?

- I know now that deker
won't stop

Until jayden duels him.

We have to let him go.

- Mia, how could you say that?

Jayden isn't just our leader,

He's also the only one who has
the sealing power.

Jayden, you're the key
to stopping the nighlok.

- Kev's right.
You shouldn't risk it.

- This discussion is over.

- [Sighs]

- [Sniffles]

After all these years,
you are all I have left

Of the life I wanted so badly.

Now even this has become ugly.

It's too much to take.

- What are you doing
in the human world?

- Nothing.

What are you doing here?

- My eternal search
for a worthy opponent

Finally ends tomorrow.

- [Gasps] tomorrow?

- Yes.

My thirst for the ultimate duel
shall finally be quenched.

Win or lose, I shall be free.

- I hope that's true.

You should have been free
centuries ago.

Deker, i--


[Dramatic music]


- Jayden.

How can I talk you out of this?

- You can't.


But you can help me get ready.

I've got some special moves
I want to practice.

- Anything you need.

- Hrugh!
- Hurr--hyah!

- Why are we so worried?
Jayden can beat anyone.

He'll be fine.

- Yeah, I'm sure he will.

- Yeah.

- All I know is that deker
needs to be dealt with,

And hesitating
would be a mistake.

- I'm afraid mia is right.

There is no other choice
but to fight deker.

We just have to have faith
that jayden is prepared

For this battle.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- This shall be the final night
of my curse.

Tomorrow I shall wield
my sword uramasa

In the ultimate duel.

- Good luck, jayden.

- You can do this, bro.

- You're the best.

I've known that
since we were kids,

And it's no different today.

- Do what needs to be done.

[Alarm blaring]

- Nighlok attack!
Jayden, what now?

- Rhinosnorus is back.

- Here.

- I don't understand.

- With these disks, you can form
the megazord without me.

I need you to lead the team
until I get back.

I know you can do this.

[Dramatic music]

- It'll be an honor.

I won't let you down, jayden.

Come on, rangers,
let's stop that nighlok.

- Get back here.

If I can't tenderize you
in the dreamworld,

I'll just wolf you all down

Maybe you'll even
taste better raw,

Just like sushi.


- All right, team,
we can do this.

All: samuraizer!
Go, go samurai!



[Energetic music]

- Samurai ranger!

- Samurai ranger!

- Samurai ranger!

- Samurai ranger!

- Gold power!

- Samurai ranger!

All: rangers together.

Samurai forever.

- All right, moogers.

- For jayden!

- Have a nice trip.

- Huh--yah!

- Hah--yah!

[Foreboding music]

- It took you long enough.

Still, I knew you'd come.

Just like me,
you need this battle.

- No, I'm nothing like you.

The only thing I need
is to stop you

From hurting anyone else.

- All that matters
is that you're here.


- Samuraizer.

- At last, the time has come.

- Yes. For you to fall.

- It's not too late, deker.
We don't have to do this.

- You still don't understand.

I have no choice but to fight
to the glorious end.

- Then you leave me no choice.


- You'll have to do
better than that.

- I'm just getting started.

- Ah!
- Hyah!

- Ah!


- Excellent.
Your instincts are superb.

You are indeed proving to be
my equal.

I was right to choose you,
red ranger.

- Hyuh!

[Both yelling]

[Screeching metal]

- Argh!

- Hurry up, already!
I'm hungry!


- Wake up, nighlok.
Your dreams are over.

- Think again.

My dreams are about to become
your worst nightmare.

- Kevin!

- Hey, you all right?

- Yeah, let's go.

- Antonio, grab him!

- I got him!

- Now what do we do with him?

- I didn't think that far ahead.


- Hey, mind if I cut in?

- Hyah!

Your turn, blue boy.

- Say hello to my hydro bow.



- Arrrghh!



- Whoa, our problem just got
a lot bigger!

- I'm going to put you all
to sleep permanently!

- We need to make
a megazord move.

- You're the boss.

- Then let's do this.

- You guys go ahead.
I'm too weak.


[Energetic music]

- Dragon foldingzord!

- Bear foldingzord!

- Ape foldingzord!

- - Turtle foldingzord!

- Megamode power!

- You guys ready?

- Yes!
Without hesitation.

- Attagirl!

- Zords combine!

- Samurai megazord!
We are united!

All: unh!

- All right, team,
let's get to work.

- You're still gonna snooze
and lose.

- You're dreaming.

We're teamin' up
to te you out.

- I'm gonna hop and bop
until you drop.


- Whoa!

- Stay calm, kevin.
I know you can handle this.

- Right.


- I guess we made him
hopping mad.

- You have no idea
where I'll hit next!

- Hold on, guys.
We can do this.

- Let's make jayden proud.

- Katana power!

- Arrggh!


- Let's put this guy to bed.

- But I'm not tired!

- Lights out, nighlok!

- Samurai strike!


- All right!
That was good as gold.

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Wow, that was a lot tougher
than I expected.

But we did it.


- I've waited for this
ultimate duel for so long,

And you have not
disappointed me.

[Dramatic music]

- Haven't you had enough?


- You are truly
a worthy opponent,

But now I shall defeat you
and bring this to an end.

- You're right about one thing:
it's time for this to end.

[Malicious laughter]

- Egh!


- What?

- Hyaaaah!

- Ugh.

- A master move--
you let me wound you

So you'd get close enough
to finish me.

Well fought, red ranger.

You have honored me
and freed me from my torment.

Thank you.


- [Breathing heavily]
i...i won.

- Jayden!

- Jayden, are you all right?

- Yeah.

- And deker?

Is he...?

- Gone.

- Let's get you home.

[Triumphant music]

- Kevin, thank you for leading
the team when I couldn't.

- It was an honor,
but it's not my job.

- There could only be
one red ranger.

- Guys, dinner is served.

- Dude, that fish went megamode.

- Hey, when I serve a fish
to my friends,

It's got to be the best.

That's the gold standard.

- Thanks, antonio.

- Everyone, I just want to say
I'm sorry.

I know I had to duel deker
to stop him from hurting people,

But...i also think something
in me wanted to fight him

To prove myself worthy
of being the red ranger.

- No, jayden.
He forced your hand.

- You did what you had to do.

- Maybe, but there's still
much to do,

And I promise I won't ever
jeopardize our mission again.

- Deker is gone,

But master xandred
is still out there.

And until he's defeated,
no one is safe.

- As rangers,
it's our responsibility

To save the world
from the nighlok.

I'm just grateful we don't
have to do it alone.

[Uplifting music]

- Rangers together!
Samurai forever!
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