13x29 - Katastrophe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x29 - Katastrophe

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

[Kat] One more terminal connection
and this automated transport arm

should be back in business.


Wow! That's amazing.

You did it again, Kat.

You must have been top of your class
at the Science Academy.

Yes, but, Boom, it's not about how
much knowledge you have,

it's what you do with it
that's important.

- Ah. How's it coming along?
- Fine, Commander. Right on schedule.

- [Cruger] Commander Birdie.
- Hello, sir.

Cruger. Dr Manx.

- Bang.
- Boom.

What can l do for you? Is there
a problem at Headquarters?

On the contray. l have good news.

l'm calling to o_er Dr Manx

a toplevel position here at
the SPD HQ as Chief of Technology.

- You've got to be kidding me.
- That's amul.

Kat can't leave.
This place would fall apart.

l know. l would fall apart.

- Did she say she'd take it?
- She's gonna think about it.

Without a doubt
this will affect the fut!ure.

Let's get real, guys. This is an
amazing opportunity for Kat.

You're right. She may never
get another shot like this.

She's gotta take it.

But what are we going to do without her?
What am l going to do without her?

You want what's best for Kat, right?

Of course.

You guys are right. She should take it.

She'll never go if she thinks we
need her here.

OK, so how are we going
to convince her to go?

l think l know.

OK. Check this out, l think if...

- [alarm blares]
- Duty calls!

[computer] Rangers, report to Zord bay.

lnternal scan.

lt's empty! There's no driver.

Whoa! Somebody's gotta
be controlling it.


Someone is.

Spin attack!

Let's get some specs.

Ah, interesting.

How about that? Hm...

[all] Five, four, three, mo, one. Fire!

[villain laughing]

Now all you have is mine!

That was exactly as planned.

l've got all the data
on their w*apon systems.

Soon, the Rangers
will meet my ultimate creation!


Have you been...


Uh... Yeah.

And l finished the task-sheet
assignments for the next three days.

Then l guess l'll just file
the data-input scans.


Then l'll update the manual codes
for the security links.


All right. Maybe something in the
Command Centre needs my attention.

[chuckling] Knock yourself out,

because l have got evemhing here

under my control.

[computer bleeping]

Oh, hey, Kat. What's up?

l want to run a scan on that robot
you fought last week.

Find out who was controlling it.

Already on it. l'll let you know if
anything turns up.

- Need a hand with that, Z?
- No. l got it.

Planetay scan clear.

- No Troobian activity in progress.
- [Sky] Copy that.

l'll continue monitoring outside
the city perimeter.

Well, you cadets certainly seem
to have evemhing in hand.

So, Mooney, when is this plan
of yours going to happen?

Genius can't be rushed!
Keep your cape on, Batbot!

Hmm. Yes.

Only the best parts
of the best robots will do.


And to power it up, my vey own
creation, a Helios Generator!

That's it. It's going to work!

Download, complete!

l'm amazing! Brilliant!

[laughs] Yes!

They all thought they were better
than me at the Science Academy.

Especially that do-gooder Kat Manx.

lf they could only see me now!

[Mooney laughs]

[Cruger] There you are.

Commander Birdie wants to know
if you've made your decision.

Yes. l have.

Cadets, l have an announcement.

Dr Manx will no longer be with us.

She has accepted a top position
at the SPD Headquarters.

Wait, wait, wait. So, she iust left?

[Cruger] She doesn't like goodbyes, but
she asked me to wish you all the best.

Boom will be taking over her duties.

That is all.

Guess our plan worked, huh?

[computer] Warning. Computer
malfunction in Area mK.

[Z] Boom, what's going on?


l'm vey pleased you decided
to take up my offer, Dr Manx.

l'm sure you'll find your new
position most rewarding.

Any way l can be of help to SPD
is rewarding to me. Where do l begin?

Your new assistant will familiarise
you with procedure and protocol.

Welcome, Miss Manx.

There will be a staff meeting at
to discuss delegation of duties.

A staff meeting?

Of course. You'll have an entire
team of experts at your disposal.

You won't really need
to get your hands dim.

l like getting my hands dim.

l see.

But that's not the way we do things
here at Headquarters.



Just work!

- Stop!
- [Kat] Hello, Boom.

- Kat?
- Are you there?


Just checking in to make sure
evemhing is all right.

ls that... Is that smoke?

Yes. Yes.

l was having a barbecue. Yum!

Well, so long as you've got
evemhing under control, l'll...

...l'll sign off for now.

Yeah. Whoa!




[alarm blares]

Rangers to the Zord bay!

- Let's put it together.
- [all] Megazord formation!

This thing needs a tune-up!

- It sure does!
- l got it.

[Z] Wait! Who's driving?

- It looks like no-one's home.
- Shouldn't be a problem.

- Let's make it quick and easy.
- l hear that.

Nice ty, Rangers.

But you don't have a chance
against my Gigabot.

You mean, it's actually working?

Of course, the Gigabot is programmed
with the Megazords' weapony data.

lt can anticipate and counterstrike
its evey move. Smart, eh?

Rangers, l'm here.

[all] Deltamax Megazord!

- My steering has a delayed response.
- Our Zords are running rough, too.

[gasps] l wish Kat was here.

Saw that one coming. Firing lasers.


Boom, status report
on the Megazord damage.

lt's getting its butt kicked, sir.

What's this?

Oh, no.

Guys, the power source
on that robot is highly unstable.

You're gonna have to deactivate that
before you can destroy it.

Great! That's all we needed to hear.

Oh, no.

This is horrible.

Cruger's Rangers have battled
many times and always won.

- Not your concern any more.
- You don't understand.

That robot is powered by a Helios
Generator. It's dangerously overheated.

lf it's not deactivated,
the Rangers could be destroyed.

- Good goose feathers!
- l know who must be behind this.

A student at the Science Academy
was developing that technology.

Let me go back to Earth.

- Just this once.
- But what can you do?

l know Mooney. Maybe l can talk him
into deactivating the generator.

That's vey brave, Miss Manx.

But, in my years of experience,

l've found that, sometimes,
words are not enough.

Take this.

And be careful.

Commander, l'm not...

lt will only work for one hour,
so use it wisely.

Sonic spin. Full power.

[all scream]

[all scream]

Ha ha! l've done it!

What do you mean, you?
l built that robot!

The Rangers have fallen, thanks to me,
Professor Mooney!


Don't forget where those robot parts
came from, cheese face.

l'll iust take it from here.


- l'm dispatching the SWAT Flyers.
- Right, Chief.

Come on, team! Ready!

[all] Ready!

[all] SPD SWAT!


Locked in.


[all] We're in!

Omega, you and l
will stand by for backup.

Yes, sir.

[grunts] SPD Emergency!


SPD Shadow!

That's the power source.

lt looks like it could blow any second!

Good one, Broody! l love it!



Hold on!


He's got to be in there.

[all groan]

[Mooney] l want to destroy them!

- No. Give me that. l'll do it.
- [groaning]

[Kat] Stop!

Put it down, boys. The game is over.

Well, well, Kat Manx!
What are you doing here?

Hello, Mooney.

l see you're still hanging out with
the losers, just like the old days.

This is none of your business.

lf you're hurting the Rangers,
it is my business.

Tell me how to shut down
the Helios Generator.

- No!
- Enough.

Kybots! Get her!

[Kat] Ya!



Birdie was right.

There's a time for talk
and a time for action.

SPD Emergency!

Not another one.

SPD Kat Ranger.



Hi-yah! Hi-yah!

Kat stunners!

Check this out.

l think you guys should go now.

That's how we do it
Kat Ranger style.


- Good to see you, Kat.
- Commander!

Hey! Since when are you a Ranger?

l'll fill you in later.

[Broodwing] Cruger!

l have a message for you.

[growling] Broodwing!

Still doing Gruumm's dim work,
l see.

Wrong! l'll destroy your Rangers
on my own.

Broodwing, no!

- We've got to stop him!
- Stop!

The Helios Generator has reached
its maximum temperature.

lt's only a matter of time now.

And there's nothing you can do
about it! Ha!

The timer is ticking down.

So long, losers!

Omega, we'll take the Kybots.

- Kat, deactivate that thing.
- Right.

Hey, that's mine!

- [gasping] Give it back to me!
- Forget it.

But there's only a few seconds left.

Even you can't find the deactivation
code in time.

Don't forget, when you were at the
bottom of the class, l was at the top.

But what happens if you can't? Oh!

Oh, no!

Shh! l'm concentrating.

OK. l think l'm almost there.

Come on! Hury!

Come on. Come on.

- Almost there.
- Oh, my goodness!

Yes! l got it.

l'm sending the deactivation code.

Rangers, the robot's power source
has been deactivated. Take him away.

All right. Let's do it, guys!

Delta Enforcer. Confinement mode.

[all] Target locked!


l've got to get out of here!


Where do you think you're going?


Hold it right there!

- Ha! l'll take this one.
- Oh, no!

Judgement mode.

Oh! Oh! Please!


Oh, please, be fair!


But we went to school together.

Apparently, you didn't learn much.


But... But... Oh!

- Hey, is that Kat?
- Check it out. How did you...?

Yes, Rangers. It's me. Power down.

- Nice move!
- Amazing.

Birdie said it would only last
an hour.

Cool! A disposable one-hour morpher.

Yes. That's probably the last you'll
see of Kat Ranger.

At least she was here when we needed
her the most.

- [Z] Good one, Kat.
- [Jack] Way to go!

Oh, no, no, no!

No. You are not leaving again
without saying goodbye.

Right. We don't care how sweet
your new job is.

l'm sory.
l shouldn't have done that.

You have to get back to Headquarters.
Probably can't function without you.

l'm sure they're doing all right.
Evemhing running smoothly here?

- Yeah.
- Never been better, Kat.

Smooth as ice.

[Boom] Kat!


You can't leave! The place
is a disaster area without you.

The Zords need an overhaul
and the robot arm gave me a wedgie

and l think l accidentally
blew up your lab.

[Jack] Kat, straight up...

We all really need you here.

ls there any way Birdie would let you
stay with us?

Well, l'll just tell him there's
nowhere else l'm needed more.

[laughing] That would be great!

Now, Boom,

what was this about my lab?
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