13x08 - Sam pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x08 - Sam pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

- Jack, do something.
- l'm tying.

Oh, yeah!


[Syd] Are you mo OK?

Back off!

What's up?
He doesn't look so tough.

You don't think so? Check it out.

Time for a shock.

Don't bother getting up.


Let's go, Sam. We have things to do.

- Sam!
- Come back!


Where'd they go?

This is not good at all.



[Jack] Whoa!


Hold on, Z.


That's it!

Come on!


This guy won't give up.


- We need a new plan.
- l hear that.

S.P.D. Patrol Cycle.

Hold tight.


- That was iust crazy.
- We've gotta find Sam.

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.


l'm tired of playing with these dolls.

They're not fun any more.

- What do you wanna play with?
- Something more exciting.

Like an S.P.D. doll.

- An S.P.D. doll?
- Yeah.

You know that S.P.D. girl?
l bet you could lure her out.

Then Bugglesworth could make her
into a doll for us to play with.

# La-la-la #

- l don't know.
- Please.

l'll be your best friend.

[imitating woman] l'm slipping. l don't
know how much longer l can hold on.

[imitating man] l'm coming.

Hey, Bridge!

l can't believe these were people once.

Unless we figure something out,
we might all be living in a doll house.

l love doll houses.


And we're also dealing
with an Orange Head robot.

The toughest we've faced.
We almost didn't make it off that cliff.

l'm telling you, Sam's the key.

l don't know. He looked pre_
chummy with that bug-eyed freak.

l hate to say it, but Sky's right.

Bridge, you're good at this kind
of thing. What do you think?

l think that he's thinking
what we're thinking.

What we should've been thinking.
l mean, what we...

Never mind.

What's the point of having powers
if you can't help anybody?

Why are you taking it so personal, Z?


...Sam reminds me
of me when l was a kid.

Yeah. It was tough growing up different.

To this day, l still can't shake
this vivid memoy of when l was .


Elizabeth, please step up
to the blackboard.

[Z] It was hard enough
being from the streets.

But l was so shy.
The kids knew l was di_erent.

They were cruel. Called me all sorts
of names like ''freak'' and ''monster''.

[chanting] Monster. Monster.

l wasjust a little girl.

l couldn't take it any more so l did
the only thing l knew how to do.

l replicated and l got out of there.

l ran out of school. l ran and l ran
until l couldn't run any more.

Then l found myself alone,

and this scay-looking creature
coming towards me.

Then l heard an expl*si*n.

l opened my eyes
and the creature was running away.

And there was someone standing
in the shadows with a laser.

l broke my Z necklace.

l was too afraid
to go back and get it.

That is, like,
the scariest stoy l've ever heard.

Yeah. Well

if it wasn't for that man
in the shadows,

l don't know what
would've happened to me.

Did you ever find out who he was?

No. l never did.

The man in the shadows was a dog.

lt was me.

- [Z gasps]
- No way.

My necklace.

What? Why didn't you tell me?

ln light of our current situation,

it's time you all learned the truth
about your civilian powers.

Having these gifts is not the only thing
you all have in common.

The truth is...

...your parents all served
at S.P.D. before you were born.

No way.

My parents weren't S.P.D.
They were missionaries.

My mom's a teacher, not an officer.

We felt this information
should remain secret

until you were old enough
to fully understand.

Your parents were pioneers.

They created the technology
built into your morphers.

Led by Dr Manx.

You mean, Kat's parents worked here?

[laughs] My friends, Dr Manx
is not as young as she looks.

Come on, she's... . , tops.

of your years.

But l'll tell her you said that.
Back to my stoy.

All of your parents were dedicated
to the same cause as you.

There were certain unplanned events

that happened
in the early testing phases.

Kat, being an alien, was unaffected.

Not so fortunate were your parents.

The prolonged exposure
to the cellular enhancers

altered their human genes.

l always knew my mom was weird.

- Is this to do with Sam?
- He's the last one.

- No... way.
- l gotta help him.

He's not the only one
you have to help.

ln a few hours, all of those people
will be dolls for ever.

OK, let's split up.




- Samuel?
- Sam?

- Sam?
- Samuel?

Come on, Sam.
Where are you?


There you are!

What happened to your uniform?

l iust wanted to show you
that l'm a real person just like you.

Sam, l've been so worried about you.

Why? You don't even know me.

No, but l'd like to.

There's things l can share with you.

What do you mean?

Don't listen to her.
l'm your best friend, Sam.

- You're back?
- Hard to keep a g_ doll down.

You saw what she did to me.
Help me, Sam.

Hello again. [giggles]

lf you really believe
that the Troobians are your friends,

- then do what you have to.
- [Bugglesworth hums]

l won't stop you.

Mind if l put water on your knee?

- l'm Z. And you're...?
- Sam.

You know who's telling you
the truth, Sam.

- You really wanna be my friend?
- l already am.

l'm gonna puke. Bugglesworth!

- On it.
- Look out!

You can't run.

Stop, or l'll...


Got you.

- No!
- Hee-hee-hee-hee.

Yes, yes, yes.

Look, Gruumm.
My vey own S.P.D. doll.



A trophy befitting a king.

- [laughing]
- But that's my doll.

- Not any more.
- Gruumm!





l will not be made a fool of.

Prepare to attack.

Hey! Not so fast.

- But l thought you were...
- Dolled-up? No, that was just a double.

Remember? You're not
the only one with powers.

l'm sory. l...

Look, it's hard
being different from other kids.

l didn't have any friends growing up.


No, but as you get older,
you change. It's easier now.

l just wanna be like eveybody else.

l know. But we're
not like eveybody else.

We have abilities,
and with them comes responsibility.

You're right. From now on,
l'm only gonna help people.

Well, you can start by telling me
how to change those dolls back.

lt's Bugglesworth.
Catch him and they'll all change back.

Guys, l found Sam. We're coming in.

[Orange Head]
That's what you think.


Come on, Sam!

Rangers, l'm uploading
Delgado's location.

She's in trouble.

Where are your friends now, Ranger?

- Seize them!
- No!



Don't let her get away!

Don't wory about me. Go!

What can l do?
This time there is no escape.


Now just hold still.

What happened?

- It's over here.
- What?

That's the last doll
you'll ever make.

No, don't!

[sobbing] How could you?

l'll show you.

Run, Sam!

We fight again.

Come on, girls.

lt's over, Ranger.

Hey, Z.

You'll pay for that.

Need a little help?

Need help?

- Z?
- Yes. And just in time.

l have friends too.

[evil laugh]

- Ready.
- [all] Ready.

S.P.D. Emergency.

Space Patrol Delta.

Where are you going? Whoa!


En garde!

You want more?


This is a blast.

Hope you like fiey,
confined spaces.

See you later.


But how do you like this?


- l'm getting too old for this.
- That makes mo of us.

- Come on, guys.
- Guys, let's use our heads.

- Good thinking, Bridge.
- We're taking you down.

Give it your best shot.

OK, R.l.C., You're on.

Time for the bone.

- [all] Canine Cannon!
- [growls]

- Ready.
- [all] Fire!

[Rangers straining]


More power, guys.

[all] Yeah!

That did it. Whoa!

l'm back! [giggles]

l'll teach you to break my toys.

lt's Zord time.

Hury. The dolls will harden
for good in a couple of minutes.


Delta Squad Megazord.

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Powers Rangers to the rescue

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the rescue #

Don't you rain on my parade.

- Hold it right there.
- Sory.

My turn!

Full power. Now!



Let's iust see
what the scanner says about you.

No way!

Judgment time.

[Bugglesworth whimpers]
This can't be happening.

- [all] Guilty.
- Oh-oh.

, , , , , fire!


[all] You're going down.

Great job, Rangers.

[panicked] They got my robot
but they won't get me.

- Hah! Think again.
- You again!

You've been found guilty
of the crimes of stealing buildings,

turning people into dolls
and child endangerment.

- Oh, no!
- Containment mode.


Let me out!


My dolls!




Oh, they're hugging.

[woman] What is this place?

We're working.

No hugging, just w-working.

Vroom, vroom.

Guys, thanks for the bike.

You're welcome, Sam.
You got a lot of friends here.

Yeah, l guess l do.
But you guys are kinda old.

- [all] Old?
- And weird.

- [Syd] Huh?
- Just kidding.

l'll still
see you guys around, right?

You bet.

l'm gonna be like you.
l'm gonna be a Power Ranger.

Hey, Sam. Come on, let's go.

l gotta go.
My peeps are calling.


- Cool bike, dude.
- The Rangers gave it to me.

- l'm not old.
- No, not old, just weird.
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