13x02 - Beginnings pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x02 - Beginnings pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »


( Growling )


- Why are you stopping?
- They were outnumbered back there.

They were trying to arrest us.
Besides, it's not our fight.

- Mind if I ask a question?
- One of the drawn-out questions

that isn't a question
but leaves us asking questions?

I ask long drawn-out questions...?

OK. Wouldn't now
be a good time to morph?


- Ready?
- Ready!

ALL: S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Blue!

S.P.D. Pink!

S.P.D. Green.

Looking good, Bridgey. You're green.

- Hey, cool.
- And I'm Pink, my favourite colour.

Blue! I'm Blue?
I'm supposed to be the Red Ranger.

Give us what we're looking for!

If it's a fight you want, you got it!

Get them!


SKY: They're robots.

All right!

Oh, yeah!

- Yeah! The power's amazing!
- Totally!

I will show you power!

( All Screaming )

- Huh?
- Huh?

JACK: Back off!

- Good job!
- Yeah.

Save it.
We've still got work to do.

Time to turn it up!
Deltamax Striker!

- ALL: Deltamax Striker!
- SKY: Ready.

- Ready!
- Fire!

ALL: All right!

( Growling ) What we want is not here.

OK, guys, power down.

( Sighing ) Hmm.

- Thanks for the help!
- No problem.

There is one problem.
You're under arrest.

- But they helped us.
- They are criminals.

Cadet Tate, stand down!

- You had to go back and help.
- CRUGER: Open.

Welcome. You are at
Space Patrol Delta headquarters,

the most advanced centre of its kind.

- You're cops?
- No. Space Patrol Delta.

We handle crime and criminals that
have a negative impact on this planet.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't realise feeding a hungry person
was a threat to the planet.

Hear me out.
This Academy trains cadets

to be the most elite
crim fighting force known to man.

The Power Rangers.

We defend the Earth
against the darkest evils in the galaxy.

Hey, write this down. It'll make
a great science fiction movie.

The world has changed,
and in the upcoming months,

it will change as no one can imagine.

I see potential in you.

You can serve your time in prison,

or you can become
part of something bigger,

something that makes a difference.

- Can we think about this?
- Of course. Hmm.

Time's up. Your decision.

( All Grunting )


- Elizabeth Delgado has chosen...
- Hey, remember me?

- You can call me Z.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Miss Delgado has chosen to join S.P.D.

I've assigned her to B Squad.

Sir, she is a criminal.

Duly noted.

SKY: Sir, we've been here for years,
and you put her with us?

Cadets, you may be wise to remember
that she was a worthy opponent

despite your prior training
and greater number.

She is your new team member.

I expect you to treat her as such.

So, what do you guys do for fun?

Bring in thieves.

I will not tolerate failure.

I sent you to Earth
to get the Proton Accelerator.

You returned with nothing.

Therefore, you shall be nothing.

I need another.

What are my orders, master?
I am ready.

Come on, come on.

- ( Goat Sounds )
- Got it!

Been a slice.

- ( Cat Screeching )
- Ah!

Z: Open.

Voice recognition system.
Pretty cool, huh?


Nice costume.
I see you waste no time in adapting.

It's not a costume, it's a uniform.
Stop being so stubborn, Jack.

There's still time
for you to be part of the team.

Ha, ha! Never.

You know, we were a team, Z.

I can't believe
you broke that up for nothing.

First of all, I didn't break it up.
We were arrested.

And second, it's not for nothing.

For the first time, I'm excited
about being part of something bigger!

- I'm happy for you. Really.
- ( Sighs )


I guess you can't talk
your way out of everything, Jack.

( Mocking Voice ) Guess you can't talk
your way out of everything.

( Growling )

( Feminine Voice ) Open.

CRUGER: Discipline, control, teamwork:

These are the elements
that make you a Power Ranger.

But these are things
the Academy cannot teach you.

These are things that
you must learn for yourself.

Any questions?

Uh... sir, seems there was a mistake.

I was given the Blue Ranger.

- I thought we...
- There was no mistake.

Let it go, Sky.

SKY: I know it would have made
a difference fighting those g*ons.

- Who you calling a goon?
- Not you, the other g*ons.

They were weird, huh? They had
these big, metal, soccer ball heads

that were going, like, bing, bing!

Krybots. Troobian robotic foot soldiers.

They do not feel pain or emotion.
They know no mercy.

They are programmed
to follow orders and to destroy.

There was a blue one with a big X head.

A Blue Head!

Gruumm's elite robotic guard.

This is more serious than I thought.

- Do you know what they were after?
- We had nothing of value.

We gave everything we stole...

- ...we acquired to the poor.
- They were after something.

( Woman Over PA ) A Squad Power
Rangers have engaged a robot

in the showtown sector.
Request B Squad Rangers.

Finally, some action!

Yes. Finally, some action.

If you count cleaning up robot parts.

You think being a Power Ranger is all
about roundhouse kicks and being a hero?

It's also about hard work,
doing what you're told.

Don't let Sky get to you.

He gets easier to live with after...

Actually, he doesn't
get easier to live with.

( Whirring )

Guys, check this out!

What's going on, Bridge?

Massive amounts
of post-energetic fields.

Troobian robotic foot soldiers,
lots of them.

BRIDGE: And not just that.

They were moving
in geometrical patterns similar to those

- used by intergalactic search parties.
- Cruger was right.

They're looking for something.
Z, think hard.

Anything you had
they might have wanted?

No. After the food and clothes,

all we had left was some piece
of junk some guy gave Jack.

Hey, you don't look like
you're doing too well, my friend.

( Rooster Crowing )

Whoa, a fire!

Open. Open. Open.

If I knew you could do that,
I would have been nicer to you.

( Monkey Howling )

OK, hold on.

- ( Pig Squealing )
- Good thinking.

( Elephant Trumpeting )

( Man Howling )

You OK?

( Gasping )

I was, uh...

just testing Kat's new fire suit.

It works pretty good.

I didn't even know I was smoking.


- The name's Boom.
- Jack.

- You must be the new Power Ranger.
- No, no.

I'm not a Power Ranger.
I turned down the position.

Excuse my bluntness,
but what are you, whacked?

I would give anything
to be a Power Ranger.

Me, I flunked out of the Academy...

...after only three days.

That was five years ago.

But, lucky for me,
the big blue dog saw my potential,

made me their chief gadget tester.

Sounds important.

The way I see it, we're all important.

We all make a differenre. Even R.I.C.

( Monkey Howling )

Well, here it is.

- See? It's junk.
- Maybe it's what they were after.

- We'll bring it to Cruger.
- Yeah. Good idea.

Let's bring it to Cruger.

Or we could not bring it to Cruger.
Just not right away. But, like, later.

After we check it out first,
give it a little once-over.

- That's against regulations.
- Not according to S.P.D. Handbook.

Rule -B:

Rangers on active field duty
have the authority

to investigate any possible leads
that may pertain to their investigation.


What? I'm a quick study.
Now who's with me?

Piggy! Get out here! It's Z!

- Yikes! S.P.D.!
- it's cool, Piggy, they're with me.

SYD: Is it all right if I wait
on the street where it's...?

- Safe?
- No, clean.

- Found some space junk, Piggy.
- Oh, space junk?

( Sniffing )


Worthless trash.
I'll throw it away for you.

Let's go. He's wasting our time.


Mmm. Half eaten bologna sandwich.

Must have been in the trash for weeks.

( Grunting ) Fine.

All that is is your run-of-the-mill
Proton Accelerator.

There's only one on Earth,
and that must be it.

Oh! It looks like he may want it too.

Hand it over or be destroyed!

- Ready?
- Ready!

ALL: S.P.D. Emergency!

Space Patrol Delta! Yeah!

Now this is the bright side.

( Growling )

- Ready?
- ALL: Yeah!

( Groaning )

Blue Ranger
requesting immediate backup!

CRUGER: Control places you blocks
from your assigned position.

Backup is not possible.
You are on your own.

Z's in trouble!


- He's tough.
- I'm just getting started.

So are we. Come on, guys.

- Ha!
- ALL: Whoa!

- S.P.D. Blue!
- S.P.D. Green!

- S.P.D. Yellow!
- S.P.D. Pink!

Rangers ready!

( Alarm Sounding )

- Space Patrol Delta!
- You're through!

- You're outnumbered!
- Not for long!

He wasn't kidding!

- Who dressed these freaks?
- Destroy them!

( Laughing )


( Grunting )

- Huh?
- Huh?

We've got campany!

Friend or foe?

- It's Jack!
- You guys need any help?

Just with him!

S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Red Ranger.

Let's get this party started!

- You're on!
- S.P.D. Red!

( Alarm Sounding )

You've got to be kidding me!
He's the Red Ranger?


Aw! These guys again? No problem.


I brought something to liven
this party up. Delta Blasters!


This rocks!

Not bad for a rookie.

Now he's just showing off!

Oh, you haven't seen anything yet!

- No way!
- ( Laughing )


Ahh! Ahh!

He's not following
Academy regulations.

JACK: Delta Blaster combo mode.

Fully charged! Fire!

( Screaming )

Oh, yeah!

- Where'd you get that?
- Came with the suit.

Here's where the real fun starts.

The party's not over yet, Rangers.

- ( Gasp )
- What's that?

ALL: Whoa!

( All Gasping )

Sir, Blue Ranger
requesting Squad Runners.

Looks like we're about
to battle a giant robot.

CRUGER: B Squad, I've sent A Squad.

Your orders are to stand down
and evacuate your position.

We're not gonna fight that thing?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

( Growling )

Look, it's A Squad in their Megazord!



GRUUMM: You are a wretched,

disgusting excuse for a creature.

You have always failed me in the past,

but this time you have done well.

You have brought me
the Proton Accelerator.

I did it for you, sir...

master... emperor.

( Whimpering )

( Gruumm Laughing )

I congratulate you for such noble
instincts and exceptional teamwork.

- Yes!
- But you disobeyed a direct order.

The Troobians got what they wanted

and now have unobstructed passage
into our galaxy.

Great battles lay ahead for all of us.

You may make fine Rangers one day,

but today is not that day. Dismissed.

I am pleased
with the new members on B Squad.

But this doesn't change the fact
that you committed crimes

and that will have serious consequences.

Excuse me? We have
giving people food and clothes.

- I don't see that as a crime.
- Look, we said we're sorry.

What else do you want from us?

- How many windows are there?
- I have no idea.

( Goat Sounds )

I think I liked it better
when I didn't know.

Let's each take half.

- Sounds good to me.
- Me too!

Race ya. Loser buys dinner.

Z, that is so not fair.

Got ya!

( Elephant Trumpeting )

Laugh while you can, Rangers.
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