13x13 - Abandoned

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x13 - Abandoned

Post by bunniefuu »

lt's awake! The Evil is awake!

[Gruumm] Yes. l have felt it.

lt can mean only one thing.

The Evil has awakened
from its slumber.

l will send one of my minions
to find it for me.

Yes. An army with the stone at
its side would be most powerFul.

l will use it to destroy
the Power Rangers

and crush anything
that gets in my way.

with all due respect, sir,

afe yOU SUfe
you really want to do this?

Yeah. It hardly seems fair,
the five of us against you.

l'll ty my best. Now suit up!

- Ready!
- [all] Ready!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Emergency!

Shadow Ranger.

- Ready, Rangers?
- [all] Yeah! Ready!

- Rooftop simulation.
- [Jack] Take your positions.

- Huh, this should be fun.
- Easy now.

- We got him surrounded.
- l'm going in.

No way!

l saw that coming
from a mile away, Jack.

- You'll have to be quicker.
- Yes, sir.

Now it's our turn.

- Bridge!
- On it!

- Is that all you have?
- Sir! No, sir!

- Bridge?
- No, sir.

- Man, he is tough.
- You're not kidding.

How about some girl power?

You mo work well as a team,
but you must train harder.

- Understood?
- [Z and Syd] Yes, sir.

l'm glad he's on our side.

Yeah. l bet he could beat Gruumm
all by himself.

Rangers, you are a team.
You must work as such.

All right.
If that's how you want it.


[all] Got you this time!

[Jack] Fire!

Man, l thought l was strong.

l can't believe
the strength of Shadow Ranger.

l know. It's like,
all of us put together times mo

couldn't beat one of him...
times one.

Personally, as much as l love
saving the planet,

with Shadow here, l'll have
more time to work on my tan.

- And l can trick out my bed.
- How do you do that?

Wait. l don't want to know.

OK. Game over.
It's way past your bedtime.

- Why are you so chipper?
- Well, Sky...

With Shadow Ranger here,
it's a big weight off my shoulders.

So l can just sit back,

relax... and go with the flow.

We still have to be
ready for battle.

You saw how strong
Shadow Ranger is.

Yeah. What's to wory about?

Guess you're right.

With Shadow Ranger here,
we're golden.


lt's here somewhere. l know it.

When l locate the Evil,

Gruumm will reward me
with riches beyond compare!


[alarm sounding]

Rangers, the perp is downtown.
Let's move it.

- Aah!
- Aah!

l thought l was still dreaming.


l can't believe l have to fight
evil with guacamole on my face.


- [Jack] Ready!
- [all] Ready!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

[all] Space Patrol Delta!

l'm close. l can feel it.

- Hey! Hold it right there!
- Says who?

S.P.D. Red!

S.P.D. Blue!

S.P.D. Green!

S.P.D. Yellow!

S.P.D. Pink!

[all] Space Patrol Delta!

[all] Defenders of Earth!

- Kat said he's big trouble.
- He sure looks it.

Get out of my way
or be destroyed.


What? No way!

- Syd. You all right?
- Yeah.

l'm not through.


We need Shadow Ranger.


Shadow Ranger, come in.


Shadow Ranger!

This is brutal!
Why won't he come help us?

Now to finish the job.

Look out!

Ahh! No! The sun!

- What's going on?
- Fire!

l'll be back.

Look. He dropped something.

All right.

So what's the deal leaving us
high and dy?

Why didn't you bust out
Shadow Ranger?

l thought we were a team.

- l was busy.
- Busy?

Before Shadow, you didn't need
my help. You did fine.

Fine as in good? Or fine as in
we weren't doing too well

but to spare our feelings
you just said fine?

Somebody wanted to see me?

Yes. Last night that freak
dropped his device as he fled.

- What could it be?
- Kat is not to assist you.

You do not need her help.

- But...
- Dismissed.

- Do you know what this means?
- That will be all. Thank you.

[Broodwing] This better be
worth my while. l'm making

some vey important clients wait.

l need your help.
l'm looking for...

The Evil. Yes, l know.

The Power Rangers
are looking as well.

lf l don't find it first,
Gruumm will vaporise me.

And as you can see,
l'm a Vampiranoid.

- l can't go into the sunlight.
- Quite a quanday.

Can you sell me a sunshield
and distract the Power Rangers?

[laughs] With enough money,
anything's possible.

- Is this enough?
- It's a start.

- Enioy.
- [man] It's S.P.D.!

Why do you insist on coming here
and chasing away my clientele?

They haven't done anything.

Well, not today, anyway.

We didn't come here
to bust anyone.

But we will if you don't
give us information.

[groans] Fine.

- Fine...
- Bridge!

Right. Um... what is this thing
and what does it do?


- Piggy.
- Where did you get this?

Off some goon. What is it?

The Evil has awakened.

- Huh?
- Evil what?

That's a class-five
containment field,

used only to hold the Evil...

That's it. We're closed.

Hey. What is the Evil?

Legend says
it's a piece of the abyss.

- Wait a minute. You mean...
- Yes.

A stone brought back
from the depths of Hades,

used to level mountains
and boil oceans.

lt hibernates for OO years,
and when it awakens,

the most treacherous
creatures in the galay

will ty to attain it.

And if they do...

...a maniac with evil
on its side would be...


Where is it?

Look no further
than your own back yard.

Ye olde bookstore.

The Evil has been guarded for
,OOO years by a great warrior.

This old place?

lt hardly seems like a great warrior
guarding an evil stone would be here.

With OO years bemeen gigs,
maybe he likes to read.

A lot.

Hello? Oh-ho-ho! Welcome, welcome!

Baskin's my name,
and old books are my game.

How can l be of service?

You work here alone, Baskin?

No. JB works
right alongside of me.

- JB, huh?
- Yes, JB.

My pet turtle.

He keeps me company
on slow days.

Get it? Slow days?


We're looking for an evil stone.

Oh. Evil stone.

Well, let me see.
l have Rolling Stones.

Romancing the Stone.
Sword in the Stone.

But no evil stone. Sory.

- OK. This can't be the place.
- l knew not to trust Piggy.

Cruger said we could do this
by ourselves.

Why won't he help us?


- What's up, Kat?
- The west side is under attack.

l'm sending the Runners.

There's real work to be done.

- Well, then. Bye-bye.
- See you later.

[man] Just the book
l've been looking for.

Hand it over, old man.

Give me the Evil!

You do not know who l am.

Nor care. l'm taking the Evil
one way or the other.

Not on my watch, you won't.

You didn't think l was
going to hand it over, did you?

l am... the Keeper.

Keep this!

[laughs] This battle should
keep the Power Rangers busy.

There it is!

[all] Delta Squad Megazord!

- Who are we fighting?
- Let me check.

What? It's just a foot soldier.

- No way!
- A Blue Head?

- What?
- We've been tricked.

Come on, you ugly mutt.

lmpressive, old man.

You're using Bonetti's Defence.


But it won't work forever!

- Doggie, you have to help.
- No.

- What are you waiting for?
- If it ends today, it ends.

Roll that fire!


l'll take that.

[laughs] At last!

No! Not without
a containment field!

l can feel the Evil
becoming part of me.

Now nothing can stand in my way!

Rangers, Drakel
has taken the Evil and fled.

- You must intercept him.
- In a minute.

[all] Five, four, three,
mo, one, fire!

- Got 'em!
- We're not done yet!

Come on!

Even the sunlight
can't affect me any more!

Now that l have The Evil,
l'm unstoppable!

That's what you think.

That's what l know.

No one can match my strength.

Huh! You haven't met
the Shadow Ranger.

Shadow Schmadow!

Ready for more?

Look out!

[laughs] Huh?

We'll get him!


Where's Cruger?


There! Look!

- [all] Commander!
- Now you're in trouble.

Shadow Ranger is here.

Ha! Like l care!


Commander, help us!


Come on!

What are you waiting for?

We're getting toasted!



- Why won't you help us?
- You don't need it.

- What?
- Finish the job. Trust me.

Fine. We'll do it.

- Come on, guys. Let's show 'em.
- [all] Yeah!

- Bring it!
- With pleasure.

- Need a lift?
- [Z and Syd] Yeah!

[all] Ranger power!

Do it!

[all] Fire!

- All right!
- [Syd] Yeah!

[all] We did it!


lt's judgment time.

Judgment Mode.

Huh? It wasn't me!

For the crimes of stealing
propem that is not yours

and the intent of using
the Evil's power against Earth,

- you are found...
- [all] Guilty!


- Ready?
- [all] Fire!

That's mine! Give it back!

- Careful, Bridge.
- It's all good.

- Safe and sound.
- Yeah!


With or without the Evil,
l will crush that planet

into space dust.

- Thank you.
- There you go.

lt's as good as... old.

You had us going with
that dopey shopkeeper character.

Well, thank you.

Without the containment field,

even that freak
couldn't handle the Evil.

ln ,OOO years
of guarding this hideous thing,

this is the first time
anyone's ever taken it from me.

You have OO years to get in
shape before your next battle.

l think that we will move
to New Zealand.

No one will ever find us there.

So long, Power Rangers,
and keep up the fight.

Speaking of fight, we have
another team member to talk to.

- [Sky] What happened?
- [Z] You weren't there!

We were waiting for you!

- Where's the Shadow been?
- Yeah!

Where has Shadow been?

Well, he's been listening
to you talk.

l can iust sit back,
relax... and go with the flow.

With Shadow Ranger here,
we're golden.


Ever since the arrival
of the Shadow Ranger,

you have lowered your guard
and relied solely on me.

ln order to defeat Gruumm,

we will all need to battle
with OO percent commitment.

No one Ranger
is more important than another.

l didn't come to your aid
because you didn't need me.

You just didn't know it.

Now he's starting
to sound like Bridge.

You're right. l guess we did
sort of take you for granted.

- It won't happen again, sir.
- Good.

Because l can't stand watching you
get kicked all over the city.

[all chattering]

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