13x21 - Messenger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x21 - Messenger

Post by bunniefuu »

# S.P.D. Emergency! #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
if it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go
Go, go #

# Power Rangers, go #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, S.P.D. #

( Groaning )
I can't drop this, can't drop this!

Got to get to Cruger.
Got to get to Kat!

- Coming through!
- What the...

- Sorry!
- Hey!

( Moaning )

- SYD: Hey!
- ( Gasping )

BOOM: Me... This radio... Important...

...with Cruger, and Kat and Rangers.

Just follow me. Now!


Don't talk!

Cadets, I've told you before,
this is not a place of play.

Not play, big trouble!

Listen! I've been working on this
for a while now, on my own time.

- I built a radio receiver.
- How cute!

Boom built a radiom
and wants us to hear it.

No, you have to hear this.

I was thinking, where do radio waves go
when we're done listening to them?

Or, radio waves from yesterday,
or even ten years ago?

Out in space, that's where.

So I built this receiver to pick up
free radical radio waves in space

thinking I'd maybe get, you know,
the World Series, or... or...

or even an old presidential debate.
But... But, no.

Look, just listen.

( Static )

MAN: If anyone can hear this,
please send help!

Today, July th,
is the th anniversary

of the Troobian takeover
of our planet Earth.

A radio broadcast from space.

What a hoax.

Just... listen.

MAN: July th.

The same day Space Patrol
Delta fell, leaving us defenceless.

The Troobian forces have flushed out all
but a few pockets of freedom fighters.

We have sent out Omega,
but we have not heard word.

Have to sign off. July , .

Guys, come on.

A radio broadcast from the future?

Not possible. Kat.

If Einstein's theory about time
is correct, it's possible.

Hello? Key word: "theory".

A thought, not proven.

CRUGER: You may be right
and I hope that you are,

but today is July the th, ,

the day that broadcast
claims S.P.D. fell.

Do you want to take any chances?


( Chuckling )

In the future
you'll be training with Krybots.

I can't have you destroying
my best robots, now can I?

I need no future training.

I will unleash
a power upon the earthlings

as they have never seen before.

I called on an old friend to help.
You know him as Shorty.


( Chuckles ) Yes, he does
have an appetite for desturction.

His strength is unmatched.

He's just the kind of muscle I need
to help me defeat the Rangers.

And if he can't?

I have a backup plan.

Good. Then go.

And, if you succeed,

I will turn you back
into your precious Mora.

( Alarm Sounding )

Broadcast has been verified
and now first alarm has sounded.

Where is Miss Delgado?

After the broadcast she kind of
freaked out. I'll notify her.

Go, Rangers.

( Electronic Ringing )

Hey, Jack. What's up?

JACK: Z, it's real.
It's starting downtown.

I'll meet you there.

Hello, Z.

You been blasting any dollies lately?

Do you know me?

Oh, yes.

You're the one who scorched
Cindy Sunshine, remember?

That was your doll?

- I thought it was...
- Mora's? It was.

Let me introduce myself, Ranger.

I am Morgana. Wanna play?


( Screaming )

OK, we can play like that.



- Ha!
- ( Gasps )

( Siren Wails )

This is it!

Freeze! S.P.D.!

Hey, we're talking to you.

Me? You must be joking!

Does it look like we're laughing?

OK. Try and stop me!

ALL: Whoa!

SYD: He's a tough one.

- We're tougher!
- Fire!

( Groaning )

OK. Time to get serious.

S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Yellow!

Ooh, I've got a shiny outfit too!

- Want more?
- You're coming in with me!

( Laughing )

MORGANA: Head's up, little Ranger.

( Z Screams )

Power down.

Get up.

Power Rangers, that is a joke.

I'm bored of playing with you now,
but soon the winner will take all.

( Panting )


SYD: Jack!

No one can stop me!

- We can!
- Come on then.

( Laughing )

Sorry I'm late. I met a new friend.

So did we.

But I don't think you're gonna like him.

Bring forth the Robot of Destruction!

Oh, yeah!

Why do I have this feeling
it's gonna be a long day?

Now it's gonna get really fun! Yeah!

Always wanted to drive one of these.

You're really in trouble now! Ha!

Sending Zords.


Morgana and Shorty
and running free in the city.

Looks like the end
of the Rangers is near.

That doesn't look good.
We gotta do something.

Come on, Rangers, let's do it.


Hang on.

Let's take that thing down!

Nice try, Rangers.

Move it!

- Hey, what's up with her?
- Man, she's fired up!


- Ah!
- Can't you do something, sir?

They know what they're doing.

They're the best I've ever had.

But will that be enough?

( Sighing )

( Screaming )

- It's too strong!
- Shorty, do it now.

You got it, boss.

Jack, help! We gotta get back up!

Hold on, Z.

Slam dunk!

In your face, Earth!

When I push this activator
the signal will be sent,

and devastation
will come to this planet.

( Laughing )

( Grunts )

Let's see how Morgana's doing!

Yes, she's beating the Megazord!

Time to bring devastation to Earth.


- No!
- Two.


Ugh! No fair.

- Commander!
- I've got this one.

Who are you?

I am Shadow Ranger.
Sworn defender of the galaxy.

Big deal.

Shadow Sabre, power up!

Let's rock!

- What?
- Surprise!

( Shorty Laughing )

- But how?
- Now give it all you got. Yeah!

( Screaming )

Had enough?

I've had enough of you!

Please, you weren't even a challenge.

And I thought Rangers
were supposed to be tough.

Sister, you haven't seen tough yet.

Right, guys?

- Right!
- Fine with me.


ALL: Ready! S.P.D. Emergency.

Face it, you're in
way over your heads, Rangers.

JACK: We'll see about that.


Come on!

You can't do that to me.
I'm invincible!

Well, I guess
we all have our bad days.

It's not ever!

Oh, yes it is!

( Growls )

Shadow Sabre!

( Screams )

Get up and fight!

It's all over for you, Morgana.

( Stammering ) Wait... But...

A-ha! Yes!

ALL: No!


No way!

- It was just fireworks.
- Judgment time.

- Delgado.
- Yes.

Shorty. Morgana.

You are charged with the attempted
takeover and destruction of Earth.


MORGANA: This is ridiculous.

Guilty! R.I.C.! Here.

ALL: Canine Cannon!




Not this time! ( Laughing )

- ALL: Oh, no!
- Who is that?

- A friend.
- My big brother.

- What?
- Come on!

I am Devastation.
The most wanted criminal in the galaxy.

A sample of my power.

You haven't a chance.

SHORTY: Sock it to 'em, brother!

( Screaming )

( Laughing )

Nicely done.

Way to go big brother!

Yes. I will make
quick work of these fools.


I told you my brother
could handle anyone.

Yes, you did.

Come on!

Oh, no!

Hey! I want a piece of the action too!


You waste your time fighting us.

Together, the three of us
are invincible. Surrender.

Not if I can help it.

( Screaming )

Look out!

( Screaming )

( Laughing )

That is your lesson for today.

Your homework:

Feel the emotion that rages within you.

It is called fear!

Big brother,
aren't we gonna finish this?

No. Let them marinate in fear.

- Marinate?
- Let's go.

I never anticipated such power.

I have sent in an urgent message to
galaxy command and am awaiting word.

Until we hear,
let's find out who we're dealing with.

His name is Devastation.

Who'd name their kid that?

He's the most
wanted criminal in the galaxy.

- Our lucky day.
- Not really.

His brother Shorty is the second.

But this Morgana...
I can't find anything out about her.

CRUGER: I know her.

She is evil, powerful and has the
imagination of a ten-year-old child.

That's a scary mix.

The Zords took a beating as well.
It'll take time to get them back online.

( Computer Bleeps )

Commander Cruger. Rangers.

S.P.D. Headquarters
is aware of your plight.

We regret that at this time
it would take too long to get to you,

and I fear depleting our forces
would fall into Gruumm's trap.

You are on your own. Good luck.

This is a good day.

( Alarm Sounds )

Conquering makes me hungry.


- Go, Rangers.
- Ready?

Ready! S.P.D. Emergency.

Yummy! What an appetizing view!

I'm ready for dessert. Yummy!

- Z: Freeze!
- What?

- S.P.D.
- We're bring you in.

Not you losers again?

We'll show you who's a loser.
Come on!

Ready! Weapons!


( Laughing )




I rule!

Not yet!

Come on, R.I.C.!

Let's do it!

Give it your best shot! I'm not scared!

Those pesky Rangers again.

- This should be interesting.
- I agree.

Target locked.

- No!
- Aim! Fire!

- Got ya!
- ( Roaring )

What's going on?

All right!

They won't call me Shorty anymore!

- He's huge.
- Oh, man! We need the Runners, Kat.

Bad news. The Zords aren't coming.

You're kidding!
We're in big trouble here.

No time for jokes, Kat.
We need the Megazord now!

The repairs aren't finished yet.

- Now what do we do?
- I hate empty buildings!

Z: Watch out, guys.

We're not down yet!

I never thought it would be so easy.

With the Rangers out of the way,
we will rule alongside Gruumm.

( Gasping )

Maybe the message was right.

This is the end.

( Gruumm Laughing ) We have S.P.D.
right where we want them!

I'm glad you are pleased, Emperor.

The battle will be over soon.

Then finally Earth will be mine!
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