13x32 - Impact

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectables

A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x32 - Impact

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

[man] Previously on
Power Rangers SPD...

Professor Cerebros, thank you
for meeting with me.

Gruumm wouldn't like it, if he knew.

That's why l'm paying you
top dollar for your skill.

The quary is under attack!

l didn't order a Dragoul
to destroy the Rangers.

That insolent bat continues
to go against my orders!

What you don't know is there is an even
more powerFul one waiting to strike.

Tomorrow will be mine!



So close!

[Jack] Sky, take my laser.
You've got a better shot.



Way to go, guys.
The old double team worked!

Yeah, l guess so.

- Good job, man.
- Yeah, not bad.

- Did you feel that?
- Yeah. l think it was a small tremor.

Let's hope so.

Time to take a look at the sky.


- Oh! Broodwing!
- Hello, Professor Cerebros.

You scared the stars out of me!

lt's time to release the other Dragoul.

l must beat Gruumm
in this race to conquer Earth.

Not to wory, partner.
The Dragoul is ready to strike.

And, for a small bonus fee,

l can put another plan in action.

Tell me what it is
and l'll tell you what it's worth.

A massive meteor
is coming toward Earth

but it expected to miss it
by a million miles.

With this controller,
l can change its trajectoy

and it will hit Nemech City.

Of course, you and l
will evacuate before impact.

So, if the Rangers go to stop the meteor
the Dragoul will destroy the city.

But if they stay and fight the Dragoul,
the meteor will hit.

Either way, l win.

Precisely! Interested?

[Cerebros] Hee-hee-hee!

- [radio beeps]
- Go for Jack.

[Kat] Another Dragoul has appeared.
l'm sending the Runners.

- We're on our way! Ready?
- Ready!

SPD Emergency!


Move out!

We got this guy's number!


- He doesn't sound too happy.
- l know how to quiet him down.


[triumphant laugh]

The nerve of that bat,

awakening another Dragoul.

lt's time to take him
out of the equation.

But how?

By giving him a taste
of his own medicine!

A double dose should do it!

- What are your orders, master?
- [laughs]

[Jack] Sory, sir, the freak got away.

He was even stronger
than the last one.

Hello! Commander?

Calculate the estimated time of impact.

l wanna know how big it is
and how fast it's going.

Yes, sir.
l'll work up a full report.

Excuse me,
we're here to get yelled at.

Not now, Bridge. Kat has made
a troubling discovey.

- What's going on, commander?
- This.

- [Bridge] A meteor?
- Yes.

lt seems its trajectoy
has been altered.

lf my calculations are correct,
the city could be in danger.

l want you to consult with an expert.

Professor Cerebros at the Nemech
Observatoy can help us.

We'll find out as much as we can.

Yes, l have been monitoring
this meteor for some time.

- It's an interesting one.
- Is it headed here?

ls it gonna crash into the city?

Should l tell my mom
not to repaint the garage?

Not to wory, cadets. The equipment
here is the most accurate available.

A meteor is headed toward Earth.

But, rest assured,
it will miss us by a million miles.

- That's a relief.
- Thank you for your help.

Not at all.

Oh! Is there something else
l can help you with, cadets?

How about telling us where
the real Professor Cerebros is?

- What do you mean? l am...
- Give it up!

- We know you're a fake.
- l saw what you look like.

And frankly, you're no supermodel.

Clever cadets!
You discovered my secret.

My face is recognisable by law
enforcement across the cosmos.

When l came to Earth,
l knew l had to hide it.

l needed the identity of someone
respected and trusted.

Professor Cerebros
was the perFect candidate.

Hmm! But now that you know,

l can shed this ridiculous disguise.

There is a meteor headed
for the city. l brought it here.

And there's nothing
you can do about it.

We'll see about that.

- Ready?
- [all] Ready!

[all] SPD emergency!



- l said halt!
- And l said forget it!


- Great.
- Get them!

l'm ready for these fools! [yells]

Guess we're going in!

Delta enforcer!


- Let's double team these guys! Ready?
- You know it!

[both yell]

Stay back! l'm warning you!

You're trapped, Kraw!

But l'm the one with the controller.


Just like at the target range.

You got it!

OK, Kraw, you're mine!



You Rangers!

What are you gonna do with me?

l'll take this one!

You are charged with identity theft
and endangering the public at large.


But l was doing so well here!

lt's not fair!


Confinement mode!

- Ready!
- Oh, no!




- Good job, Sky.
- Thanks, Jack.

lt's too late.
The course of the meteor is set.

lt's headed right for us.

Well, there's got
to be a way to stop it.

Can't we destroy it
before it gets here?

There might be a way. But...

Kat, at this point, we don't have
a lot of options. What is it?

A direct hit from
the SWAT Flyer cannon

might be able
to disintegrate the meteor.

But it would have to be made
at close range.

lt's incredibly dangerous.
No guarantee of return.

[both] l'll do it!

[both] No, l'll do it!

- l'm a better shot.
- So what? l'm the better pilot.

Enough. l'm proud of the both of you.

lt takes a lot of guts
to volunteer for such a mission.

Tate, you are
the more experienced pilot.

l want you to take the SWAT Megazord
and destroy that meteor.

- That is my decision.
- [all] Yes, sir!

You'll only get one shot, Sky.

- Make it count.
- l will.

[Kat] Looks like we got work to do, too.

Dispatching Delta Runners
and the Omega Ranger.

Good luck, Rangers!

l'm in. SWAT Flyer, lift off!

Sky's gonna be OK, won't he, Syd?

l don't know, Z. l'm really worried.

Yeah, of course he'll be OK.
He's a pro.

That's right. Sky's the best.

OK, Sky's really good. But l figure
this is a mo-man mission.

- Jack, what are you doing?
- Going with you.

Always wanted
to see a meteor up close.

No way. l've got to do this alone.

Jack has stowed away in the SWAT
Megazord. That stubborn fool!

[sighs] True.
But are you really that surprised?

No. Sky would have done the same.

Those mo are more alike
than they care to admit.

Come on!

Spin attack!

Delta Squad lasers!

What's going on?

- Oh, no!
- What now?

- Prepare the base for Megazord mode.
- Yes, sir.

SPD emergency!

Delta Command Megazord!



- [Jack] Double team, Sky?
- You got it!

Having trouble locking on here!

We've only got one shot!

We're getting pulled
into its gravitational field!

- Almost there!
- Keep it together, Jack!

l'm tying!

- Hold her steady!
- She's gonna tear apart!

Do it now!

Locking on!

Lasers, fire!

- [sighs]
- Yeah!

Well, that was
a little nerve-wracking.

l'm still mad you tagged along.

We got the iob done, didn't we?

[alarm blaring]

We blew a hole in it.
And it's still on course.

The core!

Sky, take your flyer back to Earth.

lf l take my flyer and hit the core,
maybe l can destroy it.

- No way!
- l'm sory, man.

lt's the only way.

- You can't do this.
- l'm Red Ranger and that's the plan!

Configuring autopilot.

- Later, buddy.
- Jack, no!

SPD emergency.

Have a safe trip back to Earth.

Re-align to target.

[S_] No!

lt's gone.

Jack, why did you have
to be so stubborn?

We didn't always see eye-to-eye...

...but l respected you.

l respected you.

SPD emergency!

l'm going back!

Full power!

[all] Commander!

We're still in this. Defence beams!

Finger lasers!

- [sighs]
- Cadet Tate reporting in.

- S_?
- The mission has been completed, sir.

The meteor has been destroyed.

- Nemech City is safe.
- Yes!

But... Cadet Landors...
he didn't make it back.

- What?
- Jack!

- No!
- That can't be!

This one's for you, Jack!

l'm going in!

Be careful!

- Good job, Tate!
- Yes, sir!

Full power!

- Impossible!
- No way!


- What do we do?
- l don't know!

- He's too strong!
- We just don't have enough power!

- l don't believe it!
- Rangers, you must keep fighting.

- Jack would have wanted that.
- [Jack] You got that right, commander!

- Whoa!
- Jack!


- Jack!
- He made it!

- But how?
- l knew it when l saw that core!

- What?!
- If l could just get close enough,

l had a shot at destroying it
directly with my enforcer.

- Pre_ crazy idea, huh?
- You can say that again!

- What were you thinking?
- That l was a better shot than you!

No way...! All right.
Guess l can live with that.

- OK, one more double team?
- Man, you know it!

Then let's show 'em how it's done!

All right. Ready, team?

- Ready!
- Do it!


Great iob, SPD. You rule!

[all] Another one down!

All right. l'll let you have that one.

But this time
you're going down, clown!

l don't think so.

Watch and learn, rookie!
You're in for a world of hurting!

Looks like evemhing's back
to normal with Jack and Sky.


[both laugh]

Hury, my soldiers.
That shattered meteor

will provide valuable minerals
for our cause.

l don't understand, Gruumm.
l mean, what is all this fuss about?

And this noise is horrible!

All in good time, Morgana.

The time of the Magnificence
is drawing near.

And when it comes,
Earth will fall at last!


Cerebros is gone.

l must find another way to beat
Gruumm at this game.

- There he is!
- Huh?


Attacking me with the soldiers
l sold you, eh, Gruumm?

Well, if it's a battle you want,
then it's a battle you shall get!
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