18x22 - (Movie Special) Clash of the Red Rangers: The Movie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x22 - (Movie Special) Clash of the Red Rangers: The Movie

Post by bunniefuu »

In another dimension,

Where robots
are threatening humanity,

The rpm rangers
are the last hope

To protect their world
against evil.

- Okay, professor cog,
three paces,

Then the duel begins.

- No cheating, red.

- One...




- Argh.


I'm down...

But I'm not out.

- What?

I know I hit him.

[Lasers zapping]


- Thanks for not cheating,

But you should have known that
I'd never make that promise.

All you hit
was my magnet shield.

Time for me to go.


- You can't escape me.

I'll track you down.

- Even to another dimension?

I'm off to make a deal
to destroy two worlds.


[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ G g go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- So this is earth.

How pathetic.

Come on, my grinders.

We have work to do.

Okay, master xandred,

How do I get to your netherworld
from here?


- Zip, zip, zip,
vroom, vroom, vroom.

[All grunting]

- The gap sensor went off
right here.

- Yeah,
but where is the nighlok?

Stay sharp.

He must be close by.


All: ugh!

- Zip, zip, zip.

- He just destroyed
that building.

- We have to stop this.

- Zip, zip, zip.


- Time for you to zip it,

- Samurai rangers,
I'm like a force of nature,

A twister, and a shark bite
wrapped in one

And ready for fun.

- Let's go.
- Hey, wait for me.

- You're late.

- Sorry,
but this will be worth the wait.

Hey, shark jaw,
get ready for a barracuda bite.

- Ahh.

[Both grunting]

- Rangers are in
this dimension too?

[Both grunting]

- Those pests don't matter.

Thatobobster will lead me
to master xandred.

- I won, fish.
You won't filet.

- Augh!

- Antonio.

All: spin sword, airway,
primate cyclone.

- Augh!

Time to take you losers
for a spin.

Tornado warning.

- Hold on.

- Zip, zip, zip.

- Nighlok.


- Mike.
- You okay?

- Now, that's not cool.

- I can't be stopped.

I'm just too good for you.

- Oh, man, we just can't
get close enough.

- Sharks don't stop swimming,
and I won't stop spinning.

- It's time for me to put
my own spin on things.

- No, antonio, he's too quick.

- You won't get past me.

- Ugh!

- Zip, zip, whoa.

Oh, no.
I'm drying out.

You rangers got lucky.

Zip, zip.

- Perfect.

Now that I know
where the entrance is,

It's time to pay master xandred
a visit.

- He destroyed three buildings?

That does more for my headache
than this medicine.

- Shock jaw.
- Zip, zip.

- Ooh-ahh-ooh.

Too bad you dried out.

The rangers were on the run.

- I know.

- You did tons of damage.

That will help our invasion.

- Anytime.

- Nice work.

Now general duff
will finish the job.

- But, boss, i--

- You should have done better.

- I can do better.

I'll prove it.

- I have a master great
mooger army ready and waiting

To invade the city.

The nighlok best-suited
to lead that invasion is...

General gut.

- Ahh, that feels good.

- Well, there's a whole river
out there.

- Augh.
Hey, what's the big idea?

- This isn't a spa.

Now, go.

Something big is about
to happen.

- I'm going to the netherworld
to take care of business.

You stand guard and wait.

Don't let anyone follow me.

This crack is the spot,

A gap to master xandred.


- Argh.

- Who are you?

- A mechanical trespasser.

- I'm professor cog.

My master humbling requests
your assistance.

- I want to destroy the humans
in our dimension.

- What sort of help do you want?

- Hmm,
it's nothing, really.

We just want to level off
your water.

Give it to me.

- Ooh-ahh-ooh.
Show some respect, would you?

- You'll get my respect.

When I get your sanzu water,

I will poison my humans
with your evil water

And be done with them forever.

- Ha-ha.
- Intriguing.

- Here's my offer.

You have an army waiting
for your signal

To launch an invasion
that will bring

A major human city to its knees.

I can help you
with that invasion

If you just give me some of
your beautiful water.

You have so much to share.


- Ooh-ahh-ooh.

We've already got a huge army.

Tell us why we need
a hunk of metal junk like you.

- Because I can succeed
where you have failed

Over and over again.

- And how is that?

- While you're busy
attacking the city,

I will do away
with the samurai rangers.

[Thunder booming]

You scratch my back,
and I scratch yours.

- Huuuh.

- So, master,
can I have some water?

- Kev,
we beat the nighlok.

This is a celebration.

- I am celebrating, mike.

- Why didn't you get ice cream
like the rest of us?

- Mike,
stop picking on him.

- But he's eating veggies.

- I've been feeling
a little sluggish lately, mike,

So it's back to
a strict samurai diet.

- But wouldn't you rather have
mint chip?

- No.

[Car alarm blaring]

- Up there.

- Let's go.

[Electronic buzzing noise]

- Nighlok with lasers?

- Those punks aren't nighlok.

- They're machines.

That explains the sound.

- Either way,
we need to stop them.


Go, go, samurai.

- Let's see just how tough
these robots are.


- These things are tougher
than moogers.

- That just means we'll have to
kick it up a notch.

They're all wearing armor.

- Yah!

They aren't wearing armor.

They are armor.


Hands off.


- No matter how many hits
I land,

These things won't go down.


- Remember,
never give up.



- Why, hello, there.

- Another ranger?

- A what?

- Huh?
- What?

- Jayden?

- Hey, they're made of metal,
so your swords won't cut it,

But watch this.

Nitro blaster.


- That dude's got
some sweet hardware, man.

Whoa. Hah.

- Another samurai ranger?

- He's not a samurai.

- Guys, stay focused.

We've got to beat these creeps.

- Right.


- You don't need to thank me.

- Thank you?


- Move.


- Hey, hotshot,
you almost took my head off.

- You guys really need
to update your weapons.

- Dude,
we can handle this.

- Heads up.

Ladies, watch this.

- What?




Time to get in gear.

- Look out.


Now, that's how it's done
in this century.

- Who are you?

- Well, I'm a power ranger,
just like you.

But where I come from,
they call me ranger red.


Oh, you're mad, 'cause I
took out those grinders for you.

Well, they're robots
from my dimension.

I wasn't sure if your old-school
swords could handle it.

You can call me scott.

Pleased to meet you.

- I'm not sure we'll have met

Until I can look you
in the eyes.

- Ahh, not right now.

I have my reasons.

- Jayden,
a lot's been going on today.

I don't think we should
just trust him.

- Ranger red,

You say you come
from another dimension,

So how did you get here?

- Uhh--
- enough, already.

He's obviously a friend.

He can tell us everything
when we get home.

- Yeah,
I'll cook something for you.

- What?

[Gate rattling]

- Who's this?

- I'll get dinner started.

- Oh, I thought you samurai
just rode horses.

That is more like it.

- [Laughs]

- Who's that new friend?

- That's what we're gonna go
find out.

- [Laughs]
come on.

I'll come show you
around the house.

- Here you go.

- What in the world?


You guys really do live
a spartan life, don't you?

There's no tv,
no video games...


Ahh, yeah, right.


You guys really are all about
being old-school.

- Old-school?

Are you aware at all
that you were this close

To cutting off my head?

- All right, scott,
cut to the chase.

Educate us.

- Yeah, why don't you demorph,
make yourself at home,

And tell us about yourself?

- Okay,
I'm here to hunt down a robot.

His name is professor cog.

He's looking for a way
to wipe out the last people left

In my dimension,
but to answer your question,

I can't demorph,

'Cause I don't know
if I can breathe the air here.

In my dimension, we've been
forced to live in a domed city,

Just to avoid
the toxic atmosphere

The robots have created.

Ahh, it's been a long day,
so I'd appreciate some privacy.

Is there somewhere I can go?

- Uh, yeah, sure.

There's a spare room
down the hall.

- Thanks.

- Wow,
I feel so bad for him.

- I still don't trust him,

And I don't like the way
he looks at you.

- He's wearing a helmet.

How could you tell?

- [Scoffs]
I could just tell.

- The rangers
are a slippery bunch,

So I've called in someone
to help you.

- Sergeant tread
reporting for duty.

How may I assist you, sir?

- Sergeant tread,
I want you to help this...robot.

- At your service.

- Impressive.

Master xandred,
this is most appreciated.

With three of us, the rangers
will be finally vanquished.

- Huuuh.

- My robots are even
targeting one as we speak.

- Huh!
Gold power.

You guys aren't from
around here, are you?

these motormouths are tough.

- Hey, scott.

Come and eat.

- Yeah, have some.

- Mike, be nice.

- I guess he'd rather starve.

That is genius, though.

From now on, when mia cooks,
I'm wearing my helmet.

[Alarm blaring]

- My meal.

- There's no nighlok detected,

But there's a disturbance
at the waterfront.

[Engine revving]

- He took my bike.

- And stay down, buddy.

[Tires screeching]

- Ugh.

More grinders.
I should have known.

Street saber.

Go time.

That's right, gearheads,
ranger red tracked you down,

And I'm here to send you
to the scrap heap.

- Jayden,
is that a new helmet?

That wasn't jayden,
was it?

- Whu-oh.

So you want to fight that way.

Had enough?

Guess not.

I'm done with you.

Now, that's how I roll.

- What do we have here?

You again.

I thought I finished you,
ranger red.

I told you I'd track you down.


Whatever you and master xandred
are up to,

It's not gonna work.

- We'll end this world
and then go destroy yours.

- You'll never make it
back there.

- Whoa.

[All grunting]

- Antonio.

- Hey, guys, check it out.

- Sorry we're late.
- Who is this guy?

What's going on?

- Fight now, talk later.

- Right, got it.

- So you're working
with the nighlok?

- Yes.
We have a deal.

It involves you.

And after you're destroyed,

The human population
of this world

Will be squashed like grapes.

Ask ranger red.

- Aw, shut up, motormouth.

- Electroturbines.


- You're mine, cog.

- And these are for you:

- Ahhhh!

- Wait.

What are hypnobolts?
How do you feel?

- Like fighting.

- Ranger red, you never seem
to know when you're beat.


- It's simple.
I'm not beat.

That's what you tin cans
don't get.

I'm a power ranger.

I'll never give up.

- A true ranger.

- Hahhh!

- Ahhhh!

- You're a pest,
ranger red.

I'm made a deal to get rid
of the samurai rangers.

Sending you away is a bonus.

- A vortex.

- That will send us back
to my dimension.

- You can't escape
vector vortex.

- Look out.

They're shielding us.

- Ahhh, jayden!

- We got this.

- It's up to you...
- To school the professor.

- Now, go.

- Oh, man, what a team.

- Heh, that takes care
of five of them,

And my hypnobolts could work
their magic on the red rangers.

Sergeant tread...

- Aww,
did I miss the party?

- Not all of it.

The effects of my hypnobolts
will soon kick in,

And the red rangers
will take each other out.

- Against their will?

- Exactly.

- Man, scott, let me help.

- I don't need your help.

I'm fine.

Your team,
they sacrificed themselves.

- Yes.

They protect me,
because they think I'm the key

To stopping master xandred.

- [Laughs]

Wow, you are pretty full
of yourself, aren't you?

- No,
it's not like that.

And before you make judgments,
take a look at yourself.

Do you think professor cog
sent my team to your world?

- That's a safe bet,
but if they're there,

Then my team will help them.

- Hmm.

General gut, the invasion forces
are ready, correct?

- Why, of course, master.

- Now that professor cog has
teleported the samurai rangers,

This should be easy.

- My army will not yield
until the city is in ruins.

- Faster,
before we all rust.

Put some elbow grease into it.

I want that evil water flowing
to our dimension.

The sooner we fill the t*nk,

The sooner we can poison
the humans' water.

- Jayden,
where's the rest of the team?

- Sucked through a vortex

Probably to where this guy
came from.

- Yeah, well, it's their fault.

They got in the way.

- No, they saved us.

- General gut
wants a status report

On the red rangers.

- The toxins in my hypnobolts

Will turn them against
one another.

- Ahhhh!

- Soon they'll be tearing
each other apart.


- Unbelievable.

- If I didn't know any better,

I'd think the map
was malfunctioning.

- So many of them.

- A major nighlok force
has gathered.

This doesn't look good.

- We've got it.

- It's a piece of cake.

Oh, piece of cake for me.

For him...uh, not so sure.

- See you later, buddy.


Symbol power: horse.

- Uh...

[Horse whinnying]

- Hah!

- Wait.


Oh, of course.

[Engine revving]

- Not again.

- Hee-yah! Hee-yah!

- How did he get that far ahead?

Let me slow down for you.

- Anyone ever tell you
that you're annoying?

- Hey, don't hate me
because I speak the truth.

By the time you get there,
the battle will be over.

- You think you're so fast?

Let's see who gets there first.

- Ha, a race?

You've got to be kidding me.

- Hee-yah!

[Engine revving]

- See you later, old-school.

- This way.

- Huh?

He's taking a shortcut.

So long.

- Hee-yah!

- Wait, of course.

[Horse whinnying]

- Ha-ha, too slow.

Where is he?

I don't see him.

Oh, I guess I'm home free.


Oh, come on.

- Try to keep up.

- Enough horseplay.

Time to eat my dust.

He got here first?

Oh, I can't stand this guy.

This is my battle.

Why don't you go feed
your horse?

I said, move along.

This is my fight.

That means mine alone.

Just go back to your dojo
with that sword.

It's useless, and so are you.

- Yes, this is better
than I expected.

- Now we even get to watch.

The poison I hit them with
has made them into real enemies.

- Well,
what are they waiting for?

- Destroy each other.

- I don't want to hurt you.

Now who's the fast one?

You're finished.


- Oh, professor, your hypnobolts
worked perfectly.

- Yes,
humans are so easy to fool.

- Time to finish this.

- Not so fast.

- Mission accomplished.

- Yes, victory.

- [Laughs]

Not a scratch.

- You could have turned
that laser down a notch,

But the shield you gave me
worked great.

- Yeah,
so did your symbol power.

Good job.

The old mentor's plan
worked perfectly.


- Thanks.

- Nice to see you again,
professor cog.

Oh, and thanks for teaching
the fake-out trick to me.

- What?

- No.

- Yeah, good try
with your mind-control bolts.

My mentor noticed
we were acting weird...

Don't touch me.

And he figured out a way
to reverse your poison.

- Ahh.

- Once our heads were clear,

We knew we had to team up
and turn the tables on you.

You made the mistake
of underestimating us.

We're humans.

You can't reprogram our motors
that easily.

- But thanks for letting us ride
right onto your doorstep.

- That's the last time you make
a fool out of me.

- Sergeant tread,

- Get them!

- Time to take out the rest
of these creeps.

Okay, rangers,
let's see if you've got a trick

Up those red sleeves
that will get you out of this.

- Ah, now I know why they say
don't play in traffic.


- Symbol power: red pony.

- Yes, now,
this is what I call horsepower.

Time to get in gear.

Ha, sweet.

You can't outrun us.





One, two, three...

Weren't there...



- I have you now.

- Hop in.

Destroy it.

- Okay.

- I'll straighten out.

- All right.

Time to pop your tires.


- I'll finish him.
- Rangers...

It's your turn.

- Scott, one use only,
from mentor.

- Thanks.

You know, for an old guy,

Mentor's got
some pretty cool moves.

Shark attack mode.

- Super mode.

- This is sweet.

Let get him.

- Electroturbines.

Both: ahhh!

- Ahhhhh!

- Professor.

- Jayden,
do you hear that?

- Good timing, guys.

- So you missed us?

- Like you wouldn't believe.

- Ha-ha.

- Took us a while
to reverse the vortex.

- Scott,
your team says hi.

- Arrgh!

- Time to finish
what we started.

- Right.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

- It's time to rage
against the machine.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

- Told you I'd never give up.

- Great job.

- Remind me to thank mentor.

- You got it.

Now it's time for us to fight
the real battle.

Get ready, rangers.

A lot of moogers.
Now it's time for us to fight
the real battle.

- The legendary power rangers.


Seven of them have no chance
against my legions.


- Time to call in the cavalry.

Symbol power: w*r horses.


- Let's go.
- Right.

- Red ranger, ready.

- Blue ranger, ready.

- Pink ranger, ready.

- Green ranger, ready.

- Yellow ranger, ready.

All: ranger together.
Samurai forever.

- Archers.

- Ahhhh!

- Hit 'em!

- Hydro bow.

- What?

Nice try,
but this isn't my first rodeo.

- Forest spear.


- What do we have here?


Go get general gut
and leave this to us.

- You got it.

- Oh, yeah.

- Hold on.

- Whooooa.


- I'm here for you, general.

[Engine grinding]

- Aww, come one.

- I guess calling the motor club
is out of the question.

- Ugh.

I guess we'll just have to give
these moogers a tune-up too.

- Red ranger,
the invasion can't be stopped.

Why don't you surrender now.

- You don't know me very well,


- Your little sword
will never pierce my arm..

- You want a bigger sword?


- I'm glad you decided
to face me one-on-one.

The great leader
of the samurai rangers

Shouldn't fall to just anyone.

It's only fitting that you
shall fall to me,

A truly great leader.

No last words?

I'm disappointed.

- Say good-bye, red ranger.

- Jayden!

- We're coming.

- We have to help him.

- Get lost.

- You're no great leader,
general gut.

- Huh?

- You're just another nighlok
with delusions of grandeur.

- Huh?

- Shark mode.

General gut,
I'd like to introduce you

To a friend of mine.

Meet the shark sword.

- Argh, I don't care if you have
some fancy sword.

- You really should.

- Wow. Nice.

- No.
I won't see it end this way.

- Then you should close
your eyes.

[All grunting]

Team, it's not over.

- I'm not just a great leader.

I'm the biggest ever.

- Let's do this.

All: megamode power.

Air strike combination.

Battle wing megazord.

Armed for battle.

Spin sword.

Flying slash.

- What?

- Something's not right.

That was too easy.

- I'm back.

- Huh?
I knew it.

Brace yourselves.

- We lost three zords.

- Tell me I'm not great now.

- Hurry up, scott.

The team needs us.

- Take that.

- Jayden,
this monster is just too strong.

- No,
there has to be a way.

- The shark sword.

- Right.

- I bet this shark can take
a bite out of that snake.

All right, shark sword,
let's see what you can do.

Ready, guys?

Spin sword and shark sword

[All shouting indistinctly]

- Attack.

- Destroy it.



My super serpent
was indestructible.

- Indestructible, huh?

now we're about to destroy you.

All: samurai a*tillery.

Samurai shark megazord
armed for battle.

- I'm not scared of you.

Do your worst.

- Let's show him
what a team can do.

All: sharkzord slash.

- Augh!


- Arrrgh!

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Fantastico.

They've got him.

That's great.

- Now, check in the trunk
for a torque wrench.

That is, if you don't want us
to have to walk home.

- [Coughing]

- Imbeciles!

- Ohh-ahh-ooh,
not octoroo.

- For once, no.

I'm talking about everyone else.


- Another headache?

- Feels more like a migraine.

- Drink your medicine.


That didn't help.

- Oh, master.

- Argh, it's those rangers.

- General gut
had so many moogers,

I thought we'd win this time.

The rangers ruin everything.

If only professor cog
had handled them.

- Professor cog.

Don't even mention him
or his robotic lackeys.

The only thing more useless
than the nighlok buffoons

I sent to fight the rangers
are those junkyard rejects.

- Have some more medicine.

- Arrgh.

- Okay, well, it's time for me
to take the fight against evil

Back to my own world.

- Thank you for helping us
save the city.

- [Laughs]
no, thank you.

Look, if professor cog
had succeeded,

My world would have been
in big trouble.

You guys are pretty good.

[Laughs] even if you are
tragically old-school.


[Bell chimes]

Well, it's time to go.

- Hey...
- Say hi to your team for us.

- I wish you could do more,
so I could say good-bye...


- Yeah, me too.

But hey,
good luck with emily.

- What?
- [Laughs]

I do have eyes under here,
you know.

I see the way she looks at you.

- So what did he say?

- Oh, nothing.

He just opened my eyes.

- Come on.

Let's go home.

I'll cook dinner.
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