18x23 - (Christmas Special) Christmas Together, Friends Forever

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x23 - (Christmas Special) Christmas Together, Friends Forever

Post by bunniefuu »

[Both shivering]

[jingle bells playing]

- Ah, ah, ah!

- Oh!

Isn't she beautiful,
uncle bulk?

- She sure is, spikey.

- Let's buy it.

[Both grunting]

- Ah, let's see.

Maybe someday we can save up
enough money to get one.

- [Groans]

- But until then,
how about some hot chocolate?

It's getting mighty chilly.

- [Squeals]

- Ho, ho, ho.

Now, that's what I call
a christmas tree.

- Mentor.

- Awesome find, mentor.

- Yeah,
it's the biggest one they had.

- Oh, it's looking
a lot more like christmas.

Let's decorate.
Do we have pink tinsel?

- Whoa.
Let's get it up, first.

[Lively rock music]

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Go, go, power rangers

♪ Rangers together

♪ Samurai forever

- Hey, em, mentor got a tree.

Come check it out.

- I will in a little bit.

I'm going to write my sister
a christmas letter first.

- [Laughs]
all right.

[Tinkling festive music]

- "Dear serena,
this year has been

"The most exciting of my life.

"Ever since I received
the message arrow,

"It's been
a nonstop journey of discovery.

"It's hard to believe how much
my life has changed

"Since that day.

I have met the best friends
anyone could possibly have."

Are you the red ranger?

- No, I'm the blue.

- Oh.
- You guys must be my peeps.

- You're the red ranger?

- No, I'm mighty green.

[Horse whinnies]

- Whoa.

- With an entrance like that,
you have to be the red ranger.

- "Mike is so excited
for christmas.

"I think he might burst.

"He's such a kid at heart.

"We've become really close.

I tried to help him
when he hurt his back."

Here you go.

- Frozen peas?

- It's like an ice pack.

I was accident-prone as a kid,

And it always
healed me right up.

Let me.
- No, thanks.

- You really should.


[Both grunts]

Come on,
it'll make you feel better.


They're everywhere.

I'm such a disaster.

- No, you're not.

- I'm so sorry.

- I'm always messing things up.

I'm sorry.
I'll clean it up.


Not again.

"He's always looking
for the fun in life,

"And he introduced me

To my first ride
on a rollercoaster."

[All screaming]

"He's such a funny guy."

- Par-tay.

- "He loves dancing
and always wants to have fun.

"But when he first became
a power ranger,

"He had a harder time
adjusting than anyone.

"Being a samurai
isn't all fun and games.

"Improving our skills
takes hard work

"And isn't always fun.

But we need to do it
to ready ourselves for battle."

- Ah!
- Are you okay?

- Of course.

- Get into your opponent's head.

Use your instincts
to sense their next move

And feel their attack coming.

- Wow, kevin, that's amazing.

- Mike,
always keep your guard up.

- Mike, you must practice more.

- Okay, I get it.

How about a lunch break?

- "He was a bit of a rebel."

- Mike, being a samurai
is the ultimate sacrifice.

You really need to focus
and be more dedicated.

- I'll show jayden
I can do this.

I'll show everyone
I can do this.

I have to figure out
how to sense a nighlok's attack

Before it comes.

Then I can outsmart him.


- "It took him a while,
but he worked hard.

Mike really had
something to prove."

- Hey, you looking for me?

- "And when the time came,
he really proved

He had what it takes."

- Mike, you're back.

- Look out.

I'm going to take
this nighlok alone.

- You can't.

- I'm going to try.
It's payback time.


Go, go, samurai.

[Lasers zapping]

- "He really rose
to the occasion that day."

- There is more
to being a power ranger...

"But it wasn't just mike
who had a lot to learn."

- You must also learn to use
your inherited samurai symbols.


[Water splashes]

Earth symbol.

- Ow!

- Oh, sorry.
Are you okay?

- Yeah.

- [Laughs]

Ah, the symbol for wind.

[Wind whooshing]

- "Mia was so good
at everything she did.

"I'm so lucky.

I'm really glad
she took me under her wing."

- Come on.

- Mia, what's up?
I'm fine now.

- I know, but you're about
to get even better.

- "Mia and i,
being the only girls,

Have really bonded."

What is all this?

- All: surprise!

- Happy birthday!

- "There was one time
when we had to throw

"An elaborate fake wedding
to trick the nighlok.

"Mia played the part
of a beautiful bride perfectly.

"She always dreamed
of being in a wedding,

"But not like this.

She was so good that even
the guys got emotional."

- Through marriage,
we make a commitment together...

- Dudes, check out mentor
with the waterworks.

- [Sniffling]

It's just allergies.

- "I really look up to her."

- Hey, em,
do you have any tape left?

- Yeah, sure.

- Thank you.

- "She's definitely
my best friend now."

- Hmm, hmm.

I've got all these
spare parts laying around.

Let's see
if a little elbow grease

Can't bring my old bike
back to life for spike.


[Lively music]


Sorry, spike.

- Oh, man.

- "I'm so glad
that jayden has learned

To let go and have fun."

- You know you want to.

- "I remember when
we went to the amusement park.

"At first,
he didn't come along.

But then he showed up,
and we had such a good time."

- This really isn't allowed
with my training diet.

- That's true.
But it's okay.

Cotton candy
or a day off from training

Can be good for you.

Ji reminded me

That keeping balance in life
is important.

It lets us be at our best.

- "The reason he didn't come
along with us at first

"Was because
he couldn't help himself

"From working
towards perfection.

"For jayden,
training never stopped.

But he went too far."

- [Grunting]

- Jayden, are you okay?

- "Jayden needed
to find a balance

"Between life and training.

"But mentor was there
to watch over him.

"But jayden's most loyal
follower and admirer is kevin.

"He respects
the samurai life so much,

And he wants to be
just like jayden."

- I've got some special moves
I want to practice.

- "They're both
incredibly skilled,

"And they practice together

And have learned
to trust each other completely."

"When jayden chose him
to be the one

"To get the swordfish disk,

"Kevin was so determined,

He would've gone
to any length to get it."

- I can do this.



- "He brought it back.

"And the new power
really did mean

"That the sky was the limit
to what he could do.

"Kevin is the perfect teammate
for jayden.

"He inspires all of us
with his commitment

"To the ways of the samurai.

"Just like jayden,

He never stops working
to get better,

To be the best."

- [Grunting]

- "Kevin's always the last
to bed and first to rise.

Even in his sleep,
he thinks new ideas."

- We should combine
a samurai battlewing

With the megazord.

- Is that possible?

- I think so.

- Kev, your sketchbook.

- Here.
- [Laughs]

I guess what you were doing was
better than playing video games.

- "You can always
count on kevin."

- Okay, kevin, why don't you
take the lead on this?

- Hey, mia,
did you find that tape?

Because we have
a lot of presents to wrap.

- Here.

I'm just going to check
on my cookies

In the oven real quick.

- [Sarcastically]
oh, mia's cookies.

Can't wait.

- Remember when she
almost burned down the kitchen

Cooking that chicken?

- What does she think
she's doing?

- Making a home cooked dinner
to take to kevin.

He's staking out
that baseball kid's house

In case that nighlok returns.

- But ji does the cooking.

- Kevin's feeling sad.

So mia wants to cheer him up
with something

A little less fancy, you know?

- Like burnt chicken?

- [Grunting]

- I brought you dinner.
Eat it while it's still hot.

- You cooked this just for me?

[Chuckles nervously]

Mia was so sweet,

But that burnt chicken
was so sour.

I just didn't have the heart
to tell her how bad it tasted.

[Lively music]

- All right,
eggnog for everyone.

Let's go.

- "Oh, and I forgot to tell you.

"We have a sixth samurai ranger.

"Antonio and jayden
were best friends as kids.

"Jayden gave antonio
the octozord,

And the two of them
had lots of fun together."

- Remember,
we'll always be friends,

No matter how far away
we are from each other.

- "But jayden
lost touch with him

"When antonio's parents
moved out of town.

"And then one day,
antonio made it

All the way back to his friend."

- Finally, I have arrived.

- "But our new
samurai ranger is...


Kind of a goofball."

- Jayden, please.

Allow me to join
you and your team

In the fight
against the nighlok.

[Fabric rips]

- Oh, that's not good.
- [Laughs]

- Now, let's do this.

Samurai morpher.

Gold power.

- "But when it comes time
for battle,

It's great to have him
on our side."

- Gold is good to go.

Barracuda blade.

- "Antonio is a great fighter.

His att*cks
are lightning fast."

- [Grunting]

- As you can see,
the barracuda blade

Has quite a bonita bite.

- "He loves to fish

And always makes sure
we are all well fed."

- Hey, guys.
Dinner is served.

- "The house is
so festive right now.

"Everyone is wrapping presents
and decorating

"For the big day tomorrow:

I can't wait."


"Ah, kevin.

"Still can't wrap a present
without making

"An exact science out of it.

"It's been such a great year.

"We've all had the best time
being together,

"Even when we're worried

"That we're putting
each other at risk

In the battle
against the nighlok."

Uh, this a bad time?

- Oh, uh, no.
What's up?

- Well, first, we wanted
to make sure you're okay

After all
that you've been through.

- And we're going to chow down
on some pizza

And figure out a new strategy
for these more powerful nighlok.

- Want to join us?

- Thanks, guys.
I'm doing fine.

Look, why don't you
go ahead without me?

- Oh.
Are you sure?

- Yeah.

- Okay, no problem.
Your choice.

- My choice?

- "Sometimes we just needed
a moment to recognize

That an individual
wasn't as strong as a team."

- You guys...

I changed my mind.

I will join you.

- Great.
- Yeah.

- Cool, come on.

- Hey, it's good
to have you back.

- Thanks.

- [Sighs]
the sweet smell of success.

- "And we learned what it means
to truly never give up."

[Girls shrieking]

- So how does it feel to see
all that training pay off?

- It feels great.
But it wasn't just my training.

You know, all the practice

And dedication in the world
doesn't mean much

Unless you truly believe
in yourself too.

- Hey, next time
we have a day off,

We should come back and spend
the whole day at the beach.

- Only if you promise
to bring some sunscreen.

Man, I got fried out here.

- "Wow, it's gotten
so cold since summer.

I wonder if it's going to be
a white christmas."

- Uncle bulk, do you think
it will snow tonight?

- I don't know.
It sure is cold enough.

- I wish it would snow.

Who needs money, anyway?

Training to be a samurai is
the most fun I've ever had.

- We sure had some good times
together, didn't we?

- [Cackling]

- Samurai wannabes.

- And some not-so-good times.

You're wearing underwear,

- Yep.

uncle bulk--

- What is it?
- I'm stuck.


- [Grunting]


- [Screaming]

- Spike, stop.

- But it's the samurai ranger!

- Spike.
- What?



- I said, "stop."

You really got to watch
where you're going.


[Birds chirping]



But we still had fun.

Remember when--

- [Snoring]

- Ah--ah--

- "I've saved my favorite memory
for last.

"When we all first morphed
into power rangers,

"I felt that we had been given
the greatest gift of all:

A chance to save the world
from evil."

- Merry christmas, everyone.

- "And although this was meant
to be your journey,

"I hope I've made you proud.

"Well, it's getting late,
and I better end this letter.

"I miss you
and the rest of the family.

"But I'm also happy
to spend christmas here

"With my extended family
at the shiba house.

Have a wonderful christmas.
Love, emily."

[Peaceful music]

[Chimes tinkling]

[Exciting music]

- [Gasps]


It's christmas!

Wake up, everyone!

Santa came!


It snowed!
It snowed!


[All laughing]

- Merry christmas, everyone!

All: merry christmas!

- [Gasps]

- [Sniffs]


[Both laughing gleefully]

[Glass squeaking]

Both: snow!

- It's a real white christmas!

- Uncle bulk!

- Present time!

[All cheering]

And for you, jayden.

- Thank you.

- Mia.
- Thank you.

- And of course, kevin.

- Yes!


I wonder what it is.

- Whoa.

Thank you, ji.

- Oh!
A new apron!

- Ha!

- Emily.

- Thanks.
Merry christmas.

So cute.
Oh, my gosh.

It's a scarf!
I told you!

- Oh, you're the best!


- Jayden.

- Thank you.

- Ah!


Oh, yeah,
I got you something too!

- Spikey!



- Whoa!
This is awesome.

- And here's another present
for mia.

- Thank you.

I love it!

- There's some good recipes
in there.

You should read it.


- For kevin.

- Perfect!

This is just what I needed!

My old one's slow
by three seconds.


- Did santa forget me?

- Now, wait.

I think there's an envelope
under the tree.

- An envelope?

That--that's it?

Go to the front door.

No way!


Thanks, guys, so much!

- Here.
Go for it.

- Have fun!

- All right!


- He is happy!

- Catch you later!

[Motor revving]

- Oh, it's so beautiful outside.



Hey, let's go make a snowman!

- Snowman?






- Thank you.
- Thank you.

All: merry christmas.

[Door rattles]

- Mike?

I didn't hear your bike outside.

Did you run out of gas?

- No, I gave it away.

All: what?
- Why?

- I saw these guys at the park
who had nothing at all.

And it made me think
of everything I have here

With all of you.

I wanted them to have
something special,

So I gave it to them.

- Mike, you're somethin' else.

- You got some real
christmas spirit.


All: merry christmas!

[Bells jingling]

- Ho-ho-ho!
Merry christmas!

- Hey, hey, wait up, santa!
What are you doing?

[Both screaming]

Both: merry christmas to all!
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