24x06 - My Friend, Redbot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x06 - My Friend, Redbot

Post by bunniefuu »

- MALE NARRATOR: When Galvanax,

clear champion
of Galaxy Warriors,

claimed the mighty power stars,

Earth's greatest ninja

sacrificed himself
to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,
a new generation of warriors

rises up to protect
the Ninja Power Stars.

- [grunting]

- It's morphin' time.

- NARRATOR: They are
Power Rangers...

Ninja Steel.

- STUDENTS: [indistinct chatter]

- VICTOR: Ah, yes,
the school dance.

Just me in the limelight.

Yet another chance
to show my athletic prowess

and impress the ladies...again.

- Uh, but last year,
you tripped into the punch bowl.

- [gasps] That...Monty...

won't happen this time.

- "The prince knelt before
the maiden and asked,

'Won't you accompany me
to the grand ball?'"

Oh, what a story!

- [sniffs]

- Please, Cody.
- [barks]

- I'm trying to read.

- [barks]
- Whatever are you doing?

- [whistles]

Sorry, Redbot.

Cody just wants to play.

The idea of friendship

probably isn't in your databank,

Anyway, I've gotta go help
set up for the school dance.

- The school dance?

Nuts and bolts!

It's just like in my book!

Hayley, may I have a word?

Won't you accompany me
to the grand ball?

- Uh...you're joking, right?

You're a robot.

Why would you want
to go to a dance?

You're so funny, Redbot.

I'll see ya.

- Oh!

I wasn't joking at all.

I really do want to go
to the dance.

- ♪

- [laughter]

- AUDIENCE: [cheering]

- ♪

- [laughs]

- ♪

- Huh? Who are you?

And what's going on?

Was I...dancing?

- I am Bagpipes.

My cursed music
made Cosmo dance,

just like it
will make the Ninjas

put their Ninja Power Stars
right into my hands!

- ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Power Rangers

♪ Ninja Steel

♪ Crushing evil
with all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel

♪ Never give up
without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go

♪ Standing up for what is right
together ♪

♪ Ninja spin

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja steel

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go

♪ Ninja steel

♪ Go, go

♪ Power Rangers

♪ Ninja Steel

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go, go Power Rangers

♪ Go

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

- ♪

- I think
I'll practice my moves.

- [claps]

- Music!

- ♪

- And now for my
super-duper mega twirl.

- ♪

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

- [glass shattering]
- Oh!

- Nice moves, Victor.

- [groans]

- We better go clean up
before Victor shows us

his "super twirl" again.

- Victor...

at least you--you missed
the punch bowl, right?

- Monty, I need you to make
me into a dancing king...

by tonight.

- Sure, Victor.


- BRODY: Ugh.


- [pants]

- Hey, Cody. Where's Redbot?

- [barks]

- What did he say?

- Uh...I don't know.

I don't speak dog.

- Oh, good point.

- [laughs]


Head's up.


He was here earlier.

We were talking.

- "Won't you accompany me
to the grand ball?"

- That's exactly what Redbot
said to me.

- He asked you to the dance?

What did you say?

- I told him no, of course.

Brody, he's just a robot.

- I wonder if you hurt
his feelings when you said no.

Maybe that's why he left.

- You're kidding, right?

Robots don't have feelings.

- Redbot does.

He's quite advanced.

Why else would he leave?

- He probably went for a stroll
to stretch his springs

or oil his joints.

- I'm gonna go look for him.

- No.


You promised you'd help
with the dance.

Cody and I will
find Redbot, okay?

- All right.

Thanks, Hayley.

- ♪

- Get Redbot's scent, Cody.

Let's go find him.


- CODY: [barks]

- Hm.

Good find, Cody.

Those are Redbot's footprints,
all right?

Follow him.

- [pants]

[howls and barks]

- What's wrong?

- [laughs]
Time to face the music,

White Ranger.

- [barks]

- ♪ Give me your power star

- No way!

- [bagpipe music]

- I would never!

- ♪

- CODY: [whines]

- [laughs evilly]

Like taking candy from a baby.
- Back off!

- Aah!

What did you do
to my bagpipes,

you metal monstrosity?

- REDBOT: That's the worst music
I've ever heard,

and my cousin
is a broken jukebox!

- His music almost made me
give up my Ninja Power Star.

Redbot, you saved me!

- Lucky for me, his music
does not affect my circuitry.

- Time to pay the piper!

- If anyone's gonna pay,
it's you.

Ninja spin!

- My pipes!

- Ah-ha!

- Let me show you why
they call me Bagpipes.

- You'll have to go on
without these.

- Give them back!

[grunts] Got them!

- Aah!

Not for long.

- [grunting]
- You're just an old windbag!

- These are mine!

Leave 'em alone!


- Here's my chance.

- Psych!

Fooled you!


- Oh, no!

He has his bagpipes.

- You're out of tune, missy.

- Aah!
- Hayley!

- [zaps]
- Aah!


- He's too strong.

We have to get out of here.

- One of my jet boots
is still working.

- We need to distract him

before he starts playing
those pipes again.

- [laughs evilly]

- CODY: [barks]

- Cody!

- [laughs evilly]

- Good dog!

- Stop, ya mangy mutt!

I can't see!

- Jump onto my back, Hayley!

- Follow us, Cody.

- [barks]
- Fire up!

- [barks]

- Aah!

I'm not through with you.

- Suffering circuits!

Brace for a crash landing!

- BOTH: [screaming]

- [crash]

- [birds chirping]

- Cody!

Oh, you found me, boy!

- REDBOT: Emergency.

System malfunction.

- [beeping]

- [gasps] Oh no.



- [rings]

- My Ninjacom must've broken
in the crash.

- CODY: [barks]

- Come here.

Come here.

Go get the other Rangers, okay?

Give them my broken Ninjacom.

They'll know what to do.

Go, boy! Go!

- CODY: [barks]

- ♪

- Oh.

Hang in there, Redbot.

The Rangers should be here soon.

- [beeping]

- [powers on]

- Reboot complete.

- What?

Oh my gosh!

- Ah!

- Redbot...you're okay!

- Of course, Hayley.

I'm so sorry about
the rough landing.

- Rough landing?

Seriously, Redbot,
you saved my life.

How can I ever thank you?

- I am programmed
to assist you.

There's no need to thank me.

But it is nice
to be appreciated.

- Then...it is true.

You do have feelings.

- Yes, I do.

Brody says that's what
makes me special.

- Brody's right.

You are special.

I'm...so sorry
for hurting your feelings

when you asked me to the dance.

- Oh.

- I didn't realize
you were so--so human.

- Human?

No, I'm just gears and circuits.

- Doesn't matter
what you're made of.

To be able to laugh,
and--and love, and cry,

that's what you need...
to be human.

- Then I am sort of human.

- Oh, we've got to get moving.

- [birds squawking]

- Now that you're up and about,

let's give this Megamorph Cycle
a go.

Megamorph Cycle start, rev up!

- ♪

- That's one cool ride.

Ninja spin!


- [cycle revs]

- Hold on to your hard drive,

- CODY: [barks]

- Cody?

Hey, what is it, boy?

Hayley's Ninjacom?

- [beeping]

- CALVIN: It's busted.

- She went after Redbot.

- She must've ran into trouble.

- Cody, take us to Hayley.

- [barks]

- ♪

- Go, Cody! Go!

- ♪

- CODY: [barks]

- Wonder why he stopped us.

- [expl*si*n]

- [cycle zooms]

- Suffering circuits!

That must be Galvanax's monster!

- He might be
attacking the others.

We better get over there.

- [revs cycle]

- Here we go!

- Cody was warning us!

Good boy.

That's a good boy.

- Hello, Rangers!

Thanks for letting me
join the party, Bagpipes.

- Ripcon!

- Did you miss me, rat face?

- Time for me to chime in!

- [bagpipe music]

- Hand over your Power Stars.


- ♪

- We're about to make history.

- ♪

- [laughs evilly]

- Yes.


- [cycle zooms]

- What?
- Plasma blast!

- [zaps]

- Huh?
- Eat rubber!

Get to safety, Redbot!

- [groans] No!

Your spell is broken!

- We've got to destroy
his bagpipes.

- Let's do it!
- Hyah!

- Yah! Double sword doom strike!

- [blasts]

- [groaning]

- You can't stop the music.

Those bagpipes are mine!

And soon your Power Stars
will be too.

[laughs evilly]

- [laughs evilly]

My bagpipes are mine again!

- [barks]

- Aah!

Give them back, you mangy mutt!

- Good work, Cody!

- [barks]

- Time to hit mute, Bagpipes.

- Aah!

- RANGERS: Ninja blasters!

- [zaps]

- [blast]


My beautiful bagpipes!

- Time to crush you, Rangers!


- Wrong.

It's not crushin' time.

It's morphin' time.

Power Stars--

- RANGERS: --lock in!

- ♪

- RANGERS: Ninja spin!

- ♪

- RANGERS: [grunting]

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

- Aah!

I'm gonna change your tune!

- Attack!

- [grunting]

- [zaps]

- [grunting]

- I've waited a long time
to beat you.

- Yeah?

Well, you've got a lot longer
to wait, horn head.

- [grunting]

- Aah!

- [grunting]

- Aah!

[groans] Better give
Ripcon some space.

- Let's get him!

- [grunting]

- Is this really your best?

Are you truly a great Ninja?


This is embarrassing.

- Really?

Ninja scarecrow!

- What?

- Surprise!



- [grunting]

- [zaps]

- [laughs]

- [chuckles]

Check out my fan attack!

- Bring it!

- [grunting]

- YELLOW: For a musician,
your timing is terrible.

- How about my aim?

- BOTH: Aah!

- Look at the giant fan!

- It'll blow you away!

- Ah!

- Looks like my career
has really taken off!

Do you know my greatest hits?

One goes like this!
- [blast]

- BAGPIPES: And another
like this.

- [blast]

- AUDIENCE: [cheering]

- Can you believe it?

It's almost over
for the Rangers.

- You're good, Ripcon,
but not good enough.

Red Ninja Spirit, steel slash!

Ninja spin!

- [blast]
- What?

- Aah!

- [zapping]

- [grunts]

- Ha ha!

- You've beaten me
this time, Red Ranger.

But I will have
my victory over you!

- I gotta go help the others.

- [laughs]

- BOTH: Ninja Blaster!

- [zaps]

- I'm sick of you winging it!

- [grunts]
I'll get you, Yellow!

- Let's take him out!

- RANGERS: Battle Morpher,
arrow blast!

Final attack!

- [blasts]

- He was Bagpipes.

Shall we make him Big Pipes?
- AUDIENCE: [cheering]

- The master has spoken!
- [buzzer]

- Gigantify!

- Guys, how are you doing?

Everyone okay?

- Look, behind us!

- Now I'm a real jaw-dropper.

- BLUE: As if his ego
wasn't big enough.

- RED: Let's get
some help with this.

Sword Stars--

- RANGERS: --lock in, activate!

Ninja spin!

- RED: Ninja Steel Megazord,

Ninja spin!

Robo Red Zord!
- BLUE: Dragon Zord!

- WHITE: Kodiak Zord!

- PINK: Zoom Zord!

- YELLOW: Nitro Zord!

- RED: Ninja Steel Megazord,

- RANGERS: Ninja spin!

- ♪

- RED: Ninja
Master Mode, ready!

- RANGERS: [grunting]

- RED: Let's do this.


- [grunts]
I'll blow you away, Rangers.



- RANGERS: Whoa, whoa!

- This is fan-tastic!

[laughs evilly]

- [blast]
- Whoa! Whoa!

- I'm gonna put my nose
where it doesn't belong.


- [blasts]

- [grunts]
We gotta do something.

- I know just what we need.

Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel
Megazord, combine!

Ninja spin!

- [rumbling]
- RED: Rumble Tusk Zord--

- RUMBLE TUSK: [trumpets]
- RED: --out of the shadows!

Robo Red, disengage!

Rumble Tusk Ninja
Steel Megazord, ready!

- You're still doomed!

- RED: Rumble Tusk,
stretch attack!

- Whoa!


Oh, my nose!

- All right!

We blew his nose.

- My only fan!

- Ninja Master Blade, energize!

Ninja spin!

- ♪

- RANGERS: Rumble Tusk Ninja
Steel Megazord, double axe!

Final attack!


- This is a real oh no!

- [blasts]

- Show's over.

Ninjas win.

- RUMBLE TUSK: [trumpets]

- GALVANAX: Ripcon,
your interference

cost me the Power Stars.

You've made me very angry.

And you know what happens
when I'm angry?


- [fire rumbling]

- Calm down, Boss!

- Fail me, and you are next.

- [grumbles]

- [chuckles]

- ♪

- Those fools are blind
to the real danger.

- ♪

- It's good to see you,
my little stowaway.

- [pants]

- Looks like the transfer
is going smoothly.

- [zapping]

- [grunts]

- Galvanax and Ripcon have
no idea what I'm capable of.

But they'll know soon enough,
when I'm finished with you.

[laughs evilly]

- [dance music plays]

- Check this out!

- ♪

- CROWD: Whoa!

- Whoa!

- CROWD: [applause]

- [laughs] That was awesome.

- CROWD: [applause]

- That was fantastic.

- Where is Monty?


- ♪

- [sighs]

- I did it, Victor!

I made you a pair of
a*t*matic dancing shoes.

- Ah!

- One push of this button,

and you'll be the best dancer
in school.

- Perfecto.

You've outdone yourself, Monty.

- Good luck, Victor.

- ♪

- Do you know what time it is?

It's dance o'clock!

- [disco music plays]

- [beeping]

- CROWD: [indistinct chatter]

- Yeah, Victor!
- Wow

- Woo!
- [laughs]

- Ah!

- ♪

- VICTOR: Aah! Whoa, aah!

Hey, Monty!
Monty, turn them off!

Whoa, whoa!

- [beeping]
- VICTOR: Help!

Whoa! Whoa!

- Something's wrong. I can't!

- Whoa!

Uh, Monty?

My feet are on fire!

- [sparking]

- Whoa! Whoa!

- [music plays faster]

- Monty!

- I'm coming, Victor!

- [gust]

- CROWD: [gasping]

[indistinct chatter]

- So, you wanna dance?

- I would love to.

But there is something
I need to do first.

- ♪

- Redbot?

- Oh, Hayley.

Is there something you need?

- As a matter of fact...

there is.

Would you like to dance?

- Me? Dance?

With you?

Mighty megafights,
that should be such fun!

- Yeah.

- Just like the grand ball
in my book.

Shall we dance, my lady?

- Oh.


- ♪

- Nice.

- [dance music plays]

- BRODY: [laughs]
That was so fun, Sarah.

- HAYLEY: Smooth, Redbot.

- All right!


Get down!
- Let's do it.

Let's go, Redbot.

- Woo-hoo!

- Yeah, Redbot!

- Woo!

- Go Redbot!

- Hey, Cody!


- ♪

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