13x04 - Walls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x04 - Walls

Post by bunniefuu »


Whoa! Whoa!


Whoa! Whoa!

All right, mental note,
walls are not always your friend.

Sory, Bridge. Nothing personal.

- [electronic whirring]
- [laughing]

- Nice one, Z.
- Thanks.

And to add insult to iniuy,
l broke a nail.


Come on, Sky, play with us?

Lightball? You're kidding.

D Level game.

- You used to love this game.
- No time for games anymore.

We have an enemy sitting out in space.

Gruumm's not playing games.
Neither am l.

[alarm sounding]


[maniacal laughter]

That should get their attention.

Ringbah, stop playing around

and get to work on the city.

What's the point of doing this
if you can't have any fun?

You're a member of my army.

Yourjob is to wreak havoc on the city.

We'll see how much fun you have
when l stu_ you in the air lock.

Understood. Ringbah out.

Rangers, suit up!

- Ready!
- [all] S.P.D. Emergency!

- Space Patrol Delta!
- [woman] Opening Zord Bay tubes.

- Woo-hoo!
- Yeah!


Lock 'em in, Rangers.

- Affirmative.
- You got it.

l'm ready.

OK. Let's go!

There it is.

l'm going in for a closer look.

- You're breaking protocol.
- Who asked you?

- We should form the Megazord now.
- Gimme a break.

You should wait to fight
until after the fight.

Fine, form the Megazord.

- Analyze perpetrator.
- [all] Analyzing.

- l think l found a weakness.
- You're mine!


We got him now. l'll take it from here.

What are you doing?

[laughs] Watch and learn.

Now it's my turn, losers.

- Hi. Whatcha doing?
- Battling the Rangers' Zord.

Sounds like fun.

Even more fun if your
energy levels weren't so down.

You're going to get vaporised
if you don't get back here.


Another time, Rangers.

We lost him!

[Sky] You should have listened to me.

We could have caught him
if we formed the Megazord right away.

- You don't know that.
- Actually, l believe l do.

Really? Maybe if you spent more time
with the team, you could enlighten us.

This, from a guy
who used to order us around

- like he was our boss.
- What? Hey, l was just...

That's enough.

Fight the enemy, not each other.


Now, the Commander and l
have decided to add to your arsenal.

[Bridge] All right! Check it out!

Whoa! Whoa!

Looks like Christmas
came early this year.

Actually, l'm Jewish, but l suppose
you could say Chanukah came early.

- OK.
- This is so unfair.

- How come they get new bikes?
- Something wrong with your bike, Sky?

l have something to show you.

What is it, Commander?

Come in, S.P.D. Come in, S.P.D.

We've been overrun. It's a trap.
We're receiving heavy...

Our coordinates are five-point...

That was the last communication
with the A Squad.

And we were not able
to establish their location.

l fear that they
may have been... eliminated.

[Gruumm] You have failed me.

Prepare for implosion.

Please, have mercy.

Gruumm! Stop!

[Gruumm] What now?

Are you going to ty
and talk me out of this?

Of course not.

l like seeing someone shot into
space as much as the next person.

[Gruumm] Good.
Do you wanna push the button?

You betcha.

lt's not eveyday
you get to rid the galay

of a great bounty hunter.

l'm just saying, Ringbah failed

because his robot
ran out of energy, right?

What if we powered the robot
with the same Hilirian cystals

that power our ship?

lt's possible.

Hilirian cystals
don't exist in this galay.

l know where we can
get something just as good.

- Do not.
- Do too!

Prove it.

You really think these crates
are full of diamonds?

Ain't our business
if they're full of diamonds or dirt.

We're getting paid to put these boxes
into this van and not ask questions.

Even a question about some guys
standing over there in leotards?

Hey. Eveyone else is training
on the simulator, and you're here?

l was thinking about A Squad.
Anyways, l wasn't invited.

And l don't care.

Sure, you don't.

[alarm sounding]

Kybots reported tying to steal
diamonds from downtown warehouse.

Proc_ to coordinates
North Sector.

[Syd] Diamonds?

[siren sounding]


[robotic whirring]

They get new bikes. So not fair.

- Woo-hoo!
- Yeah!

Oh, man, Kybots!

Uh-oh. How are we gonna
get to the warehouse?

l say we bust up
this little roadblock!

- Jack, that was a good answer.
- Hit it!

[engine rewing]





That was close!

Whoa! Look out! Lasers!

All right!

Coming through!

Bye, now!


Save some fun for us!

Get to the warehouse.
We'll keep them occupied here.

Got it!

Hang on, Syd!




[both grunting]

Delta Blasters!

All clear. Thanks, Jack.

Gotta get through!

OK, my turn.

Look, no hands!

You want more?

Can't hide from me!

All right!


lt looks like some
kind of teleportation device.

[Syd] Turn it off!

Bridge is the mechanical genius.

- [muffled shouting]
- l'll check out the noise.

Know how to turn off that teleporter?

- [both] No.
- If l were you, l'd run.

How's it coming? Don't answer that.

There's got to be a way
to stop the timer.

Look out!

[all] Whoa!

That's one way.

- Nice, Jack. You zapped the teleporter.
- Not to mention saved the diamonds.

Excuse me, guys, but the diamonds
aren't safe yet. Look!


Take cover!


Wow! l had a dream like this
once, only l was a princess.

Can it, Syd,
before l lose my breaMast.

You guys could use some sun.

Let's shed a little light
on the situation.

l summon this stone!

We have a ground full of diamonds,
and we can't leave them here.

Someone guard them
while the rest of us report to Cruger.

- Me!
- Thanks for volunteering.

Me? l didn't volunteer.

OK, Sky. Then l order you to stay here.

PerFect. Watching the diamonds.

One man to guard all these diamonds?

All right, keep him company.

Yes! Thank you, thank you.

[Gruumm growling]

All you managed was
one diamond? Ahh!

At least it's a big one.

- l'll prep it for the conversion.
- No.

Use it to power Ringbah's machine
and send him into the city.

lt will create a diversion

that will get the Power Rangers
away from the warehouse.

l need more diamonds.

This is ridiculous.

l should be debriefing Cruger,

not babysitting
a bunch of reflective rocks.

Ty millions of dollars
worth of reflective rocks.

It's obvious Jack wants to keep me

as far away from the action as possible.

He knows
that l should have been the Red Ranger.

Come on, Sky.
Jack had nothing to do with that.

Whatever, Syd.

''Whatever, Syd.''

Knock it off.

Or what? Gonna call my parents?

Don't test me, or you'll be sory.

- Hey!
- [laughing]

lt took me looking like this
to get a smile out of you?

Vey funny.

No. It looks good on you.

lf you'd spend a little more time
with the team and not be such a loner...

Ow. [scoffs]

[Z] So, what would Gruumm want
with diamonds?

Engagement ring?

Not likely.

Diamonds, if properly converted,
can mimic Hilirian cystals.

So Gruumm's looking for energy.

[alarm sounds]

[Jack] Looks like he's found it.


Activating transformation Delta.

Right with ya.

Hope this works.

- You think OO carats is a bit much?
- [scoffs]

Me either.

Break for Jack. It's all clear
at the warehouse. Ready to join you.

[Jack] Wegative, Sky. We are engaged
in battle. Maintain position.

The Troobians are up to something.
Send Syd as backup.

- That's my cue. Later, gator.
- l'm coming with you.

- Disobeying an order?
- l'm not sitting on the sidelines.


- Nice shot, Jack
- l think that got him good!

Or maybe not.

Punch it!


- Yeah!
- Yeah!

That was uncalled-for!

- Your backup's arrived.
- Great.

Sky, l told you
to maintain your position!

- What about the diamonds?
- They'll be fine.

Look, l'm better suited for battle.

That's not the point!

You can't battle me
when you're battling yourselves.

- He's right about that.
- OK. Thanks. Now surrender.

Who's gonna make me?

One, S.P.D. Red.

Two, S.P.D. Blue.

Three, S.P.D. Green.

Four, S.P.D. Yellow.

Five, S.P.D. Pink.

Rangers, ready! Space Patrol Delta!

Oh, yeah?

Get them!

Delta Blasters!

Don't forget me.

Got him.

Time for you
to be judged for your crimes.

Judgment Mode!


l'm innocent. l was framed!

Guilty as charged.

Deltamax Blaster!

- We're taking you in!
- Never!

Wanna bet? Confine criminal!

Ah! Not fair!

That's how it's done.
Blue Ranger-style.

[laughing] Excellent.

This is going
to be easier than l thought.

Store the remaining gems
in the energy field.

Work, work, work.

Don't you ever just want to play?

Huh? No.

[maniacal laughing]

[Cruger] Your decision to disobey Jack

and leave your post
has net the enemy a great prize.

With the disappearance of the A Squad,

this was the worst possible time
for your selfishness.

- Yes, sir.
- We cannot win evey battle,

but when we allow our emotions
to control our actions,

we give the enemy an added advantage.



How'd it go?

Brutal. Two weeks on night watch.

- Mind if l come in?
- Suit yourself.

[sighs] Look, Sky,

the reason l left you at the warehouse

was because l was sure
those Kybots were coming back.

- And you're our strongest fighter.
- Yeah, right.

l'm serious.

l know you don't trust me yet.
And hey, hey, l don't blame you, OK?

l'm still learning to trust myself.

But l'm willing to work with you
if you're willing to work with me.

What do ya say?

Well, it's not working bumping heads.

All right.

Hey, we're gonna go play some Lightball.

l gotta...

Yeah. l'll not only play, l'll win.
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