13x10 - Stakeout

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x10 - Stakeout

Post by bunniefuu »

Open it!


Excellent. Finally
l'm free from this place.

Thank you, Emperor Gruumm.

No one will ever be held
prisoner on this rock again.

l got this.

Whoa-ho-ho. How come l didn't
get the memo on new uniforms?

l doubt that's S.P.D.

Syd probably dresses up
to go to the Laundromat.

Right. Like l do my own laundy.

For your information,
l'm going out for my birthday.


- What? It's your birthday?
- Why didn't you tell us?

Tomorrow's officially my birthday.
It's no big deal to me,

but my parents insist
on throwing me this enormous pam

evey year the night before.

They rent the best restaurant
in town, there's limos, a live band

and... blah, blah, blah.

So l guess our invitations
got lost in the mail?

Don't be silly. l would've invited you
guys but l know you have to work.

[Kat] Rangers
to the Command Centre.

Let's go.

Sinuku, one of the most notorious
criminals in the galay.

l've received a report from KO-

that he has escaped
from their satellite prison.

- He might be coming to Earth.
- What makes you think that?

Sinuku was a brilliant scientist

who was recruited by evil forces
to create weapons.

His former lab partner,
Dr Rheas, lives here.

We think he'll ty to find her.

Landors, choose
one member of your squad

- to stake out her laboratoy.
- Pick me.

- Not a problem. Syd and l'll do it.
- What?

You have the most surveillance training.
It makes you the best.

But l'll miss my birthday dinner.

And your birthday tomorrow.

Sory, Syd.
This is an important assignment.

A birthday's not a good enough
reason to get out of it.

You said it wasn't a big deal.

l lied.

[Syd] l can't believe l have
to spend time in this grimy...

Well, whining won't make it
go by any faster.

l'm not whining.
It's just so unfair.

Will you get over yourself?

You'll have another birthday
next year.

Can we get back to work?

Well, well, well.

Commander Cruger failed to mention
that Dr Rheas would be so pre_.


- Guess she's sort of pre_.
- Sort of?

You kidding me?

So you thought iust because
she's intelligent,

she wouldn't
be attractive as well?

l was just noticing that...

Can we iust stay focused
on the job, Jack?

[Sky] Cruger traced a reading
headed towards this cave.

Give that dog a bone,
he's right again.


Hold on.

Let's see
what he wants in there first.

There it is.

Just where l left them.


These should make Gruumm happy.

Put the case down
and your hands up.

l thought l might run into you.

Fortunately l came prepared.

Why do you guys always
wanna do it the hard way?


Z! You OK?

- Huh?
- [Z] Yeah.

Run along now.

- Ready.
- [both] Ready.

S.P.D. Emergency.

[all] Space Patrol Delta.

No, you don't.

- [growls]
- Halt!

Now are you ready
to give it to us?



- Oh, man!
- He's gone!

Yeah. Question is, where?

Sinuku, Gruumm's foot soldiers
broke you out of prison.

- He's ready to be paid.
- Of course.

But l have something
more valuable than mere money.

What are you talking about?
Don't ty and trick me.

Who could trick you, Broodwing?
l'll repay with these.

Demagnetons! l heard
they can neutralise any robot.

Once l retrieve their activator,
they'll be ready for use.

- Can l count on your help?
- Of course.

- But where is the activator?
- With an old friend.

[evil laugh]

Yes! She's leaving!

- Can we go now?
- No.

Not until Cruger says so.




- Thank you.
- Thanks.

One gourmet pizza
with evemhing on it.

Oh! At least you did
something nice for my birthday.

Sory. This is for me.

lf l knew you wanted one,
l would've got a large.

Who'd want a greasy,
disgusting pizza anyway?

Me! l've been following
that delivey guy for three blocks.


Now my birthday
is officially ruined.

Glad to see you too, princess.

What's wrong with her?
Somebody steal her daddy's credit card?

Nah, she's upset 'cause l made her
work on her birthday.

Oh, that's cold.

How would you like it
if you had to work on your birthday?

l'm sure l wouldn't care.


Hey, l, uh...l'm gonna go for a walk.
l'll be back in a few.

[people chatting, laughing]

[woman] Happy birthday, Jackie.

Blow them all out.

Make a wish.

[Jack] Hm...

Hey! He's got my bag!


- Stop!
- l'll get him!



[Jack] Dead end.

- l think this is yours.
- Oh! Thank you!

l think it'd be safer
if l walked you home.

All right. l'd better go.

lt's my friend's birthday
and l have to get back.

Oh, how fun!

l know it sounds corny
but l still really love birthdays.

You do? Why?

lt's the one day of the year
that eveyone makes you feel

really special.

l hope your friend has a happy birthday.
And thank you again so much.

Wow! this is better than
those, uh... reality TV shows.

How could you go over there?
You tying to blow our cover?

l didn't blow our cover.
Let me explain.

Ho! This l gotta hear.

[both] Butt out.

OK. l can take a hint.

l'll iust go and pick
some cheese off the pizza box.

No need to explain.
You thought Dr Rheas was cute.

So you went over to chat her up.
Real professional, Jack.

A Kybot tried to steal
her stuff from the park.

l made sure
she made it home safely.

l suppose you told her how amazing
it was to be the big, strong Red Ranger.

She doesn't know l'm a Ranger.
We were talking about birthdays.



Because l wanted to understand
why you were so mad at me.

l didn't get how your birthday,
or anybody's birthday,

could be such a big deal.

So, no one's ever made a fuss
over your birthday?

l don't have a birthday.

At least,
l don't know when it is.

- Oh...
- _w...

Doesn't matter.

There wasn't a lot of money for cake
and ice cream where l grew up.

And l kept yammering on
about my extravagant pam.

What a spoilt brat
l must've sounded like.


OK, maybe a little.

Sory l ruined your special day.



Thank you, Broodwing.

- Whoa, there's trouble!
- Come and get me, Rangers.

- If you've got the guts.
- Oh, you're asking for it.

- How about it, Dr Manx?
- Delta Runners on the way.

Come on!

Delta Squad Megazord.

Whoa! That caught me by surprise.

Duplication mode.

What the...?

- What?
- How'd he do that?

Hey, you think you can fool us
with a bunch of fakes?

Another one?

Let's do it!


OK. What just happened here?

- We lost him again.
- Oh, man!


- [gasps]
- Hello, old friend.




This place must have mice
or something.

They ate evemhing. [burps]

She's gone!

Piggy, did you see anything
strange happen to Dr Rheas?

Aside from her being dragged away
by a O-foot dude with reddish hair...

- No.
- Which way did he take her?

Now, hold on, bossy boots.
What's in it for me?

Are you sure this is where
you hid the activator?


But l wish l'd had
the sense to destroy it.

Your genius was wasted, Sinuku.

You could've
helped so many people.

That's always been your goal.
Not mine.

[Rheas gasps]

At last. [laughs]

- [Sinuku] Huh?
- [Rheas] Jack?

- Let her go.
- No.

She's served her purpose anyway.
Now l'll deal with you.

Ready! S.P.D. Emergency.

Space Patrol Delta.




That takes care of those clowns.

l'm bringing you in.

lt won't be that easy.

You're going right back to prison.

That'll never happen.

l'm sure Gruumm wouldn't mind
if l used one on you.


This should stop you forever.

- Huh?
- [laughs]

- No! Ah!
- Huh?

[groaning] Leave her alone.

- Thank you.
- You OK? Take cover.


Delta Blaster.

He's a tough one.

- Hey!
- Back-up's here, Jack.

Just in time. Ready.

- Red Ranger.
- Blue Ranger.

- Green Ranger.
- Yellow Ranger.

- Pink Ranger.
- S.P.D. Rangers.

Defenders of Earth.


Enough posing. Let's fight.

You're outnumbered.

Time for plan B.

- No way!
- Huh?

Megazord time.

[all] Ready to roll.

Not again.


They're all fakes.

Except that one. Look out!

Enough games. Time to end this.

l'll power this up
to OO times its strength.


He's got some serious firepower.

Bridge, ty to remember
whose side you're on.

Guys, save it for later.

l can't believe you survived that.

Let's ty ,OOO times the power.

No machine can withstand that.

We're not afraid.
Give it your best shot.

l intend to.

Goodbye, Power Rangers.

Hang on, eveybody.

Jack, l hope you have a plan.

l do. Back at you, Sinuku.


[cries out]

l told you before, you're going
back to where you belong.

We'll see to that. Judgment mode.

l don't wanna go back.

The food is terrible.


- Guilty!
- Canine Cannon.

[all] Target locked. Fire.

[all] Yeah!

Let me out! Hey, let me out!

This time you're going away for good.


[all] Surprise!

Happy birthday!

No way! This is so sweet!

Happy birthday!

l see you got
all dressed up for the pam.

l'm a Ranger and as a Ranger l...

Sky, give it a rest. Lighten up.

lt's a pam.

Yes, have some fun.

Happy birthday, Syd.

Sory. Being a Ranger
doesn't pay that much.

Tell me about it.

lt's perFect.

Now l'd like to give you a gift.

Half my birthday. It'd make me
happy if you'd share it with me.

So evey year it'd be my birthday too?

Exactly. And if you know what you're
doing, you can milk it for a week.

Happy birthday, princess. [blows kiss]

- Who invited you?
- l did.

lt was the only way
he'd tell me what he knew.

Purgh! This needs mustard.


Happy birthday.
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